
Wings of the Red Star: Phantom's Foe! MiG-21 Fishbed!
The Great Old Discovery Channel documentaries! Not like crap they show today! Deep insight...
published: 11 Aug 2011
author: BitnikGr
Wings of the Red Star: Phantom's Foe! MiG-21 Fishbed!
Wings of the Red Star: Phantom's Foe! MiG-21 Fishbed!
The Great Old Discovery Channel documentaries! Not like crap they show today! Deep insight on Mikoyan and Gurevich MiG-21 jet fighter of 2nd generation, whic...- published: 11 Aug 2011
- views: 120849
- author: BitnikGr

Zbrusu nový hit kapely MIG 21 vznikl pro film MUŽI V NADĚJI. Podívejte se na videoklip....
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: InfinityPrague
Zbrusu nový hit kapely MIG 21 vznikl pro film MUŽI V NADĚJI. Podívejte se na videoklip.- published: 02 Aug 2011
- views: 3073647
- author: InfinityPrague

2013 MiG-21 Video
MiG - 21 UM Mongul....
published: 09 Jul 2013
author: WB Delaware
2013 MiG-21 Video

Beautiful plane. Video shows inside and outside of it and very good quality. Amendment: Vi...
published: 20 Jul 2006
author: HerrHIVEMIND
Beautiful plane. Video shows inside and outside of it and very good quality. Amendment: Video was shot in Czech Republic (with a c!) Please enjoy this video,...- published: 20 Jul 2006
- views: 602444
- author: HerrHIVEMIND

Mig 21 - Mávej (Oficiální video)
Hudební autoři: F.Claude, J.Revaux
Text: Jiří Macháček
Režie: Mig 21
Kamera: Miki Křen
published: 19 Sep 2013
Mig 21 - Mávej (Oficiální video)
Mig 21 - Mávej (Oficiální video)
Hudební autoři: F.Claude, J.Revaux Text: Jiří Macháček Režie: Mig 21 Kamera: Miki Křen Střih: Pavel Hrdlička- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 45168

Mig 21 - Slepic pirka
Music video by Mig 21 performing Slepic pirka. (C) 2001 B&M; Music spol. s.r.o.....
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: Mig21VEVO
Mig 21 - Slepic pirka
Mig 21 - Slepic pirka
Music video by Mig 21 performing Slepic pirka. (C) 2001 B&M; Music spol. s.r.o..- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 340214
- author: Mig21VEVO

Mig 21 - Vlajky vlaji
Music video by Mig 21 performing Vlajky vlaji. (C) 2004 B&M; Music spol. s.r.o.....
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: Mig21VEVO
Mig 21 - Vlajky vlaji
Mig 21 - Vlajky vlaji
Music video by Mig 21 performing Vlajky vlaji. (C) 2004 B&M; Music spol. s.r.o..- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 441075
- author: Mig21VEVO

MiG-21 Aircraft Engages Targets in Syria
--- Subscribe for more http://goo.gl/bY5w6 ---
Video footage has recently been released sh...
published: 12 May 2014
MiG-21 Aircraft Engages Targets in Syria
MiG-21 Aircraft Engages Targets in Syria
--- Subscribe for more http://goo.gl/bY5w6 --- Video footage has recently been released showing a MiG-21 aircraft dropping a bomb on Syria Rebels. It appears as though the bomb missed its intended target. Bomb drops such as this one are a regular occurrence in Syria. (Video strictly for news/educational purposes). --- Join us on twitter! https://twitter.com/globalleak --- __ What is GlobalLeaks? We live in a lively world. Amazing, scary, and important events are constantly taking place. GlobalLeaks is a channel that obtains footage of these events, and shares it with you. We believe that "Raw footage tells the story". Subscribe to this channel for breaking news, online news, world news, national news, current events, combat footage, amazing videos, shocking videos, extreme videos, explosions, crashes...the list goes on. All Music made by http://www.jbmusic.org (Joshua Baker) and is © 2013 Joshua Baker About the video / Community guidelines: This footage is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. GlobalLeaks is a news channel where we strive to show people the news that has been left out of the main-stream media. This footage is also part of an ongoing documentary on 'events that shape our perspective'. ___ If you have any questions or would like to send us footage, contact us directly at globalleaksemail@gmail.com- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 301

MiG-21 Flight Prep And...
I've enjoyed watching a lot of aircraft and now I can add a MiG-21R to the list. In 1986, ...
published: 23 Jun 2009
author: paralleler
MiG-21 Flight Prep And...
MiG-21 Flight Prep And...
I've enjoyed watching a lot of aircraft and now I can add a MiG-21R to the list. In 1986, the folks of Aviation Classics started importing and restoring MiG-...- published: 23 Jun 2009
- views: 125930
- author: paralleler

Croatian Air Force MiG-21 Bis/D at Zagreb Pleso Airport [ZAG-LDZA]
Exercice d'un Mig21 Croate à l'aéroport de Zagreb, filmé depuis la terrasse.
This Croatia...
published: 26 Dec 2013
Croatian Air Force MiG-21 Bis/D at Zagreb Pleso Airport [ZAG-LDZA]
Croatian Air Force MiG-21 Bis/D at Zagreb Pleso Airport [ZAG-LDZA]
Exercice d'un Mig21 Croate à l'aéroport de Zagreb, filmé depuis la terrasse. This Croatian Mig21 did some touch and go's and go arounds for training at Pleso Airport, filmed from the airport deck.- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 104

Mig 21 - Malotraktorem
Music video by Mig 21 performing Malotraktorem. (C) 2002 B&M; Music spol. s.r.o.....
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: Mig21VEVO
Mig 21 - Malotraktorem
Mig 21 - Malotraktorem
Music video by Mig 21 performing Malotraktorem. (C) 2002 B&M; Music spol. s.r.o..- published: 01 Dec 2009
- views: 474752
- author: Mig21VEVO
Youtube results:

A Russian 1950s Mig-21 CAN KILL F-35 in a dog fight Top US Aircraft designer claims FUNNY STUFF
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a family of single-seat, single-engine, fifth-gen...
published: 21 Oct 2013
A Russian 1950s Mig-21 CAN KILL F-35 in a dog fight Top US Aircraft designer claims FUNNY STUFF
A Russian 1950s Mig-21 CAN KILL F-35 in a dog fight Top US Aircraft designer claims FUNNY STUFF
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a family of single-seat, single-engine, fifth-generation multirole fighters under development to perform ground attack, reconnaissance, and air defense missions with stealth capability.[7][8] The F-35 has three main models; the F-35A is a conventional takeoff and landing variant, the F-35B is a short take-off and vertical-landing variant, and the F-35C is a carrier-based variant. The F-35 is descended from the X-35, the product of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. It is being designed and built by an aerospace industry team led by Lockheed Martin. The F-35 took its first flight on 15 December 2006. The United States plans to buy 2,443 aircraft. The F-35 variants are intended to provide the bulk of its tactical airpower for the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy over the coming decades. JSF development is being principally funded by the United States with additional funding from partners. The partner nations are either NATO members or close U.S. allies. The United Kingdom, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Norway, Denmark, and Turkey are part of the active development program; Japan has ordered the F-35, while Singapore may also equip their air force with the F-35.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15] The United States Air Force (USAF) is the aerial warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven American uniformed services. Initially part of the United States Army, the USAF was formed as a separate branch of the military on 18 September 1947 under the National Security Act of 1947.[5] It is the most recent branch of the U.S. military to be formed, and is the largest and one of the world's most technologically advanced air forces. The USAF articulates its core functions as Nuclear Deterrence Operations, Special Operations, Air Superiority, Global Integrated ISR, Space Superiority, Command and Control, Cyberspace Superiority, Personnel Recovery, Global Precision Attack, Building Partnerships, Rapid Global Mobility and Agile Combat Support.[6] The U.S. Air Force is a military service within the Department of the Air Force, one of the three military departments of the Department of Defense. The USAF is headed by the civilian Secretary of the Air Force, who is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. The highest-ranking military officer in the Department of the Air Force is the Chief of Staff of the Air Force who exercises supervision over Air Force units, and serves as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Air Force combat forces are assigned, as directed by the Secretary of Defense, to the Combatant Commanders, and neither the Secretary of the Air Force nor the Chief of Staff have operational command authority over them. A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for air-to-air combat against other aircraft,[1] as opposed to bombers and attack aircraft, whose main mission is to attack ground targets. The hallmarks of a fighter are its speed, maneuverability, and small size relative to other combat aircraft. Many fighters have secondary ground-attack capabilities, and some are designed as dual-purpose fighter-bombers; often aircraft that do not fulfill the standard definition are called fighters. This may be for political or national security reasons, for advertising purposes, or other reasons.[2] A fighter's main purpose is to establish air superiority over a battlefield. Since World War I, achieving and maintaining air superiority has been considered essential for victory in conventional warfare.[3] The success or failure of a belligerent's efforts to gain air supremacy hinges on several factors including the skill of its pilots, the tactical soundness of its doctrine for deploying its fighters, and the numbers and performance of those fighters. Because of the importance of air superiority, since the dawn of aerial combat armed forces have constantly competed to develop technologically superior fighters and to deploy these fighters in greater numbers, and fielding a viable fighter fleet consumes a substantial proportion of the defense budgets of modern armed forces.[4] The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly referred to as the United States (US or U.S.), America, or simply the States, is a federal republic[10][11] consisting of 50 states, 16 territories, a federal district, 310 Indian reservations and various overseas extraterritorial jurisdictions. The 48 contiguous states and the federal district of Washington, D.C. are in central North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is the northwestern part of North America, west of Canada and east of Russia, which is across the Bering Strait in Asia, and the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-North Pacific. The country also has five populated and nine unpopulated territories in the Pacific and the Caribbean.- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 43

Will Ward - MiG-21 - Sunset Afterburner Flybys - Willow Run Airport
Watch Will "Psycho" Ward as he beats up the pattern at Willow Run Airport (KYIP) in his Mi...
published: 18 Sep 2011
author: AirshowStuffVideos
Will Ward - MiG-21 - Sunset Afterburner Flybys - Willow Run Airport
Will Ward - MiG-21 - Sunset Afterburner Flybys - Willow Run Airport
Watch Will "Psycho" Ward as he beats up the pattern at Willow Run Airport (KYIP) in his MiG-21 Fishbed as the sun goes down. Flying at dusk made the afterbur...- published: 18 Sep 2011
- views: 10345
- author: AirshowStuffVideos

Indian Air force MIG 21 Bison 1/2
In 1961, the Indian Air Force (IAF) opted to purchase the MiG-21 over several other Wester...
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: youmazdatube
Indian Air force MIG 21 Bison 1/2
Indian Air force MIG 21 Bison 1/2
In 1961, the Indian Air Force (IAF) opted to purchase the MiG-21 over several other Western competitors because the Soviet Union offered India full transfer ...- published: 06 Nov 2011
- views: 35818
- author: youmazdatube

Mig-21 JRV (125.Fighting SQDN)
Ovaj video pokazuje letenje 125-e. lovačke eskadrile sa aerodroma Željava početkom 1991.
published: 03 Apr 2007
Mig-21 JRV (125.Fighting SQDN)
Mig-21 JRV (125.Fighting SQDN)
Ovaj video pokazuje letenje 125-e. lovačke eskadrile sa aerodroma Željava početkom 1991. Također se mogu vidjeti i kadrovi iz podzemnog objekta "Klek". ---------------------------- This video shows flying of 125th.Fighting SQDN from airfield Zeljava in the beginning of 1991. Also you can see scenes from the undergorund facility "Klek".- published: 03 Apr 2007
- views: 117332