- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 10714597
Coordinates: 6°30′N 9°30′W / 6.500°N 9.500°W / 6.500; -9.500
Liberia i/laɪˈbɪəriə/, officially the Republic of Liberia, is a country on the West African coast. Liberia means "Land of the Free" in Latin. It is bordered by Sierra Leone to its west, Guinea to its north and Ivory Coast to its east. It covers an area of 111,369 square kilometres (43,000 sq mi) and is home to 4,503,000 people.English is the official language and over 20 indigenous languages are spoken, representing the numerous tribes who make up more than 95% of the population.
Forests on the coastline are composed mostly of salt-tolerant mangrove trees, while the more sparsely populated inland has forests opening onto a plateau of drier grasslands. The climate is equatorial, with significant rainfall during the May–October rainy season and harsh harmattan winds the remainder of the year. Liberia possesses about forty percent of the remaining Upper Guinean rainforest. It was an important producer of rubber in the early 20th century.
Like VICE News? Subscribe to our news channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News Check out more episodes from The VICE Guide to Travel here: http://bit.ly/1id8igT VICE travels to West Africa to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nation's eventual intervention, most of Liberia's young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. The former child soldiers who were forced into war have been left to fend for themselves, the murderous warlords who once led them in cannibalistic rampages have taken up as so-called community leaders, and new militias are lying in wait for the opportunity to reclaim their country from a government they rightly mistrust. Hosted by Shan...
Full length now on YouTube: http://bit.ly/Liberia-Full-Length Cannibalism, murder and rape are just a part of everyday life in certain regions of Liberia. Despite the United Nation's eventual intervention, most of this country's young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. In 2009, we went to Liberia to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. UPDATE: Charles G. Taylor, former President of Liberia and warlord, has been convicted by an international tribunal of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including rape, murder, and the use of child soldiers. He is the first head of state to be found guilty by an international court since the Nuremberg trials. Hosted by Shane Smith | Or...
Click here to subscribe to VICE News for more: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News The war in Syria is dragging neighbouring Lebanon to the edge of the abyss, and nowhere is the growing chaos more stark than in the second city of Tripoli. Sunni militants aligned with the Syrian rebels frequently clash with fighters from the city's encircled Alawite minority, who support the Assad regime, in bitter street fighting the country's weak government is powerless to stop. With the rule of law no longer in effect in Tripoli, warlords like Sunni commander Ziad Allouki are now the city's real rulers, so VICE hung out with him and his fighters for a week to discover why they're fighting, and whether the country really is on the brink of civil war. http://vicenews.com Follow VICE News here Faceboo...
政府や国連による支援の実態を把握すべく、リベリア最悪のスラムを訪れたシェーン。下水道も未整備の当地域では、海岸がトイレ/ゴミ捨て場だ。不衛生極まりない環境下で、人々の健康が冒されているのは火をみるより明らかだ。麻薬に溺れる少年、売春で子を養う母。マラリア、ヘロイン、そしてエイズが蔓延するここに支援など行き届いているはずがない。 PART1から連続再生する:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjpCU89qu5M&list;=PLyheH-sHmeaN9w5nP3Y5l3dVApLeZ4Vio Eager to see what the UN and Liberian government are actually doing, VBS meets up with a local journalist who plops us down in the center of West Point, the worst slum in Liberia. Without any modern plumbing, the people of West Point have taken to using the beach as a dump and giant outhouse. The area smells like, well, a dump and a giant outhouse, and it goes without saying that residents' health suffers a whole host of issues. Here we also happen on a young Liberian rapper, who gives us a couple verses about the scourge of Afric...
リベリア最悪のスラム街、ウェストポイントへと戻った一行。売春宿に足を踏み入れれば、立ちこめる悪臭。血や謎の液体が壁やシーツに飛び散る様はまるでこの世のものとは思えない。売春婦たちとの取材では国連メンバーによる非道行為が明らかとなるが、美容師を名乗る麻薬中毒の女がひとたび叫び始めると男たちが部屋に入り込み、一触即発の事態に。 その後、ランボー大将の仲介によって第一次内戦時の元軍人〝裸の将軍〟が待つホテルへ。無垢な子どもの心臓を貪り、殺戮を繰り返したその男、意外にも穏やかなご様子。今ではすっかり福音主義に改宗していた。 PART1から連続再生する:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjpCU89qu5M&list;=PLyheH-sHmeaN9w5nP3Y5l3dVApLeZ4Vio Back in West Point, we take our cameras to a busy brothel that reminds us of a biblical-era rendition of hell. The walls appear spattered and stained by some vicious cocktail of human fluid. A fetid air wafts throughout. Bloody rags and condoms lay strewn across the floor. The half-dozen girls on call accuse some UN members of flagrant sexual misconduct. When chaos breaks out in the whorehouse, we hit the road. In the car, General Ramb...
裸の将軍ジョシュア・ミルトン・ブライが、戦時中に自らが指揮を執った場所を案内してくれた。銃弾に負けない勇気と強さを得るため、子どもの血を飲み心臓を食らい、全裸で敵と闘った日々を振り返る。悪名高い彼ではあるが、今では子どもにゴスペルを教え、心理的ダメージを負った元少年兵たちのリハビリに励む。 PART1から連続再生する:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjpCU89qu5M&list;=PLyheH-sHmeaN9w5nP3Y5l3dVApLeZ4Vio General Butt Naked, now Joshua Blahyi, takes us for a tour of the area he once controlled as a warlord. Now a converted Christian, Joshua recounts a day in the life of a cannibalistic general: eating the hearts of innocent children, training boys to kill, murdering enemies under the African sun. We learn of the secret powers of fighting completely naked and are taken to a spot where only a day earlier an assassination attempt was made on Joshua's life. Today, Joshua preaches the gospel, helping to rehabilitate the former child soldiers who were most...
リベリアでは貧困やレイプ、食人が蔓延る一方、キリスト教が大きな広がりを見せ、まさに地獄と天国が併存した状態だ。かつての指揮官たちは一線を退き、大量虐殺者は改宗。今や自身の教会で宣教師として人々の賞賛を浴びている。彼らは再び内戦が勃発しても今のままでいられるのだろうか。内戦の後遺症に苦しみ、さらには国連軍撤退後の反乱軍の脅威が懸念される現状では、この国に安息の日が訪れる見込みはないだろう。 The final chapter of our Guide to Liberia begins with Joshua, one-time rapist and murderer of thousands, introducing Shane at his church and denouncing Liberia's fair-weather friends afraid of slums and swamp water. His sermon ends with an open admission of the blood on his hands. In the end, we wonder about the future of Liberia, Generals Butt Naked, Rambo, and bin Laden, and what will become of the child soldiers after the UN leaves. Will it once again dissolve into open warfare? Or can a message of good redeem a country that's been plagued with violence and poverty since its inception? VICEチャ...
The Cannibal Generals Of Liberia is a song by: Dj Kannibal Freak from the album: Thunder Doom Release Date: December 6th, 2013 Label: Da ! Heard It Records ============================= Loved it? Please like share and Subscribe
Issei Sagawa murdered an innocent woman and spent three days eating her flesh. Due to loopholes in the law, Issei is a free man to this day. On the afternoon of June 13, 1981, a Japanese man named Issei Sagawa walked to the Bois de Boulogne, a park on the outskirts of Paris, carrying two suitcases. The contents of those suitcases, to the lament of a nearby jogger, was the dismembered body of a fellow student -- a Dutch woman named Renée Hartevelt, whom Sagawa had shot three days prior and had spent the days since eating various parts of her body. He was soon arrested. According to reports, Issei uttered, "I killed her to eat her flesh," when they raided his home, whereupon they found bits of Renne still in his fridge. Sagawa was declared insane and unfit for trial and was institutionali...
Hi guys! So my first day in Liberia was absolutely fantastic. I started off my day running a few errands then, I met up with friends for two separate celebrations. In this video I show you a few short clips of how I spent my day. If you would like to hear or see more of my international adventures feel free to connect with me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/daringdanielle/ or follow me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheDaringDanielle
OUT NOW - http://www.vbs.tv/watch/the-vice-guide-to-travel/the-vice-guide-to-liberia-1-of-8 In the summer of 2009, Smith, along with VICE UK Editor Andy Capper, traveled to Liberias capital, Monrovia, to assess whether the war-ravaged country had moved past a decade of brutal violence. What they discovered is that despite the United Nations eventual intervention, most of Liberias young people still live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. The former child soldiers who were forced into war have been left to fend for themselves, the murderous warlords who once led them in cannibalistic rampages have taken up as so-called community leaders, and new militias lie in wait for the opportunity to reclaim their country from a government they righ...
While some places are on this list due to armed conflicts and violence, other places are on the list thanks to physical or biological calamities. Regardless of the reasons, the one thing all of these places have in common is that most western governments do not advise travel to them unless it is absolutely necessary. These are the 25 most dangerous places to visit as a tourist. Also, before we continue, just remember, being on this list doesn't necessarily mean the entire country is bad to visit (although it can). Just make sure to check on regional travel warnings. Follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/list25 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/list25 Website: http://list25.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/list25/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/list25/ Check out the physic...
Excerpt from The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast #138 with Anthony Bourdain, Brian Redban.
Programa de debate NUESTRAS VERDADES, No. 1317 ,setiembre, año 2016. Transmitido en Canal 8 Guanacaste, Cable Tica. Dirección Edward Alfaro A.
L'inizio dell'anno scolastico in Liberia è accompagnato da tante belle notizie.
Kiddu Dance performance by RS boys Mahathma Cultural Center Liberia- ഓണക്കൂട്ടം 2016 #kalipu #shajipappan #kiliki #RSBoys
Music video by Alpha Blondy and The Solar System performing Peace In Liberia. (C) 1992 Wagram Music / Test
tunisie vs liberia 4-1 | مبارة تونس وليبيريا 4-1 مباراة كااااااملة تصفيات كاس امم افريقيا مبارة تونس وليبيريا 4-1 مباراة كااااااملة مبارة تونس وليبيريا 4-1 تونس وليبيريا وليبيريا 4-1 tunisie vs liberia 4-1 tunisie vs liberia tunisie liberia 2017 ملخص مباراة تونس وليبيريا 4 -1 تصفيات كاس امم افريقيا Tunisie vs Libéria 4-1 مباراة تونس وليبيريا 4 - ملخص مباراة تونس وليبيريا 4 -1 تونس وليبيريا 4 -1 تونس وليبيريا tunisie vs liberia
Pelton enters a little-known war in which he is surrounded by Charles Taylor's forces in a brutal fight to the death. The documentary takes inside life in a besieged village with the rag tag LURD rebels and Pelton's child soldier group. Pelton becomes close to the Small Boys Unit, a group of child soldiers, and we meet "Survival", a 5-year-old gun-toting killer who befriends Pelton.
Michelle, Sasha and Malia – Special Girl – Power unit of Obama’s Household – Visit Liberia to push for Girls education.
The history of Liberia from its beginnings in 1820 to the election of Charles Taylor. This is sort of the part 1 of uncivil war (2) & Vice guide to travel (3).
VICE News Exclusive: Part 1 of "The Fight Against Ebola" - http://bit.ly/Ebola-Part-1 West Africa is being plagued by a new outbreak of Ebola — a terrifying disease that causes its victims to bleed to death from the inside out. Ebola has no cure, and the latest epidemic is spreading fast. VICE News visited Liberia, where many feel the new outbreak began, borne from the bushmeat markets of Lofa. Western scientists feel that the consumption and preparation of meat from monkeys, fruit bats, and other forest animals is behind the transmission of Ebola, and possibly a new supervirus, which if left uncontrolled could kill a third of the world's population. Eight Now Dead from Ebola Virus in Liberia's Capital: https://news.vice.com/article/eight-now-dead-from-ebola-virus-in-liberias-capital ...
Documentary on the civil war in Liberia - with Charles Taylor & Prince Johnson Filmed by Peter Rinaldo
La Tunisie s'est imposée sereinement (4-1) face au Liberia lors de la sixième et dernière journée des éliminatoires de la CAN 2017, validant son billet pour la compétition. Buts : Wahbi Khazri (4'), Taha Khenissi (35'), Saber Khalifa (72'), Hamza Lamar (77') pour la Tunisie ; Mark Paye (70') pour le Liberia. Tunisie : Mathlouthi - Nagguez, Abdennour, S. Ben Youssef, Mohsni, Maaloul - Ben Amor, Lahmar, Beguir – Khazri, Khenissi. Liberia : Ghalley - Grimes, Dorbor, Glay, Teah - Keita, Van Dave, Laffor, Weeks- Johnson, Jebor. Rejoignez-nous sur : ► Afrik-Foot : http://www.afrik-foot.com ► Twitter : https://twitter.com/afrikfoot ► Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/page.afrikfoot Tunisia vs Liberia (4-1) Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers 2017 Tunisia vs Liberia (4-1) Africa Cup of Natio...