Zamanin gözlerinde,eski bir tilsim
Masallarin sirrini fisildiyor
Insanoglu görmüyor istemedikce
Belki de kendi rüyasindan korkuyor
Oysa kaybetse de tüm savaslari
Inandigi masallar kadar yasiyor
Birgün gelir,biter bu hikaye
Rüyalarýn seni terkettiginde
Gömülürsün kalbindeki
There's a night from the arena of hell
and a child- and a child in the battle,
games destroyed by mindless crime
this insanity rules over the world
and a child, and a child in the battle,
dreams blinded by endless hate
blood and fire are cursing the all fairy tale
you witness the mourning of angels in nights of hell
the lawless giant is haunting this fearful world
listen to the tale of pain
and see those fields of shame
fire breaks loose from the sky
When the fear shakes the world
with the darkest pain
he's killing wildly and laughing
with his ugly face
war and hate, tears and pain
and he's building this crimson hell
hangman- you are just the hate
hangman- i disgust your ugly face
hangman- i hate your crimson hell
Ayisigi kaniyor,
Kör gecenin koynunda
Sam rüzgari üsüyor
Ruhumun ayazinda
Sen cöllerin ardinda
Bozkirin koynunda yalnizsin
Sen fisilda adimi
Bu su masalýný dinle!
Meleklerin agidi
Yaziyor bulutlara
Güz destanini
Dinle duyuyor musun?
Yalniz irmaklarin göc sarkisini...
Sen cöllerin ardinda
Bozkirin kornunda yalnizsin
Ayisigi kaniyor,
Kör gecenin koynunda
Sam rüzgari üsüyor
Ruhumun ayazinda
Sen cöllerin ardinda
Bozkirin koynunda yalnizsin
Sen fisilda adimi
When the time changes everything
He's tired in this crying game
When the magic land is blazing
Hero face to blame
When the light changes to dark
When the sun embraces to the night
Lonely king
Try to love
Lonely king
But standing still
Standing still!
When the loneliness hurt his heart
He's only feel the pain
When the darkness fade his soul
Hero face to game
When the light changes to dark
When the sun embraces to the night
Lonely king
Try to love
Lonely king
But standing still
Issiz gecede, sinsi yalnizlik
Kizil gökte, yorgun bir ciglik
Güz masallari derin uykuda
Kiyamet rüzgarlari artik kapimda
Uyan, uyan!
Bak agliyor martilar,
Matemde tüm yildizlar,
Your broken heart that's fading in the dark
Will reach the sunlight one day
Melancholy shadows that are watching you
Will always recall to survive
When you turn on the lights of the stage
Your guitar will begin to say
Your time will come,time will come
Always believe in the rising sun,rising sun
Notwithstanding you must carry on
Show must go on,must go on
The lonely child that is deep inside you
Will reach the rainbow one day
Merciful angels that are watching you
She tells the tales from the land of the fairies
From the land of the fairies, and from the land of the genies
Tales of angels, tales of demons
Darkness of hell & lights of heaven
She enchanted the sultan with her magic stories
And each night she told him the tales as the dreams
She was beautiful like the voice of the rain
Hate of the sultan ends the cause shehrazad's tales
In the thousand sleepless nights
Tell a tale for your life,
Until sunrise, one more night
Realize the worth of your life and the worth of your dreams
now and forever be free
if the rules of the world hurt your heart
you always keep yourself
you never back from out of your way
you always be brave
turn your face to the sky and the moonlight
always remember the magic stars
never forget the colour of the sky
and the angels in your heart
realize the worth of your life and the worth of your dreams
you raise your wings and try to fly as the angels of the sea
now and forever be free, don't yield your destiny
try to fly into the sky as the angels of the sea
Bak gösteri basliyor
Bu sirki kacirma
Iste karnaval!
Bak zaman yavasliyor
Kuklalar katiliyor
Aci oyunlara
Gün ortasinda düs görme artik
Gözlerini ac!
Satilik topraklarda satilik kahramanlar
Satilik krallariyla satilik soytarilar
Sonu yok oyun tekrar tekrar basliyor
Breaking honour
A heartful of anger
Last prayer for lost island
Crying shadows
And destroyed a kingdom
Last prayer for lost island
There is no tomorrow
Just never ending sorrow
Happy future is too far
When the night comes down on eznora
You wittness to fall of king almora
The hand of treason
The face of the darkness
Last prayer for lost island
The drying tears
A falling a hero
Last prayer for lost island
There is no tomorrow
Just never ending sorrow
Happy future is too far
When the night comes down on eznora
She was free like the wind
and her heart was shining like stars
but her life was short like butterflies
that she had lost in the war of shame
a little child in the cold and dark
a silent cry in this merciless game
now echoing on the streets
and you hear kalihora's song
this new world face true pains
children cry with endless rain
now echoing on the streets
and you hear kalihora's song
elivent senthura suhr havelora
avelar herenis o nira
beribent senthura suhr havelora
Gökyüzünün perdeleri
açýl desem açýlýr mý
masallarýn ülkesine
sonbaharda kar yaðar mý
ak saçlarýn vardý senin
güneþ gibi bir gülüþün
senin için aðlamýþtý
ýrmaklarý gökyüzünün
þimdi burdan çok uzakta
rüzgarlarýn tahtýndasýn
belki masal diyarlarda
kaf daðýnýn ardýndasýn
uyan uyan uykulardan
sonsuz selam arasýndan
gökyüzünün kapýsýndan
Ruhumu biraktim sert rüzgarlara
Sarkimi söyledim hür kartallara
Kalbimi biraktim kör zindanlarda
Ve bir savasci gibi durdum karsinda
Hadi hapset beni kudretin yeterse
Ördügün oyuncak duvarlar icinde
Benzemez senin boyali kahramanlarýna
Iyiler siyah giyer,bunu unutma!
Benim özgürlüge acilmis kanatlarim var!
Sonsuzluga cikan zamansiz kapilarim var!
Senin bes para etmez kurallarin varsa,
çýðlýklar büyüttüm ben
içimdeki zindanlarda
uyanmayý bekledim hep
bu uðursuz karanlýktan
oysa þimdi çok uzakta
tutunduðum o rüyalar
dört yanýmda ümitsizlik
dört yanýmda taþ duvarlar
sýradaðlar ardýndan
uzat bana ellerini
bir ýþýk yak karanlýðýma
inandýkça döner dünya
ýþýk ver, ýþýk ver bana
yitirdiðim yollarýma
yüreðimden akýp gitmiþ
The force in my soul is roaring with roll
the light in my eyes is leading my soul
the voice in my car is breaking all the rules
the fire in my heart is burning with roll
the child in my heart is feeling the freedom
the loudness is calling me to the iron kingdom
the sound of the rock is my passion
yes, i'm part of the iron nation
i'm raising my fist to the sky with all my force
i'm feeling the power of rock in my soul
i'm crying so loud, do you hear my call?
let's cry with the power: it's rock'n roll
the dark in my heart is changing to light
the light in my eyes is leading my heart
the fire in my soul is shining like sun
Sweet child you call the sleep
And look into the dreams
Listen the fairy tales
Teach the land of the dreams
Tomorrow wake in a sunny day
Listen the lullaby of the sky
Singing angels are waiting for you
Listen the calling of life
Dream on, dream on,
And you believe in the tale of life
Dream on, dream on,
There was fighting in eternity
Endless love and endless hate
There was crying in eternity
Endless light and war for only heroes
For light
Cyrano the Gasconian
Cyrano the brave
A heart that beat for love insanity
Close your eyes, listen to time
Life always reword its rime
Whisper to your ear your destiny and
Ve cehennemden bir gece daha
utanýr, utanýr insanlýðým bu çirkin karanlýktan
nefret oyununda bir perde daha
yorulur, yorulur ruhumuz bu (bu) kýzýl günahlardan
kan ve ateþ küfrediyor tüm masallara
yas tutuyor melekler karanlýðýmýza
ve nasýrlaþmýþ yüreðinle sen aciz dünya
dinle (!dinle!) bu acýnýn masalýný
seyret (!seyret!) o utanç tarlalarýný
mahþer (!mahþer!) yaðýyor gökten
Your way is flame with starlights
Your soul is song in the silence
For love that inside of you
As calling of life...
As calling of life...
Your soul that inside of you
And your heart lonely in the night
For light that inside of you
As calling of life...
As calling of life...
Fly as an angel to the sky
You need only force of your heart
Your little crying heart
Pan noren en utna
Entis khora ventunna
Rovnas senthunna
Enn gosha rith innsilha
Gecenin kralliginda solgun bir yüz
Yansiyordu zamanin puslu aynasina
Ve yorgun bir ay isigi savascisi
Geciyordu o sonsuz mavi atlaslardan
Dolunayin sarkisi cesaret! diyordu,
Vazgecme diyordu yildizlardan
Pan noren en utna
Entis khora ventunna
Rovnas senthunna
Enn gosha rith innsilha
Susturma kalbinin sesini
Sene 45 mevsim yazdý
gökyüzünde lanet vardý
uyumuþtu tüm çocuklar
güneþ bile utanmýþtý
çok uzakta bir ülkede
yýllar yýllar önce
kuþatýlmýþtý insanlar, karanlýðýn nefesiyle
susmuþtu bütün þarkýlar, bu utanç yaðmuruyla
solmuþtu butun çiçekler kan kýrmýzý topraklarda
sene 45 mevsim yazdý
gökyüzünde lanet vardý
uyumuþtu tüm çocuklar
It was so long years ago
i have lost all my hopes at the war
all of my dreams are lost
in my heart and in my soul
in the island with the sunrise
the darkness has captured the light
all the children have slept forever
and flew to the heaven in the sky
can you feel the pain in my heart?
can you give back my fallen stars?
all of my tears are still in my eyes.
When you long for the freedom
Time as a demon
Now you must learn to be strong
Just be patient
When the destiny calls your soul
Hands of night embraces
Your heart that tired cause of pain
Here it's between the stars
Wings of wind waiting for you
Like it's call your fate
Lift your head and look to sky
Just be hopeful and try
Believe that;you'll find the dreams there
When you long for the light
Darkness as a prison
Now you must learn to be brave
Oh!Just be strong
When the destiny calls your soul
Hands of night embraces
Your heart that tired cause of pain
Here it's between the stars
Wings of wind waiting for you
Like it's call your fate
Lift your head and look to sky
Just be hopeful and try
Believe that;you'll find the dreams there
Open your eyes hug the life
Your destiny smiles
You never forget "to live is to fight"
If you feel you're lost against life
Up your head and look to the sky
You don't forget to live is to fight
You never forget to live is to fight
The real glory is to fight for the pride
Lightness or darkness, no matter wherever you are
Up your head and look to the sky
You don't forget to live is to fight
No victory without the pain and agony
No glory without fighting for the pride
No victory till rising of the honesty
Don't stop running after the right
The men never survive who are fighting for the dark
No one wins against the power of the light
If you trust in your heart and freedom's fire
You'll know the meaning of life
The rainbow is waiting for you
In the place where all dreams come true
The rainbow is waiting for you
In the fairies' land
The rainbow is waiting for you
In the land where angels smile
Trust in your heart and you must walk through the light
Anger of darkness can't bring you down
No resist against the power of the light
If you believe that you reach the lightness' sign
Don't stop walking on your line
The men never survive who are fighting for the dark
No one wins against the power of the light
If you trust in your heart and freedom's fire
You'll know the meaning of life
The rainbow is waiting for you
In the place where all the dreams come true
The rainbow is waiting for you
In the fairies' land
The rainbow is waiting for you
In the land where angels smile
Never obey the rules of them
trust your feeling only
you hear the silent cry inside you
your courage will never fade
trust you mind and your heart
you feel the lonely child inside you
your darkness will turn to light
trust yourself and never yield
you feel the rage and the force in your heart
your courage will change your fate
trust your mind and your heart
you feel the lonely fire inside you
show them your hate
show them your faith
show them your courage
and show them your rage
keep you alive
always survive
show them your courage
Princess of rain
i close my eyes in the silance of the night
i hear your voice in the whisper of the rain in my heart
i think of thousands of dark rainy nights
i dream of your face among the lightning flashes in the sky
my steel-rose, give me your light
all i need is you; hear the cry of my heart
give me the scent of your rain
touch my tears and kill my pain
send me an angel for luck from your heart
give me your rain forever, princess of rain
All of our dreams never and never will change
Full of our force never and never will fade
Scream of the life as call of love and the hate
No turning back;let's fight for our magic land
Let's run to the wonderfull land
Hand to hand and here we're stand
Hand to hand and here we're stand
As you know;no turning back
No turning back!
All of our faith never and never will change
Full of our force never and never will fade
Cry of the wind as call of freedom and praid
No turning back let's fight for our magic land
Let's run to the wonderful land
Hand to hand and here we're stand
Hand to hand and here we're stand
As you know;no turning back
Becomes the nightmare
My soul is cold in the terrible night
This silence is wounding my heart
Infinite fear
Now it's controlling all my mind
The fear that deep inside of my heart
The darkness is hurting my soul
And it's scaring me like the dark tales
My shoulders are shivering with fear
My soul is sailing to far away
And it's fading in the nightmare
Becomes the nightmare
My soul is searching for the light
All i want is to wake up
Infinite pain
Now it wants to punish my mind
Lights of life are fading in my eyes
The darkness is hurting my soul
And it's scaring me like the dark tales
My shoulders are shivering with fear
My soul is sailing to far away
And it's fading in the nightmare
Fear, pain, curse and the darkness
Cries, tear, grief and the blindness
My soul is searching for the light
Dön ve bak arkana zamanýn kapýlarýnda
Maskeler düþerken,son kez bak yitik ülkene
Geceye dönük bir yüzle söyledin son hikayeni,
Peþindeki fýrtýna yýllar boyu izler gölgeni
Masalcý söyle neden,karanlýðýn ihanetten mi?
Kýldan ince kýlýçtan keskin gözyaþlarýn adaletten mi?
Zamanýn kapýlarý,açýlýrken sonsuzluða,
Güneþ doðar,gülümsersin,deðiþir dünya.
Dön ve bak ardýna,gölgeler krallýðýnda
Maskeler düþerken,son kez gör yitik ülkeni
Geceye dönük bir yüzle söyledin son hikayeni,
Peþindeki fýrtýna yollar boyu izler gölgeni
Masalcý söyle neden,karanlýðýn ihanetten mi?
Kýldan ince kýlýçtan keskin gözyaþlarýn adaletten mi?
Zamanýn kapýlarý,açýlýrken sonsuzluða,
Güneþ doðar,gülümsersin,deðiþir dünya.
Stormwinder tell me please;
Why is my soul crying
All I see is the treason and lies
Stormwinder tell me the story
Of honour And hope
Yokolurken yarýnlar
Alevlerin pençeþinde
Sona erdi tüm oyunlar
Namlularýn öfkesinde
...Ve onursuz dev,gökyüzünden çalarken yýldýzlarý,
Kaybolup gider karanlýkta,bir küçük kurþun asker daha
Bir küçük kurþun asker daha ve bir yitik öykü daha
Haykýrýyor çýðlýk çýðlýða
Beni bul!
Yokolurken yarýnlar
Alevlerin pençeþinde
Yitirildi küçük ruhlar
Sözlerin bittiði yerde
...Ve onursuz dev,gökyüzünden çalarken yýldýzlarý,
Kaybolup gider karanlýkta,bir küçük kurþun asker daha
Bir küçük kurþun asker daha ve bir yitik öykü daha
Haykýrýyor çýðlýk çýðlýða
Sonbaharin isikklari geciyor bulutlardan
Kaniyor rüzgarin kanadi
Sen bin yillik uykundan uyanirken bir sabah
Susacak göklerin agidi
Gecenin nefesi gökte
Vuruyor isigin kalbine
Sonsuza kadar sürmez bu cirkin zafer,
Bu kiyamet senfonisi bir gün biter
Döner kirlangiclar sürgün diyarlardan
Ve melekler de gün gelir elbet güler!
Elbet güler!
Sonbaharin isikklari geciyor bulutlardan
Kaniyor rüzgarin kanadi
Sen bin yillik uykundan uyanirken bir sabah
Susacak göklerin agidi
Gecenin nefesi gökte
can you smell the scent of life
up your head and see the light
can you feel the heat of the sun
have a dream is to reach the sky
let's make something just for you
don't listen what others said
hold on to your dreams, hold on to your dreams
trust only the force of your heart
hold on to your dreams, hold on to your dreams
never surrender to darkness of the night
hold on to your dreams, hold on to your dreams
trust only the force of your heart
hold on to your dreams, hold on to your dreams
never surrender to dark
can you feel the wind of life
up your head and see the light
can you feel the heat of the sun
have a dream is to reach the sky
let's make something just for you
don't listen what others said
hold on to your dreams, hold on to your dreams
trust only the force of your heart
hold on to your dreams, hold on to your dreams
never surrender to darkness of the night
hold on to your dreams, hold on to your dreams
trust only the force of your heart
hold on to your dreams, hold on to your dreams
Keep your distance from the scurvy and seamy men
They can also push ypu to falce life style
You don't need madness you're living with falcon heart
During your life never ride for a fall
Ride for a fall
Just build your life;with the honour and honesty
Life marches on till the heaven's fire gates
The rights and the lies as your prise after death
Devil will burn your heart in the hell if you're bad
If you're bad
Heaven's fire gates,heaven's fire gates
You will chose the one
Heaven's fire gates,heaven's fire gates
Hey! look in the mirror of time
and tell me what you see
can you see your fading life
tell me what you see
is your life between your hands?
and your time marches on
no more time for think of past
cause your life still goes on
your life is fading away
your soul is fading away
you have to think about your life
where is light? anywhere anywhere
you have to look into the sky
The freedom is in our eyes
the hero is in our hearts
darkness will be no more in the golden era
we are the iron angels we are the courriers
we are the children of the endless light and love
we are the steel saviours we are the warriors
we are the children of the sky and the sun
the freedom is in our eyes
the hero is in our hearts
darkness will be no more in the golden era
the courage is in our eyes
the power is in our hearts
light and justice will return in the golden era...
in the golden era people will be free in freedom time
the sun will rise and
darkness will end in the endless sky
children of tomorrow will live forever with the brothers hearts
Time marching on and you grow old slowly
Life still goes on, and you just watching this story
You were a hero yesterday
But nothing and nothing today
Night's coming down, anger and pain in dark
Feel that you're destiny's slave
You're falling down, anger and pain in dark
Feel that your soul fading in time
When lights are changing to dark
You'll face to mystery of life
You will see destiny's sign
On terrible mirror
When candles are fadin'
It's the end of the lightning rain
You will see sign of your pain
On terrible mirror
It's the glory of time
Time marching on; youth flow between your hands
Life still goes on, destiny rules your fate
You were an idol yesterday
But nothing and nothing today
Night's coming down, anger and pain in dark
Feel that you're destiny's slave
You're falling down, anger and pain in dark
Feel that your soul fading in time
When lights are changing to dark
You'll face to mystery of life
You will see destiny's sign
On terrible mirror
When candles are fadin'
It's the end of the lightning rain
You will see sign of your pain
On terrible mirror
Yagmur uyurken
Karanligin kiyisinda
Rüzgar susarken
Cehennemin ortasinda
Matem tuttu yildizlar
Gidenlerin ardindan
O göc yolu
Matem dolu
Arta kalan bir derin
Rules of the earth have captured your life and soul
hear the cry for freedom, resist the laws of the world
wait for the sun, your destiny is in your hands
if you really believe, you can reach the rainbow's end
while the gates of freedom opens in your heart
you will live forever free
while you rebel against destiny you will change your fate
and you will live forever free
rules of the earth have captured your heart and your fate
feel the wind of freedom, don't lose your pride and your faith
wait for the sun, your destiny is in your hands
if you really believe, you can reach the rainbow's end
while the gates of freedom opens in your heart
you will live forever free
while you rebel against destiny, you will change your fate
Close your eyes, feel the power of the fantasy
Into the dreams, see the colour of the mystery
Turn to light, cause darkness is your real enemy
Close your eyes and tell me what you see
All of those dreams are bright as stars
That flame in the twilight
You never give up to follow those lights
Close your eyes and tell me what you see
To have a dream's to wonder like to be free
You hear the voice of eternity
Feel the power of the fantasy
You remember the old stories in your memory,
Into the dreams, listen the call of the fairies
See the light, only you can change your reality
Close your eyes and tell me what you see
All of those dreams are bright as stars
That flame in the twilight
You never give up to follow those lights
Close your eyes and tell me what you see
To have dream's to wonder like to be free
You hear the voice of eternity