
Anarchist Modernism, 2001, reprint 2007 | Only A Beginning, 2004 | Anarchy and Art, 2007 |

Antliff, Anarchist Modernism                    Antliff, Only a Beginning                    Antliff, Anarchy and Art

Recent Articles & Book Chapters

“Stieglitz parmi les anarchists,” Carrefour Alfred Stieglitz, Jay Bochner and Jean-Pierre Montier, eds., 2012

“Anarchism and Art History: Methodologies of Insurrection,” The Continuum Companion to Anarchism, Ruth Kinna, ed., 2012

“Parodying Degeneration,” Boris Lurie: Prologue to a Retrospective, exh. cat. New York: Boris Lurie Foundation/Pierre Menard Gallery, 2011

“Situating Freedom: Jackson Mac Low, John Cage, and Donald Judd,” Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies 2:2, 2011

“Biocentrism and Anarchy: Herbert Read’s Modernism,” Biocentrism and Modernism, Oliver Botar and Isabel Wunsche, eds, 2011.

"Anarchismus in Kanada," Von Jakarta bis Johannesburg: Anarchismus weltweit, 2010

"Open Forum and the Abstract Imperative: Herbert Read and Contemporary Anarchist Art," Anarchist Studies 16:1, 2008

"Anarchy, Power, and Post-Structuralism," SubStance 36:2, 2007

"Breaking Free: Anarchist Pedagogy," Utopian Pedagogy: Radical Experiments Against Neoliberal Globalization, eds. Mark Coté, Richard J.F. Day, and Greig de Peuter, 2007

"The Making and Mauling of Marcel Duchamp's Readymade," Canadian Art Magazine, Spring 2006


Art, Anarchy & Activism - CBC Ideas, 2002 | Guernica: A Political Odyssey - CBC Ideas, 2007 |

art, anarchy, activism, cbc ideas program
guernica, anti-war art, cbc ideas program

Art, Anarchy and Activism discusses contemporary art, anarchism and activism, ranging from radical video to puppetry, comics, painting, poetry, printmaking and punk. Chicago's Active Resistance Anarchist gathering in 1996, the Seattle shut-down of the WTO, demonstrations in Washington, D.C. against the IMF/World Bank, and Quebec City's anti-FTAA protests are all discussed.

Included are interviews with World War 3 artists Kevin Pyle and Susan Simensky; Montreal cabaret artist and poet Norman Nawrocki; Philadelphia puppet-maker Matti Hart; curator and activist Nato Thompson; Josh MacPhee, author of Stencil Pirates; Chicago street artist Ben Rubin; Vancouver's Mecca Normal; Toronto artists Rachel Rosen, Paul James, Kika Thorne and Adrian Blackwell, and Richard Mock, illustrator for Anarchy Magazine.

Guernica: A Political Odyssey discusses the political history of Picasso's most famous painting, from its inception during the Spanish Civil War to the Iraq war of 2003.

Included are interviews with art historians Francis Fracina, Patricia Leighten, conservator Maria Garcia Yelo of the Museo National Centro de Arte Reina Sophia, and activist Emily McGiffen. Featuring new music by composer Wolf Edwards.