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Croydon citizens outnumber fascists in anti-facist demonstration

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EVF demonstrators behind a wall of police (who also outnumbered the fascists).

EVF demonstrators behind a wall of police (who also outnumbered the fascists).

Yesterday around 30-40 fascists from the English Defence League and English Volunteer Force outside Lunar House in Wellesley Road, Croydon in a blatant attempt to inflame racial hatred and anti-immigrant bias. Lunar House was deliberately chosen as the site where the majority of asylum seekers come and first claim asylum. In addition, approximately 60% of staff identify as Black and Minority Ethnic employees.

But yesterday was not a day that will linger long in the fascists’ memories as a successful day for the racists who sought to exploit Croydon’s social problems and stir up racial hatred. Such was the response of the EVF that after their meeting they sulked back home and cancelled their plans to further protest at Lewisham.  Estimates put the number of the counter-protesters at over 150. In other words, for every one racist there were at least four citizens who were prepared to stand up and face the chants and ‘sieg heils’ of the fascists to declare that their ‘England’ bears no relation to the England we are all residents of. We, not the EVF detritus, were those who best represented Croydon opinion.

It was not just the disparity of numbers that made this a successful day for the vast majority of Croydon citizens who oppose fascism but the diversity of the protesters. The counter protest began its life being organised in a collaborative effort by Croydon Trades Union Council, Unite against Fascism, PCS, the South London Anti-Fascist Group but it became much more. Groups from a myriad of groups, including faith groups and individual citizens too gathered which meant this was not just an antifascist/trade union event but an event engaging all Croydon residents. In fact, the only people conspicuous by their absence were local politicians – not one of Croydon’s Members of Parliament to our knowledge deigned to challenge the fascists and stand with their constituents in their or their neighbouring constituencies (Gavin Barwell and Richard Ottaway from the Conservatives and Steve Reed from Labour). This despite statements of opposition.

But, as a PCS representative said addressing the protest, whilst political action in opposing fascism is welcome there is only one thing that has ever been shown to defeat fascism: And that is when ordinary working people choose not to ignore the hate filled racists in their midst but peacefully and robustly stand together that the voices of welcome, integration and mutual respect will drown out hate. Yesterday, in Croydon, that is precisely what happened.

PCS Croydon wish to put on record our thanks to each and every individual who took time out to support your fellow citizens and especially those who worked so hard behind the scenes to ensure the event was peaceful and a successful demonstration of of what Croydon really stands for.


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