
The COMETA Report
COMETA was a high-level French UFO study organisation from the late 1990s, composed of hig...
published: 07 Oct 2009
author: idStarfleet
The COMETA Report
COMETA was a high-level French UFO study organisation from the late 1990s, composed of high-ranking officers and officials, some having held command posts in the armed forces and aerospace industry. The name "COMETA" in English stands for "Committee for in-depth studies." The study was carried out over several years by an independent group of mostly former "auditors" at the Institute of Advanced Studies for National Defence, or IHEDN, a high-level French military think-tank, and by various other experts. The group was responsible for the 'COMETA Report' (1999) on UFOs and their possible implications for defence in France. The report concluded that about 5% of the UFO cases they studied were utterly inexplicable and the best hypothesis to explain them was the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). The authors also accused the United States government of engaging in a massive cover-up of the evidence. The 'COMETA Report' was not solicited by the French government, although before its public release, it was first sent to French President Jacques Chirac and to Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. Immediately afterward, a French weekly news and leisure magazine called VSD referred to it as an "official report", though technically this wasn't the case since COMETA was the work of a private, non-profit, ufological study group. Skeptic Claude Maugé wrote about this: "By letter dated 23 February General Bastien, of the Special Staff of the President of the Republic, wrote: 'To answer your ...
published: 07 Oct 2009
views: 12000

Comet Holmes (Oct/28/2007)
Telescope view of comet Holmes from Gais/Switzerland. Raw video taken with 114/500m mirror...
published: 28 Oct 2007
author: 06solareclipse
Comet Holmes (Oct/28/2007)
Telescope view of comet Holmes from Gais/Switzerland. Raw video taken with 114/500m mirror telescope and Watec 120N video camera. Step outside to see the comet. It is currently visible to the naked eye.
published: 28 Oct 2007
author: 06solareclipse
views: 50740

Undo & Vicknoise - Cometa
published: 18 Oct 2009
author: frageris99
Undo & Vicknoise - Cometa

Assim nasce um cometa
Vídeo sobre a formação de um cometa nos confins do sistema solar. Help Astronomy with purp...
published: 02 Feb 2007
author: Eduardo Baldaci
Assim nasce um cometa
Vídeo sobre a formação de um cometa nos confins do sistema solar. Help Astronomy with purpose : bit.ly
published: 02 Feb 2007
author: Eduardo Baldaci
views: 58660

published: 17 Jun 2011

This is my personal review of the PCP air rifle made by Cometa in Spain. It's called LYNX ...
published: 22 Apr 2012
author: Cip DV
This is my personal review of the PCP air rifle made by Cometa in Spain. It's called LYNX V10. Sorry for my english, I'm not native english speaker. Subtitrare in limba romana daca apesi butonul CC. J'ai dessiner un plan et il a fait en français: l'installation du ressort de puissance farm8.staticflickr.com How to change the hammer spring on Cometa Lynx V10 - english farm8.staticflickr.com How to adjust the power of the Cometa Lynx (extracted from Cometa's official user manual): farm9.staticflickr.com
published: 22 Apr 2012
author: Cip DV
views: 15594

2007 STEREO Snapshots ~ Comet McNaught ~ Sun - Earth CME ~ Corona Australis
I am enlightened to see such a view. Thanks ESA, NASA, SECCHI, STEREO departments. Nice pe...
published: 26 Nov 2009
author: solarcradle
2007 STEREO Snapshots ~ Comet McNaught ~ Sun - Earth CME ~ Corona Australis
I am enlightened to see such a view. Thanks ESA, NASA, SECCHI, STEREO departments. Nice perspective of our solar system and neighbouring bodies, including a labeled earth and moon, as seen by STEREO satellite A on February 18, 2007. Another neat STEREO image is the earth impacting CME taken with STEREO A HI-1A & 2A (Shown near the very end of this video) VIDEO FEATURES ------------------------------------------ Labeled planets and other bodies within and outside our solar system. January 2007 - non-periodic Comet McNaught @perihelion and JPL orbit simulation Corona Australis also known as Corona Austrina, Coronae Austrinae, and "The Southern Crown".... contrasts with semi-circular, arc shaped Corona Borealis, "The Northern Crown." The Brightest star in Corona Australis is Alpha Coronae Australis, belonging to approximate spectral type A2V. It has an apparent magnitude of +4.10. In the northern sky.. the brighest star in constellation Corona Borealis is a binary star system named Alpha Coronae Borealis. It has an apparent magnitude that slightly varies from +2.21 to +2.32. Interesting quote: "As the brightest star in Corona Borealis, it lent its name to the brightest in Corona Australis." - wikipedia Our star is typed as spectral class G2V, based on temperature, size and luminosity. Credits to STEREO, SECCHI, NASA, Ulysses, Cassini, IBEX.. and others! Many thanks for the educational tools, video, effort and science put into the Heliospheric research missions. Please feel ...
published: 26 Nov 2009
author: solarcradle
views: 5807

La Cometa - High Vibration
published: 12 Sep 2012
author: LaCometaband
La Cometa - High Vibration

Más sobre el cometa ELENIN
www.facebook.com En breves minutos la periodista Kristine Frazzie del canal de televisión ...
published: 19 Aug 2011
author: NosotrosCL
Más sobre el cometa ELENIN
www.facebook.com En breves minutos la periodista Kristine Frazzie del canal de televisión RT en Inglés entrevistó en vivo al dr. Brooks Agnew, autor del libro "Remembering the Future: The Physics of the Soul and Time Travel" y anfitrion de la emisora de radio X-squared, quien comenta el porqué al mundo le debiera importar el cometa Elenin. ------------------------------- The ancient Mayan calendar predicts that we will be coming to an end of a cycle in the year 2012. The winter solstice is believed to be the date that the world will end. Lately there has been a lot of buzz about the comet Elenin. The comet is set to come close to earth on October 16th of this year and many believe this will have atrocious affects on the planet. Brooks Agnew, author and host of X-squared radio, tells us why we should care. Follow Kristine on Twitter at twitter.com Link for RT video source: www.youtube.com This site contains copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, scientific, and social justice issues etc. US LAW We believe that our use of any such copyrighted material constitutes a 'fair use' as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in ...
published: 19 Aug 2011
author: NosotrosCL
views: 23412

Musicians With Guns - Cometa (Mandelbox Version)
Short [Mandelbox] version of 'Cometa' by Musicians with Guns. Extract from 'Using the laxi...
published: 30 Nov 2010
author: socialismusic
Musicians With Guns - Cometa (Mandelbox Version)
Short [Mandelbox] version of 'Cometa' by Musicians with Guns. Extract from 'Using the laxian key' CD album, to be release first quarter 2011 on Entropy Records. 3D fractal animation made with Mandelbulb 3D. A million thanks to Jesse, creator of this incredible program ! (Watch this using the player's HD option if you can)
published: 30 Nov 2010
author: socialismusic
views: 28830

Jacques Vallee: Remote Viewing UFOS & The Cometa Report
Jacques Vallee On Remote Viewing UFOS & The Cometa Report...
published: 22 Dec 2008
author: legrandduvivier
Jacques Vallee: Remote Viewing UFOS & The Cometa Report
Jacques Vallee On Remote Viewing UFOS & The Cometa Report
published: 22 Dec 2008
author: legrandduvivier
views: 12787

El sistema solar: el cometa Halley
Documental acerca del cometa Halley. Extraído de la serie documental «El Universo: Enciclo...
published: 11 Oct 2008
author: ceguel
El sistema solar: el cometa Halley
Documental acerca del cometa Halley. Extraído de la serie documental «El Universo: Enciclopedia de a la astronomía y el espacio».
published: 11 Oct 2008
author: ceguel
views: 178549

Cometa fusion premier .22 review
A quick table top review of the cometa fusion premier, it has 3/4" barrel, air stripper, w...
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: spr00sem00se
Cometa fusion premier .22 review
A quick table top review of the cometa fusion premier, it has 3/4" barrel, air stripper, walnut stock, two stage adjustable trigger, zoom adjustable scope, rubber butt cap, its weighs in at 28j of power or approx 21 lbs, 3.4 kg weight and max velocities of 275 m/s lead and 320 m/s alloy.
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: spr00sem00se
views: 7853
Vimeo results:

Comet Lovejoy above the Andes (Part 1: 23/12/2011)
Night Time Lapse of Comet Lovejoy (C/...
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: Stéphane Guisard
Comet Lovejoy above the Andes (Part 1: 23/12/2011)
Night Time Lapse of Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) rising above the Andes near Santiago de Chile, 23rd December 2011, just before sunrise. Set of 4 sequences taken with different lenses "zooming in" the scene.
There is a "part 2" of this video, taken one week later : http://vimeo.com/34755559

Le voy a mandar una carta al viento
para contarle que estoy contento
y como el cartero no ...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: Cantoalegre
Le voy a mandar una carta al viento
para contarle que estoy contento
y como el cartero no sabe volar
en una cometa la voy a mandar
y para que el viento se ría un buen rato
le pinto en el sobre algún garabato
Viento, viento estoy contento!

Musicians With Guns - Cometa (Mandelbox Version)
Short [Mandelbox] version of 'Cometa' by Musicians with Guns. Extract from 'Using the laxi...
published: 28 Nov 2010
author: ricardo montalban
Musicians With Guns - Cometa (Mandelbox Version)
Short [Mandelbox] version of 'Cometa' by Musicians with Guns. Extract from 'Using the laxian key' CD album, to be release first quarter 2011 on Entropy Records.
3D fractal animation made with Mandelbulb 3D. A million thanks to Jesse, creator of this incredible program !
(Watch this using the player's HD option if you can)

Apresentado por Sérgio Godinho. Produção: Science Office/Duvideo....
published: 30 Oct 2009
author: 1MinAstronomia
Apresentado por Sérgio Godinho. Produção: Science Office/Duvideo.
Youtube results:

Peonza cometa bemutató a Galaxy játékáruház előtt_02
Peonza pörgettyűk bemutatója, játékok és tanulás a Galaxy játékáruház előtt profi mexikói ...
published: 17 May 2011
author: galaxyjatekaruhaz
Peonza cometa bemutató a Galaxy játékáruház előtt_02
Peonza pörgettyűk bemutatója, játékok és tanulás a Galaxy játékáruház előtt profi mexikói pörgetőktől
published: 17 May 2011
author: galaxyjatekaruhaz
views: 5517

Diego Luna in "El Cometa"
This little-known historical drama, taking place on the eve of the Mexican Revolution, was...
published: 15 Jul 2006
author: skymyr
Diego Luna in "El Cometa"
This little-known historical drama, taking place on the eve of the Mexican Revolution, was one of the first roles for both Diego Luna (Y Tu Mamá También) and Ana Claudia Talencón (El Crimen del Padre Amaro). Diego plays an early filmmaker who meets Ana, the daughter of a supporter of Francisco Madero, who is in exile in Texas. Together, they make their way to the Texas border to deliver funds to Madero. On the way, the two adolescents show films to the amazed campesinos, avoid Porfirio Diaz' agents, and fall in love. :)
published: 15 Jul 2006
author: skymyr
views: 19193

Viação Cometa 60 Anos Filme
Homenagem aos 60 anos da Viação Cometa S/A, empresa considerada uma das melhores empresas ...
published: 23 Dec 2008
author: viacaocometactb
Viação Cometa 60 Anos Filme
Homenagem aos 60 anos da Viação Cometa S/A, empresa considerada uma das melhores empresas de ônibus, e que leva uma legião de fãs Brasil afora. VIAÇÃO COMETA S/A 60 ANOS TRANSPORTANDO VIDAS E SONHOS COM MUITO CARINHO E SUCESSO
published: 23 Dec 2008
author: viacaocometactb
views: 93402