Colton Harris-Moore, 19, captured in Caribbean after allegedly crash-landing plane stolen in US

Barefoot Bandit arrested in the Bahamas Photograph:AP After two years on the run from the US authorities the suspected thief known as the Barefoot Bandit has finally been stopped in his tracks. Colton Harris-Moore, 19, who was given his nickname after allegedly leaving shoeless prints at a series of crime scenes in the US, was … Read more

summertime news doldrum?

there is no shortage of news these days, as the world spins faster and faster into catastrophe, caused by the desperate militancy of the nation/states of the world or the corporate and criminal gangs that have bought, supplanted, or over-run them. yet, you will see constant messages in the media about “slow news days.” it’s … Read more

Supermax Prisons: Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading

this is how revolutions are made…

Greece, Political Framework of the Antiauthoritarian Festival for Direct Democracy, 8-10 September, 2010, Thessalonika The deep crisis which is imbedded in the society as a whole is not simply an economic one. The economic crisis is just the tip, or better said the visible part, of the iceberg. On its basis appear issues that concern … Read more

when criminals rule the world…

there is a lot of evidence to suggest that when criminals take control of the reigns of power, perhaps to the point of ruling the world, then it becomes inevitable that ordinary, decent people will be criminalized. I say inevitable because the most decent among them feel compelled to resist the criminality of power and … Read more

Former BART officer convicted of involuntary manslaughter

Former BART officer Johannes Mehserle, right, appears in a 2009 file photo. (Cathleen Allison / Associated Press) Related Oakland preaches peace as BART shooting verdict nears Murder convictions for cops rare Video Oakland shooting focuses on race By Jack Leonard Los Angeles Times Staff Writer A former transit police officer who fatally shot an unarmed … Read more

cliqueishness, in-fighting can bite a movement in the ass

as peter young reports below, the authorities are going around questioning those they believe to be “weak links” to current activists. if we are ever going to be engaged in the practice of building communities, we need to start taking care of one another, instead of thinking that people traumatized by this ecocidal civilization can … Read more

greece – The dismantling of the social security system is a reality

The workers in the public and private sector stike today, 8 July, the day that the government decided to dismantle at once the whole social security system, that the modern, post-dictatorial country was based on. The hospitals will function only for emergencies, the buses, metro, tram remain halted in Athens and are their timetables are … Read more

G20 arrests: “We’re still at a raw moment”

Jaggi Singh speaks out before turning himself in by Tim McSorley Early this morning, Montreal community organiser and activist Jaggi Singh turned himself in to the Toronto Police Service. The TPS had issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of “criminal conspiracy, including alleged conspiracies to commit mischief to property, assault police, and obstruct … Read more

A.L.F. Activist Receives 21 Months

Jul 4th, 2010 by Peter Young Report from the sentencing of Alex Hall, who received a 21-month sentence in the A.L.F. liberation of 650 mink in South Jordan, Utah Over one year after his indictment for a 2008 mink liberation, a federal judge sentenced Alex Hall to 21 months in prison this week. The sentence … Read more

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