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09 Aug 2013
Work to clear access to part of Fort Tourgis has got under way as part of a project aimed at encouraging more tourists to Alderney. Living Islands hopes to open historical sites and maintain the natural environment ... Redeveloping the fort has been talked about for decades ... is a wonderful viewing point for the RAMSAR site on the island looking out towards Burhou [and] the puffin colony there." ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
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17 May 2013
An urgent race is on to save injured seabirds following reports of a large oil slick. A large whitish spill with foaming edges has been spotted by airline passengers on the sea surface. Guillemots have been found coated in a clear substance which seems to be affecting their ability to fly ... "They were approximately 1km north of Alderney and only 1.km south east of Burhou, our main puffin, lesser black-backed and storm petrel colony....(size: 2.9Kb)
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30 Mar 2013
Islanders in Alderney are asked to report dead puffins on Burhou following concerns raised after thousands were found dead in Scotland and England ... Burhou, although later than last year....(size: 1.0Kb)
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03 Mar 2013
This month 175 pairs of Atlantic puffins are expected to return to the island of Burhou to raise their young ... Lifespan ... The trust has had webcams on Burhou, 2km north west of Alderney, for the past four years and in 2012 set up infra-red cameras to watch puffins in the day and storm petrels at night ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
