The Wayback Machine -
SuperNationals 2010 - Anthony Abbasse ( Sodi / Maxter ) - KZ2 Heat 1
Thomas Knopper, 1e serie DKM, KZ2, KSDM
Hero3 HD GoPro - KZ2 - Trofeo Margutti Lonato 2013 - Serkos Movsefsian - Manche 2
FIA/CIK Karting World Cup 2012 KZ2/KZ1 - SARNO, ITALY
Järfälla 2012-07-14 SM KZ2 Final
Karting OnBoard 2ª carrera 4ª Social Cibuyo 18-12-2011   1ª Manga KZ2 - Piloto Soma.wmv
Super Fast Kart - Karting 1 KZ2 Track Test
CIK Stars of Karting 2013 Ipswich KZ2 On Board
Kerpen Kz2 Onboard
Onboard KZ2 Vysoké Mýto
David Senra - Campeón Gallego Karting KZ2 2011 (subtitulado) - 1ª parte


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Não me convidaram
Pra essa festa pobre
Que os homem armaram
Pra me convencer
Apagar sem ver
Toda essa droga
Que já vem malhada
Antes de eu nascer
Não me ofereceram
Nem um cigarro
Fiquei na porta
Estacionando os carros
Não me elegeram
Chefe de nada
O meu cartão de crédito
É uma navalha
Mostra tua cara
Quero ver quem paga
Pra gente ficar assim
Qual é o teu negócio
O nome do teu sócio
Confia em mim
Não me convidaram
Pra essa festa pobre
Que os homens armaram
Pra me convencer
A pagar sem ver
Toda essa droga
Que já vem molhada
Antes de eu nascer

Eu queria ver
No escuro do mundo
Onde está o que você quer,
Pra me transformar no que te agrada,
No que me faça ver
Quais são as cores, e as coisas pra te prender...
Eu tive um sonho ruim e acordei chorando....
Por isso eu te liguei...
Será que você ainda pensa em mim?
Será que você ainda pensa?
As vezes te odeio, por quase um segundo
Depois te amo mais
Teus pelos teu rosto, teu rosto, TUDO!
Tudo o que nao me deixa em paz...
Quais são as cores, e as coisas pra te prender...
Eu tive um sonho ruim e acordei chorando....
Por isso eu te liguei...
Será que você ainda pensa em mim?
Será que você ainda pensa?

Pode seguir a tua estrela
O seu brinquedo de estar,
Fantasiando um segredo,
Do ponto aonde quer chegar....
O teu futuro é duvidoso,
Eu vejo grana, eu vejo dor,
No paraiso perigoso,
Que a palma da tua mao mostrou!
Quem vem com tudo não cansa
Bete balança meu amor!
Me avise quando for a hora...
Não ligue pra essas caras tristes,
Fingindo que a gente não existe,
Feitadas são tão engraçadas,
Donas das suas salas!
Pode seguir a tua estrela
O seu brinquedo de estar,
Fantasiando um segredo,
Do ponto aonde quer chegar....
O teu futuro é duvidoso,
Eu vejo grana, eu vejo dor,
No paraiso perigoso,
Que a palma da tua mão mostrou!
Quem vem com tudo não cansa
Bete balança o meu amor!
Me avise quando for a hora...
Quem tem um sonho não dança,
Bete balanço por favor,
Me avise quando for embora!

Quando a gente conversa
Contando casos, besteiras
Tanta coisa em comum
Deixando escapar segredos
E eu não sei que hora dizer
Me dá um medo, que medo
Eu preciso dizer que eu te amo
Te ganhar ou perder sem engano
Eu preciso dizer que eu te amo
E até o tempo passa arrastado
Só p'reu ficar do teu lado
Você me chora dores de outro amor
Se abre e acaba comigo
E nessa novela eu não quero
Ser seu amigo
É que eu preciso dizer que eu te amo
Te ganhar ou perder sem engano
Eu preciso dizer que eu te amo, tanto
Eu já nem sei se eu tô misturando
Eu perco o sono
Lembrando cada gesto teu
Qualquer bandeira
Fechando e abrindo a geladeira
A noite inteira
Eu preciso dizer que eu te amo
Te ganhar ou perder sem engano
Eu preciso dizer que eu te amo, tanto

O teu amor é uma mentira, que a minha vaidade quer
E o meu, poesia de cego, você não pode ver
Não pode ver que no meu mundo
Um troço qualquer morreu
Num corte lento e profundo, entre você e eu, eu
O nosso amor a gente inventa, pra se distrair
E quando acaba a gente pensa, que ele nunca existiu
O nosso amor a gente inventa ... inventa (Bis)
Viver não é mais tão bacana, quanto a semana passada
Você nem arrumou a cama, parece que fugiu de casa
Mas ficou tudo fora de lugar
Café sem açucar, dança sem par
Você podia ao menos me contar ...
Uma história romântica ... Ah!

Seus olhos são tristes
E Fundos como os meus....
Voce é um rei
E eu um Barao
Eternamente vermelho
Totalmente Doidão
Nós dois cantamos o Amor
E aprendemos a aceitar a dor
E a tua voz me acalma o coração
Nós dois fumamos tranquilos
O cigarro proibido
Prometemos o céu
Pra cada homem ou mulher
Somos seres delicados
Somos dois exagerados
Hei rei
Eu tambem errei
Estamos na estrada certa
A trilha louca do poeta...

Vida louca vida,vida breve
Já que eu não posso te levar
Quero que você me leve
Vida louca vida, vida imensa
Ninguém vai nos perdoar
Nosso crime não compensa
Se ninguém olha quando você passa
Você logo acha
Eu tô carente, eu sou manchete popular
Tô cansado de tanta babaquice, tanta caretice
Dessa eterna falta do que falar
Se ninguém olha quando você passa
Você logo acha
Que a vida voltou ao normal
Aquela vida sem sentido, volta sem perigo
É a mesma vida sempre igual
Se ninguém olha quando você passa
Você logo diz: "Palhaço!"
Você acha que não está legal
Corre todos os perigos, perde os sentidos
Você passa mal
Vida louca vida, vida breve
Já que eu não posso te levar
Quero que você me leve
Vida louca vida, vida imensa
Ninguém vai nos perdoar
Nosso crime não compensa
Não compensa,não
Se ninguém olha quando você passa
Você logo acha
Eu tô carente, eu sou manchete popular
Tô cansado de tanta babaquice, tanta caretice
Dessa eterna falta do que falar
Vida louca vida, vida breve
Já que eu não posso te levar
Quero que você me leve
Vida louca vida, vida imensa
Ninguém vai nos perdoar
Nosso crime não compensa
Vida louca vida, vida breve
Já que eu não posso te levar
Quero que você me leve
Vida louca vida, vida imensa
Ninguém vai nos perdoar
Nosso crime não compensa

Disparo contra o sol
Sou forte, sou por acaso
Minha metralhadora cheia de mágoas
Eu sou um cara
Cansado de correr na direção contrária
Sem pódium de chegada
Ou beijo de namorada
Eu sou mais um cara
Mas se você achar que eu estou derrotado
Saiba que ainda estão rolando os dados
Porque o tempo, o tempo não pára
Dias sim, dias não
Eu vou sobrevivendo sem um arranhão
Da caridade de quem me detesta
A tua piscina está cheia de ratos
Suas idéias não correspondem aos fatos
O tempo não pára
Eu vejo um futuro repetir o passado
Eu vejo um museu de grandes novidades
O tempo não pára, não pára não, não pára
Eu não tenho data pra comemorar
Às vezes os meus dias são de par em par
Procurando agulhas no palheiro
Nas noites de frio é melhor nem nascer
Nas de calor, se escolhe:
É matar ou morrer
E assim nos tornamos brasileiros
Te chamam de ladrão, de bicha, maconheiro
Transformam um país inteiro num puteiro
Pois assim se ganha mais dinheiro
A tua piscina está cheia de ratos
Suas idéias não correspondem aos fatos
O tempo não pára
Eu vejo um futuro repetir o passado
Eu vejo um museu de grandes novidades
O tempo não pára, não pára não, não pára
Dias sim, dias não
Eu vou sobrevivendo sem um arranhão
Da caridade de quem me detesta
A tua piscina está cheia de ratos
Suas idéias não correspondem aos fatos
O tempo não pára
Eu vejo um futuro repetir o passado
Eu vejo um museu de grandes novidades
O tempo não pára,
não pára não, não, não, não, não, não, não pára

Meu partido, é um coração partido
E as ilusões, estão todas perdidas
Os meus sonhos, foram todos vendidos
Tão barato que eu nem acredito, ah, eu nem acredito
Que aquele garoto que ia mudar o mundo, mudar o mundo
Frequenta agora as festas do "Grand Monde"
Meus heróis morreram de overdose
Meus inimigos estão no poder
Ideologia, eu quero uma pra viver
O meu prazer, agora é risco de vida
Meu sex and drugs, não tem nenhum rock'n'roll
Eu vou pagar a conta do analista
Pra nunca mais ter que saber quem sou eu
Ah, saber quem eu sou
Pois aquele garoto que ia mudar o mundo, mudar o mundo
Agora assiste a tudo em cima do muro, em cima do muro
Meus heróis morreram de overdose
Meus inimigos estão no poder
Ideologia, eu quero uma pra viver
Ideologia, pra viver
Pois aquele garoto que ia mudar o mundo, mudar o mundo
Agora assiste a tudo em cima do muro, em cima do muro
Meus heróis morreram de overdose
Meus inimigos estão no poder
Ideologia, eu quero uma pra viver.

Te pego na escola e encho a tua bola
Com todo o meu amor
Te levo pra festa e testo teu sexo
Com ar de professor
Faço promessas malucas
Tão curtas quanto um sonho bom
Se eu te escondo a verdade
Baby, é pra te proteger da solidão
Faz parte do meu show
Faz parte do meu show, meu amor
Confundo as tuas coxas
Com as de outras moças
Te mostro toda a dor
Te faço um filho, te dou outra vida
Pra te mostrar quem sou
Vago na lua deserta
Das pedras do Arpoador
Digo alô ao inimigo
Encontro um abrigo
No peito do meu traidor
Faz parte do meu show
Faz parte do meu show, meu amor
Invento desculpas, provoco uma briga
Digo que não estou
Vivo um clipe sem nexo
Um pierrot-retrocesso
Meio bossa nova e rock n'roll
Faz parte do meu show
Faz parte do meu show, meu amor
Meu amor, meu amor

Poetas e loucos aos poucos
Cantores do porvir
E mágicos das frases
Endiabradas sem mel
Trago boas novas
Bobagens num papel
Balões incendiados
Coisas que caem do céu
Sem mais nem por quê
Queria um dia no mundo
Poder te mostrar o meu
Talento pra loucura
Procurar longe do peito
Eu sempre fui perfeito
Pra fazer discursos longos
Fazer discursos longos
Sobre o que não fazer
Que é que eu vou fazer?
Senhoras e senhores
Trago boas novas
Eu vi a cara da morte
E ela estava viva
Eu vi a cara da morte
E ela estava viva - viva!
Direi milhares de metáforas rimadas
E farei
Das tripas coração
Do medo, minha oração
Pra não sei que Deus "H"
Da hora da partida
Na hora da partida
A tiros de vamos pra vida
Então, vamos pra vida
Senhoras e senhores
Trago boas novas
Eu vi a cara da morte
E ela estava viva
Eu vi a cara da morte
E ela estava viva - viva!

Você nunca varou
A Duvivier às 5
Nem levou um susto Saindo do Val Improviso
Era quase meio-dia
No lado escuro da vida
Nunca viu Lou Reed
"Walking on the wild side"
Nem Melodia transvirado
Rezando pelo Estácio
Nunca viu Allen Ginsberg
Pagando michê na Alaska
Nem Rimbaud pelas tantas
Negociando escravas brancas
Você nunca ouviu falar em maldição
Nunca viu um milagre
Nunca chorou sozinha num banheiro sujo
Nem nunca quis ver a face de Deus
Já freqüentei grandes festas
Nos endereços mais quentes
Tomei champanhe e cicuta
Com comentários inteligentes
Mais tristes que os de uma puta
No Barbarella às 15 pras 7
Reparou como os velhos
Vão perdendo a esperança
Com seus bichinhos de estimação e plantas?
Já viveram tudo
E sabem que a vida é bela
Reparou na inocência
Cruel das criancinhas
Com seus comentários desconcertantes?
Adivinham tudo
E sabem que a vida é bela
Você nunca sonhou
Ser currada por animais
Nem transou com cadáveres?
Nunca traiu teu melhor amigo
Nem quis comer a tua mãe?
Só as mães são felizes...

Amor da minha vida
Daqui até a eternidade
Nossos destinos foram traçados
Na maternidade
Paixão cruel, desenfreada
Te trago mil rosas roubadas
Pra desculpar minhas mentiras
Minhas mancadas
Jogado aos teus pés
Eu sou mesmo exagerado
Adoro um amor inventado
Eu nunca mais vou respirar
Se você não me notar
Eu posso até morrer de fome
Se você não me amar
Por você eu largo tudo
Vou mendigar, roubar, matar
Até nas coisas mais banais
Pra mim é tudo ou nunca mais
Jogado aos teus pés
Eu sou mesmo exagerado
Adoro um amor inventado
Que por você eu largo tudo
Carreira, dinheiro, canudo
Até nas coisas mais banais
Pra mim é tudo ou nunca mais

sempre só
eu vivo procurando alguém
que sofra como eu também
mas não consigo achar ninguém
sempre só
e a vida vai seguindo assim
não tenho quem tem dó de mim
tô chegando ao fim
a luz negra de um destino cruel
ilumina um teatro sem cor
hoje eu tô representando o papel
do palhaço do amor
sempre só
e a vida vai seguindo... vai seguindo assim
não tenho quem tem dó de mim
tô chegando ao fim
a luz negra de um destino cruel
ilumina um teatro sem cor
hoje eu tô representando o papel
do palhaço do amor
sempre só
e a vida vai seguindo assim
não tenho quem tem dó de mim
eu tô chegando ao fim
eu tô chegando ao fim...

Pra que mentir
Fingir que perdoou
Tentar ficar amigos sem rancor
A emoção acabou
Que coincidência é o amor
A nossa música nunca mais tocou
Pra que usar de tanta educação
Pra destilar terceiras intenções
Desperdiçando o meu mel
Devagarinho, flor em flor
Entre os meus inimigos, beija-flor
Eu protegi teu nome por amor
Em um codinome, Beija-flor
Não responda nunca, meu amor (nunca)
Pra qualquer um na rua, Beija-flor
Que só eu que podia
Dentro da tua orelha fria
Dizer segredos de liquidificador
Você sonhava acordada
Um jeito de não sentir dor
Prendia o choro e aguava o bom do amor
Prendia o choro e aguava o bom do amor

Just keep me down the firstly
that i enter time?
brothers hit the feeling
let's try this or cry
We're looking for something
Someone to colour us
We're looking for nothing
missing every sunrise
Lost sense and surprise
a sentimental work about
takes all the weight from me
and lift me you up in the ecstasy
still i want to be
Seven on the groun
she in the can
and lift me you up in the ecstasy
she in the can
Cuz we just are a longer man
the most striop some now try
everything are deadly
Lost sense and surprise
a sentimental work about
takes all the weight from me
and lift me you up in the ecstasy

Somethin' that makes me
Think about it all the time
Always just behind there haunting messin’up my mind
Something that takes me
To the place I lose control
Where there is no one to hold me
Or own my soul
I can get crazy
Travelin’ round too fast to see
Hiding just beyond perception that would be me
It’s how it makes me
Shakes and tingles thru my spine
Playin’ my life by rolling dice
Tears to my eyes
Perception (shining on me)
Affection (holding on to me)
Obsession (I just can’t break free)
Perception (shining on me)
Possession (holding on to me)
Infatuation (I just can’t break free)
It’s not the first time
Workin’ my way against the grain
Everyday dreaming an everlasting stream
It’s not the last time
We all need a second chance
Playin’ life with bishops and knights
On goes the line
Why are they trippin’
I’m just an average man
One alone… sometimes right sometimes doin’ wrong
Wherever the four winds
May blow me… I will go
Only under influence
Perception (shining on me)
Affection (holding on to me)
Obsession (I just can’t break free)
Perception (shining on me)
Possession (holding on to me)

After all the words we sing
I got my eyes on my machine
You could just put online
So I got some piece of mine
I could keep up during night
I’m gonna search people fight
Hanging out on every

[Intro: Ghostface Killah]
Come on, uh-huh, yeah, all right
Yo, yo
[Ghostface Killah]
Tonight, I'm feelin' like Michael in Thriller
Drunk as a skunk, catch too much to Killah
Bartender, feel me up, another cup
Everybody have a good time, party, live it up
The dance floor's packed, Staten Island's on the map
We bum rush the club, cuz we don't know how to act
Look at mommy in back, I see your eyes starin'
Scope me up and down just to see what I'm wearin'
My appearance, heavy on the wrist wit a mean truck
Razor blade, fresh bathed, lookin' clean cut
Boots untied, gats in the ride
Dipped down in Gucci, wit my hat to the side
We can rhyme all night, if the rhyme's all right
Come up in big whips, different cars, all types
I'm out of sight, meet your host, get close
C.E.O., Starks Enterprise, big Ghost
[Chorus 4X: Ghostface Killah]
Only if you say so, please let the breaks go
Turn the bass up real slow, just let your body go
[Ghostface Killah]
Yo, yo, yo we rollin', holdin', my bag up swollen
Heat rush, niggaz see us and start foldin'
Let the hoes in, we gon' freak off lovely
Ruby red, gettin' head, air beds buggy
It's about to get ugly, ya'll can't touch me
After ten mill, so the whole world gon' love me
Me Ghost, first, his or her extra large
Platinum credit cards when I splurge
I got the urge, roll up who got the herb
Fat ravioli bags on the Ave. get served
I observe the kid, I deserve to live
Broke his ribs, burst his wig
When the bass come out, you be the first to get
Thirst for this, blacked out and search the crib
Like I told ya'll before, it's the Theodore Unit
From Europe to New York, this is how we do it
[Chorus 4X]
[Interlude: Ghostface Killah]
Come on, uh-huh, yeah
All right, just let your body go
[Chorus 2X]
[Interlude: Ghostface Killah]
Yeah, just let your body go
Come on, uh-huh, yeah, all right
Come on, just let your body go
[instrumental break]
[Outro: Ghostface Killah]
Come on, yeah, all right, uh-huh
Yeah, come on, just let your body go

Now i want say i love you
Now i want should i care
You never know if i miss you
Just keep me trying if you tell
If finally you, you
This Song
La La La
La La La
And if your Ever do you song alone
Da Ba Fa
Da Ba Fa
This Song
La La La
La La La
I never say i will love you
I never say that i should care
If find me you, you
Do you ever keep this so long

i feel like i wanna be
inside of you,
when the sun goes down yeah
oh my heart,
taking me back to blue.
i'm fallen into my own senses.
another night,
another day.
it's better this way,
let the music play
oh my heart,
only you can
know how i feel,
every day is an ordeal
to get by,
even so broken skin,
mercury risin'
i feel like i wanna be
inside of you,
when the sun goes down.
as long as i'm gonna be
aroud you
when the sun goes down
oh my heart
there's movement
across the tracks
hopin' to play
it back all rite
lucky me lucku you
they've given us
a two minute warning
oh my heart
changin' the way i kill
by changin' the way
I feel step forward
everybody around
the world understands
what makes
a child a man
i feel like i wanna be
inside of you,
when the sun goes down.
i feel like i wanna be
inside of you,
when the sun goes down yeah
i feel like i wanna be
inside of you,
when the sun goes down.
as long as i'm gonna be
around you,
when the sun goes down
feel like i wanna be,
you more than i
get around,
come around yeahh
see you everynite
hear the crowd.
the sound of violence,
shake it out.
feel like i wanna
be inside of you
ready now
we'll be coming out
ready or not
goin' to let it out
when the sun goes down
ready now
let it out, gonna let it all out
let it out when the sun goes down
you'll be coming out, let it all out
gonna let it out when the sun goes down
let it out, gonna let it all out
let it out when the sun goes down
you'll be coming out, let it all out
gonna let it out when the sun goes down on me...
on me...
when the sun goes down on me...
on yeah...

After all the everyday
I've been thru all my life
After all the today
I've been waiting for you
After all the someday
I've been dreamin' about
How do you see me now
How do you see me now
Twenty years I've been through
Aimin' not to loose north
More than once came to you
Always runnin' a bit short
Not even once
I came back
Free of wondering about
How do you see me now

Just look!
How many risks you're runnig for
Life is just like a dream
I said oh look!
You don't have to score no more
I thought we could be a team
Just Look!
If i did hesitate some times
Now we're moving in time
I said oh look
But i needn't change my mind
E-ter-ni-ty on your shoulder
Think you on my side
Be my number one
Could do everything
I'll show you how
Now you wonder
Rock'n'roll the dice
It could be anyone
You or another
I said just look
Now realize
Feel outside
I said, Oh Look!
Open your eyes
I feel good inside
I said just look
Now realize
Feel outside
I said, Oh Look Man
Open your eyes
I feel good on the inside
Just Look!
You keep pushing my love so far
Oh please come closer
I said, Oh Look!
Blazing like a shooting star
Now more than ever
Just Look!
You make me feel so beautiful
Still be my protector
I said, Oh Look!
I never asked to catch the moon
E-ter-ni-ty on your shoulder
Think you on my side
Be my number one
Could do everything
I show you how
Now you wonder
Rock'n'roll the dice
If could be anyone
You or another
Now realize
Open your eyes
Think you on my side
Be my number one
Are you qualified?
I'm sure you are
And if I ever
Ride'n'roll the dice
It won't be anyone
You and no other
I said oh just look
Now realize
Feel outside
I said, Oh Look!
Open your eyes
I feel good inside
I said oh just look
Now realize
Feel outside
I said, Oh Look Man
Open your eyes
I feel good on the inside
I said oh just look
Now realize
Feel outside
I said, Oh Look!
Open your eyes

jack jack to the beat
give me my rhythm
let me jump on my feet
rock to the beat
give me my bassline let me jump on my feet
jack jack to the beat
give me y rhythm
let me jump on my feet
jack jack to the beat
give me my rhythm
let me jump on my feet
my beat is strong you make it for me
jack rock
rock it for me
rock to the beat
jack rock
rock it for me
rock rock to the beat
give me my bassline let me jump on my feet
my bass is strong you make it for me

After all the everyday
I've been thru all my life
After all the today
I've been waiting for you
After all the someday
I've been dreamin' about
How do you see me now
How do you see me now
Twenty years I've been thru
Aimin' not to loose north
More than once came to you
Always runnin' a bit short
Not even once
I came back
Free of wondering about
How do you see me now

Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you
Worry >My feeling for you
Worry >My feeling for you
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
Worry >My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real
My feeling for you, have always been real

They call the planet Earth "Tears, eye water"
They call the planet Earth "Fear, eye water"
Such a waste of clear eye water
Such a waste of real eye water
Noone uses energy savers
Car emissions kill ozon layers
Look at your life now
Little children say their prayers
but the grown-ups don't say theirs
Look at your life now
When they first went to the moon
beyond the moon didn't they see
there wasn't anything they couldn't do
there wasn't anything they couldn't be
They discovered nucleair power
not for the best but for the worst
Revelations warned you first
They call the planet Earth "Tears, eye water"
They call the planet Earth "Fear, eye water"
Such a waste of clear eye water
Such a waste of real eye water
First your living was so simple
there was no gas, oil or rentals
look at your life now
then technology would teach you
that it's robots replace people
look at your life now
See when they first went to the moon
Beyond the moon didn't they see
There wasn't anything they couldn't do
There wasn't anything they couldn't be
They discovered nucleair power
It burnt them far below their shirts
It got so hot it almost burst
They call the planet Earth "Tears, eye water"
They call the planet Earth "fear, eye water"
Such a waste of clear eye water
Such a waste of real eye water
All the Christians, Muslims, Jews
kill each other, they're so confused
Look at your life now
From light to dark, big to small
they didn't know God loved them all
Look at your life now
When they first went to the moon
beyond the moon didn't they see
there wasn't anything they couldn't do
there wasn't anything they couldn't be
They discovered nucleair power
As if to fullfill the dues they curse
for what happens next, my heart hurts (oh)
They call the planet Earth "Tears, eye water"
They call the planet Earth "fear, eye water"
Such a waste of clear eye water
Such a waste of real eye water
(No, no no, no no)
They call the planet Earth (planet Earth, planet Earth)
(No, no no no)
They call the planet Earth (planet Earth, planet Earth)
(No, no no no)
They call the planet Earth -anet Earth -anet Earth -
anet Earth -anet Earth (Call it)
-anet Earth (Call it) -anet Earth (Call it) -anet Earth
(Call it) -anet Earth
Call the Pl-anet Earth
Call the Pl-anet Earth
Call the Pl-anet Earth
Call the Pl-anet Earth -anet Earth -anet Earth -anet
Earth -anet Earth
Such a -anet Earth
Such a -anet Earth
Such a -anet Earth
Such a -anet Earth
(Whoaw) -anet Earth
(Whoaw) -anet Earth
(Whoaw) -anet Earth
(Whoaw) -anet Earth
-anet Earth -anet Earth -anet Earth

As far as I can remember
You've always been around
Even when I didn't know you
You were the one the only one
All I ever wanted babe
Is die with you one day
Two as one
Just like yesterday
I wanna be your lover
Should we make it tighter
Be a slave to your rhythm
Should we make it out
I wanna be your lover
Should we make it tighter
Be a slave to your rhythm
All I want is just one thing
It's to never see you sad
I'll steal your tears and ride the lightning
And the four winds to make them dry
First and lost we'll always be babe
Whatever we do
Together forever
Just like lovers do
I wanna be your lover
Should we make it tighter
Be a slave to your rhythm
Should we make it out
I wanna be your lover
Should we make it tighter
Be a slave to your rhythm
Should we make it out
Back and forth
Step forward
Until four your eyes can't see
Back and forth
Step forward
Stand before and count on me
How can get to know you
How can how can
How can I get one more kiss
How can how can
How can I get one more miss

I found a better life in memories
Coastal water lines on the sea
And man it hurts me to do it
When my life's gone through it all
and I say I shouldn't, you see right through it all,
All all all, ohhhh
And it's the price we pay when nobody will stay
For the love we made, it just don't work that way
Man it hurts me to do it
When my life's gone through it all
And I say I shouldn't, you see right through it al,
All all, ohhhhhhh
And it feels like changing fortune, theirs a long way
They say that if the clock is right it's a bad time
Because you crushed our love
Bermuda, in the night you dance with me
I thought that all my friends were over me
And man it hurts me to do it
When my life's gone through it all
And I say I shouldn't, you see right through it all,
All all, ohhohohoho
And it's the price we pay, when nobody will stay
For the love we made, it just don't work out that way
Man it hurts me to do it
When my life's gone through it all
And I say i shouldn't, you see right through it all
All, oh oh oh
And it feels like changing fortune, theirs a long way
They say that if the clock is right it's a bad time
Because you crushed our love
Bermuda, in the night you dance with me
I thought that all my friends were over me
Oh Bermuda, i'm alone

Make changes yourself !

  • Order:
  • Duration: 49:25
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013
SuperNationals 2010 - Anthony Abbasse ( Sodi / Maxter ) - KZ2 Heat 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:26
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013
SuperNationals 2010, 1ere manche des KZ2 avec Anthony Abbasse ( Sodi / Maxter )
  • published: 20 Nov 2010
  • views: 13601
  • author: MOVIEKART 2010 - Anthony Abbasse ( Sodi / Maxter ) - KZ2 Heat 1
Thomas Knopper, 1e serie DKM, KZ2, KSDM
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:54
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013
On 9-8-2009 Thomas died during the DKM race in Liedolsheim.;=_t&hl;=nl&ie;=UTF-8&u; Knopper, 1e serie DKM, KZ2, KSDM
Hero3 HD GoPro - KZ2 - Trofeo Margutti Lonato 2013 - Serkos Movsefsian - Manche 2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:32
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013
Hero3 HD GoPro - KZ2 - Trofeo Margutti Lonato 2013 - Serkos Movsefsian - Manche 2. HD GoPro - KZ2 - Trofeo Margutti Lonato 2013 - Serkos Movsefsian - Manche 2
FIA/CIK Karting World Cup 2012 KZ2/KZ1 - SARNO, ITALY
  • Order:
  • Duration: 49:00
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2013
FIA/CIK Karting World Cup KZ2/KZ1 - SARNO, ITALY. Karting World Cup 2012 KZ2/KZ1 - SARNO, ITALY
Järfälla 2012-07-14 SM KZ2 Final
  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:57
  • Updated: 08 Apr 2013
Järfälla 2012-07-14 SM KZ2 Final.
  • published: 16 Jul 2012
  • views: 1346
  • author: MrBJHRärfälla 2012-07-14 SM KZ2 Final
Karting OnBoard 2ª carrera 4ª Social Cibuyo 18-12-2011   1ª Manga KZ2 - Piloto Soma.wmv
  • Order:
  • Duration: 19:12
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013
Darle las gracias a Soma por dejarnos instalar nuevamente la camara en su kart y por el trabajo que tuvo que hacer (aparte de conducir) recolocando la camara... OnBoard 2ª carrera 4ª Social Cibuyo 18-12-2011 1ª Manga KZ2 - Piloto Soma.wmv
Super Fast Kart - Karting 1 KZ2 Track Test
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:49
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2013 test out a Tecno Kart mounted with a TM KZ10 engine. Written Review Here: Is KZ the... Fast Kart - Karting 1 KZ2 Track Test
CIK Stars of Karting 2013 Ipswich KZ2 On Board
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46
  • Updated: 14 Jul 2013
2013 CIK Stars of Karting Round 1. A couple of hot laps around the Ipswich Kart Track in the KZ2 Footage taken from Final 2 Driver: Cameron Hill Top-Kart / T... Stars of Karting 2013 Ipswich KZ2 On Board
Kerpen Kz2 Onboard
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:25
  • Updated: 27 Jun 2013

  • published: 21 Feb 2011
  • views: 13727
  • author: 2011CRG Kz2 Onboard
Onboard KZ2 Vysoké Mýto
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:26
  • Updated: 13 May 2013
5. závod KC-2.rozjížďka.
  • published: 26 Jul 2010
  • views: 1318
  • author: birel26 KZ2 Vysoké Mýto
David Senra - Campeón Gallego Karting KZ2 2011 (subtitulado) - 1ª parte
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:41
  • Updated: 02 Jun 2013
Parte I - Reportaje sobre David Senra, piloto campeón gallego de karting en categoría KZ2, año 2011. 2012 © Santiago Díaz / Álvaro Novo http://photo.multisan... Senra - Campeón Gallego Karting KZ2 2011 (subtitulado) - 1ª parte
Marcus Boisen - Danish Superkart (DSK) Qualifying - KZ2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:37
  • Updated: 05 May 2013
Qulifying for the Danish championship on the track in Grindsted - Denmark Engine: Vortex Rvxx Kart: Energy kart Eclipse Driver: Marcus Boisen. Boisen - Danish Superkart (DSK) Qualifying - KZ2
Trofeo Margutti 2011 - Heat 2 - KZ2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:49
  • Updated: 22 May 2013
KZ heat race on sunday morning Driver: - Luca BAGATTINO GP chassis / TM
  • published: 21 Mar 2011
  • views: 11629
  • author: MyGPkart Margutti 2011 - Heat 2 - KZ2

CIK FIA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2013 Round 2 GENK KZ2 FINAL - Captured Live on Ustream at

CIK FIA EU­RO­PEAN CHAM­PI­ONSHIP 2013 Round 2 GENK KZ2 FINAL - Cap­tured Live on Us­tream at ht...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2013
Su­per­Na­tion­als 2010 - An­tho­ny Ab­basse ( Sodi / Max­ter ) - KZ2 Heat 1
Su­per­Na­tion­als 2010, 1ere manche des KZ2 avec An­tho­ny Ab­basse ( Sodi / Max­ter )...
pub­lished: 20 Nov 2010
au­thor: MOVIEKART
Thomas Knop­per, 1e serie DKM, KZ2, KSDM
On 9-8-2009 Thomas died dur­ing the DKM race in Liedol­sheim. http://​translate.​google.​nl/​tra...​
pub­lished: 27 Apr 2009
au­thor: Michael Melis
Hero3 HD GoPro - KZ2 - Tro­feo Margut­ti Lona­to 2013 - Serkos Movsef­sian - Manche 2
Hero3 HD GoPro - KZ2 - Tro­feo Margut­ti Lona­to 2013 - Serkos Movsef­sian - Manche 2....
pub­lished: 11 Mar 2013
FIA/CIK Kart­ing World Cup 2012 KZ2/KZ1 - SARNO, ITALY
FIA/CIK Kart­ing World Cup KZ2/KZ1 - SARNO, ITALY....
pub­lished: 07 Oct 2012
Järfälla 2012-07-14 SM KZ2 Final
Järfälla 2012-07-14 SM KZ2 Final....
pub­lished: 16 Jul 2012
au­thor: Mr­B­JHR
Kart­ing On­Board 2ª car­rera 4ª So­cial Cibuyo 18-12-2011 1ª Manga KZ2 - Pi­lo­to Soma.​wmv
Darle las gra­cias a Soma por de­jarnos in­sta­lar nue­va­mente la ca­ma­ra en su kart y por el tr...
pub­lished: 20 Dec 2011
Super Fast Kart - Kart­ing 1 KZ2 Track Test
Karting1.​co.​uk test out a Tecno Kart mount­ed with a TM KZ10 en­gine. Writ­ten Re­view Here: h...
pub­lished: 18 Apr 2010
CIK Stars of Kart­ing 2013 Ip­swich KZ2 On Board
2013 CIK Stars of Kart­ing Round 1. A cou­ple of hot laps around the Ip­swich Kart Track in t...
pub­lished: 04 Mar 2013
Ker­pen Kz2 On­board
pub­lished: 21 Feb 2011
au­thor: 2011CRG
On­board KZ2 Vysoké Mýto
5. závod KC-2.​rozjížďka....
pub­lished: 26 Jul 2010
au­thor: birel26
David Senra - Campeón Gal­lego Kart­ing KZ2 2011 (sub­ti­t­u­la­do) - 1ª parte
Parte I - Re­por­ta­je sobre David Senra, pi­lo­to campeón gal­lego de kart­ing en cat­e­goría KZ2,...
pub­lished: 23 Jan 2012
Mar­cus Boisen - Dan­ish Su­perkart (DSK) Qual­i­fy­ing - KZ2
Quli­fy­ing for the Dan­ish cham­pi­onship on the track in Grind­st­ed - Den­mark En­gine: Vor­tex R...
pub­lished: 21 Aug 2011
au­thor: Mar­cus Boisen
Tro­feo Margut­ti 2011 - Heat 2 - KZ2
KZ heat race on sun­day morn­ing Driv­er: - Luca BAGAT­TI­NO GP chas­sis / TM www.​gpracing.​it....
pub­lished: 21 Mar 2011
au­thor: MyG­P­kart
Youtube results:
KZ2 Кубок России 2011 on­board video
pub­lished: 31 Dec 2011
Final KZ2 Jönköping kart­ing gokart 10 06 06.​mp4
Gokart Jönköping KZ2. Förare: Robin Jon­s­son. Lång ver­sion. För mer filmer, bilder och anna...
pub­lished: 11 Jun 2010
au­thor: wwwhem­borg
Daniel Bray at Genk Eu­ro­pean KZ2 Cham­pi­onship
GP driv­er Daniel Bray pow­ered by TM TEC-SAV motor. Sat­ur­day heat race. Eu­ro­pean cham­pi­onsh...
pub­lished: 08 Jul 2013
au­thor: MyG­P­kart
2012 CIK Stars of Kart­ing - Pro Gear­box (KZ2) - Part 2
Part 2 of 3 - De­scribed as the For­mu­la One of kart­ing, the Pro Gear­box cat­e­go­ry is the fas...
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2013
photo: AP / Seth Wenig
A boa constrictor sits in its cage during a press conference at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2010. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar speaks announced a proposed ban on bringing Burmese pythons and eight other kinds of large snakes in the country, saying they threaten the environment.
Edit Toronto Sun
06 Aug 2013
Autopsies will be done Tuesday in Saint John on the two young brothers believed to have been strangled to death by a python that escaped from a pet store in northern New Brunswick. Connor Barthe, 5, and his brother Noah, 7, were found lifeless in an apartment above Reptile Ocean in Cambellton, about 475 km north of Saint John, after 6.30 a.m. Monday ... "My body is in shock ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
photo: AP / Arshad Butt
Pakistani's carry an injured police officer from the site of a bombing in Quetta, Pakistan, Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013.
Edit Swissinfo
08 Aug 2013
 . Reuters. August 8, 2013 - 15.41. By Gul Yusufzai. QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed 30 people at the funeral of a policeman in Pakistan on Thursday, including five senior police officers, in the third deadly attack on government targets in two weeks. A Reuters reporter at the scene in the western city of Quetta described chaos as injured police struggled to carry bloodstained colleagues into ambulances ... U.S ... U.S ... ....(size: 15.2Kb)
photo: USMC / Cpl. Lynn P. Walker, Jr.
Battered religious figures stand watch on a hill above a tattered valley, Nagasaki, Japan, September 24, 1945, 6 weeks after the city was destroyed by the world's second atomic bomb attack.
06 Aug 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "Our national security can only be assured on a very broad and comprehensive front." -Navy Secretary James Forrestal, 1945 ... In truth, the two atomic bombs (code named Manhattan Project), which at its height employed 150,000 people and cost $24 billion in today's currency, was the major foundation of America's monolithic national security system that would stretch around the globe ... Joseph E....(size: 7.3Kb)
photo: AP / Manish Bhandari
Indian children eat free school lunch at a school in Bodhgaya, Bihar state, India, Wednesday, July 17, 2013. At least 23 children died and more than two dozen others were sick after eating a free school lunch that was tainted with insecticide.
08 Aug 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. It is tragic that Mahatma Gandhi's formative sacrament was rejected when India declared. "Why should we bother with food? Our reserves are the wheat fields of Kansas." ... Such policies caused severe food shortages, even famines. It also bankrupted many rural communities and farmers which depended on small-scale farming and its simple methods of producing foods ... poisoned foods....(size: 5.3Kb)
photo: AP / Hani Mohammed
Police in an armored vehicle secure a road leading to the U.S. embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013. The State Department on Tuesday ordered non-essential personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Yemen to leave the country.
Edit CBC
07 Aug 2013
The closing of embassies in the Middle East and North Africa by the U.S. and other Western countries "due to the continued potential for terrorist attacks" has once again focused attention on the Yemen-based group, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. In May, U.S. President Barack Obama identified AQAP as the al-Qaeda branch "most active in plotting against our homeland." ... Shortly after the attack on the U.S ... expelling U.S ... lawmakers ... U.S....(size: 7.5Kb)

Edit Scoop
23 Jul 2013
Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 12.19 pm. Press Release.. First & Third for Bray in Colorado ... It is in mid August and immediately afterwards he will be back on an aeroplane to Europe where he will contest the CIK-FIA International KZ2 Super Cup meeting at Varennes in France over the September 21/22 weekend for the GP Karts team. Ends.  . {parsetags. 'explicit'}  .  . ....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit Scoop
23 May 2013
The appearance of rising Australian driver Ricky Capo will add spice to the KZ2 class grid at the fourth round of this year's Formula S ProKart Series at Tokoroa this weekend ... Also, I have known Ryan Grant, who is currently leading the KZ2 class, since I was seven-years-old; he has been a big role model in my racing career to date and I am looking forward to racing him this weekend." ... KZ2 ... KZ2 Masters....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit Deccan Chronicle
12 May 2013
When Beitske Visser made her karting debut at the age of five; little did she know that she was on a path to become a groundbreaker and live life in the fast lane. She recorded continuous success in KZ2 and KZ1, and won the WSK Master Series championship title. By 2012, it was time for the rising star to step up once again, this time seamlessly stepping into open wheeled cars in the ADAC Formel Masters series ... It is what drives us....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Scoop
09 Apr 2013
Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 10.10 am. Press Release. KartSport. KARTSPORT NEW ZEALAND. Media information. For immediate release. * 2013 Superkarts USA Pro Tour. SpringNationals. Musselman Honda Circuit. Tucson Arizona. USA. Fri-Sun. April 12-14. 2013. 10-04-13. ROUND/SERIES PREVIEW ... At that meeting Bray successfully defended his New Zealand Open class title and finished a close second to GP Karts teammate Mathew Hamilton in the KZ2 title fight ... Ends ... ....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit Scoop
27 Mar 2013
In the Senior classes drivers to look out for include Auckland-based international Daniel Bray in both the KZ2 and Open classes, and brothers Daniel and Mathew Kinsman from Auckland along with long-time sparring partner Daniel Connor from Helensville, in 125cc Rotax Max Light ... is attempting three; 125cc Rotax Max Light, 100cc Yamaha Light and KZ2!....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit Scoop
11 Mar 2013
Press Release ... Aucklander Ryan Grant remains the driver to beat in the premier KZ2 class after two rounds of this year's Formula S KartSport ProKart Series ... Meanwhile, with last year's class winner Tom Curran sitting out this year's series, KZ2 Masters has so far proved the preserve of F 125 S club President Steve Brown, who qualified quickest and won all five races at Rotorua, including the new format reverse top six grid third heat ... ....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Scoop
06 Mar 2013
Aucklander Ryan Grant has been the dominant figure in the premier KZ2 class since New Zealand's Formula S KartSport club first set up its successful ProKart Series ... Reigning South Island KZ2 class sprint champion Chris Cox from Rangiora, and Aucklanders Shaun Grocock and Scott Reddish should also figure in the top six....(size: 3.5Kb)
Edit Scoop
27 Jan 2013
Ryan Grant's record setting run at KartSport New Zealand's annual Mi Sedaap instant noodles-backed CIK Trophy of New Zealand meeting in Wellington has continued, the Aucklander winning the premium senior KZ2 class title for a record-setting sixth time at the KartSport Wellington club's Wynn's Raceway at Kaitoke, Upper Hutt on Sunday ... KZ2 ... KZ2 Masters....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit Scoop
27 Nov 2012
Tuesday, 27 November 2012, 6.23 pm. Press Release. KartSport. 27-11-12. PRESS RELEASE ... The KZ2 (senior 125cc, 6 speed gearbox) KF2 (senior 125cc) and KF3 (junior 125cc) classes will contest their respective CIK Trophy of New Zealand. KZ2, KF3 and KZ2 Masters results will also count as the first round of 2012 ProKart Series (a six-round series contested throughout the North Island) ... Ends.  . {parsetags. 'explicit'}  .  . ....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Review Journal
20 Nov 2012
When most people think of go-kart racing, they probably think back to a mom-and-pop amusement park when they were kids. Edge of town, arcade with pinball machines, maybe one of those Pong consoles. Coin-operated batting cages, Skee-Ball. Lots of coin-operated stuff ... Lots of little kids ... Serious kart racing ... One of only eight Americans in the SuperPro/KZ2 class - which is as high as it gets - Olcott qualified 31st in a 33-kart field ... ....(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit Scoop
13 Nov 2012
Press Release. KartSport ... Leading that group is 2012 CIK Stars of Karting series KZ2 class champion Chris Hays who will compete in the KZ2 class ... Having dominated the S1 class from the first round of the SKUSA Pro Tour last year, then been one of the pace-setters and heat race winners at the KZ2 World Cup meeting in Italy earlier this year, Bray remains up-beat about his chances this weekend - despite being in third place in the points....(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit Scoop
22 Oct 2012
* KZ2 - Chris Cox from Rangiora ... Like James Penrose, Chris Cox also kept a long-held tradition of title-winning at the South Island meeting alive, this time claiming the KZ2 class silverware from Christchurch driver Matt Williams and Invercargill's Jamie Conroy ... KZ2....(size: 8.5Kb)

KZ2 is a kart racing class using 125 cc water-cooled two-stroke engines equipped with a 6-speed gearbox (about 42 hp). Technical regulations are similar to KZ1 except for the gearbox which must be "hand-operated and exclusively mechanical without a servo system", and the use of medium tires[1]. Both engines and chassis must be approved by the CIK-FIA racing governing commission. It is open to drivers aged 15 and up. Minimum weight is 175 kg with driver.

This class used to be called Intercontinental C (ICC) and was renamed by the CIK-FIA in January 2007.

The class is run in national and continental championships and is popular in Europe and the USA. In the UK the Northan Karting Federation (NKF) run the ABkC British gearbox championships called Super 4. In the UK for 2010, dunlop DCH's are the regulated tyres.

See also[link]


  1. ^ 2010 CIK-FIA Technical regulations - Article 12, Specific Regulations for KZ2 & KZ1, p. 350

External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Daniel Bray (born October 12, 1751, died December 5, 1819)[1] was a Captain on General George Washington's staff during the American Revolutionary War. Captain Bray, along with members of the Hunterdon County Militia under his command, collected the boats necessary for General George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas night, 1776 prior to the Battle of Trenton.[2]

A large portion of New Jersey Route 29 is named the Daniel Bray Highway in honor of Captain Bray's vital role in this critical phase of the Revolutionary War.

In 1903 Joseph F. Folsom wrote "The Ballad of Daniel Bray", which is printed in "Patriotic Poems of New Jersey" compiled by W. C. Armstrong, and in "Historic Trenton" by Louise Hewitt.[1]


This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.