Redemption as a theological concept is found in several different religions. In Buddhist theology it encompasses a release from worldly desires. As a Christian theological term, it refers to the deliverance of Christians from sin. In Judaism, redemption can refer both to the Exodus from slavery in ancient Egypt, and deliverance from exile.
In some forms of Buddhism, redemption is inherent in the discipline of giving up attachments to desires:
Other disciplines are not so desolate, and "each Buddha and Bodhisattwa is a redeemer", assisting the Buddhist in seeking to achieve the redemptive state. The assistance rendered is a form of self-sacrifice on the part of the teachers, who would presumably be able to achieve total detachment from worldly concerns, but have instead chosen to remain engaged in the material world to the degree that this is necessary to assist others in achieving such detachment. In varieties of Buddhism that include ideas of reincarnation, this relationship may be predestined from earlier life-experiences.
Redemption may refer to:
Theology (from the Greek Θεός meaning "God" and λόγος meaning "study of") is the systematic and rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies, usually at a university or school of divinity or seminary.
Augustine of Hippo defined the Latin equivalent, theologia, as "reasoning or discussion concerning the Deity";Richard Hooker defined "theology" in English as "the science of things divine". The term can, however, be used for a variety of different disciplines or forms of discourse. Theologians use various forms of analysis and argument (philosophical, ethnographic, historical, spiritual and others) to help understand, explain, test, critique, defend or promote any of myriad religious topics. Theology might be undertaken to help the theologian:
Theology translates into English from the Greek theologia (θεολογία) which derived from theos (θεός), meaning God, and logia (λόγια), meaning utterances, sayings, or oracles (a word related to logos [λόγος], meaning word, discourse, account, or reasoning) which had passed into Latin as theologia and into French as théologie. The English equivalent "theology" (Theologie, Teologye) had evolved by 1362. The sense the word has in English depends in large part on the sense the Latin and Greek equivalents had acquired in Patristic and medieval Christian usage, though the English term has now spread beyond Christian contexts.
The Biblical Theology of Redemption | Steve Runge Dives into James | Faithlife Today Episode 28
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Theology of the Body: Redemption of the Body John Paul II (3 of 4)
Redemption Theology Film
Recovering a Theology of Creation and Redemption for Effective Work
Redemption, ransom, reconciliation? #5 of Systematic Theology (Soteriology)
The Redemption of Work (A Biblical Theology of Work, pt. 5)
Theology - James' Redemption
OT2 Theology of Fall and Redemption 12-10-10
Freedom Theology and God's Redemption Part 1 of 3
Freedom Theology and God's Redemption Part 2 of 3
Fr. Thomas Joseph White OP on the Heart of Redemption
Systematic Theology - Wayne Grudem
The Redemption of Rugrats, Rebels...and Parental Units! - Dennis L. Rainey
The Biblical Theology of Redemption | Steve Runge Dives into James | Faithlife Today Episode 28
Places of Redemption Theology for a Worldly Church скачать
Theology of the Body: Redemption of the Body John Paul II (3 of 4)
Redemption Theology Film
Recovering a Theology of Creation and Redemption for Effective Work
Redemption, ransom, reconciliation? #5 of Systematic Theology (Soteriology)
The Redemption of Work (A Biblical Theology of Work, pt. 5)
Theology - James' Redemption
OT2 Theology of Fall and Redemption 12-10-10
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Freedom Theology and God's Redemption Part 2 of 3
Fr. Thomas Joseph White OP on the Heart of Redemption
Systematic Theology - Wayne Grudem
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John Paul II - Theology of the Body
Redemption by TBM Missions
Theology Made Simple 1(a) 1/1
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Theology of the Body for RCIA by Katrina J. Zeno
Systematic Theology by Wayne A. Grudem Ebook PDF
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Redemption (theology)
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