In this image from video provided by WBZ-TV, spectators and participants scramble away from what authorities described as two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

Boston Marathon Bombing – we gave up our rights for this? – video update

it’s still too early to assess the damage done by the bombs which have gone off in boston – obviously targeting the famous marathon race held there every year.

at least three bombs – police claim to have discovered more – have detonated so far, there are reports of two deaths, and witnesses have reported seeing survivors with body parts missing.

meanwhile – our intelligence agencies have to admit that with all their “security” precautions – cameras everywhere, our phones and internet devices monitored, spy drones in the air, and a thick network of scumbag, lying-ass snitches and informants, and with the security forces allowed to utilize torture on “terror” suspects, the intelligence community had NO CLUE that something – multiple bombs planted near the boston public library, near the finish line of the maratrhon – was amiss on this lovely spring day.

 In this image from video provided by WBZ-TV, spectators and participants scramble away from what authorities described as two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

In this image from video provided by WBZ-TV, spectators and participants scramble away from what authorities described as two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

we’ve been told repeatedly that we had to give up our constitutional rights because we are in a time of war. we were told that, if we didn’t want to experience another national tragedy like the 911 attacks, we would have to allow government intrusion into our personal lives, we would just have to get used to security cameras everywhere, that we would have to prepare for the day when drones fill the sky – even though there is no way an individual on the ground can ascertain whether or not the drone is “frioendly” or “hostile.”

just like this bombing.

who is behind this? it would not surprise me that terrorists planned and executed this plot. it would surprise me if the people behind the plot were not intelligence agents. either from the FBI, the Mossad, or one of the lesser-known entities that claim to have been created for our protection.

if this is found out to be an actual attack by foreign nationals, it will be the first terrorist plot in america for years that the FBI did not initiate. and if the bombers DO prove to be foreign terrorists, i – for one – will not be easily convinced that the FBI did not recruit, train, and arm the terrorists themselves.

no matter who is eventually blamed for this atrocity against people enjoying a spring day, there is one thing i know for certain – no anarchist or other revolutionary group is behind this attack. revolutionaries know who their enemies are, and our enemies are generally not hanging out at public libraries.

this post will be updated, immediately, with links to other articles.

see the l.a. times coverage of the boston marathon attack.

see these posts as well:

No Big Deal: “The Nazis Did A Lot Of This,” Says CIA

FBI Domestic Terrorism Training Guides on Anarchists, Environmentalists

how are YOU classified by the government?

U.S. soldier driven insane by violence against Afghanis, convicted of bomb plot

no riot? chicago police invent terrorism charges to justify security zone – three charged

Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), Homeland Counterterrorism Division, Homegrown Violent Extremism Branch

latest underwear suicide bomber was U.S. informant

homeland security raids flea market

FBI Director Can’t Answer Question About Killing US Citizens on American Soil

Man arrested near US Capitol in another FBI ‘bomb plot’

Predator drone spy planes used in civilian arrests

fbi plot exposed – 4 dupes convicted

elderly british cruise-ship passengers terrorized, fingerprinted, retina-scanned in l.a.

mass killings being caused by psychiatric drugs

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