A newsletter for healthcare workers in New York City focused on struggles around hospital closures and care labor. The attached pdf is the newsletter Vital Signs.

A defiant communist faces the firing squad in Munich, 1919

In this piece @Aut_Omnia discusses the death of "the left" and the potential for the rebirth of the real movement.

A critique of Will Self's August article on psychiatry and "Big Pharma", focussing on the need to conjoin critique of the current practice of psychiatry with an analysis of its place within...


Strike supporter killed by police in Toledo, 1934

Jeremy Brecher's short history of the victorious strike at an auto parts plant in 1934, in which the unemployed played a key role in helping workers win the strike.


Notes from an anarchist communist from Houston, Texas living with HIV and Aids on living with the condition and a radical response to the epidemic.