Kurdish Genocide of Dersim / 1937-38
Never forget this massacre! Never forget this campaign of destruction! Tell your children ...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: Zagros Newroz Aryan Kurdistan
Kurdish Genocide of Dersim / 1937-38
Kurdish Genocide of Dersim / 1937-38
Never forget this massacre! Never forget this campaign of destruction! Tell your children from this horror!- published: 20 Nov 2011
- views: 2071
- author: Zagros Newroz Aryan Kurdistan
1938 Dersim Katliamı | Dersim Massacre - ÖZEL DOSYA
https://twitter.com/ZagrosPress https://www.facebook.com/Zagrospress....
published: 05 May 2013
author: Zagros87
1938 Dersim Katliamı | Dersim Massacre - ÖZEL DOSYA
1938 Dersim Katliamı | Dersim Massacre - ÖZEL DOSYA
https://twitter.com/ZagrosPress https://www.facebook.com/Zagrospress.- published: 05 May 2013
- views: 435
- author: Zagros87
Dersim Katliamı | Dersim Massaker | Komkujiya Dêrsimê | Dersim Massacre: Dersim Kürtleri
Kurdish Genocide/Genozid an den Kurden im Jahre 1938 in Dersim Völkermord an den Zaza-Kurd...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: AleviChannel
Dersim Katliamı | Dersim Massaker | Komkujiya Dêrsimê | Dersim Massacre: Dersim Kürtleri
Dersim Katliamı | Dersim Massaker | Komkujiya Dêrsimê | Dersim Massacre: Dersim Kürtleri
Kurdish Genocide/Genozid an den Kurden im Jahre 1938 in Dersim Völkermord an den Zaza-Kurden in Dersim im Jahre 1937-38 durch den Tyrannen und Mörder Mustafa...- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 1025
- author: AleviChannel
1937-1938 Dersim Kurd genocide school project.
I know its weird putting up things for school on you tube instead of teacher tube(which is...
published: 13 May 2010
author: WetRagProductions
1937-1938 Dersim Kurd genocide school project.
1937-1938 Dersim Kurd genocide school project.
I know its weird putting up things for school on you tube instead of teacher tube(which is gay) but research for this project wasnt easy. any explanation I c...- published: 13 May 2010
- views: 1423
- author: WetRagProductions
La Turquie s'excuse pour le massacre du Dersim dans les années 30
http://fr.euronews.net/ "S'il est nécessaire que l'on s'excuse au nom de l'Etat, je m'excu...
published: 23 Nov 2011
author: euronewsfr
La Turquie s'excuse pour le massacre du Dersim dans les années 30
La Turquie s'excuse pour le massacre du Dersim dans les années 30
http://fr.euronews.net/ "S'il est nécessaire que l'on s'excuse au nom de l'Etat, je m'excuserai, et je m'excuse". Le Premier ministre turc a brisé un tabou d...- published: 23 Nov 2011
- views: 1271
- author: euronewsfr
Dêrsim Massaker 38 - Komkujiya Dêrsim 38 - Massacre of Dêrsim 38 - Dêrsim Katliamı 38
DAS DERSIM-MASSAKER 1937/38: Nach der Niederschlagung des Seyh Sait Aufstandes 1925 in meh...
published: 25 Dec 2009
author: XorteXozatim
Dêrsim Massaker 38 - Komkujiya Dêrsim 38 - Massacre of Dêrsim 38 - Dêrsim Katliamı 38
Dêrsim Massaker 38 - Komkujiya Dêrsim 38 - Massacre of Dêrsim 38 - Dêrsim Katliamı 38
DAS DERSIM-MASSAKER 1937/38: Nach der Niederschlagung des Seyh Sait Aufstandes 1925 in mehreren Regionen und der damit errungenen Kontrolle über weite Teile ...- published: 25 Dec 2009
- views: 6510
- author: XorteXozatim
TÜRK FASCiSMI HD movie (Destruction of DERSIM and genocide of Kurds) 720p HD
The most shamefull act of Pan-Turk FASCISM known as the Dersim massacres took place in 193...
published: 18 Sep 2013
TÜRK FASCiSMI HD movie (Destruction of DERSIM and genocide of Kurds) 720p HD
TÜRK FASCiSMI HD movie (Destruction of DERSIM and genocide of Kurds) 720p HD
The most shamefull act of Pan-Turk FASCISM known as the Dersim massacres took place in 1937 against tens of thousands of Kurdish civilians. Click here for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dersim_massacre And please note that Recep Erdogan can stick his appology up his ass, because Turkey has no right to speak on behalf of the Kurds, Kurds deserve to have their own country. And they definetly do not belong under Turkish occupation, they are an Aryan (Iranian) nation that had profound effect on development of modern European cullture. Unlike Turkey, whose only part in European history were raids and mindless slaughters.- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 39
Black Carriage -The Dersim Ekiles 1938 (Documentary about of Kurdish genocide)
published: 15 Oct 2011
author: Zagros Aryan Toros
Black Carriage -The Dersim Ekiles 1938 (Documentary about of Kurdish genocide)
Black Carriage -The Dersim Ekiles 1938 (Documentary about of Kurdish genocide)
- views: 1542
- author: Zagros Aryan Toros
Kürdistan gercegi 3D Part-2 (Dersim Katliami)
9- Parts. This is a video (9-parts) about the Kurdish reality and the drama the kurds live...
published: 15 Feb 2013
author: arman1938
Kürdistan gercegi 3D Part-2 (Dersim Katliami)
Kürdistan gercegi 3D Part-2 (Dersim Katliami)
9- Parts. This is a video (9-parts) about the Kurdish reality and the drama the kurds live. A Folk with 35 million citizen is split in 4 countries; turkey, s...- published: 15 Feb 2013
- views: 142
- author: arman1938
Boryayın-Munzur Doğa Ve Kültür Festv.Mazgirt Proğramı-Halaylarımız-2013 Mazgirt-Dersim
13.Munzur Kültür ve Doğa Festivali Mazgirt Programı'dan Yansıyanlar
Mazgirt-Demokrasi ve Ö...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Boryayın-Munzur Doğa Ve Kültür Festv.Mazgirt Proğramı-Halaylarımız-2013 Mazgirt-Dersim
Boryayın-Munzur Doğa Ve Kültür Festv.Mazgirt Proğramı-Halaylarımız-2013 Mazgirt-Dersim
13.Munzur Kültür ve Doğa Festivali Mazgirt Programı'dan Yansıyanlar Mazgirt-Demokrasi ve Özgürlük Parkı-Davul-Zurna Eşliğinde Çekilen Halaylarımız ve Halkımız 2013-Mazgirt-Dersim Söyleşi-Çekim-Yapım-Yayın:Mustafa Bor-Bor Yayın- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 280
Peshmerga: Women Warriors of Kurdistan
The Kurds have been fighting for their own country and basic human rights since it was div...
published: 24 Aug 2013
Peshmerga: Women Warriors of Kurdistan
Peshmerga: Women Warriors of Kurdistan
The Kurds have been fighting for their own country and basic human rights since it was divided after World War 1, into 4 parts: Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran. All of the occupying countries and the ethnicities (Arabs, Persians and Turks) have committed major genocides and massacres against the Kurdish nation. A few of these major genocides and massacres were: Zilan Massacre Year: 1930 Carried out by: Turkey Target: Kurdish Civilians Casualties: 47,000 killed Dersim Massacre Year: 1937-1938 Carried out by: Turkey Target: Kurdish Civilians Casualties: 70,000 Kurdish civilians murdered Poison Gas Attack on Halabja Date: 16 March 1988 Carried out by: The Iraqi Arab Regime General: Ali Chemicali (Sentenced to death by a Kurdish Judge from Halabja in 2007) Target: Kurdish Civilians Casualties: 5,000 Kurds killed within a few minutes, tens of thousands wounded Al-Anfal Campaign (Officially recognized as a Genocide) Year: 1986-1989 Carried out by: The Iraqi Arab Regime Leader: Saddam Hussein (Sentenced to death by a Kurdish Judge) Target: Kurdish Civilians Casualties: - 5,000 villages destroyed - 182,000 Kurdish civilians buried alive, shot, starved or tortured to death Qamishli Massacre Year: 2004 Carried out by: The Syrian Arab Regime (Assad) Target: Kurdish Civilians Casualties: 100 Kurdish civilians murdered Persian Islamist Campaign Year: 2008 Carried out by: Khamenei - Iranian Regime Target: Kurdish Civilians Casualties: 10,000 Kurdish civilians hanged Kurdish women have always played an important role in Kurdish culture. In times of peace, and in times of war. They are respected and carry important responsibilities in Kurdish economics, militarily and politics. This is a trailer for a short documentary about the Kurdish Peshmerga Warriors in the Southern Part (Liberated Part) of Greater Kurdistan.- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 3
Dersim Katliamı'nda Laç mağarasında öldürülenlerin kemikleri bulundu
Tunceli'de bulunan kemikler kime ait? Tunceli'de bugüne kadar askeri yasak bölge olan ve t...
published: 06 May 2013
author: Sinan KiziL
Dersim Katliamı'nda Laç mağarasında öldürülenlerin kemikleri bulundu
Dersim Katliamı'nda Laç mağarasında öldürülenlerin kemikleri bulundu
Tunceli'de bulunan kemikler kime ait? Tunceli'de bugüne kadar askeri yasak bölge olan ve terör olayları nedeniyle gidilemeyen Leç Deresi Vadisi içinde buluna...- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 1234
- author: Sinan KiziL
Doku über den Völkermord in Dersim 1938/37 Teil 1/7
Dokumentation über den Völkermord in Dersim (Heute:Tunceli) Die weiteren Teile werden demn...
published: 05 Sep 2010
author: EzKhalu
Doku über den Völkermord in Dersim 1938/37 Teil 1/7
Doku über den Völkermord in Dersim 1938/37 Teil 1/7
Dokumentation über den Völkermord in Dersim (Heute:Tunceli) Die weiteren Teile werden demnächst ins Netz gestellt. Die Übersetzungen werden auch nachträglich...- published: 05 Sep 2010
- views: 8344
- author: EzKhalu
Youtube results:
Dersim 38 Belgeseli--Çayan Demirel
Yapımcı ve yönetmen: Çayan Demirel
Yapım ülkesi: Türkiye - 2006 Süre 67'
Özgün Dili: Türkç...
published: 05 Jan 2014
Dersim 38 Belgeseli--Çayan Demirel
Dersim 38 Belgeseli--Çayan Demirel
Yapımcı ve yönetmen: Çayan Demirel Yapım ülkesi: Türkiye - 2006 Süre 67' Özgün Dili: Türkçe, Kırmancki Altyazı: İngilizce 1937-1938 yıllarında Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin, ulus-devlet anlayışını oturtmak istediği Dersim bölgesinde yaşananlar tanıkların ve sanıkların gözlerinden 68 yıl sonra bu belgeselde "sessiz bir çığlık" olarak geliyor karşımıza... Ayrıntılı bilgi için bkz: http://surelafilm.com/film-detay.aspx?id=3- published: 05 Jan 2014
- views: 21
1938 Massenmord und Völkermord in Dersim in KURDISTAN
1938 Massenmord und Völkermord in Dersim in KURDISTAN durch die Türkei....
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: biji Dersim
1938 Massenmord und Völkermord in Dersim in KURDISTAN
1938 Massenmord und Völkermord in Dersim in KURDISTAN
1938 Massenmord und Völkermord in Dersim in KURDISTAN durch die Türkei.- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 322
- author: biji Dersim