Boucan-Carré (Haitian Creole: Boukan Kare) is a commune in the Mirebalais Arrondissement, in the Centre Department of Haiti.
It has 48,700 inhabitants. Two schools, a church, and a hospital within Boucan Carre are supported by the Haiti Outreach Program in Knoxville, Tennessee Give Haiti Hope.
Boucan Carre has seen some massive changes in the last few years with a new primary school completed in 2005, and the clinic has grown into a full-on hospital which is supported by Paul Farmer's organization, Partners In Health (known as Zanmi Lasante in Haitian Creole) out of Boston, MA.
Friday is Market Day and the population of Chambeau (the center of town) quadruples in size. Where there was rarely a vehicle of any kind there in 2004, there are now many motorbikes (China) and even 4x4 toyota trucks in the area now.
The Boucan-Carre River cuts through the center of the town of Chambeau. Please note that Haitian maps allow for different spellings of Boucan-Carre. Here are some other examples that can be found: Boukan Care, Boukan-Carre, Boucan-Kare).