The Wayback Machine -
Cartoon Network's Last Bell Breaks: Ed, Edd & Eddy (2003)
Opening to The Lion King 2003 DVD
Cartoon Network UK - Ads and continuity (October 2003) (5)
Cartoon Network Latino 2003 (1)
Opening To Larry Boy and the Good the Bad and Eggly 2003 VHS (Fake)
Cartoon - Knights Nightmare (Dynamic Range 12)
90's cartoons and kids shows to 2003

King (TV series)

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Make changes yourself !

Cartoon Network's Last Bell Breaks: Ed, Edd & Eddy (2003)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:54
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013
These breaks come from the short lived Cartoon Network programming block entitled "Last Bell". This is from a Tuesday, so the program was "Ed, Edd, & Eddy". ... Network's Last Bell Breaks: Ed, Edd & Eddy (2003)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:22
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013
Get Your BBTS Exclusives and collectibles Here;;_medium=banner&utm;_campaign=sportswolf3... DC JUSTICE LEAGUE ADVENTURES SET OF 8 BURGER KING KIDS MEAL TOYS VIDEO REVIEW
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:50
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013
Get Your BBTS Exclusives and collectibles Here;;_medium=banner&utm;_campaign=sportswolf3... BURGER KING CARTOON NETWORK WACKY RACING TEAM SET OF 5 KIDS MEAL TOY REVIEW
Opening to The Lion King 2003 DVD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:42
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED!!! Requested by NateJ2100. Here's the order: 1. FBI Warning screens 2. Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo 3. "Sneak Peek"... to The Lion King 2003 DVD
Cartoon Network UK - Ads and continuity (October 2003) (5)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:43
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013
Last one, I swear. CONTENTS!: 1) Promo for Cartoon Network / Boomerang / Toonami 2) Boobah Light n' Sound Spinners ad 3) Kiwi Fresh Force ad 4) Poorly Poppy ... Network UK - Ads and continuity (October 2003) (5)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:02
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
After all these years, this is still the only cartoon ever made that celebrates Martin Luther King Day. Charlie Brown and the gang celebrate the King's Birth...'S MLK DAY CHARLIE BRO (2003)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:16
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013
Get Your BBTS Exclusives and collectibles Here;;_medium=banner&utm;_campaign=sportswolf3... SCOOBY-DOO 2 MONSTERS UNLEASHED SET OF 5 BURGER KING KID'S MEAL MOVIE TOY'S VIDEO REVIEW
Cartoon Network Latino 2003 (1)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:54
  • Updated: 01 May 2013
Cartoon Network, Boomerang y todos los elementos relacionados son marcas exclusivas y propiedad de Turner Broadcasting System. Esta video ha sido compartido ... Network Latino 2003 (1)
Opening To Larry Boy and the Good the Bad and Eggly 2003 VHS (Fake)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:48
  • Updated: 11 Jul 2013
Here's The Order: 1.FBI Warnings 2.Jonah A Veggie Tales Movie Trailer 3.Veggie Tales: The Wonderful World of Auto-tainment! Trailer 4.Veggie Tales: The Star ...
  • published: 28 Jul 2012
  • views: 41911
  • author: liam taheny To Larry Boy and the Good the Bad and Eggly 2003 VHS (Fake)
Cartoon - Knights Nightmare (Dynamic Range 12)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:38
  • Updated: 14 Jul 2013
From Album "Bigorna - The Real History of King Arthur & The Knights of The Round Table" 2003 Line-up / Musicians - Khadhu / bass, voc... - Knights Nightmare (Dynamic Range 12)
90's cartoons and kids shows to 2003
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:41
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013
This video have almost all the tv cartoons and shows i grew up watching as a child. Nickelodeon, Disney, PBS, Fox Kids, Cartoon Network, ABC, and more.'s cartoons and kids shows to 2003
The King And I part 7
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:57
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2013
Part 7 - the 1999 animated feature.. ENJOY :) p.s. COPYRIGHT GOES TO THE DISTRIBUTING COMPANIES AND FILMMAKERS and blablablabla I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING... mayb...
  • published: 16 Sep 2009
  • views: 242726
  • author: foloija King And I part 7
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013
Get Your BBTS Exclusives and collectibles Here;;_medium=banner&utm;_campaign=sportswolf3... BURGER KING SCOOBY-DOO SET OF 5 KIDS MEAL TOY REVIEW

Make changes yourself !

Michael Mando - King (2011) /
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:50
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013
Twitter: (@mandomichael) Facebook: Instagram: michaelmando Imdb: http://www.imd... Mando - King (2011) /
King 1x01 scene - Spears kisses King
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:46
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013
Canadian Crime Show starring Alan van Sprang (Detective Spears) and Amy Price Francis (King). I fell in love with this show some time ago (and it was this sc... 1x01 scene - Spears kisses King
King - :30 Trailer
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:32
  • Updated: 23 Jul 2013
A woman. A cop. The king of the force. Amy Price-Francis stars as the fearless and imaginative homicide detective Jessica King. KING premieres Sunday, April ... - :30 Trailer
Shooting on the set of
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:03
  • Updated: 27 Feb 2012
ALERT! PREMIERES WED., FEB. 29, ON SHOWCASE, NOT SUNDAY AS SLATED AT THE END OF THIS VIDEO. A visit to the set of the Showcase crime series "King." Stars Amy...
  • published: 24 Feb 2012
  • views: 364
  • author: Bill Brioux on the set of "King"
King - Sunday at 9 on Showcase
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:33
  • Updated: 10 Jun 2013
A woman. A cop. The king of the force. Amy Price-Francis stars as the fearless and imaginative homicide detective Jessica King. KING premieres Sunday, April ... - Sunday at 9 on Showcase
King - Coming this April to Showcase
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:07
  • Updated: 10 Jun 2013
A woman. A cop. The king of the force. Amy Price-Francis stars as the fearless and imaginative homicide detective Jessica King. KING premieres Sunday, April ... - Coming this April to Showcase
Amy Price Francis
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:30
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013
Amy Price Francis interviews with Price Francis
Californication -  Orgie v Kalifornii (Californication) - SK dabing
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:33
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013
Ukážka slovenského dabingu seriálu Californication - Orgie v Kalifornii (Californication). V slovenskom znení: Miloslav Kráľ - David Duchovny (Hank Moody), L...
  • published: 01 Oct 2011
  • views: 15066
  • author: Dado513 - Orgie v Kalifornii (Californication) - SK dabing
King - Clips - Richard Young
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 11 Feb 2013
Richard Young in the Showcase television series "King" Website: Twitter: IMDB: http://... - Clips - Richard Young
Watch King Season 2 Episode 6 Online Free
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:31
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2012
Click Here :) season 2 episode guide king of thrones season 2 premiere king of thrones season 2 premiere date king of thrones ... King Season 2 Episode 6 Online Free
Watch King Season 2 Episode 6 Promo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:31
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2012
Click Here :) season 2 episode guide king of thrones season 2 premiere king of thrones season 2 premiere date king of thrones ... King Season 2 Episode 6 Promo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:42
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013
It Ok i guess u mite fink it is weird it is but owell. FRANCIS'S FAB VIDIO SHE MADE
Endgame: Kings Pawn to Queen 7
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:19
  • Updated: 08 Jun 2013
Please sign the petition to save Endgame on Showcase! Endgame Season 1 starring Shawn Doyle, Katharine Isabelle, Patrick Gallagher, Torra...
  • published: 04 Jul 2011
  • views: 2267
  • author: Ariessfij Kings Pawn to Queen 7

Twitter: (@mandomichael) Facebook: Instagram: michaelmando Imdb: http://www.imd...

Car­toon Net­work's Last Bell Breaks: Ed, Edd & Eddy (2003)
These breaks come from the short lived Car­toon Net­work pro­gram­ming block en­ti­tled "Last Be...
pub­lished: 23 Jan 2012
Get Your BBTS Ex­clu­sives and col­lectibles Here; http://​www.​bigbadtoystore.​com/​bbts/​default...​
pub­lished: 30 May 2013
Get Your BBTS Ex­clu­sives and col­lectibles Here; http://​www.​bigbadtoystore.​com/​bbts/​default...​
pub­lished: 08 May 2013
Open­ing to The Lion King 2003 DVD
NO COPY­RIGHT IN­FRINGE­MENT IN­TEND­ED!!! Re­quest­ed by Nate­J2100. Here's the order: 1. FBI War...
pub­lished: 14 Jul 2013
Car­toon Net­work UK - Ads and con­ti­nu­ity (Oc­to­ber 2003) (5)
Last one, I swear. CON­TENTS!: 1) Promo for Car­toon Net­work / Boomerang / Toon­a­mi 2) Boobah...
pub­lished: 10 May 2012
After all these years, this is still the only car­toon ever made that cel­e­brates Mar­tin Lut...
pub­lished: 16 Dec 2011
pub­lished: 01 May 2013
au­thor: ha­ha1ho
Get Your BBTS Ex­clu­sives and col­lectibles Here; http://​www.​bigbadtoystore.​com/​bbts/​default...​
pub­lished: 17 Jul 2013
Car­toon Net­work Lati­no 2003 (1)
Car­toon Net­work, Boomerang y todos los el­e­men­tos rela­ciona­dos son mar­cas ex­clu­si­vas y prop...
pub­lished: 04 Apr 2011
au­thor: TheRetroboy85
Open­ing To Larry Boy and the Good the Bad and Eggly 2003 VHS (Fake)
Here's The Order: 1.​FBI Warn­ings 2.​Jonah A Veg­gie Tales Movie Trail­er 3.​Veggie Tales: The ...
pub­lished: 28 Jul 2012
au­thor: liam tahe­ny
Car­toon - Knights Night­mare (Dy­nam­ic Range 12)
From Album "Big­or­na - The Real His­to­ry of King Arthur & The Knights of The Round Table" 20...
pub­lished: 22 Dec 2010
90's car­toons and kids shows to 2003
This video have al­most all the tv car­toons and shows i grew up watch­ing as a child. Nick­el...
pub­lished: 13 May 2009
The King And I part 7
Part 7 - the 1999 an­i­mat­ed fea­ture.. ENJOY :) p.s. COPY­RIGHT GOES TO THE DIS­TRIBUT­ING COMP...
pub­lished: 16 Sep 2009
au­thor: foloi­ja
Get Your BBTS Ex­clu­sives and col­lectibles Here; http://​www.​bigbadtoystore.​com/​bbts/​default...​
pub­lished: 08 May 2013
Youtube results:
Fake Trans­form­ers - Super Robot Bird King And Friends | Ashens
http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​extraashens for more video good­ness from me. Super Robot Bird ...
pub­lished: 21 Oct 2011
au­thor: ashens
Don't Piss Off Se­nior Cit­i­zens (Car­toon from 2003)
It's the 10th an­niver­sary of one of the first shorts I ever made. I had com­plete­ly for­got...
pub­lished: 08 May 2013
Frodo Of The 9000 Fin­gers
This is a fair use par­o­dy. The footage comes from The Re­turn of the King car­toon. The cart...
pub­lished: 13 Mar 2012
au­thor: Metroid­Kong
Car­toon-The Warn­ing(2003)
Eclec­tic Prog • Brazil http://​www.​soul-trains.​blogspot.​gr/...​
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2012

Twitter: (@mandomichael) Facebook: Instagram: michaelmando Imdb: http://www.imd...

Michael Mando - King (2011) / www.​michaelmando.​com
Twit­ter: http://​twitter.​com/​MandoMichael (@man­domichael) Face­book: http://​www.​facebook.​com...
pub­lished: 27 May 2011
King 1x01 scene - Spears kiss­es King
Cana­di­an Crime Show star­ring Alan van Sprang (De­tec­tive Spears) and Amy Price Fran­cis (Kin...
pub­lished: 28 Apr 2012
au­thor: BadRed­Fluffy
King - :30 Trail­er
A woman. A cop. The king of the force. Amy Price-Fran­cis stars as the fear­less and imag­i­na...
pub­lished: 08 Apr 2011
Shoot­ing on the set of "King"
pub­lished: 24 Feb 2012
au­thor: Bill Brioux
King - Sun­day at 9 on Show­case
A woman. A cop. The king of the force. Amy Price-Fran­cis stars as the fear­less and imag­i­na...
pub­lished: 15 Apr 2011
King - Com­ing this April to Show­case
A woman. A cop. The king of the force. Amy Price-Fran­cis stars as the fear­less and imag­i­na...
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2011
Amy Price Fran­cis
Amy Price Fran­cis in­ter­views with www.​WorldWIdeWebtv.​com....
pub­lished: 30 Dec 2008
Cal­i­for­ni­ca­tion - Orgie v Kali­fornii (Cal­i­for­ni­ca­tion) - SK dabing
Ukážka sloven­ského dabin­gu seriálu Cal­i­for­ni­ca­tion - Orgie v Kali­fornii (Cal­i­for­ni­ca­tion)....
pub­lished: 01 Oct 2011
au­thor: Dado513
King - Clips - Richard Young
Richard Young in the Show­case tele­vi­sion se­ries "King" Web­site: http://​www.​richardy­oun­goff...
pub­lished: 22 Nov 2011
Watch King Sea­son 2 Episode 6 On­line Free
Click Here :) http://​tinygaleurl.​com?9d­m2zwn sea­son 2 episode guide king of thrones sea­son...
pub­lished: 04 Apr 2012
Watch King Sea­son 2 Episode 6 Promo
Click Here :) http://​tinygaleurl.​com?9d­m2zwn sea­son 2 episode guide king of thrones sea­son...
pub­lished: 04 Apr 2012
It Ok i guess u mite fink it is weird it is but owell....
pub­lished: 11 Mar 2008
Füße,Schuhe,feet,foot, shoes (1).MPG
pub­lished: 05 Apr 2011
au­thor: s160s
Endgame: Kings Pawn to Queen 7
Please sign the pe­ti­tion to save Endgame on Show­case! www.​saveendgame.​com Endgame Sea­son 1...
pub­lished: 04 Jul 2011
au­thor: Ariess­fij
Youtube results:
Sport Fights 2009-2013 | HD
When things turn ugly. Enjoy the video :) ➜ Twit­ter: https://​twitter.​com/​mohamed_​oundir ...
pub­lished: 10 Jun 2013
Michael Mando - Ter­ri­to­ries (2010) / www.​michaelmando.​com
Twit­ter: http://​twitter.​com/​MandoMichael (@man­domichael) Face­book: http://​www.​facebook.​com...
pub­lished: 03 Oct 2011
réponse @Aliouine et com­eran­ic -un Video con­tre les traitres- vive le roi M6.​mp4
Bladi­Par­adis says : live my king M6---Al­lah Al­watan Al­ma­lik....
pub­lished: 20 Apr 2011
Endgame In­ter­ac­tive
http://​www.​showcase.​ca/​endgame/​ -- Endgame In­ter­ac­tive is a trans­me­dia episode cre­at­ed to ...
pub­lished: 05 Dec 2011
photo: AP / Vietnam News Agency
Hundreds of thousands evacuated as Typhoon Fitow hits China's east coast
Edit South China Morning Post
07 Oct 2013
Typhoon Fitow barrelled into into China's east coast early Monday, packing winds of more than 200 kilometres an hour as hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated and bullet train services suspended, state media reported. At least one person was killed, China National Radio (CNR) said in an online report ... Zhejiang has so far evacuated more than 574,000 people, while in Fujian 177,000 have been displaced, Xinhua said ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)
photo: White House / Pete Souza
President Barack Obama meets with senior staff in Chief of Staff Denis McDonough's office in the West Wing of the White House, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2013.
Edit Richmond Times Dispatch
09 Oct 2013
WASHINGTON President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, offered hints of possible compromise but also traded heated rhetoric Tuesday. The frustratingly inconclusive combination left the eight-day partial government shutdown firmly in place and the threat of an unprecedented national default drawing closer ... But he added that it was not enough to warrant optimism. Stocks fell significantly as political gridlock endured ... ....(size: 4.3Kb)
photo: WN / Sweet Radoc
Amazon - Website
Edit Mashable
09 Oct 2013
Amazon has won the latest round in a battle with IBM to build a massive computer cloud for intelligence agencies. Judge Thomas Wheeler of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ruled in Amazon’s favor after oral arguments held behind closed doors on Monday ... Judge Wheeler ordered that Amazon may immediately re-start work on the CIA contract, according to a of his order from the bench ... The U.S ... Image ... Looking Ahead to Obamacare's Day 2....(size: 2.6Kb)
photo: AP / Manu Brabo
Kurdish members of the FSA are seen on a tank stolen from the Syrian Army in Fafeen village, north of Aleppo province, Syria, Wednesday, Dec 12, 2012.
Edit The Siasat Daily
07 Oct 2013
Damascus, October 07.. The joint team of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the UN said here that the process of destroying Syria's chemical weapons programme began Sunday ... The process will continue in the coming days, it added. The international inspectors are monitoring, verifying and reporting on Syria's compliance with international demands to destroy chemical weapon stockpiles ... Recommend Twitter....(size: 2.4Kb)
photo: AP / Luca Bruno
A Carabinieri paramilitary police officer, bottom center, gives directions to migrants as they line up to board a ferry boat from the port of Lampedusa, for Sicily, southern Italy, where they will be sent to other temporary camps based on their legal status, Monday, Oct. 7, 2013.
Edit BBC News
08 Oct 2013
She will present the plan to EU ministers in Luxembourg on Tuesday ... Share this page....(size: 0.6Kb)

Edit Digital Spy
09 Oct 2013
The Australian comic reprises his role of Ja'mie King in the upcoming ABC1 series ... Ja'mie King ... The six-part comedy series is co-produced by Lilley and Princess Pictures in association with ABC TV in Australia and HBO in the US. > Chris Lilley brings back Ja'mie King in new 'Private School Girl' clip. > Ja'mie King ... > Chris Lilley reprises Ja'mie King role for 'Private School Girl' ... TV, Comedy, Chris Lilley, ... TV Interviews....(size: 8.3Kb)
Edit AV Club
09 Oct 2013
With TV Club 10, we point you toward the 10 episodes that best represent a TV series, classic or modern ... The emotional high point of the series is the season-four episode “I Remember You,” which features the crushing reveal that before Simon Petrikov fully succumbed to his maniacal Ice King persona, he was the protector of young Marceline, keeping her alive as they made their way across a nuclear wasteland....(size: 19.9Kb)
Edit The Hollywood Reporter
09 Oct 2013
... the series in some territories ... That's been followed by AMC Networks-owned cable network WE tv getting into the scripted series business as it looks to build up its female-skewing audience. We tv acquired The Divide, which was originally developed at AMC by Richard LaGravenese (Behind the Candelabra, The Fisher King) and Tony Goldwyn (Scandal)....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit The Hollywood Reporter
09 Oct 2013
As a child, he stood in his crib and watched The Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone on the TV across the room ... 1 series among adults 18-to-49 -- executive producers Kirkman and Nicotero kicked off TV's modern horror renaissance and proved there's a home for the oft-ignored genre on the small screen ... It is developing a Walking Dead companion series that won't feature any characters from the current TV series or the comic....(size: 7.2Kb)
Edit STL Today
09 Oct 2013
He said, “Nope, marketing wouldn’t approve the acronym.” ... The result is the Silverado High Country ... Ford has its King Ranch and Platinum F-Series pickups, and Ram is selling Laramie Longhorns and Limiteds ... To differentiate the trucks, Denali is sort of urban elegant, targeting F-Series Platinum, while High Country adopts a western theme, taking on Ford’s King Ranch ... 8-in ... He also is a regular automotive contributor to Fox 2 KTVI-TV St....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Digital Spy
09 Oct 2013
Superman Returns actor Brandon Routh and The Event's Sarah Roemer will also join the cast of the original series from online streaming service Crackle ... US TV, Showbiz, Chad Michael Murray, Brandon Routh, Sarah Roemer, ... 'Southland' risks axe, says Regina King 4 ... US TV Interviews ... US TV Ratings ... Robin Williams returns to TV. First LookSeth MacFarlane new show in series orderUS TV season has highest gay proportion. More US TV News ... My TV Hero....(size: 8.0Kb)
Edit Canada Newswire
09 Oct 2013
Crackle, Sony's video streaming service, premieres its latest original series ... 9, 2013 /CNW/ - When "Mother" has a problem, gorgeous, highly-trained contract killers Veronica and Roxie get the call in the new action-thriller series Cleaners, available since Oct ... Cleaners is the latest original series to premiere on Crackle, which streams original programming along with content from a large library of full-length movies and TV series....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit IMDb
09 Oct 2013
Director Is king. TV ... want me to try anything else?'" Usually the writer is the series showrunner and also an executive producer, and that's whom Holofcener needs to please....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit Belfast Telegraph
09 Oct 2013
Ruud Dokter has revealed a series of potential successors to Giovanni Trapattoni as Ireland manager have been sounded out ... Under-21s boss Noel King will lead Ireland into their remaining World Cup qualifiers against Germany and Kazakhstan, and he will do so with the hunt for a new manager ongoing ... Dokter, King and their players were due to fly to ......(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit London Evening Standard
09 Oct 2013
Other creative industries such as film, high-end TV drama and animation have won tax concessions from the Government so they can compete against rivals in low-tax foreign territories ..., maker of hit game Candy Crush Saga, and MindCandy, behind kids’ site Moshi Monsters, are among London’s leading online gaming firms ... Amateur Surgeon series....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit The Washington Post
09 Oct 2013
LONDON — Three years ago, French researchers declared that a centuries-old mummified head was that of the beloved King Henri IV ... Latest stories from Foreign Series of attacks leave at least 45 dead across Iraq ... It found a genetic mismatch between the head and three living male relatives of the 17th-century French king ... He was the first of the Bourbon monarchs and grandfather of the Sun King Louis XIV....(size: 5.5Kb)
Edit New Scientist
09 Oct 2013
King and his colleague Jacobo Sitt, also at the ICM, reasoned that they could spot consciousness in people simply by playing them a series of beeps and then searching electroencephalogram (EEG) brain scan data for evidence that signals from different brain regions fluctuated in the same way as each other, suggesting that they were sharing information ... Even listening might be unnecessary for the technique to work, says King....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit Yahoo Daily News
09 Oct 2013
As the four-episode first season of "A Young Doctor's Notebook" unfolds on Ovation, Radcliffe talked to Yahoo TV about some of the series' grossest moments, his chemistry with Hamm, and whether he would consider starring in an American TV series ... For example, in the book, the leg amputation is probably only two or three paragraphs, and obviously that accounts for a lot [in the TV series]....(size: 8.7Kb)
Format Animated series
Starring Mark Rendall
Kevin McDonald
Julie Lemieux
Robert Tinkler
Cathal J. Dodd
Marnie McPhail
Country of origin Canada
No. of seasons 3
No. of episodes 52
Running time 30 minutes
Original channel Family
Original run 2003 – 2005

King is a Canadian television series on Family, also aired on Nicktoons TV in the UK from 4 March 2006, and showing on POP! on March 12, 2007.



The show is about a boy named Russel who finds a portal under his bed leading to an alternate universe called Under. Since he is from Up and acquires the crown of Under, he is proclaimed the King. Most episodes have multiple sub-plots, and deal with the menacing Bob-Wire's attempts to steal back the crown and become the king (having to be foiled by Russel and/or his friends). Other recurring themes are Under's former king Cliff's attempts to bully Russel into handing over the crown while he's in Up (Earth), and various confrontations between Under and the neighbouring country of Near-Under. Other issues involve monster problems, and more general topics such as money, environmental issues, and even time-travel.



  • Russel Wright (Mark Rendall)- He moves into a new house with his family, including his older sister Lou, and his parents (the father was only seen briefly in short scenes throughout the series). Thanks to Gus (and Cliff, techanically), Russel discovers the passageway beneath his bed in the turret room (which he chose after unknowingly seeing Vernon's eye-looker probe in the window) and went down to Under. Here he befriends Loopy and Vernon and challenges Bob Wire for the crown, becoming Under's new king. Surprisingly, he is a smart and righteous ruler of Under in contrast to the other rulers of the lands of Under, despite the fact he's just 12 at the onset of season 1. The crown confers upon the wearer certain abilities, at least one of which is the ability to breathe underwater, but only if the crown is actually being worn. It is assumed these abilities only work in Under.
  • Gus - A West Highland White Terrier, who has the ability to talk in Under (dogs, cats and possibly other Up animals are sapient in Under) but with a Scottish accent. He is "doggedly" loyal to Russel and his friends, and is very brave, sarcastic, blunt and gutsy, often taking on (and usually scaring away) much larger foes.
  • Loopy (Kevin McDonald)- One of Russel's subjects, he displays effeminate and cowardly tendencies, such as being obsessed with butterflies, Shoosh-Bangs (fireworks) and the name "Gack" (which he wishes to name everything from pet animals to Up). He is part of the royal court as Under's First Buffoonist. He is also shown to be so stupid that Brain Suckers don't affect him. Loopy does come through for Under in his own special ways: he has the inherent ability to tame almost any animal in Under, from squumps to sky cows to various undersea creatures. Loopy and Vernon are best friends, despite their slapping and bickering now and again.
  • Vernon (David Joyner) Vernon's voice (Bob West)- One of Russel's subjects. He is an android built by the Clockmaker and is also part of the royal court as Under's figurer-outer and gizmologist. He is immune to most things that happen in Under since he's made of metal. Unlike Loopy, Vernon is an inventoring genius, and their differences often lead to sibling-esque slap-fights.
  • Ex-Princess Populah (Julie Lemieux)- A former princess, she used to be ruler of Near-Under but "gave it up" because it was "too much trouble" (as revealed in the episode: Ex-Princess Up a Tree). This is reasonable as Near-Underites are quite demanding and fickle for their leaders. Related to Auntie First (although everyone calls her "Auntie", First has confirmed her relation to Populah by referring to her as her "favorite niece") and Cousin Tess. She speaks with a Southern accent and is very athletic. She can naturally breathe underwater, as can Cousin Tess (although everyone calls her "Cousin", like Auntie First, Tess is a blood relative to Populah).


  • Cliff (Robert Tinkler)- Former King of Under, a bully who constantly picks on Russell because he wants to be king again. Sometimes he attempts to sneak into Russel's room (and down to Under) while he's away, usually being foiled by Russel's teenage sister Lou or his own stupidity. He has a sister named Sissy who is affectionate towards Russell, which only makes him angrier.
  • Bob Wire (Cathal J. Dodd)- Cliff's former right-hand man, Bob has taken to trying to make himself king of Under, requiring the theft of the Crown from Russel. He is made out of coils of metal barbed wire (upon which his name is a pun), and like Vernon, is immune to most things that happen to him in Under. His plans generally tend to be rather badly thought out and self-defeating, but he usually bounces back when he is defeated. One of the few things he is good at is singing, high finance and show business.
  • Frags (Land Frooihrt, episode #1-3 only)- Two small green creatures (there were several in the original few episodes) who are henchmen of Bob Wire. They tend to be extremely lazy, and are generally somewhat more intelligent than their boss. They sometimes take the side of Russell or one of his companions. Their voices are high pitched but randomly switch to low pitched in a manner akin to croaking.
  • Auntie First (Marnie McPhail)- The narcissistic, self-absorbed, oppressive despot of Near-Under. Not very good at her job but maintains it nevertheless, generally through a combination of threatening bodily harm, bribery and blackmailing. She is referred to as "Auntie" by everyone, even those who aren't related to her (except by Captain Darling, who instead calls her "ma'am"). She and Bob often team up to try and defeat Russel.
  • Captain Darling - Auntie First's beloved and loyal right-hand man. Darling will do anything to help Auntie, even if it means teaming up with her enemies, like Russell. He's in charge of Near-Under's By The Book Brigade. He's a very polite man, always apologizing to somebody when jailing and ceasing others, even when expelling others from Near-Under. Speaks with an English accent. Unlike the rest of the cast, he calls Auntie First "ma'am". He wears a British police uniform and pink fuzzy slippers.

Other rulers[link]

  • Cousin Tess- Undersea (capital city: Bubble Town). She and Auntie First used to wage war on each other because they wore the same dress to a fancy dance when they were in Despot School. Captain Darling put an end to the fighting by colourizing an old home video of the two fighting, deceptively colouring the dresses different colours. Regardless, Auntie and Tess still fight all the time as a hobby, and as Populah put it "they enjoy hating each other".
  • Hugh the Yu-Yu- Under Under. He rules over the Yu-Yus (not being one himself though) and Slythers (including his pet Slyther, Mavis). He is very hippie-like, loves to party and go where life takes him, rolling a pair of fuzzy dice to make his decisions (even if it means disaster).
  • "The Queen"- Throng (on the continent of Ahead-of-Under). Like her people, the Queen (whose name was not revealed in the show) has a phobia of germs, uncleanliness, everything. Bob worked for her in one episode, reversing her continent's direction to cure their motion sickness (had their sofas faced the other way), making it nearly flatten Under and causing Russel to intervene.
  • King Lugobrius Rex- Empire of Flax. He summons many entertainers to his abode, and if they fail to please him he then has them shaved naked and thrown in his dungeouns forever. So far only Bob Wire's act, in which he is inadvertently put himself through large amounts of pain, has made Lugobrius laugh. He only speaks in burps and is surrounded by massive Gordilators who do his bidding.

Past Kings of Under[link]

  • King Cliff the Grim- The king before Russel. He was immensely unpopular in Under (except the Valley of the Outies where he was worshipped for defeating the Great Big Gehh); one of his more disliked actions being the outlawing of numbers (he was sub-literate). He was called Grim for his poor hygiene as well as his immature and selfish personality. Bob Wire was Cliff's right-hand man before he succeed him after Cliff moved away in Up.
  • Kings Matt and Pat- Twin Kings that ruled Under before Cliff. They constantly fought over the Crown and neglected their Kingly duties, leading Under into disastrous and monster-plagued times. Vernon made a second Crown so both twins could each have one, but that didn't work as they promptly started fighting over the second one, ignoring the first one.
  • King Hobart- A young king who ran away after Loopy gave him an extra leg on a previous King Appreciation Day, allowing him to sprint at amazing speed. Since Vernon and Loopy never saw Hobart again after he ran out of the castle, it might be possible he never returned to Up which is unknown what his parents did about his disappearance. This also poses the problem that he took the crown with him, meaning another one had to be constructed.
  • King Baxter- When Loopy gave Ex-King Baxter extra fingers as a King Appreciation Day gift, he ran away and joined an insurance company in Up, becoming a "top-notch typist".
  • King Rocko- A teenage-looking King of whom Bob Wire wasn't particularly fond of as Rocko would often beat him and tie him up with himself.
  • "King Bob Wire"- There have been some occasions where Bob did succeed in stealing the crown from Russel, though none of his reigns lasted longer than a day, if not a few hours. His longest known rule happened when Thornhop locked out Russel in Up, taking Bob's voice as payment for his service. The Frags remarked that Bob would then be tagged "King Bob Wire the Silent", but Russel returned and set things right soon enough. However, the reign he had after King Cliff moved away may have been longer. Bob is shown to be tyrannical in his own way, shown that in one of his times as king, he ordered everyone in Under to belch, which they promptly did. In some episodes, Bob didn't desired being king but thrive for the next greatest thing, such as being the top performer of the circus or a successful entrepreneur of his own talk show.
  • "King Loopy"- When Auntie First was imprinted on Loopy due to one of Bob's schemes, Loopy had her steal back the Crown from Bob. Loopy was later seen wearing the crown, meaning he was King of Under, though no one (not even himself) seemed to address the fact. When Russel asked for the Crown back, Loopy immediately returned it, ending his "reign".

Non-Kingdom places[link]

The world Under where the show takes place is made up of three different continents. Under (where the Kingdoms of Under and Near-Under, and the Empire of Flax are located), Ahead-of-Under and Before-Under. The underground caverns below the continent of Under is called Under-Under, and the ocean surrounding all the lands is called either Under Sea or the Sassafras Sea (though Under Sea may refer to Cousin Tess' underwater realm only, i.e. excluding all the islands, etc.). Unless otherwise stated, the places below take place in the Kingdom of Under (not to be confused with the central town of Under surrounding the castle). Also, all islands are located on the Sassafras Sea.

  • Wire Keep- Bob Wire's home, resembling barbed wire.
  • Quithering Forest- Forest with trees that launch into the air when their safety is threatened. The Underites call this 'Quithering'. Home of Populah's tree house.
  • Flatulent Swamp- A swamp with lots of foul-smelling plants and animals. Known as Under's top tourist attraction.
  • Floating Mountains- A mountain range outside of Under (the town), the mountains are within the Kingdom's borders but are also visible from Near-Under. As the name says, the mountains float. The exact mechanism that keeps the mountains afloat is a mystery. Early in the series, Vernon said that as far as he could tell the mountains are kept up by "sheer stubbornness", although it was later revealed that the rocks themselves are lighter than air, though they stop floating when the sun goes down, becoming regular mountains until the next sunrise.
  • Frolicking Island- This island is advertised as a tropical paradise resort and spa, but it's really anything but. It is extremely poorly run and effectively a prison, where the only people having any fun are the people running it. It literally is a tourist trap.
  • Horrible Caverns- Caverns of Under Under. Home to the Night Slythers, horrible monsters with mouths on each hand. Other sections of Under Under play host to plain Slythers, and housed Under's plumbing.
  • Wall Eye- A gargantuan, continually-weeping eye set in a cliff-face. The source of almost all the monsters in Under.
  • The Moon- Under's Moon. Formerly used as Under's trash dump until the combined weight of all the garbage threatened to cause the moon to crash into Under, forcing Russel to whack it far away from the planet. It's only resident is a kooky and chatty hermit and his once-strayed dog.
  • Argyle Flats- A "wild-western" area inhabited by Sock Boys and wild Squumps. It borders Under (and presumably Near Under as well).
  • Time Town- A giant metallic-like with the mechanisms of a clock. Only one person, The Clock Maker, lives there. He is also the one who invented Vernon and is usually sought out to help repair him.
  • Outieville- A jungle valley. The villagers all have outie belly-buttons and used to worship King Cliff for driving off the Great Big Geh.
  • Miss Atilla's School for Lady Despots- A despot training school that Populah is sent to by Auntie First and Cousin Tess (both of whom graduated from it) so she will live up to the family name of being a horrible tyrant. Their motto is "To cheat is to win, and to win is to cheat". It may be located in some sort of neutral territory, as both Underites and Near-Underites can attend.
  • Unclimbable Mountain- A pink mountain. If someone almost reaches the top, a nasty troll makes the mountain grow. As a result, it is unclimbable. However, "King Bob Wire" did manage to conquer it through sheer desperation to get away from Auntie First. See "King Loopy" under Past Kings of Under.
  • Bottomless Pit- A pit in the ground that is neverending. Some people choose to jump into the pit with their belongings and live out their lives in constant freefall, as part of a recent trendy new lifestyle. There is a basket attached to a rope and winch next to it for those who wish to contact the pit's residents.
  • Volcano Metamorpho- A Sea Volcano where Plurns go through the vents and erupt into bird-like creatures. Also, the victims of being inked by a Plurn can return to normal via the same procedure.
  • Hot-Diggidy Desert- A desert which is probably in neutral territory, as Auntie First once used it to conduct peace-talks with Russel.
  • Rolling Hills- Hills with large grassy spheres rolling perpetually up and down. Again, the exact mechanism that keeps the balls rolling is a mystery.
  • Equatorial Glaciers- Giant pillars of ice on tropical beach shores located at Under's equator and far away from the Kingdoms of Under and Near-Under. People are never sure whether they should wear parkas or swimsuits when they visit here.
  • Grim Island- Loopy's fortress of evil when he was playing The Grimzer, a character from one of Russel's comic books. Once Russel decided to forgo posing as the super hero The Coyote, Loopy returned to normal and the Island fortress was destroyed by an enlargulated Zombie Swamp Leech (created by Bob Wire).
  • Uncertain City- Ancient abandoned city within Near-Under that appears and disappears from existence at random, anyone in it when it disappears goes with it, not knowing when they will return. Its inhabitants left long ago and founded (the town of) Under.
  • GeeIForget River- A river containing water that causes you to forget everything if you fall in, hence the name. The memories are then washed down stream to the Cave of the Recollector, a large immoblized monster who generally refuses to relinquish any of his collected memories.
  • Chimney Mountains- A barren area consisting only of huge chimney stacks with lava inside.
  • West Pole- The West Pole of Under. When it is electromagnetically charged with positive energy, it emits the Horrorborealis, which turns all organic beings into Ghouls as long as it is in the sky.
  • Hole Island- An island inhabited by pirates. Has an enormous treasure hole beneath a round land bridge; the pirates believe that if they dig deep enough, they'll find treasure.
  • Dandylion Cliff- the only known places in Ahead-of-Under are Dandylion Cliff (located at the continent's edge facing Under) and Throng (a town). The only known local wild life are gerbil mice and bedrock beasts.
  • Tower of Derision- A sentient tower that insults people who try climbing it to the point that they run out crying. Great Great Uncle Zeb placed a secret in the top of the tower on how to stop a Nossix. It is located in Near-Under within Hotfrog Forest.
  • Kiosk of Random Opportunity- A Wheel of Fortune-like spinner with careers on it instead of amounts of money. When someone spins it, whichever career it lands on becomes that person's new career and they are instantly teleported there.
  • Valley of the Zinkas - An abandon "lost" ruins of a society now gone. They were chocolatiers, taffy-pullers and candy fans that ate nothing but sweets. Before dying out, they left behind a giant orb of gumlacose in a booby-trapped maze with a guardian monster.


Anthropormorphic creatures[link]

There are a variety of creatures who are quite intelligent and can be considered the "people" of Under (the world). Some species are common while others are rare to the point that only one or two members have been seen on the show, most of these rare creatures aren't listed here. It should be noted that many species haven't been given canonical names and the majority of this section is conjectural.

  • Underites- (various species) The inhabitants of the 'Kingdom' of Under (as opposed to the continent of Under or the entire Planet of Under, which plays host to various nationalities). Some people inhabiting certain areas of Under don't think of themselves as Underites, but as Florians, Outties, etc.
  • Near Underites- (various species) The inhabitants of the Kingdom of Near Under, unlike Underites, the majority of Near-Underites seem to be members of the Bulb-Headed Species).
  • Throngegerians- (various Species) The inhabitants of Throng, the town on Ahead of Under. Known for their cleanliness and of being afraid of almost everything, especially germs.
  • Loopy's Species- One of the more common species (particularly in Under), with other notable members being Captain Darling, Mr. Queep and Hugh the Yu-Yu. This species is characterized by high foreheads, large bulbous noses and protruding jowels.
  • "Populah's Species"- As juveniles (such as ex-Princess Populah), members of this species have no discernible noses, growing them later in life (such as Auntie First). Because this species is identical to Loopy's Species in adulthood, it is unknown how abundant or how rare it is in comparison. Because of the similarities, it could even be possible that both people are subspecies of one single race. Certain members of this species have the ability to breathe underwater (Populah, Cousin Tess), but is sometimes 'skips' a generation (as it did with Auntie First).
  • Wire Guys- Sentient bundles of barbed wire taking a vaguely humanoid appearance (eye balls on stalks extending up from the head, tails, two arms and two legs). Like cyborgs, Wire Guys are very resilient, and can use their coiled-wire form to extends limbs, filter through tight spaces, or even be totally unwound. Bob Wire is the only Wire Guy seen in the show, although a photo of his mother (a barbed wire fence) has been seen. This could mean that once Wire Guys 'die' they become normal inanimate wire. Bob also refers to himself as 'the Wire Man'. Being made of metal as well, he's also immune to organic ailments.
  • Frags- Small green creatures with two arms and two legs, small tails and small shark-like dorsal fins on the backs of their heads. Bob Wire's henchmen are both Frags (although there were originally three), and aren't called anything other than "Frags". They usually have high nasal voices, but sometimes their voices go low to emphasize certain words in their sentences.
  • Sock boys- A race of cowboys that inhabit the wild-western Argile Flats. They're woven senient socks.
  • Bulb-Headed Species- A common race very similar to Loopy's Species, but whose foreheads are shaped like lightbulbs (Loopy's Species have flat foreheads that taper off to a rounded dome). They reside mostly in Near-Under.
  • Yu-Yus- Small creatures (about the size of frags) that inhabit Under Under. They are usually white (somehwat resembling living marshmallows) with spiky hair that can't be discerned from the rest of their bodies. At least one blue Yu-Yu has been depicted in the show. Like their leader Hugh the Yu-Yu, actual Yu-Yus love to party and tame giant Slythers, earning themselves a reputation of being fierce and terrifying party animals.
  • Guardilators- Large hulking people in the service of King Lugobrius Rex. They are tall with very muscular torsos and arms, and they have no noses.
  • Florians- Plant people. Two notable factions, the Red Florians and the Yellow Florians had been waging a neverending war over the last Thussle Bush. They communicate through smells and bursts of pollen.
  • Cyborgs- Robots such as Vernon, who was built by the Clockmaker. The Hermit who lives on the moon may also be a cyborg, since he appears to only be an upper torso with a garbage can making up his lower portions and the usage of a single small wheel for locomotion. However unlike Vernon, whose legs (also terminating in wheels) and arms can grow, the clockmaker acts much more human (except his mode of transportation). Vernon can also extend his glasses to use them as microscopes or binoculars. Sometimes when his glasses are removed he is shown to not possess eyes behind them, while other times the eyes are very small. Because they are inorganic, they are unaffected by organic ailments and the Horrorborealis.
  • Outties- The inhabitants of Outieville, they all have "outtie" belly buttons.
  • Ipples- The inhabitants of a small and secluded jungle village. They are unable to make decisions for themselves, preferring to ask either Loopy ("The Great Decider" of Ipple lore) and later a buttlerflyer (on Loopy's instructions).
  • Juice Beasts- Sentient creatures who can squirt juice out of their tentacles. One of the most popular locations in Under is the Juice Beast Stand, which serves as a major social gathering place (like a pub). The second most popular place is the Wriggly Pie Stand.
  • Nossixs- Creatures that have the ability to change between being very small and weak to very big and muscle-bound while wearing wear lederhosens. Great great Uncle Zed once defeated a Nossix and locked it away in a bongo drum until Bob Wire used the Nossix to chase Russel out of the kingdom.
  • Ghouls- Any creature (sentient and non-sentient) during the Horrorborealis. They are zombie-like creatures that have an uncontrollable craving for pickles. They must be kept away from pickles until the Horrorborealis is over, because if they eat them, they will remain Ghouls permanently. Being made of metal or having an invincible electro aura can keep you safe from ghoulification.

Miscellaneous creatures[link]

  • Sky-cow – A flying cow-like creature. Russel and his friends use these as transportation regularly.
  • Squirt Hog aka "Engene" - A elephant creature that filled with water and a trunk nozzle to squirt. They're usually used for watering eggs to grow into buildings and other construction structures.
  • Greenback – A green frog-like creature that was once used as currency when Russell attempted to introduce money to Under. When Bob took control of all the greenbacks, making Under destitute, Russell repealed money, which made the greenbacks worthless.
  • Sky-beast – A more commonly used creature used as transportation by Bob Wire and Auntie First. They have handlebar-like horns and saddles which are generally used for this purpose by their riders.
  • Slyther – A large raptor-like creature. Has a shovel-like mouth used for digging. Many are domesticated, ridden as transport and milked to make Slyther Cheese by the Yu-Yus.
  • Night-slyther – Although it sounds like a relative to the common Slyther, it is actually more monstrous looking than the more common Slyther. It looks like a big green ball with multiple eyes, tentacles, long arms with claws and mouths on them, as well as a big spiky mouth on its body. They use to living in the shadows of Under-Under hence would only emerge overground at night.
  • Corola Vines - Similar looking to night slythers but are carnvious plants. Native to the Flatuant Swamps. On Pollen Holiday, their "hand-vines" grow excessively outward of the swamp to catch prey but are eaten by a migration of giant sea herbivores. Auntie First grows one in her greenhouse.
  • Thoosh – A large walrus-like creature native to Wall-Eye Lake. It spouts jet-water to instantly grow Tither Ferns and eat them. Its water can also instantly clean places.
  • Asymtote – A large monster that normally harmless. When hungry, every step it takes is half the length of its previous step before it (to conserve energy). It feeds on seaweed. It is also called 'A Monster that Never Arrives'. It also seems to be constantly humming a tone-deaf tune that induces high stress.
  • Rebuloc – A vicious Badger-like creature native to the Flatulent Swamp. Avoid.
  • Blue Bird of Happenstance – A large blue bird with beak and eyes in reversed position (beak above eyes). Whoever it poops on is cursed with bad luck for a year. Its feathers bring good luck.
  • Krenit – The ultimate defensive beast. It has a large body, multiple eyes to spot prey, and a super fast sticky tongue that grabs anything it touches. You'll need slow plums to outrun a krenit, otherwise you must stay absolutely still to avoid its tongue.
  • Ippy Clippy – The ultimate offensive beast. It is the natural enemy of the Krenit. It has eyes on stalks, a large club-like tail, and two huge Popeye-like arms. It was so dangerous that they were run out of the continent. Great-Great-Uncle Zeb beat the last Ippy Clippy of Under and hid it inside the Wall eye. Bob Wire rehydrated it to stomp Near-Under's Krenit but it was beaten up by two Krenits.
  • Slorch – A large red furry creature that can breathe fire. They only eat spicy hot peppers (from its home, the Hot Pepper Jungle) and need to live hot climates. They can also talk.
  • Plurn – A large one-eyed squid-like fish. Baby Plurns live on land and breathe air, then the mother squirts them with ink and they turn into aquatic adults. The Plurn ink can also turn other land animals into fish-like creatures. Later in life, Plurns swim into the underwater Volcano Metamorpho and are erupted with wings, living the rest of their lives in the skys. Going into the volcano will returned Plurned (ink-squirted) creatures back to their normal terrestrial selves.
  • Spitesucker –- A red leech-like creature. It feeds on anger. Once it is attached to someone, the only way to get it off is for the person to get so angry that the spitesucker flies off because of overload.
  • Dream Gulper – A strange gelatinous creature. It can make dreams and nightmares real. If reality isn't corrected by sundown it becomes permanent.
  • Gorble Birds – Hideous blue birds with udders. They poop out gross smelly organic pink slop. They usually migrate to Near Under.
  • Sea Clutch – A small fish-like creature. It got its name because it grabs things in its clutches.
  • Rock Monkey- A monkey-like creature. Its arms are where its nose is supposed to be. Its favorite food is pumpernickel.
  • Sea Sloth- A sloth-like creature native to the sea.
  • Jelly Droppers- Large hovering jellyfish-like creatures. They drop huge balls of blue jelly. Cousin Tess uses them as heavy assault bombers.
  • Skiffer Skink- A bloodhound-like creature with a pig's snout. Once it locks on a certain scent, it will never give up on the target.
  • Great Big Hairy Eye-Ball- A floating hairy eye that temporarily turns anyone who looks directly at it into stone. Its only weakness is being squirted in the eye with the juice of SourSquirt Berries.
  • Bedrock Beast- A large, stout caterpillar-like creature that eats any kind of rock or rock-derrived material, such as brick houses.
  • Parabat- A flying Manta Ray-like creature. It is used as a parasail on Frolicking Island.
  • Sharkrunner- A red dinosaur-like creature with a shark like head and a shark fin. It is used to pull the Parabat on Frolicking Island.
  • Squump- A dumb, lazy cow-like creature. It gives both eggs and milk which are used for certain food products such as wriggly pies. When they get old, they leave to go spend their golden years in retirement. When that happens Slaphappies show up and cause trouble. The only way to get rid of Slaphappies is to get a new herd of squumps. To get a new herd you have to wrangle the herd leader which is usually the biggest and meanest Bull Squump. Bull Squumps have bull horns.
  • Fang Ferret- A small ferret like creature with sharp fangs and a strong bite. Used at Miss Atilla's school for part of dispute battles between students.
  • Donkey Horse- A donkey-like horse. They are treated like real horses in Argyle Flats.
  • Gigagut- A giant stomach monster. It eats almost everything. It can't swim according to Populah since she said it would go to Near-Under, then Under, then Under Under. This also reveals it can burrow. Consuming Vegidoubles of Quackvain Bushes makes it belches everything it had consumed.
  • Slaphappy- An incessantly happy creature who loves playing pranks on townsfolk. Their natural enemy are Squumps since they're the only thing that will get rid of them. They come in four colors; red, orange, blue, and green.
  • Pool Clam- A clam-like creature with three tongues that look like hands. they are quite common on Frolicking Island.
  • Pirhana Moth- A savage moth-like creature that eats clothing. It can eat people's clothes to their underwear.
  • Skitchybug- A tiny blue bee like creature that swarms around people as pests.
  • Brainsucker- A moving lump of flesh. They jump on people's head and make them dumb as squumps. Loopy is curiously immune to this. Brainsuckers are afraid of light, and only come out of their nest during the month-long eclipse.
  • Ice Eel- Small flying eels that inhabit the Equetorial Glaciers, moving through the cracks in the ice.
  • Pudrick- A small purple monster that acts as a "blame sponge". Unless blamed continually for everything that goes wrong, it will transform into a gargantuan creature and run amok.
  • Fhrobish- Small, weasel-like creature. It's bite can cause Monsteritis.
  • Fhrobish victims- Underites and humans that contracted Monsteritis from a Fhrobish, having changed into monsters.
  • Dongo Worm- A giant worm that lives in the Uncertain City in Near-Under. Anyone with Monsteritis needs to eat some of its mouth slime to revert back to normal.
  • Pilf- Tiny creature that looks vaguely like a rat with a robber's mask on. Fond of stealing anything and everything they can get their hands on.
  • Lurber- Enormous plant creature with a highly specific diet: it only eats Kings. Its fronds (referred to as a "head-lawn") must be kept trimmed in order to keep the creature dormant.
  • Guardgoyle- Vicious bulldog-like creature used as a royal guardian. It will obey the King of Under, whoever is wearing the crown that is.
  • Hammer Rhino- Large animals that can be ridden and/or used as Battering Rams.
  • Omnivorous Fatloid- A large obese gluttonous creature that inhabit the new garbage dump of Under, Glass Box Canyon. Since they are omnivorous, they will eat anything, including garbage and people.
  • Dandilinium Vartibrus - A rare species of butterfly found in Under.
  • Noflier - Another rare species of butterfly in Under. Sought by Mr. Queep in Ipple terrority.
  • Sea Scarf- Large aquatic creatures that migrate through the Edible Archipellago. They have sweet tooths and while they will eat Desert Islands they will leave Salad Islands be. They also don't like marsipan.
  • The Great Big Gehh- A mountain-sized snakelike creature that inhabits the Valley of the Outies.
  • Shine Toad- In infant stage, they look like glowing frogs before metamorphsis. Later, transforms into large green feathery beings.
  • Doubler- A mass of sentient green slime that can morph into any creature it want to, even going so far as to copying a person's voice and mannerisms.
  • Geet- Giant creatures that vaguely resembles a land-dwelling kraken. The adult Geet will use its giant tongue to catch food, ranging from people to cheese, pulling them back to its giant nest where the prey gets attached to the ceiling. The baby Geets then hatch and spit digestive enzymes onto the food until they liquify and are then drunk by the babies.
  • Gurd- A large swimming and walking creature that will eat people and then lay them as eggs. When the people hatch, they get imprinted and obsessed over the first thing they see.
  • Dart Bird- Crane-like birds that are fired from crossbows, carrying letters in their claws. They travel great distances as Under's main courier service, even to Up.
  • Monster Skiddadle Spray- Rabbits that spray repentant at monsters to chase them away. They don't work on Bedrock Beast though.
  • Esculizard- Alligators with stairs in their mouths that revolves like escalutors. Seen in the Big Cloud Mall.
  • Squirt Pigs- Small pigs filled with paint to colourize anything. They can both squirt and mist colour out like a spray can and hose.
  • Excavator Camel- An all-terrain beast that Russell and Populah once used to help bring a Slorch back in its home.
  • Hole Beast- A creature with a portal hole on its chest. Jumping through the holes will transport him/her to anywhere randomly, to another hole beast or distant place. You never know.
  • Gob Shooter- A monster used to dirty up Under in one of Bob's schemes.
  • Triviper- A three-headed snake that was used by Aunti First and Captain Darling to try and capture a giant worn. It wraps its tail round its target and snaps at its face.
  • Spitballer- A monster used to dirty up Under in one of Bob's schemes.
  • Foot Launcher- A monster used to dirty up Under in one of Bob's schemes.
  • Megaphone Speaker- A megaphone creature who's mouth moves to whatever's being said or broadcast with it.
  • Living Furniture- Living chairs, tables, ottomans, stools, scales, lamps and many other things. Primarily seen in Under's castle. Some furniture aren't alive, such as Russel's Throne and Auntie First's desk.

Gadgets (referred to in Under as 'Gizmets')[link]

  • Enlargulator- A device created by Vernon (based on one he saw in the Museum of Tomorrow) to enlarge King Russel to a size capable of deflecting Under's Moon from its current course, which would cause it to crash into Under.
  • Smalluator- The opposite of an Enlargulator.
  • King Car- Under's first automobile. Driven off a cliff into a canyon to prevent Auntie First and Bob Wire from reverse-engineering it.
  • Big Cloud Mall- Flying mall, uses "stinks" as fuel. Once a bottled resource stink is used up, it is immediately dumped to the ground below, and the crew of the mall makes home movies of its splash.
  • Drilling Rocket- Rocket drill that burrows through the earth.
  • Eye-Looker and Eye-Looker Screen- Reminiscent of a periscope, but with video feed.
  • Gargantubob- A mecha built by Bob Wire (when he was Smartulated) to look like himself and help him take over Under. It runs on Swamp Gas.
  • Grim Balloon- The hot air balloon Loopy used to attack Under when he was masqueraiding as The Grim. It is shaped as the Grim's head.
  • Outty spotlight- The Batman-esque spotlight the Outties of Outtieville shine on the clouds to call in help from the King (Cliff).
  • Resmartulator- A device created to reverse the effects of Brain-Sucker attachment. Also capable of dramatically increasing the intelligence of normal individuals it's used on. It is solar-powered, which means during an eclipse (which is when brain-suckers come out and the Resmartulator is generally used) it can only be used a certain number of times before it runs out of power.
  • Everything Log- A hollowed log that can provide a wish to anyone who places their hand inside it.

Episode list[link]

52 episodes were produced over three seasons:

  1. Down to Under- The Wright family moves to a new house and Russel discovers the passage to Under under his bed. He befriends Loopy and Vernon and together with Russel's dog Gus, they challenge Bob Wire for the crown of Under and Russel becomes Under's new King.
  2. Ex-Princess Up a Tree- Bob sends a fake SOS to Russel from ex-Princess Populah so he can lure him into a trap and steal back the crown. Meanwhile Loopy hatches what he believes is an Urklet egg, only to find it was actually a vicious Rebbuloc, which terrorizes the throne room before escaping to Up and encountering Cliff, who was trying to sneak down to Under.
  3. In Near Under and Out the Other- While trespassing in Near Under, Loopy is mistaken as a pet by Auntie First and she locks him away. When Russel goes to help, Gus is also taken and Populah has to help the King rescue his friends. After leaving for Near Under, Vernon starts work on Under's new currency: greenbacks, which Bob quickly began hoarding to himself.
  4. The Self-Mobilating Gizmet- By Russel's request, Vernon builds a car. Bob however steals it to bring to Auntie First as their new secret weapon for invading Under, leaving Russel and his friends stranded in the desert.
  5. Never Be Nice to a Pubrick- Russel orders the populace of Under to stop blaming the Pubrick for all their problems, not knowing that this will allow the creature to turn into a fearsome beast. Meanwhile, Bob commandeers Vernon's ripulator to create a fault around Under, ransoming the Crown in exchange for the key that will set things right and prevent Night Slythers from emerging at sundown and destroying everything.
  6. Blame It on the Moon- When a stray dog keeps Russel up all night, he goes down to Under and finds everyone sending their garbage up to the moon and Gus with the crown are sucked away as well. When Russel goes to retrieve them, he learns from the Hermet who lives on the moon that one more load of garbage will send it crashing into Under next year.
  7. Pollen Holiday- Mysterious pollen flows from Under up into Russel's room, knocking out Cliff and sending Russel down to investigate with Gus. When they get rid of the bush responsible, Loopy discovers that a mass of unknown monsters are bearing down on the town.
  8. Very Big Faces- Bob tries to trick Auntie into invading Under, eventually carving a Floating Mountain into the shape of Russel's head that motivating Auntie to build a giant wall. This forces the Gorbal Birds to fly to Under instead of to their normal roost in Near Under. This upsets Russel since the birds start pooping on his newly constructed Roller Coaster (which he built since he's too short to ride one in Up).
  9. Down in the Dark with the Yu-Yu's- While doing some plumbing, Russel and his friends are sucked down to Under Under where the crown is eaten by a Slyther. They befriend her owner Hugh the Yu-Yu, who is living under a giant stalactite that is poised to fall at any moment. Despite Russel's insistence, Hugh refuses to leave since his Fuzzy Dice told him to stay.
  10. Roughing It's Not that Hard- Russel decides to practice for his Gopher Scout camping merit badge in Under. Vernon dislikes living off the land and sets up a big fancy forest camp for all the people of Under. Meanwhile, Bob steals Russel's scout handbook and tries to use its advice to steal the crown.
  11. It's All in How You Play- Vernon and Loopy discover that Russel is upset about not making his school football team and make him part of Under's Joustabout team (like simplified Quidditch on flying snowboards), rigging all the games so Russel would win. But when Bob discovers this, he makes a killing off of gambling bets, and soon moves onto betting the crown of Under on a one-on-one match between him and Russel.
  12. No Cape, No Hero- Russel starts masquerading as his comic book hero 'The Coyote' but when no crime presents itself, Vernon starts making unreasonable laws that people can't possibly abide by. Loopy also becomes involved with The Coyote, and takes on the role of the villain, 'The Grim'.
  13. The Pirates of Hole Island- After accidentally turning Under into pumpernickel, Loopy runs away to be a pirate. Russel, Populah and Gus go after him and are captured by Loopy's new crew mates. Meanwhile, Vernon tries to stop Bob as he sends rock monkeys to eat Under.
  14. Monsteritis- While trying to get down to under, Cliff is bitten by a Frobish, catching Monsteritis and thus turning into a monster himself. Russel goes to the Uncertain City to get the slime of a fairly large Dongo Worm, the only cure for Cliff. Bob and Auntie also want the worm for their own uses, and Gus tries to organize with Captain Darling and the Frags so they can capture the worm together and escape the city before it blinks out of existence.
  15. The Scottish Dog and the Everything Log- Gus digs up a dinosaur bone in Up but when he takes it down to Under, Vernon's latest gizmo reanimates it. Gus feels Russel loves the dinosaur more than Russel does Gus, so Loopy takes him to find the Everything Log so he could wish it away. But, Auntie had already gone missing looking for it, and Bob decides to try to find it himself too.
  16. Blizzard in a Box- In order to make ice cream, Vernon and Loopy set up a factory with a blizzard inside it, causing the outside world to turn into a desert. When Russel decides to get rid of the ice cream in favor of the climate, Bob starts a coup. Meanwhile, Near Under is beset by the petrifying Hairy Eye-Ball, so Auntie and Russel make a deal to solve each others problems.
  17. The Tower of Derision- Bob uses a monstrous Nossix to take over Under and steal the crown. Russel escapes and heads to the cruel Tower of Derision with Populah to read Great Great Uncle Zeb's advice on beating the Nossix. The Frags, having been outed by the monster, teach Vernon and Loopy how to indirectly disobey Bob's undesirable orders to stop Russel.
  18. Brain Jam- Faced with a riddle he can't solve, Vernon breaks down and Russel takes him to the Clockmaker to be fixed, only the Clockmaker won't cooperate, needing Vernon to keep time correctly in his town. Meanwhile, Loopy helps Auntie first stop Bob from demolishing Near Under as part of his "Wire Man" show.
  19. A Boy's Best Friend's Enemy- Gus chases a cat to Under and she takes Bob hostage, using him to fly her away from Gus to Near Under, the dog and the Frags (who don't understand the dog-cat feud anyway, believing peace was better) in hot pursuit. However, Auntie First is waging a war with her Cousin Tess, the leader of Under Sea because they once wore the same dress to their school prom. Russel tries to stop the war since all the sea creatures are being forced to flee to Under due to it. However, once Russel saw that the dresses weren't actually the same, the evidence was destroyed.
  20. Auntie Gravity- Embarrassed by the prospect of trading party supplies to Hugh the Yu-Yu for her weight in Slyther Cheese, Auntie (and Bob) kidnap Loopy to make her his Lighter Than Air pastries. Unfortunately, without the trade, Hugh is faced with a giant rat attack, and Russel must step in to save the economy.
  21. Pilfs Did It!- The mouse-like bandits start stealing things in both Under and Up, leading the Wrights to believe the house is infested by rodents. They then call an exterminator and Russel fears the passage to Under will be discovered, he is also blamed by Lou and his mother for the thefts.
  22. Not Necessarily Russel- In order to go river rafting, Russel has Vernon create a Veggi-Double clone to attend the G-4 meeting in his stead. But when a Giga Gut attacks Near Under, Auntie First, Cousin Tess and Hugh the Yu-Yu and Bob find "Russel" to be no help at all in finding a solution, until they are informed by Bob Wire that they were actually dealing with a clone.
  23. Luck be a Birdie- When the Bluebird of Happenstance does its annual flyby to Under, it poops on Loopy bestowing him with bad luck and take off with Russel's crown, leaving a blue feather behind. Loopy locks himself inside a rollable glass ball to stop getting bad luck while Russel tracks down the bluebird. Meanwhile, Auntie causes her subjects to run away again to Under over an unfair "Light Tax" and has to rely on Bob to bring them back when he gets the crown from the bluebird.
  24. Ancient Air- When Bob loots the Uncertain City, he comes across three ancient urns. Auntie confiscated one with a freeze-dried Giant Nose (an extinct monster) which comes back to life and starts attacking the towns. Loopy buys an urn filled with ancient air from Bob and releases it in the castle, sending it and everyone inside back to prehistoric times.
  25. Feed a Cold- Russel infects all of Under with his cold, turning them all into uppity superheros who kick Russel and Gus out of the town. Bob and Vernon, being inorganic were immune. They go to Near Under and Captain Darling tells them a plant native to the Equatorial Glaciers will cure the infected Underites, but Bob tells their plan to the Underites in an attempt to get into their good books. Vernon tries to find the cure for Russel's cold in Up.
  26. The Accordion of Doom- Faced with a daunting school recital, Russel has a recurring nightmare about performing the accordion in front a hoard of monsters. In Under, the Dream Gulper arrives and materializes the dreams of its sleepers. Bob catches the Dream Gulper for his dream of being giant and ruling all the local kingdoms to come true. Russel has to confront his fears to reach the Dream Gulper and stopping Bob's dream from becoming reality forever at sunset. (Season 1 Finale)
  27. Artificial Intelligence- When a month-long solar eclipse takes place in Under, it becomes overrun by Brain Suckers, turning all their victims into mindless drones. They can be 'resmartulated' with Vernon's solar powered Resmartulator, but Bob tricks Vernon into smartulating him without being brain-sucked first, making him a super genius (at least by Bob's standards) and able to successfully take over Under. To stop Bob, Russel also has himself super-smarted, but he becomes conceited and uncaring as a result.
  28. Random Opportunity Knocks- Sick of being a hated despot, Auntie goes to the Kiosk of Random Opportunity to get a new job. Auntie becomes a "great big sacrifice" to the Great Big Gehh, a monster terrorizing the Valley of the Outies once defeated by ex-King Cliff. Loopy also gets tired of his job and heads to the Kiosk. When Russel and friends went to find Loopy, they find a light signal of Cliff coming from the Valley of the Outies.
  29. The Lawn of the Lurber- Bob kidnaps the Truth Teller and has the Frags masquerade as her to make him King and to make Russel and Gus disappear. Unfortunately, he chose to act just as the Lurber rose from the ground, intent on eating its only prey: Kings.
  30. Good Stenches make Bad Neighbors- The Big Cloud Mall kidnaps Auntie First, the Flatulent Swamp and Under after its Belch-Bean Cookoff in order to keep its engine (which runs on bad smells) running. Russel and friends head to the Mall to save Under but are slowed down by security. Fortunately Bob, seeing them on the Mall, realizes Under is going to be saved either way, and decides to do it himself and earn their undying gratitude.
  31. Despot School Confidential- Populah is sent to Miss Atilla's School for Young Despots by Auntie and Tess. With Populah not having any despot edge, she can never graduate. So, Russel, Loopy and Gus pretend to be girls and sneak into the school to help Populah win the despot derby for Populah for instant graduation. Bob also cross dresses to get in as a teacher in order to steal Russel's crown, which had been taken from him when he enrolled.
  32. El Spectaculo Del Squumpo- Loopy gives Russel an attachable tail as a King Appreciation Day gift, and Russel uses it to perform acrobatics at the travelling circus (ironically, the one Bob Wire was also working for). Unfortunately, when the circus is summoned to Emperor Lugobrius, they are faced with either making him happy with a good show or get shaved clean and locked away forever (like all the other entertainers who attempted to please him and failed).
  33. Slow Plums and Krenits- Auntie First and Loopy are both swindled into getting the Ultimate Defensive Beasts: Krenits, thus both of their populaces had to remain perfectly still or be eaten by the monsters. Russel goes to get the Ultimate Offensive Beast, the Ippy Clippy, to get rid of them, but Bob beats them to the pumch and they are locked in the Wall Eye (where the Ippy Clippy had been stored by Great Great Uncle Zeb) with a flotilla of monster guppies.
  34. Return of the Moon- After being weighed down by too much garbage the year before, the moon is about to crash into Under. Russel plans to stop it by becoming giant and smacking it away with a tennis racquet, but Bob steals the Enlargulator to make a new town for the Underites when the moon crashes, making lots of profit out of the deal.
  35. Continent Adrift- In order to gain favour with the Queen of Throng, Bob reverses the direction that Ahead of Under was moving and thus ends the motion sickness experienced by the continent's populace over the years. Unfortunately this sent the land mass on a collision course with Under, and Russel has to travel to Ahead of Under and try to set things right before his kingdom's crushed. Meanwhile Vernon and Populah have to protect Under from the ravenous Bedrock Beasts emerging from Ahead of Under.
  36. Escape from Frolicking Island – Russel, Gus and Loopy decide to go on vacation on Frolicking Island, only to find its not a resort, but a horrible trap ruled over by Happy Fernando and his pain-inducing whistle. Russel works with Captain Darling (who is also trapped with Auntie First on the island) to try to escape. Meanwhile, Vernon creates an Unmeltable Ice Cube that turns all liquid it touches solid, but when he tries to dispose of the dangerous invention, Bob Wire steals it to set up a bogus sales campaign.
  37. The Coming of Kleng - Bob's advertisement campaign for the metal polish Kleng has everyone in Under and Near Under mistakenly awaiting an attack by Kleng, believing it to be a fearsome conqueror. When Auntie quickly surrenders her country to Bob before "Kleng" comes, he quickly takes the opportunity to trick Russel too for his crown too. Russel becomes suspicious and tries to find the truth about Kleng.
  38. Ride'em Squump Boy - When Under's Squump population gets too old and retires, the irritating Slaphappies move in, forcing Russel to go to the Argyle Flats and rope up another herd, a task only possible by subduing the biggest bull Squump. Bob Wire is also out to get the Squumps, and hires some local help to do it.
  39. Stolen Voices - Desperate to get Bob out of his funk, the Frags go to the shady swindler Thornhop. He agrees to get the crown and remove Russel from the picture in exchange for Bob's beautiful (singing) voice and the Frags agree. Thornhop installs an unbreakable latch on the portal to Up and refuses to let Russel return home unless he handed over the crown. Bob tries to go back on the deal, but Thornhop steals the new King's voice. Meanwhile, Russel tries to crack the combination lock from his side of the latch. (Season 2 Finale)
  40. A Glass of Memory- Cliff gets Russel to go to Under and recover his memory of Grade 4, which he forgot after falling into the GeeIForget River on the same day he had hidden the second Crown of Under. Bob was also looking for the second Crown, and decides to get Cliff’s memory so he could find the Crown and get 50% control over Under. Unable to steal it from the Recollecter at the river's end, Bob then decides to get Russel to get the memory instead then he’d steal it from him. But he remembered that he had set traps all along the river bank to stop Russel, and one of them knocks Russel into the river, making him forget everything.
  41. The Monster Who Wouldn't Arrive- When a giant Asymptote appears but stops short of the town, the Underites start panicking, and Vernon goes dangerously Babbleyboing. In order to stop him from exploding, Russel takes him to the Clockmaker, who now lives in the Bottomless Pit. Unfortunately, the Clockmaker gave all his belongings to his love Flavia, and as such will be unable to fix Vernon until he marries her. Meanwhile, Loopy and Gus try to get rid of the Asymptote, with Bob (who is making a killing in the therapeutic business) fouling them up at every turn.
  42. The Museum of Tomorrow- As an alien fleet approaches Under, Russel is arrested by Agent Greg and his Future Infractions Bureau for a crime he has yet to commit. The others head to the Museum of Tomorrow to try to find out what crime he will commit, but are arrested themselves for planning on breaking Russel out of jail. Gus has everyone speak in past tense instead of future tense so they won’t be caught again, and he and Russel escape with the help of Vernon, Loopy and Populah, and head to the Museum to visit the future.
  43. Treasure of the Zinkas - When Russel overhears that his mother needs money and is going to sell the house, he goes to Under to find some treasure for her instead. He and his friends head out to collect the Orb of the Zinkas, an extinct sugar-loving culture. Bob tries to stop Russel, believing if Under got a new King, he’d stand a better chance of stealing the Crown.
  44. Run Russel Run- During the live production of Bob’s new TV talk show, Auntie’s prized Charismango Tree disappears and she wrongly accuses her new Thorch of eating it. Russel decides to save the Thorch and bring it back to its forest home, but Auntie hires the famous tracker Mr. Queep to get it back. Meanwhile, Vernon and Loopy try to find the real culprit, with Bob, the Frags, Hugh the Yu-Yu and Cousin Tess as their main suspects.
  45. The Egg Effect- Loopy "trespasses" in Near Under while picking flowers, causing Auntie to declare war. Russel calls for a truce but when they meet at the peace talk, Bob has them eaten by a Gurd, which turns them into eggs. When Russel hatches he becomes obsessed with getting to the top of Unclimbabale Mountain, but the Troll who owns it tries to stop him. When Auntie hatches she becomes infatuated with Loopy and puts him in a cage, he then asks her to get the Crown for him, since he saw that Bob had stolen it from the preoccupied Russel.
  46. Russel Thussle Tussle- The Frags are forced to join Loopy as Gopher scouts for their community service hours and together they steal the last Thussle bush, which had been causing a war (both the Red and Yellow Floronians wanted it). They give it to Bob Wire to keep safe, and he tells the Floronians that Russel has it causing them to attack Under. Bob tells Russel he will give it back and end the siege if he gets the crown, however Captain Darling decides to use the Thussle as a Despot Day gift to Auntie First.
  47. King Russel the Repellant- Scared of a storm, Gus has Russel go down to Under where the Horrorborealis is filling the skies, turning everyone organic (i.e. not Vernon and Bob) into pickle-obsessed Ghouls. Russel, Gus and Bob gets hit by lightning and are negatively charged, protecting them from everything even turning into Ghouls. Russel decided to go to the West Pole where his charge will be neutralized, and end the Horrorborelais as well, allowing everyone to return to normal. Bob, however, gets himself positively charged and threatens to neutralize Russel himself unless he gets the crown, but Gus ends up turning into a Ghoul. Meanwhile back in Under, Vernon has to eat all the pickles so the Ghouls can't themselves, as that would make them remain in their monstrous state forever.
  48. As Good As Gus- Bob kidnaps Gus and Loopy, sending them floating away to Dessert Island where they are beset by ravenous Sea Scarfs. He then has a Shapeshifter turn into Gus to steal the Crown, but the plan is disrupted when Russel and the Shapeshifter have to save Vernon from a nest of baby Geets.
  49. Thoosh Got Mail- The Kingdom inspector is making his rounds and Vernon, Populah and Loopy are cleaning up Under in preparation, kicking everyone out. If the kingdom’s dirty, then Russel will lose his crown, so Bob sets out to turn the town into a dump. Unknowingly Auntie First uses an obscure legal loophole to swap ownerships of hers and Russel’s kingdoms, leaving Vernon and Loopy to clean up filthy Near Under in a few mere hours. Meanwhile, Russel, Gus and Populah have to get the last stamp required in Under’s Stamp Collection from Elpsun C's post office (without which he will lose his crown also).
  50. Terrier of the Ocean- Auntie gets a Spitesucker stuck to her face when she visits Bob’s Aqua Zoo, forcing Captain Darling to make a deal with Cousin Tess to get it off. Unfortunately once she was freed, Auntie couldn't remember being sucked and was forced to try Darling and Tess for treason. Meanwhile, Russel also visits Bob’s Zoo and gets attacked by a Plurn. Gus saves Russel but the Plurn inks him, turning him into an aquatic animal. Russel goes to ask Tess how he can get Gus back to normal (leaving the finned dog with Bob and Loopy, who put him on show), but Tess refuses to help Russel until he wins her and Darling’s trial.
  51. If This, Then That- Loopy accidentally activates the jetpack Vernon was making Russel and rockets away to a distant village of Iples who dub him their "Great Decider" (they can't make decisions themselves). Meanwhile, Populah’s hair has been turned into snakes by Auntie’s shampoo, and Auntie won't share the antidote unless Russel gets her a date with Mr. Queep. Queep agrees to go on the date once he has captured a Nonifer up in the monster-infested NotVeryKnown River, but his canoe sinks at port. Gus volunteers Russel’s King Ship and they accompany Mr. Queep on his quest, along with Bob and the Frags, looking for a story to sell their tabloid, the Hotwire
  52. The Gag Pune Comes Out- (series finale) Bob Wire releases Gag Pune from Mount Stoney Lonesome, he was imprisoned in when Cliff was King. Gag was imprisoned in the mountain after going on a rampage after being laughed at by Cliff, Bob and the inhabitants of Under during a festival. Bob freed Gag because he knows the first thing he'll do is head to Under to destroy the place and Russel will have no choice but to get Cliff's help, and the price will be the Crown of Under. Meanwhile, Loopy needs to get his nose bell fixed and we learn that he's more than just the court jester.

Broadcast history[link]

  • UK
    • Nicktoons (March 2006 - September 2006)
    • Nickelodeon UK (July 2006 - September 2006)
    • POP! (March 2007–Present)

External links[link]

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Genre Police procedural
Created by Bernard Zukerman
Greg Spottiswood
Starring Amy Price-Francis
Alan van Sprang
Gabriel Hogan
Tony Nardi
Country of origin Canada
Language(s) English
No. of seasons 2
No. of episodes 21
Executive producer(s) Bernard Zukerman
Greg Spottiswood
Location(s) Toronto
Production company(s) Indian Grove Productions
Beta Film
Shaw Media
Original channel Showcase
Original run 17 April 2011 (2011-04-17) – present
External links
Production website

King is a Canadian police drama which premiered 17 April 2011 on Showcase. The series stars Amy Price-Francis as Jessica King, a veteran police officer who gets promoted to head of the Major Crimes Task Force in Toronto after her predecessor has a breakdown on television. Season 2 began production in September 2011 and premiered 29 February 2012.[1]



  • Amy Price-Francis as Detective Staff Sergeant Jessica King, the new head of the Major Crimes Task Force with eight years working Homicide, two failed marriages, and a desire to have an idyllic family life. Pilot Episode starts with King relegated to Communications section.
  • Gabriel Hogan as Danny Sless, an officer with the 'Guns and Gangs' squad and Jessica's current husband
  • Tony Nardi as Police Chief Peter Graci
  • Suzanne Coy as Detective Eleni Demaris (season 1)
  • Zoe Doyle as Detective MK Gordon (season 1)
  • Aaron Poole as Detective Jason Collier (season 1)
  • Alan van Sprang as Detective Sergeant Derek Spears, the former head of the Major Crimes Task Force and Jessica's partner
  • Rossif Sutherland as Detective Pen Martin (season 2)
  • Karen Robinson as Detective Ingrid Evans (season 2)


King was created by and is executive produced by Bernard Zukerman and Greg Spottiswood and is produced by Indian Grove Productions in association with Shaw Media.[2] The show is filmed in Toronto making use of a combination of on-location shooting and the soundstages of Dufferin Gate Productions.[3] Filming of the first season began in November 2010 and was scheduled to conclude in February 2011.[3] The first two episodes of the show were directed by Clark Johnson.[2] In speaking of the casting Johnson said that they had seen many actresses before Amy Price-Francis auditioned and that prior to her audition he wasn't convinced she was right for the role but she "just became the character" and now "she completely embodies this character" much like what happened with Michael Chiklis on The Shield, another pilot that he directed.[4] The first season has eight episodes.[5] Filming of season 2 is scheduled for 29 September 2011 through 30 March 2012 with post-production completed by 17 April 2012.[6]


The series premiered 17 April 2011 on Showcase in Canada, on 19 May 2011 it was announced that King will be shown on Séries+ for French-speaking Canadians.[7] Shaw Media announced the renewal of the show on 31 May, scheduling season two for a winter premiere on Showcase.[8] The series was picked up by M6 for broadcast in France.[7] The show premiered in Australia on TV1 in January 2012. The series has been picked up by the Universal Channel in the UK and premiered on 5 April 2012.[9] The show premiered in The Netherlands on Net 5 on 4 March 2012.

Episode list[link]

Season 1 (2011)[link]

Total # Title Directed by Written by Original air date Canadian
1 1 "Lori Gilbert" Clark Johnson Greg Spottiswood 17 April 2011 (2011-04-17) N/A
Chief Graci tells Jess King that she has been put in charge of the Major Crimes Task Force. King must prove herself quickly by finding a missing girl. 
2 2 "T-Bone" Clark Johnson David Barlow 24 April 2011 (2011-04-24) 207 000[10]
King gambles that a jailed biker, apparently willing to go undercover, can help her solve some drug-trafficking murders that the Drug Squad has only further tangled up for her. 
3 3 "Amanda Jacobs" Jerry Ciccoritti Emily Andras and Alex Levine 1 May 2011 (2011-05-01) 129 000[11]
When a detective refutes a girl's claim that she was a victim of the Riverdale Rapist, King takes over but suspects the sexual predator lurks closer to home. 
4 4 "Eleni Demaris" Holly Dale Sara B. Cooper 8 May 2011 (2011-05-08) 213 000[12]
When one of the team's detectives is beaten during a home invasion, King has to team up with a Robbery Squad detective she doesn't trust. 
5 5 "Farah Elliot" TW Peacocke Emily Andras 15 May 2011 (2011-05-15) N/A
King discovers that a killer, whom she couldn't amass enough evidence against to convict, is back in Toronto. This time, she goes to career-risking lengths to nab him. 
6 6 "Ahmad Khan" Don McBrearty Jennifer Kennedy & David Barlow 22 May 2011 (2011-05-22) 163 000[13]
A university bio-chemistry professor's found murdered, and not just his religion but his sexuality complicate the list of usual suspects. 
7 7 "Cameron Bell" Phil Earnshaw Alex Levine 29 May 2011 (2011-05-29) 167 000[14]
A video emerges of an officer, the partner of King's boyfriend, beating an informant. King is given the suspended pair's ongoing case--a murder at a skating rink. 
8 8 "Scout Winter" Jerry Ciccoritti Greg Spottiswood 5 June 2011 (2011-06-05) 137 000[15]
King's put on the headline-grabbing case of the beating of an anti-racist activist, but it turns out that her prime suspect, a skinhead, is a federal agent working undercover. 

Season 2 (2012)[link]

Total # Title Directed by Written by Original air date Canadian
9 1 "Alina Minkute" Jerry Ciccoritti Adriana Maggs 29 February 2012 (2012-02-29) 109 000[16]
A drowned stripper is linked to the son of the former chief of police. King, a few weeks pregnant, has two new members on her team. 
10 2 "Josh Simpson" Lee Rose Adam Peddle 7 March 2012 (2012-03-07) 94 000[17]
King and her team investigate the shooting of an officer at an illegal poker game. 
11 3 "Jamila Karan" Jerry Ciccoritti David Barlow 14 March 2012 (2012-03-14) 64 000[18]
The daughter of a jewellery-buyer is kidnapped. After some other cops interfere in what they didn't know to be a ransom drop-off, the Major Crimes Task Force is brought in to fix things. King becomes worried about her pregnancy. 
12 4 "Charlene Francis" Robert Lieberman Patrick Tarr 21 March 2012 (2012-03-21) 54 000[19]
King's ex-husband, a Detective Sergeant (Shawn Doyle), has his car stolen. In the back seat is a computer with case files revealing the identity of an undercover officer. 
13 5 "Sunil Sharma" Don McBrearty Brad Simpson 28 March 2012 (2012-03-28) 140 000[20]
After a lead detective can't handle the case of a murdered Hindu family, King brings in her team to figure out whether or not it was an honour killing. 
14 6 "Freddy Boise" Jerry Ciccoritti John Krizanc 4 April 2012 (2012-04-04) 80 000[21]
A heart goes missing before a transplant and King's team must track it down. King's father falls ill. 
15 7 "Jared and Stacey Cooper" George Mihalka Greg Spottiswood 13 April 2012 (2012-04-13) 49 000[22]
King and her team investigate the apparent murder-suicide of a wife and her MMA-fighter husband. King takes an old woman, arrested for throwing stones at a car, under her wing. 
16 8 "Isabelle Toomey" Don McBrearty Morwyn Brebner and Adam Pettle 20 April 2012 (2012-04-20) 79 000[23]
Chief Graci asks King to look into a 15-year cold case that still haunts him, taking her away from preparations for Thanksgiving dinner with her family. 
17 9 "Chris Harris" Lee Rose David Barlow 27 April 2012 (2012-04-27) 60 000[24]
Evans discovers that false testimony may have been given in her brother's murder trial. King finds out why healthy pregnancies are unlikely for her as long as she's with Danny. 
18 10 "Alicia Pratta" Jerry Ciccoritti Charlotte Corbeil-Coleman and Greg Spottiswood 4 May 2012 (2012-05-04) 42 000[25]
King and her team investigate the sexual assault of the daughter of a woman whose own sexual assault, years earlier, was mishandled by the Winnipeg police. King and Danny start the adoption process. 
19 11 "Justice Calvin Faulkner" Don McBrearty Brad Simpson and Patrick Tarr 11 May 2012 (2012-05-11) 58 000[26]
King must contain a scandal and delve into the messy personal life of a Family Court Judge after he’s found strangled with a negligee. 
20 12 "Aurora O'Donnell" Jerry Ciccoritti Greg Spottiswood and Bernard Zukerman, Raymond Storey 18 May 2012 (2012-05-18)
A young woman’s panic-stricken 911 call leads police to a serial killer’s dumping ground north of the city. King and her team must find the links that will reveal the identity of the person responsible. 
21 13 "Wendy Stetler" Greg Spottiswood and Bernard Zukerman 25 May 2012 (2012-05-25)
Scott Spivak is dead, but King is convinced his Uncle Tim is responsible for some of the Lake Road killings. With no evidence against him, another viable suspect, and turmoil in her personal life, is she able to navigate the storm and close the case? 

DVD release[link]

On 6 March 2012, Entertainment One released season 1 on DVD in Canada only.[27]


Bill Brioux notes that King is one of many new shows premièring in April 2011 which is making April to be the "new September", the traditional time for premièring new series in North America. "Spring really is the new fall on specialty channels."[28] In reviewing the first episode Brioux found it "seemed pretty seen-it-before" but that Amy Price-Francis "has sass and sparkle which should enliven a drama with a bit of a dark comedy tone."[29] Cassandra Szklarski points out that with the "recent explosion in Hogtown-based series" such as Flashpoint, Rookie Blue, and The Listener the unique spin of setting a cop drama in Toronto is no longer so unique. Szklarski admits that King is another "urban whodunit" but that it goes about it from a distinctively female point of view.[30] Eric Volmers of the Calgary Herald found the fallibility of the character Derek Spears to be "what promises to give King its continued dramatic tension."[31] Bill Harris of Quebecor Media found King is "not a cookie-cutter police procedural" in that DS King's personal life is a significant part of the show.[32]


  1. ^ "Schedule - Episodes - (King - Alina Minukte)". Shaw Media. Archived from the original on 0 March 2012. Retrieved 0 March 2012. 
  2. ^ a b "REIGNING HER WAY" (Press release). Shaw Media. 22 March 2011. Retrieved 27 March 2011. 
  3. ^ a b Vlessing, Ethan (9 November 2011). "King in production in Toronto". Playback. Retrieved 27 March 2011. 
  4. ^ Ryan, Andrew (30 November 2010). "Clark Johnson: The King maker". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 27 March 2011. 
  5. ^ Vlessing, Ethan (8 November 2010). "Danny Glover, Bruce Greenwood Topline 'Donovan's Echo'". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 27 March 2011. 
  6. ^ "DCA Ontario Rumours/Upcoming Productions". Directors Guild of Canada. 24 February 2012. Retrieved 0 March 2012. 
  7. ^ a b Yeo, Debra (2011-05-19). "A new King for France - TV -". Retrieved 23 May 2011. 
  8. ^ "Shaw Media Unveils 2011/12 Programming Lineup For Its Specialty Channels" (Press release). Shaw Media. 31 May 2011. Retrieved 31 May 2011. 
  9. ^ Munn, Patrick (March 12, 2012). "Exclusive: Universal Channel Acquires UK Rights To King". TVWise. Retrieved 12 March 2012. 
  10. ^ Brioux, Bill (27 April 2011). "Take me to your ratings leaders". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 12 May 2011. 
  11. ^ Brioux, Bill (5 May 2011). "Ratings across Canada show Canucks in control (in subsequent comment)". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 12 May 2011. 
  12. ^ Brioux, Bill (11 May 2011). "The Brioux Report: Big bang Beats Canucks, Race To Top". Torstar. Retrieved 12 May 2011. 
  13. ^ Brioux, Bill (25 May 2011). "The Brioux Report: Oprah's Exist Up, But It's No Big Bang In Canada". Torstar. Retrieved 30 May 2011. 
  14. ^ Brioux, Bill (1 June 2011). "The Brioux Report: Oprah, Idol, Dancing Finales No Match For Canucks". Torstar. Retrieved 31 January 2012. 
  15. ^ Brioux, Bill (8 June 2011). "The Brioux Report: Hockey Rules As Summer Hiccups Hit Schedules". Torstar. Retrieved 31 January 2012. 
  16. ^ Brioux, Bill (7 March 2012). "The Brioux Report: Canada's Got Ratings". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 12 March 2012. 
  17. ^ Brioux, Bill (14 March 2012). "The Brioux Report: Big Bang wins another week". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 20 March 2012. 
  18. ^ Brioux, Bill (21 March 2012). "The Brioux Report: Big Bang goes missing". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 23 March 2012. 
  19. ^ Brioux, Bill (28 March 2012). "The Brioux Report: old favourites Survivor, Amazing Race, Idol, NCIS and CSI dominate". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 29 March 2012. 
  20. ^ Brioux, Bill (3 April 2012). "The Brioux Report: Big Bang easily tops Junos, Sun News gets lift from political boxing stunt show". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 5 April 2012. 
  21. ^ Brioux, Bill (11 April 2012). "The Brioux Report: Big Bang's Easter Miracle". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 16 April 2012. 
  22. ^ Brioux, Bill (17 April 2012). "The Brioux Report: Stanley Cup fever". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 29 April 2012. 
  23. ^ Brioux, Bill (24 April 2012). "The Brioux Report: Canucks exit impacts CBC". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 29 April 2012. 
  24. ^ Brioux, Bill (2 May 2012). "The Brioux Report: CBC and TSN see second round slump for Stanley Cup ratings". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 3 May 2012. 
  25. ^ Brioux, Bill (9 May 2012). "The Brioux Report: wrong teams, afternoon schedule has hammered hockey ratings". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 9 May 2012. 
  26. ^ Brioux, Bill (16 May 2012). "The Brioux Report: 4 Mil+ say 'I do' to Big Bang". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 24 May 2012. 
  27. ^ Lambert, David (31 January 2012). "King - Canada's 2011 Police Drama is Scheduled for DVD Up North". Retrieved 31 January 2012. 
  28. ^ Brioux, Bill (29 March 2011). "April is the new September". Red Deer Advocate. Retrieved 21 April 2011. 
  29. ^ Brioux, Bill (20 April 2011). "Showcase hopes XIII its lucky number". TV Feeds My Family. Retrieved 21 April 2011. 
  30. ^ Szklarski, Cassandra (14 April 2011). "Brash female police boss joins cop dramas". Metro News. Archived from the original on 21 April 2011. Retrieved 21 April 2011. 
  31. ^ Volmers, Eric (13 April 2011). "Fit for a King: Local actor stars in new cop drama". Calgary Herald. Archived from the original on 21 April 2011. Retrieved 21 April 2011. 
  32. ^ Harris, Bill (13 April 2011). "'King' star pulls off daunting role". Toronto Sun. Retrieved 21 April 2011. 

External links[link]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

When I'm at work, ya, I always rush right home for lunch
So I can check out what's up on the Flower Bunch
And when I'm walking through the front door at night
I gotta see who's winning on The Price is Right, oh
I never dreamed that I'd spend my days
Staring at some tube emitting cathode rays
I need my TV
What's happening in this world, I don't care at all
But it better not pre-empt Thursda Night Ice Hockey ball
I can't even come up with my own views
I'm taught how to think from the evening news, oh
I never dreamed that I'd spend my days
Staring at some tube emitting cathode rays
I need my TV
Everybody Sing
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la...
Avril Talks
Pissing me off here, can you do scumbagging this shit

There are no lyrics for T.V. - it is a spoken interlude in which television
channels are changing. The wording is misunderstood and misinterpretated.

When I'm at work, ya, I always rush right home for lunch
So I can check out what's up on the Brady Bunch
And when I'm walking through the front door at night
I gotta see who's winning on The Price is Right, oh
I never dreamed that I'd spend my days
Staring at some tube emitting cathode rays
I need my TV
What's happening in this world, I don't care at all
But it better not pre-empt Monday Night Football
I can't even come up with my own views
I'm taught how to think from the evening news, oh
I never dreamed that I'd spend my days
Staring at some tube emitting cathode rays
I need my TV

Jak byc dobrym
Jak spokojnym
Jak cierpliwym
Jak szczesliwym
Jak sie ustrzec przed dzialaniem
Krwawej fikcji na ekranie
Nie moze dobrze byc
Na szklanej tafli
Pelno krwi
Telewizja na sniadanie
Oferuje zabijanie
Gwalt i przemoc na ekranie
Wdraza w zycie zabijanie
Na zywo z piekla trwa relacja
Nienawisci rozpaczy karma

(Rose Tattoo)
You're tellin' me everything's alright
You know you tell such filthy lies
The common cold's got nothin' on you
You're a disease from which I die
You make love to my senses
Tryin' to win my heart
I ain't got no defenses...I'm beaten from the start
You insult my intelligence
While you pat me on the back
You give me something with one hand
While the other hand takes it back
You make love to my senses
Tryin' to win my heart
I ain't got no defenses me beaten from the start, yeah
You cater to ?? fantasy
The web you weave is strong
You make it so hard seein' black from white
Tellin' right from wrong
You brainwash me senseless
Tearin' my brain apart
I ain't got no got me beaten from the start, yeah
You got me beaten from the start
You got me beaten from the start
You got me beaten from the start
You got me beaten from the start
You make love to my senses

You're all invited by
By something as good as me
You're frightened by my sentiment
What do you want to be?
You want to be my TV
Change your format 'til I say when
You want to feel my breathing
Take a dive into this deep end
And you walk across my ceiling
Trip and fall until I say when
You want to be my TV
Take dive into it
You're all divided by
Something as good as me
You're frightened by my sentiment
What do you want to be?
You want to be my TV
Change your format 'til I say when
You want to feel my breathing
Take a dive into this deep end
And you walk across my ceiling
Trip and fall until I say when
You want to be my TV
Take dive into it
This soul is undecided
This soul is undecided
What do you want from me?
What do you want to be?
What do you want to be?
What do you want from me?
What do you want me to say?

[Originally by Asta Kask, the lyrics are just translated from Swedish into German]
Hans-Hermann der machte es genau wie sein Alter
Er machte den Fernseher für sich zum Altar
Er saß einfach da von sechs bis zwei
Das wirkliche Leben war ihm völlig einerlei
Er lehrte sich sterben, er lehrte sich beten
Er lehrte sich lieben, was immer auch das war
Er sah die Reichen, sie wälzten sich in Brot
Während Afrikas Völker litten bittere Not
Er blieb so passiv gegen alles was er sah
Sein Fernseher war das beste, was es für ihn gab
Seine Gefühle blieben völlig kalt
Ja, sogar bei Nazis und ihrer Gewalt
Ja, Fernsehen, das war sein Leben
Und nach 40 Jahren waren seine Eltern tot
Nun saß er alleine in seinem Boot
Er glotzte und glotzte und hatte Spaß dabei
Nun war er endlich mit seinem Fernseher allein
Hans-Hermann wurde alt, er führte keine Not
Er kannte keine Sorgen, nur seinen Tod
Der Fernseher sagte "Plopp", die Sicherung war raus
Gelähmt saß Hans-Hermann allein in seinem Haus
Nun liegt er auf dem Friedhof, zwei Meter tief
Die Glotze mit im Sarg, während er für immer schlief
Auf seinem Grab 'ne Antenne aufgebäumt
Auf der zu lesen steht: "Fernsehen war mein einziger Freund!"

puedo cantar cualquiera cosa
que el cielo es azul, que mi amor eres tú
y la vida color de rosa es
y escribir la canción que me dé una razón
y no tardar más de media hora
que ahora la cosa está así, que no hay tiempo para decir
lo que te sale por la boca y siempre hay que esperar
para tener que explotar BANG!!!
y no sé cómo he llegado hasta aquí
algunas decisiones y algún que otro desliz
y el azar que hace el resto y que es como el cielo
lo mismo es un blues, lo mismo está gris
y yo aun te quiero, y te deseo
pero no tengo tiempo para ser feliz
y esto es lo que hay
te quedas o te vas
si el cielo está gris
yo no lo puedo cambiar
cambiar de canal
que más me da
si esta tele no entiende de mí…
no necesito beber para olvidar ni dejar esta ciudad
y pienso en ti y vuelve otra vez
no tengo tiempo para ser feliz
y esto es lo que hay
te quedas o te vas
si el cielo está gris
yo no lo puedo cambiar
cambiar de canal
que más me da
si esta tele no entiende de mí…

You're tellin' me everything's alright
You know you tell such filthy lies
The common cold's got nothin' on you
You're a disease from which I die
You make love to my senses
Tryin' to win my heart
I ain't got no defenses...I'm beaten from the start
You insult my intelligence
While you pat me on the back
You give me something with one hand
While the other hand takes it back
You make love to my senses
Tryin' to win my heart
I ain't got no defenses me beaten from the
start, yeah
You cater to ?? fantasy
The web you weave is strong
You make it so hard seein' black from white
Tellin' right from wrong
You brainwash me senseless
Tearin' my brain apart
I ain't got no got me beaten from the
start, yeah
You got me beaten from the start
You got me beaten from the start
You got me beaten from the start
You got me beaten from the start
You make love to my senses

My favorite TV station sucks
I just want my TV cartoon series
Not only this news fucking bullshit now
It takes me to the greatest feeling
Of my sensibility of anger
Don't you know how much I love
Every TV station in every Sunday Morning

You could wake up
in the morning and try
to feel so good
that you didnt realise
and the things they're like
stop me from crying
but at night
they stop me from crying
I couldnt take up
more space in my mind
(?) the back door isn't easy to find
as a call from self-indulgence
we'll meet our world
to pull up a something
so can you tell me
that you feel this fame
when you stare at the faces
full with so much shame
or is it you're too high
to tell us the part
so you can live your life
and keep up your lying
i can not stand to watch the TV
lions and the clowns keep staring at me
and the boys and the girls
of the town are afraid
they go up to destroy

You're away or captured by TV
I'm not on TV you can't see me
You're the expert on celebrities
No-one ever concentrates on me
You're, you're away or captured by TV'n
Nobody ever concentrates on me
You're, you're away or captured by TV, I want
Human company!
I made my own "See me" -magazine
Launched a "me"-commercial on TV
Bribed film industry to hit the screen
Oh just let's face it now you are after me
I did it all just to put you on your knees
So try, try harder, you hardly are a dream

Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan TV reul kkeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan kkeoteuneul chyeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan TV reul kkeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan kkeoteuneul chyeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Nae nunen geu eotteon seonboda areumdaun neoeui mommae
Geomeun meori neomaneui hyanggie naneun nokne
Ttaeron mollae eungkkeumhan sangsangeul hae
Geureoda yokshimi sonne
TV reul bodagado georireul geoddagado
Shido ttaedo eopshi nan neoreul weonhae
Mot chama eotteohke sonman jaba
Ttakttakhage malhajima
Niga nal ttakttakhage mandeul eotjanha
Neol neomu saranghae nae modeun geol da jugo
Ni modeun geol da gatgo shipeo
Deo gakkai neol ango shipeo
Nae momeul jeokshigo eongdeongil todaktodak hago shipeo
I bami saedorok boyeojugo shipeo
Eojewa tto dareun nae moseube nunmulkkaji heullil geoya
I bami saedorok boyeojugo shipeo
Neon neomu sarangseureoweo eonjena nareul seollege mandeureo
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan TV reul kkeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan kkeoteuneul chyeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Deounde gabjagi kkeoteuneul wae chyeo
Jal bogo inneun TV neun tto wae kkeo
Geureon nuneuro wae tto bunwigi jaba
Pigonhae pigonhae geunyang na jallae
Ni pumeseo kkumkkugo shipeo bamsae (ei geojitmal~)
Geuman jom bochae oneulman nari anijanha jom chama
Chakhaji nae namja geunyang kko jaja ppijiji malgo
Nae soneul jaba eorin aecheoreom wae tto deungeul dollyeo
Mot mallyeo neoran namja jeongmal utgyeo
Saenggakhae bolke eoseo gaseo bul kkeo
Idaeron jam mot jayo neon neomu areumdaweo
Nan oneul i bameul bonae gien aswiweoyo
Oneureun andwendan mal mayo
Geuman geuman geuman~ YEAH
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan TV reul kkeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan kkeoteuneul chyeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan TV reul kkeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul
Neol neomuna saranghaeseo
Nan kkeoteuneul chyeosseo
Saeppalgan ne ibsul

You advertise,
I sit here, wide eyed,
Watching something I don't want to watch,
Being forced into my mind.
Why should I watch?
Stop inflicting pain on me,
Every time I switch on my TV.
Your adverts and your company,
Are of no use or help to me.
I don't have the money,
To buy these products,
(I don't have the money)
And I don't have the eye or the luck (I don't have the eye)
Do you want a hole in my wallet?
After you've ripped me off.
Why should I feel? (Why should I feel?)
Why should I watch? (Why should I watch?)
How can I get into this film?
When every 15 minutes it fucking stops.
Stop inflicting pain on me,
Every time I switch on my TV.
Your adverts and your company,

I grew up in a world that was all wrong
Nothing I did could help it at all
So I found my place and took a stand
Didn't take too long to grow into a man
I sit at home and watch T.V.
How could this happen to me
I tried to change the world like a one man infantry
Tried so hard that my hands began to bleed
Cuz i needed help like everyone else
I look to you but your too fucking scared to help
There was a time when I thought I could save the world
But I was far too young
I stand alone what do I see
A bunch of fucking idiots
With the same thoughts as me

I knew you'd go far
In my white convertible car
Recline in my seat
Lying back in this heat
Look me up on channel three
So sophisticated
Charming and educated
And I hope you don't mind
Nothing's harder to find
Someone sensual like you
Elton John's style
With an eagle profile
Small screen smile
Coquille St. Jaques
Coquille St. Jaques
I think you're very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very, very, very...
Etends moi
Au dessous de toi
Je suis une sphinx
Les genoux a chacque cote
De vos cuisses
It won't take long
Oh you're so strong
Recline in my seat
Back in this heat
In my white convertible
I told you before
You've made me so sore
With your foot on the floor
All the way to my door
Your beautiful teeth, what's underneath?
There's nothing left to do
I think you're very, very, very,

(sound bites)
"hier ist das Erste Deutsche Fernsehen mit der Tagesshau"
"good evening, good evening"
"buenas nochas senorias and senores"
"mesdames et messieurs, bonjour"
"guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren,
und herzlich willkommen!"
watch the news on the screen
is it real or a dream
the whole world at my command
tv guide in my hand
every place every time
politics, sex and crime
I press the key and watch TV
watch the war on the screen
it is safe, it is clean
silent movie black and white
charlie chaplin is on tonight
science fiction, history
electric church, comedy
I press the key and watch TV
(sound bites)
"stay with us we'll be right back"
"aus Frankfurt nun, die Wettervorhersage fuer Morgen"
"the satellite picture shows a lot of clouds around over europe"
"das Wetter, das Wetter, das Wetter"
. . . - . - . . ["eure" or "ski"]
weather forecast, happy ends
computer graphics, electric bands
I press the key and watch TV
I press the key and watch TV
I press the key and watch TV
(sound bites)
"stay with us we'll be right back"
"world news"
"on today's program"
"es is un programma de television espanola" (?)
"ab 22: 10 hat der Sport das Wort"
"washes so clean"
"washes so clean"
"with over five million households already tuned in"
"washes so clean
"quite a good day tomorrow! quite a good day tomorrow!
quite a good day!"
"phone now! 802 802. phone now! 020 802."
"und die gewinnsamer Spiel, lautet" (?)
"one two three four"
"und das Ganze natuerlich wie immer, ohne Gewehr" (?)
"we will close today's program"
"in Namem alle Mitarbeiter, darfe ich mich recht herzlich
von Ihnen verabschieden"
"that's all for tonight... good night"
"tschuess, wir sehen uns morgen wieder"
"I hope you have been blessed by this program"
"enjoy, and I will see you tomorrow"
"bon soir"