For other uses, see
Ronald Lee "Ron" Wyden (born May 3, 1949) is the senior United States Senator for Oregon, serving since 1996, and a member of the Democratic Party. He previously served in the United States House of Representatives from 1981 to 1996.
Wyden was born Ronald Lee Wyden in Wichita, Kansas, the son of Edith (née Rosenow) and Peter H. Wyden (originally Weidenreich, 1923–1998),[1] both of whom were Jewish and had fled Nazi Germany a few years earlier.[2] Wyden grew up in Palo Alto, California, where he was a basketball star for Palo Alto High School.[3] He attended the University of California, Santa Barbara on a basketball scholarship,[4] and later transferred to Stanford University, where he received his B.A. in 1971. He received a J.D. degree from the University of Oregon School of Law in 1974.[5]
While teaching gerontology at several Oregon universities, Wyden founded the Oregon chapter of the Gray Panthers; he led that organization from 1974 to 1980. Wyden is also the former director of the Oregon Legal Services Center for Elderly, a nonprofit law service.
Wyden ran for the United States House of Representatives in 1980. During the Democratic primary, Wyden, who was just 31 years old at the time, upset incumbent Representative Bob Duncan in Oregon's 3rd congressional district, which includes most of Portland.[6] Later that fall, Wyden easily defeated his Republican opponent, Darrell Conger, with 71 percent of the vote. The 3rd has long been the most Democratic district in Oregon, and Wyden was reelected seven times from this district, never dropping below 70 percent of the vote.
In January 1996, Wyden narrowly defeated State Senate President Gordon Smith in a special election to fill the Senate seat vacated by Bob Packwood; he served briefly as Oregon's junior U.S. Senator alongside Mark Hatfield; Smith was elected later that year when Hatfield retired. Wyden holds the Senate seat once held by the late Wayne Morse, a man for whom Wyden worked in the summer of 1968 when he served as Morse's driver,[7] and whom Wyden calls his mentor.[8]
Wyden was elected to a full term in 1998 with 61 percent of the vote, and in 2004, was re-elected to another full term, receiving 64% of the vote compared to 31% for his main opponent, Republican Al King. As of April 2010, Wyden has an approval rating of 51%, with 35% disapproving.[9]
Wyden characterizes himself as an "independent voice for Oregonians and the nation" and emphasizes his positions on health care reform, national security, consumer protection, and political transparency.[8] On the Issues characterizes him as a "Hard-Core Liberal."[10]
- Defense and foreign policy
Wyden was one of 23 Senators to vote against the authorization of the military force in Iraq in 2002. In 2003, Wyden voted to bar excessive overseas deployments of members of the National Guard and Reserves. In 2006, Wyden was one of 13 Senators to vote to require the redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq by July 2007, and was one of 39 Senators to vote to call on the President to beginning withdrawing forces from Iraq and establish a timeline for withdrawal. Wyden also voted many other times for withdrawal of combat forces from Iraq, against funding for the war without binding timelines, and against the establishment of permanent military bases in Iraq. Wyden also opposed President Obama's plan for a "troop surge" in Afghanistan in 2009.[11][12]
In 2007 Wyden sponsored (with Representative Gabrielle Giffords in the House), the Stop Arming Iran Act, which would have barred the Defense Department from selling surplus F-14 parts and prohibit buyers who have already acquired surplus Tomcat parts from exporting them in order to prevent Iran (the only nation other than the U.S. to fly the F-14) from acquiring the parts.[13]
In 2011, Wyden expressed support for the no-fly zone and other intervention in Libya in order to protect civilians, stating that "The violence of Colonel Gaddafi against his own people is a humanitarian crisis. I support the international effort to protect the civilians of Libya." However, Wyden also stressed that his support was not unlimited and that he expected that the military action would be completed quickly.[14] Wyden, along with fellow Senator Merkley and President Obama, also agreed that U.S. forces should not be on the ground in Libya.[15]
- Health care
Wyden personally opposes physician-assisted suicide and has stated he voted against the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, first enacted in Oregon in 1997, each time in appeared on the ballot by voter referendum. However, Wyden has successfully blocked congressional attempts to pass federal legislation to override Oregon's law.[16] In 2000, Wyden blocked attempts in Congress to overturn the Oregon assisted-suicide law by threatening a filibuster.[17][18] In 2001, Wyden wrote to President George W. Bush urging him to not alter the law through federal executive action.[19][20] In 2005, he and four other Democratic members of Oregon's congressional delegation filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case of Gonzales v. Oregon in support of the State of Oregon, and praised the eventual decision to uphold the law.[21] In 2006, Wyden informed Senate leadership that he would block legislation overturning the Death with Dignity Act.[22] Wyden said in 2009 that he will continue to "fight tooth and nail" to block new federal attempts to block the law.[18]
In 2009 Wyden sponsored the Healthy Americans Act, an act that would institute a national system of market-based private insurance. Despite a voting record in favor of public health care,[citation needed] Wyden was attacked by union interests for advocating replacement of the employer tax exclusion with a tax deduction that would apply to all Americans (not just those who enjoy the good employer benefits provided to many union members).[23][24] Wyden has shown support for increasing Medicare funding, enrolling more of the uninsured in federal programs (although his Healthy Americans Act would eliminate many of these programs including Medicaid and SCHIP and replace them with private insurance), importing lower priced prescriptions from Canada, and negotiating bulk drug purchases for Medicare in order to lower costs.[25]
In 2003 Wyden joined with Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Trent Lott (R-MS) to help pass the Bush Administration's Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act.[26] The Bush Administration is alleged to have forced officials to hide its true cost, which later was triple its original claim.[27] The bill has been criticized as favoring pharmaceutical companies, as it prohibits the federal government from negotiating prescription drug rates.[28]
Not long after Tom Daschle's withdrawal as President Barack Obama's nominee as United States Secretary of Health and Human Services due to a scandal over his failure to pay taxes, The Oregonian reported that Senator Wyden was being touted by many healthcare experts as a likely candidate to succeed Daschle as secretary-designate.[29] Although Wyden was ultimately passed over in favor of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, he took advantage of the interim to reintroduce his Healthy Americans Act, with additional co-sponsorship from Republican senators led by Tennessee's Lamar Alexander and Utah's Bob Bennett as well as from fellow Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley.[30][31]
In late 2011 and early 2012, Wyden attracted attention for working with GOP House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan to develop a Medicare reform plan that would result in the semi-privatization of the system, provoking a negative response from Wyden's Democratic allies, including President Obama.[32] The proposal would keep traditional Medicare as an option, though it would also introduce private health insurance companies into an exchange in which they would offer competing plans to be paid for with government vouchers.[33] This approach was a modification from Ryan's previous proposal in which traditional Medicare would be entirely eliminated.
In the early 1990s Ron Wyden, then a member of The House of Representatives, was a prominent critic of the tobacco industry, co-authoring an early proposal to put cigarettes under FDA jurisdiction. In 1995, he was part of the Rose-Wyden "compromise" and announced he was "strongly opposed" to FDA jurisdiction over tobacco.
- Trade and business
Wyden mostly supports free trade. While still in the House, he voted for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and has subsequently supported many trade deals in the Senate being one of the very few Democrats to vote in favor of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). He has however voted against free trade agreements with Chile, Singapore, and Oman. In 1996, he voted against the majority of his party to phase out many farm subsidy programs and also to implement welfare reform policies.
In 1998, Senator Wyden supported a proposal that would uphold the status quo of American-Cuban relations.[25] The Senator has recently voted against restrictions on travel and trade with Cuba and
Wyden is a supporter of lifting the travel ban to Cuba as a more viable way to reach the Cuban people. With Senator Byron Dorgan, Wyden offered an unsuccessful amendment to end funding for TV Martí, an anti-Castro broadcasting project of the U.S. government aimed at Cuba. Dorgan and Wyden argued that the U.S. should "pull the plug on U.S. government television broadcasts to Cuba, broadcasts even the American government acknowledges Fidel Castro routinely jams and the Cuban people can't see." calling it a "complete and total waste of taxpayers' dollars" and noting that the transmissions would cost $21.1 million in the next year, but would "reach virtually no one in Cuba." The amendment was not adopted.[34][35]
- Abortion
Wyden is a supporter of legal abortion. In almost every year, Wyden has maintained a 100 percent rating or close to it with NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, and National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, and a 0 percent rating or close to it from the National Right to Life Committee.[36] Wyden voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.
- Science issues
Wyden voted for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, which would change federal law to allow federal money to fund embryonic stem-cell research, ending a federal ban. Wyden urged President George W. Bush to sign it, stating that "I see no reason why embryonic stem-cell research should be treated any differently than other research" in terms of federal grant funding. Bush vetoed the act twice.[37] In 2007, Wyden, with fellow Oregon Senator Gordon Smith, again supported the bill.[38]
- Guns
Wyden has been an advocate of gun control. He voted against limiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers and has voted in favor of increasing background checks. Wyden voted to renew the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.
Wyden has consistently opposed a constitutional amendment to ban flag desecration. He has also publicly announced support for same-sex marriage and was one of 14 Senators to vote against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.[39]
- Civil rights legislation
Wyden voted against the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have proposed an amendment to the Constitution to bar recognition of same-sex marriages.
Wyden has cast votes in favor of federal legislation prohibiting job discrimination and hate crimes against homosexuals.
Despite undergoing tests in advance of prostate surgery scheduled two days later, Wyden appeared up in the Senate chamber in December 2010 to vote for the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010.
In June 2007, Wyden was among the minority of Democrats to vote in favor of declaring English the official language of the United States.[40]
- Civil liberties
On November 10, 2005, Wyden was one of five Senate Democrats who joined 44 Republicans in voting "yes" on Amendment no. 2516, brought to the floor by Republican senator Lindsey Graham, which ruled that enemy combatants did not have the right to Habeas Corpus.
Wyden spoke in favor of John Roberts during his confirmation hearing as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and voted with the Republican majority to confirm him.
In 2006, Wyden was one of 10 senators to vote against re-authorization of the Patriot Act.[41] In 2011, with the expiration of the Patriot Act approaching and with efforts to reauthorize the Act once more intensifying, Wyden and fellow Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley sharply criticized the rush to pass the bill. Wyden stated on the Senate floor that "The Patriot Act was passed a decade ago during a period of understandable fear. Now is the time to revisit this, revisit it and ensure that a better job is done of striking that balance between fighting terror and protecting individual liberty." Wyden and Merkley expressed particular concern with a provision of current law allowing law enforcement authorities to collect "to collect a vast array of business records, emails, phone numbers, [and] even DNA from anyone deemed "relevant" to an investigation."[42] Wyden offered an amendment to reform the "business-records provision" of the Patriot Act, which he views as being used abusive and secret way.[43] In a May 2011 speech in the Senate, Wyden sharply criticized the use of Patriot Act, stating: "The fact is that anyone can read the plain text of the Patriot Act, and yet many members of Congress have no idea how the law is being secretly interpreted by the executive branch, because that interpretation is classified. It's almost as if there were two Patriot Acts, and many members of Congress have not read the one that matters. Our constituents, of course, are totally in the dark. Members of the public have no access to the secret legal interpretations, so they have no idea what their government believes the law actually means."[44]
Wyden voted against the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005, a Republican effort to restrict the number of class actions suits against businesses and the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, a bipartisan change in bankruptcy law designed to make it more difficult to file for bankruptcy and to make those in bankruptcy pay more of their debts. However, he voted for the previous Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2001 (S-420, substituted by amendment into H.R. 433)[45] which contained many of the same provisions.
On November 19, 2010, Wyden announced he would take the steps necessary to put a hold on The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act so it is not enacted into law this year. The law was passed through committee in a 19-0 vote. If it were enacted, it would allow the attorney general the authority to order internet providers in the US to block access to websites that were deemed to contain copyright infringement. This effectively requires the law to be resubmitted next year rather than be rushed through the system at the end of the congress. He stated:
- "It seems to me that online copyright infringement is a legitimate problem, but it seems to me that COICA as written is the wrong medicine. Deploying this statute to combat online copyright infringement seems almost like using a bunker-busting cluster bomb when what you really need is a precision-guided missile. The collateral damage of this statute could be American innovation, American jobs, and a secure Internet."[46]
In June 2011, Wyden announced his "Geolocation Privacy and Surveillance (GPS) Act" in partnership with Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). The bill, which is still under House consideration, would establish a legal frame-work for the sharing and access of private tracking data by corporations, individuals, and federal agencies.[47]
- Tax policy
Wyden is critical of the estate tax, which he feels is inefficient, and has voted repeatedly to abolish it. He co-authored the Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act, which bans internet taxes in the United States. He has also voted with Republicans to lower the capital gains tax, to encourage the study of the flat tax, and to require a 3/5 majority to raise taxes. However, Wyden voted against the Bush tax cuts passed in 2001 and 2003. He has also voted against the balanced-budget amendment.
Wyden supports lower corporate taxes and was generally supportive of the draft proposal for deficit reduction that was released by the chairmen of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform in November 2010.[48]
Wyden has been praised by Len Burman of the Tax Policy Center as a legislator who "has worked tirelessly to try to advance the cause of tax reform, [despite having] few allies in this quest."[49]
- Bailouts
During the global Financial crisis of 2007-2010, Wyden voted against the financial bailouts backed by the Bush administration.[50] He did not vote on the automobile industry bailout,[51] though he said he would have voted for cloture if he had been present. Wyden added, "While I continue to have concerns about ensuring that taxpayers are protected if this loan is to occur, I believe that if the President can unwisely provide $750 billion of taxpayer money for the investment banks who took horribly unacceptable risks and helped trigger an economic collapse, we certainly have a duty to attempt to preserve a cornerstone domestic industry and the jobs of hundreds of thousands of working people whose personal actions are in no way responsible for the current economic crisis."[52]
Wyden was among several moderate Democratic senators who in early January 2009 criticized President-elect Barack Obama's stimulus plan, calling for a greater emphasis on "tangible infrastructure investments" and warning that an effort had to be made to differentiate it from the Bush bailouts Wyden had opposed.[53] However, Wyden ultimately voted for the bill and voted mostly with his party on various amendments to the bill.[54]
- Environment
Wyden is a supporter of environmental protection measures, and was among the minority of senators to vote against confirming the appointment of Gale Norton as Secretary of the Interior. In May 2007, Wyden also opposed the appointment of Lyle Laverty as assistant interior secretary for fish, wildlife and parks (this time on ethical grounds).[55]
- Technology
Wyden was the first politician in Congress to stand against the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) (in the House) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) (in the Senate)[56] on the grounds that it would "step towards an Internet in which those with money and lawyers and access to power have a greater voice than those who don’t."[57] Wyden delayed the PIPA in the Senate by placing a hold on the legislation in 2010, which prevented the bill from being considered by the full Senate even after it was unanimously voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Wyden's hold was credited with "[g]iving time for the Internet to rally against" SOPA and PIPA.[58] With Representative Darrell Issa in the House, Wyden also introduced the Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act as a alternative to SOPA and PIPA.[59]
Ezra Klein wrote: "Perhaps no single member of Congress deserves as much credit for slowing the advance" of the bills than Wyden, who for much of 2010 "fought a one-man battle to keep the Senate version of the legislation from moving through on a unanimous vote."[60] Wyden was described as the "primary driver of opposition to the bill within the Senate."[61]
When Senate leadership announced it was indefinitely postponing the bill following "massive protests" in January 2012, Wyden called it a "grassroots victory for the history books."[61]
In the Senate, Wyden serves on the following Committees: Finance; Intelligence; Energy and Natural Resources; Budget and the Special Committee on Aging. He also chairs the Energy Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests.
Source: 2009 Congressional Record, Vol. 155, Pg. S729{{{3}}} S730, and S7168
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This section requires expansion with:
election results from 1980-1990. |
*Write-in and minor candidate notes: In 1992, minor candidates received 203 votes. In 1994, minor candidates received 273 votes.
Oregon Senator (Class III) results: 1992–2004[62][63]
Year |
Democrat |
Votes |
Pct |
Republican |
Votes |
Pct |
3rd Party |
Party |
Votes |
Pct |
3rd Party |
Party |
Votes |
Pct |
3rd Party |
Party |
Votes |
Pct |
3rd Party |
Party |
Votes |
Pct |
1992 |
Les AuCoin |
639,851 |
46% |
Bob Packwood ** |
717,455 |
52% |
Miscellaneous |
12,934 |
1% |
Write-ins |
5,793 |
<1% |
1996 |
Ron Wyden |
571,739 |
48% |
Gordon Smith |
553,519 |
47% |
Karen E. Shilling |
American Independent |
25,597 |
2% |
Gene Nanni |
Libertarian |
15,698 |
1% |
Vickie Valdez |
Socialist |
7,872 |
1% |
Lou Gold |
Pacific Green |
7,225 |
1% |
1998 |
Ron Wyden |
682,425 |
61% |
John Lim |
377,739 |
34% |
Karyn Moskowitz |
Pacific Green |
22,024 |
2% |
Jim Brewster |
Libertarian |
18,221 |
2% |
Michael A. Campbell |
Natural Law |
8,372 |
1% |
Dean M. Braa |
Socialist |
7,553 |
1% |
2004 |
Ron Wyden |
1,128,728 |
63% |
Al King |
565,254 |
32% |
Teresa Keane |
Pacific Green |
43,053 |
2% |
Dan Fitzgerald |
Libertarian |
29,582 |
2% |
David Brownlow |
Constitution |
12,397 |
1% |
Write-ins |
1,536 |
1% |
2010 |
Ron Wyden |
825,507 |
57% |
Jim Huffman |
566,199 |
39% |
Bruce Conk |
Working Families |
18,940 |
1% |
Marc Delphine |
Libertarian |
16,028 |
1% |
Rick Staggenberg |
Progressive |
14,466 |
1% |
Write-ins |
1,448 |
.1% |
*Write-in and minor candidate notes: In 1998, minor candidates received 1,413 votes. **Packwood resigned in 1995, and the remainder of his term was filled by Wyden. The 1996 election was the January 1996 special election, not the general election in November 1996 (won by Wyden's opponent in the special, Gordon Smith).
Wyden's home is in Portland, and he has an apartment in Washington, D.C.. He has two grown children, Adam and Lilly, by his first wife, Laurie. Adam Wyden is an entrepreneur and owner of a start-up hedge fund, ADW Capital Partners LP.[64]
Wyden married his current wife, Nancy Wyden (née Bass), co-owner of New York's Strand Bookstore, on September 24, 2005, in a ceremony performed by Rabbi Ariel Stone of Portland. On October 26, 2007, Nancy gave birth to twins, Ava Rose Wyden and William Peter Wyden.[65]
On December 16, 2010, Wyden announced that the previous month he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer in its very early stage from a routine screening. He underwent surgery on December 20 at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. The surgery was successful and Wyden quickly recovered and returned to Congress in January 2011.[66][67][68]
Specific references:
- ^ Sengupta, Somini (1998-06-29). "Peter Wyden, 74, Journalist and Father of Oregon Senator". New York Times.
- ^ Entry on, created by Robert Battle (
- ^ Simon, Mark (December 11, 1999). "Palo Alto to Honor Local Boy". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved December 22, 2009.
- ^ Barmeier, Julia (2003-03-03). "Senator speaks out on Iraq, economy". The Daily Pennsylvanian. Retrieved 2009-08-18. [dead link]
- ^ Ron Wyden (Dem) from The Washington Times
- ^ "Five-Term Congressman is Defeated in Oregon". New York Times. May 21, 1980. Retrieved 2007-12-21.
- ^ One Senator's Solution for Health Care Expansion from an April 2007 story on Morning Edition
- ^ a b Meet Ron Wyden from his official Senate website
- ^ "SurveyUSA News Poll #16445". Retrieved 2010-08-29.
- ^ Ron Wyden from On the Issues
- ^ "Iraq." Office of Senator Ron Wyden.
- ^ "Sen. Ron Wyden (D)." National Journal Almanac.
- ^ Sharon Theimer, "House OKs 'Stop Arming Iran Act'" (June 11, 2007). Associated Press.
- ^ Ailen Darling, "Wyden Supports Obama's Efforts in Libya's "Humanitarian Crisis'" (April 1, 2011). Willamette Week.
- ^ John Sowell, "Merkley, Wyden agree with Obama that U.S. troops should stay out of Libya" (March 21, 2011), The News-Review.
- ^ Dee Lane. "Wyden defends assisted suicide law" (May 25, 2006). The Oregonian.
- ^ "State of Oregon v. Gonzales" (March 2006). Oregon ACLU.
- ^ a b "Assisted suicide debate not over?" (January 18, 2006). CBS News/Associated Press.
- ^ Katherine Pfleger, "Threat to Ore. assisted-suicide law?" (October 31, 2001). Associated Press.
- ^ "Wyden Urges Bush to Uphold Oregon Assisted Suicide Law" (November 6, 2001). California Healthline.
- ^ "Wyden Praises Supreme Court Decision Upholding Oregon's Physician Aid in Dying Law" (January 17, 2006) (press release). Office of Senator Ron Wyden.
- ^ "Wyden Informs Senate Leadership He Will Block Legislation Overturning 'Death with Dignity'" (January 18, 2006) (press release). Office of Senator Ron Wyden.
- ^ Will Unions Kill Health Care Reform? Washington Post blogs, May 28, 2009.
- ^ Soak the rich, The Economist, July 16, 2009
- ^ a b Ron Wyden from On the Issues
- ^ "On the Motion (Motion To Waive CBA RE: H. R. 1 - Conference Report )". United States Senate Legislation and Records. 2003-11-24. Retrieved 2007-09-21.
- ^ Connolly, Ceci and Allen, Mike (2005-02-09). "Medicare Drug Benefit May Cost $1.2 Trillion". Washington Post. p. A01. Retrieved 2007-09-22.
- ^ Krugman, Paul (2005-05-06). "A Serious Drug Problem". NY Times. Retrieved 2009-08-11.
- ^ Wyden gains traction as possible health secretary
- ^ Wyden, with new allies, reintroduces ambitious health care bill
- ^ Senators Identify Key Components of a Successful Health Care Reform Plan
- ^
- ^ Klein, Ezra (December 15, 2011). "Wonkbook: Paul Ryan and Ron Wyden want to bring Obamacare to Medicare". The Washington Post.
- ^ "Dorgan and Wyden Ask Senate to Stop $21 Million Boondoggle" (press release). Majority Staff, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
- ^ Katie Harr, "Radio and TV Martí: Washington Guns after Castro at Any Cost" (March 29, 2006). Council on Hemispheric Affairs.
- ^
- ^ "Smith, Wyden to Bush: Sign bill" (July 19, 2006). Statesman Journal.
- ^ Keith Chu, "Bible in hand, Smith pushes stem cell bill" (April 12. 2007). The Bulletin.
- ^ "U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 104th Congress - 2nd Session on Passage of the Bill (h.r.3396 )". United States Senate. Retrieved 2008-04-07.
- ^ "Project Vote Smart - Senator Wyden on S Amdt 1384 - English as the Common Language". Retrieved 2010-08-29.
- ^ David Stout, "Senate Approves Renewal of Antiterrorism Bill" (March 2, 2006). New York Times.
- ^ Charles Pope, "Sen. Ron Wyden and Sen. Jeff Merkley raise concerns about fast U.S. Senate passage of Patriot Act" (August 10, 2011). The Oregonian.
- ^ Spencer Ackerman, "There's a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says" (May 25, 2011). Wired.
- ^ "Sunday editorial: Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden vs. USA Patriot Act" (May 27, 2011). Statesman-Journal.
- ^ "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2001"
- ^ Senator: Web Censorship Bill A ‘Bunker-Busting Cluster Bomb’
- ^ Wyden Press Release for GPS Act
- ^ Wyden Statement on White House Fiscal Commission’s Draft Report Ron Wyden official website November 10, 2010
- ^ Len Burman, Why the Tax Code is a Mess, Graphically Tax Policy Center September 12, 2011
- ^ Wyden Issues Statement on Administration Proposal to Address Financial Crisis
- ^ A look at the Senate auto bailout vote
- ^ Congressional Record: Wyden Statement on Auto Bailout Vote
- ^ Doubts arise over Obama stimulus plan
- ^ "Senate Stimulus Amendments - Blog". OpenCongress. 2009-02-03. Retrieved 2010-08-29.
- ^ Sleeth, Peter (May 1, 2007). "Wyden delaying key appointment to Interior agency". The Oregonian. Retrieved 2007-05-01. [dead link]
- ^
- ^
- ^ Nate Anderson, "Sen. Ron Wyden: 'You can't come up with sensible Internet policy on the fly'" (January 20, 2012). Ars Technica.
- ^ Scott M. Fulton, III, "SOPA Opponents Sign On to Wyden-Issa Alternative Piracy Bill" (December 13, 2011). ReadWriteWeb.
- ^ Ezra Klein, "Interview: Sen. Ron Wyden's fight to stop SOPA and save the Internet" (January 17, 2012). Washington Post.
- ^ a b Greg Sargent, "Wyden: SOPA win was a 'grassroots victory for the history books'" (January 20, 2012). Washington Post.
- ^ a b "Election Statistics". Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Retrieved 2007-08-08.
- ^ "Oregon Special Election Official Results". Oregon Secretary of State. Retrieved 2007-12-19.
- ^ Miles Weiss, "Hedge Fund Born in Senator's Basement After Son Has D.E. Shaw Internship" (February 24, 2011). Bloomberg.
- ^ Mapes, Jeff (October 30, 2007). "Wyden twins head home with parents". Oregonian blog. Retrieved 2008-05-17.
- ^ Charles Pope, "Sen. Ron Wyden diagnosed with prostate cancer" (December 16, 2010). The Oregonian.
- ^ "Sen. Ron Wyden recovering from cancer surgery" (December 20, 2010). Associated Press.
- ^ "Wyden's prostate-cancer surgery successful" (December 20, 2010). Associated Press.
General references:
Persondata |
Name |
Wyden, Ron |
Alternative names |
Short description |
American politician |
Date of birth |
May 3, 1949 |
Place of birth |
Wichita, Kansas |
Date of death |
Place of death |