Posts Tagged ‘Comintern’

Herbert Moxon, a victim of the “Bolshevisation” of the Communist Party of Australia

February 28, 2006

Beris Penrose


Bob Gould

Beris Penrose is a historian who lives in Melbourne, and whose politics are in the International Socialist tradition. She has also written some extremely useful articles on occupational health and safety.


Speech to the 1922 congress of the Comintern

October 17, 2003

Jock Garden


Speaking on behalf of the Australian delegation, I may say that we affirm the theses as given by Comrade Lozovsky. Although the Australian Communist Party is a small party, I believe it has found the keynote to organisation, so far as the Anglo-Saxon movement is concerned. The Communist Party in Australia has a membership of nearly 1000, and yet is able to direct just close on 400,000 workers — that is, including 237,000 in the State of New South Wales — all organised workers — and 110,000 organised workers in Brisbane, Queensland.


The CPA and the Comintern

August 2, 2003

The Communist Party of Australia and the Communist International (1927-1929)

Barbara Curthoys

History indeed looks different when you know the end of the story. Christopher Hill

It has been generally accepted that the events at the ninth annual conference of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) in 1929, resulting in a change of leadership and the ousting of the “right-wing deviationists”, were a turning point in its history. The incidents which surrounded the 1929 conference, the characterisation of the leading players, the role of the Communist International (Comintern), and the estimation of its outcome have been variously interpreted but none doubt its significance. The period has been covered by a number of writers but the material recently made available by the Comintern Archives in Moscow may serve to illuminate the story further.1
