eRRe & Peter Kurten - Techno Porro
published: 06 Aug 2011
Boogarins - Erre (Official Video)
From the album, "As Plantas Que Curam," out now on vinyl, CD, and mp3 by Other Music Recording Co. and on cassette through Other Music/Burger Records.
Video Credits
Directed and Animated by Steven Mertens
Camera and Live Footage Lucas Cabu
Fernando Almeida and Benke Ferraz met in high school in the central Brazilian city of Goiânia, far from the thriving cultural metropolises of São Paulo and Rio, yet nevertheless in the shadow of the icons of their homeland's great musical heritage -- not bossa nova and samba, however, but psychedelic pop. Still in their late teens, the music they make together, recorded on borrowed gear and with self-taught technology in their parents' basements, shares the spirit and soul of Tropicalismo, but it has also blossomed in the light of the current internat...
published: 26 Feb 2014
Erre XI - Carita Bonita ft. Pee Wee
Music video by Erre XI performing Carita Bonita. (C) 2008 Machete Music/ LT
#ErreXI #CaritaBonita #Vevo #Latino #OficialMusicaVideo #PeeWee
published: 23 Dec 2009
Master & prod:@emewayestudio
Nuevo temita, aver si os gusta.
Dedicado a alguien especial
published: 04 Nov 2019
Erre Cseréltem A TESÓMAT!🤔
SOK VICCES STORYÉRT Kövess Instagramon: @csongiforro
Nézz rá a Cresser-es Pandás termékekre is!^^
► https://mcshop.hu/cresser
● Saját Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/forro.csongor
● Panda Csoport ►https://www.facebook.com/groups/160804074430390/
● Csatorna Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/thecresser
● Snapchat ► cresser01
● E-mail címem ► thecresser01@gmail.com
►SZPONZOR LEHETŐSÉG (Egyedi Emoji, Zöld név, stb.)
► Ha szeretnéd Támogatni a munkásságom itt megteheted :)
(A live alatti támogatásokat megjelennek, és felolvasom a velük írt szöveggel együtt | CSAK SAJÁT FELELŐSÉGRE )
INGYENES TÁMOGATÁS (Live-oknál) ► https://loots.com/en/tip-jars/cresser
● Ha tetsz...
published: 21 Oct 2018
ERRE ZENITUZTEN (Xabi Solano) - Bizkargi Dantza Elkartea
Larrabetzuko Bizkargi Dantza Elkarteko gazteek egindako koreografia Xabi Solanoren "Erre Zenituzten" kantan oinarrituz.
Musika: Xabi Solano
Hitzak: Jon Garmendia "Txuriya"
Koreografia: Bizkargi Dantza Elkartea (http://bizkargidantzaelkartea.eus)
Bideoaren egileak: Gaizka Peñafiel & Asier Olazar
WEB: http://infernukohauspoa.com / http://gaizkapenafiel.com
published: 19 Apr 2017
eRRe-Zombie Dwarf
by Tainted Audio
TNT 014
You can buy here:
or here:
-uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com
published: 03 Dec 2015
YMB & eRRe - Everybody in da Club
Buy [DRS0011] here: https://www.junodownload.com/artists/Erre+%2526+Ymb/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ymb
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YmBdnb/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/erre_erre
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eRRe-207711865931861/
[Drumatch Records]
☣Official Website: https://drumatch.com/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/drumatchrecords
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drumatch/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tyrantinum
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tyrantinum/
☣Bandcamp: https://tyrantinum.bandcamp.com/
☣Contacts: TyrantinumREC@gmail.com
published: 07 Jan 2018
Halott Pénz - Erre még meghívlak (feat Kőváry Zoli)
» Kövess minket Instagramon vagy Facebookon! «
iTunes-on előrendelhető az új album: http://apple.co/1SV45Cb
Apple Music streaming: https://itun.es/hu/JsZcbb
Spotify: http://halottpenz.hu/spotify
Deezer: http://halottpenz.hu/deezer
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1Yt34kH
published: 31 Mar 2016
Erre Zenituzten - Bizkargi Dantza Elkartea
Emakumearen nazioarteko eguna ospatzeko Larrabetzun eginiko jaian, BDEk eskainitako dantza.
published: 08 Mar 2017
Fragz & eRRe & BSA - Boombox Terror
eRRe - Dark Rituals EP
01 - eRRe & HardLogik - Up Underground
02 - C-Netik & eRRe - Syke
03 - eRRe & Infamous - Dark Below
04 - Fragz & eRRe & BSA - Boombox Terror
05 - eRRe & Hardlogik - Rock You Beat
published: 23 Mar 2015
ERRE - MAJ 1 (Prod. by Cxdy)
Réalisation : Piēge Studios
Enregistrement : Crearoom Studio
Mixage : Manganèse Records
Prod : Cxdy
Contact : erre.mob@gmail.com
Facebook : ERRE
Instagram : 2_erre
published: 19 Jul 2019
Boogarins - Erre (Official Video)
From the album, "As Plantas Que Curam," out now on vinyl, CD, and mp3 by Other Music Recording Co. and on cassette through Other Music/Burger Records.
Video C...
From the album, "As Plantas Que Curam," out now on vinyl, CD, and mp3 by Other Music Recording Co. and on cassette through Other Music/Burger Records.
Video Credits
Directed and Animated by Steven Mertens
Camera and Live Footage Lucas Cabu
Fernando Almeida and Benke Ferraz met in high school in the central Brazilian city of Goiânia, far from the thriving cultural metropolises of São Paulo and Rio, yet nevertheless in the shadow of the icons of their homeland's great musical heritage -- not bossa nova and samba, however, but psychedelic pop. Still in their late teens, the music they make together, recorded on borrowed gear and with self-taught technology in their parents' basements, shares the spirit and soul of Tropicalismo, but it has also blossomed in the light of the current international DIY underground. Almeida is the poet and singer, Ferraz is the multi-instrumentalist and gear-head, and together, as Boogarins, they write songs that reach beyond their years and any restrictions of geography or genre: timeless pop untethered from categorizations.
The songs that are collected on As Plantas Que Curam (translated: Plants That Heal) were recorded mostly as a duo, before they ever considered playing live, before they found a rhythm section or even a name -- the Bogarim the band was named for is a jasmine flower the ancients say "smells like pure love" -- and the album speaks with an intimacy and off-kilter fragility that reflects those humble origins. Yet from the exotic psychedelia of "Erre," in which Ferraz's fuzz guitar spirals around Almeida's yearning melodies, to the jangling melancholy of "Doce," there is a sophistication and depth in the songwriting and playing here that shows a rare talent, each track filled with beauty and freewheeling emotion. A snapshot of Boogarins' youthful ambition and dreams, As Plantas Que Curam is a love letter from the green fields of Goiânia to all of us.
From the album, "As Plantas Que Curam," out now on vinyl, CD, and mp3 by Other Music Recording Co. and on cassette through Other Music/Burger Records.
Video Credits
Directed and Animated by Steven Mertens
Camera and Live Footage Lucas Cabu
Fernando Almeida and Benke Ferraz met in high school in the central Brazilian city of Goiânia, far from the thriving cultural metropolises of São Paulo and Rio, yet nevertheless in the shadow of the icons of their homeland's great musical heritage -- not bossa nova and samba, however, but psychedelic pop. Still in their late teens, the music they make together, recorded on borrowed gear and with self-taught technology in their parents' basements, shares the spirit and soul of Tropicalismo, but it has also blossomed in the light of the current international DIY underground. Almeida is the poet and singer, Ferraz is the multi-instrumentalist and gear-head, and together, as Boogarins, they write songs that reach beyond their years and any restrictions of geography or genre: timeless pop untethered from categorizations.
The songs that are collected on As Plantas Que Curam (translated: Plants That Heal) were recorded mostly as a duo, before they ever considered playing live, before they found a rhythm section or even a name -- the Bogarim the band was named for is a jasmine flower the ancients say "smells like pure love" -- and the album speaks with an intimacy and off-kilter fragility that reflects those humble origins. Yet from the exotic psychedelia of "Erre," in which Ferraz's fuzz guitar spirals around Almeida's yearning melodies, to the jangling melancholy of "Doce," there is a sophistication and depth in the songwriting and playing here that shows a rare talent, each track filled with beauty and freewheeling emotion. A snapshot of Boogarins' youthful ambition and dreams, As Plantas Que Curam is a love letter from the green fields of Goiânia to all of us.
- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 206635
Erre XI - Carita Bonita ft. Pee Wee
Music video by Erre XI performing Carita Bonita. (C) 2008 Machete Music/ LT
#ErreXI #CaritaBonita #Vevo #Latino #OficialMusicaVideo #PeeWee
Music video by Erre XI performing Carita Bonita. (C) 2008 Machete Music/ LT
#ErreXI #CaritaBonita #Vevo #Latino #OficialMusicaVideo #PeeWee
Music video by Erre XI performing Carita Bonita. (C) 2008 Machete Music/ LT
#ErreXI #CaritaBonita #Vevo #Latino #OficialMusicaVideo #PeeWee
- published: 23 Dec 2009
- views: 9235675
Master & prod:@emewayestudio
Nuevo temita, aver si os gusta.
Dedicado a alguien es...
Master & prod:@emewayestudio
Nuevo temita, aver si os gusta.
Dedicado a alguien especial
Master & prod:@emewayestudio
Nuevo temita, aver si os gusta.
Dedicado a alguien especial
- published: 04 Nov 2019
- views: 665
Erre Cseréltem A TESÓMAT!🤔
SOK VICCES STORYÉRT Kövess Instagramon: @csongiforro
Nézz rá a Cresser-es Pandás termékekre is!^^
► https://mcshop.hu/cresser
● Saját Facebo...
SOK VICCES STORYÉRT Kövess Instagramon: @csongiforro
Nézz rá a Cresser-es Pandás termékekre is!^^
► https://mcshop.hu/cresser
● Saját Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/forro.csongor
● Panda Csoport ►https://www.facebook.com/groups/160804074430390/
● Csatorna Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/thecresser
● Snapchat ► cresser01
● E-mail címem ► thecresser01@gmail.com
►SZPONZOR LEHETŐSÉG (Egyedi Emoji, Zöld név, stb.)
► Ha szeretnéd Támogatni a munkásságom itt megteheted :)
(A live alatti támogatásokat megjelennek, és felolvasom a velük írt szöveggel együtt | CSAK SAJÁT FELELŐSÉGRE )
INGYENES TÁMOGATÁS (Live-oknál) ► https://loots.com/en/tip-jars/cresser
● Ha tetszett a videó jelezd egy like-al, illetve ha nem szeretnél lemaradni a következőről akkor iratkozz fel és válj a pandák társaságává.🐼:)
SOK VICCES STORYÉRT Kövess Instagramon: @csongiforro
Nézz rá a Cresser-es Pandás termékekre is!^^
► https://mcshop.hu/cresser
● Saját Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/forro.csongor
● Panda Csoport ►https://www.facebook.com/groups/160804074430390/
● Csatorna Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/thecresser
● Snapchat ► cresser01
● E-mail címem ► thecresser01@gmail.com
►SZPONZOR LEHETŐSÉG (Egyedi Emoji, Zöld név, stb.)
► Ha szeretnéd Támogatni a munkásságom itt megteheted :)
(A live alatti támogatásokat megjelennek, és felolvasom a velük írt szöveggel együtt | CSAK SAJÁT FELELŐSÉGRE )
INGYENES TÁMOGATÁS (Live-oknál) ► https://loots.com/en/tip-jars/cresser
● Ha tetszett a videó jelezd egy like-al, illetve ha nem szeretnél lemaradni a következőről akkor iratkozz fel és válj a pandák társaságává.🐼:)
- published: 21 Oct 2018
- views: 464048
ERRE ZENITUZTEN (Xabi Solano) - Bizkargi Dantza Elkartea
Larrabetzuko Bizkargi Dantza Elkarteko gazteek egindako koreografia Xabi Solanoren "Erre Zenituzten" kantan oinarrituz.
Musika: Xabi Solano
Hitzak: Jon Garmend...
Larrabetzuko Bizkargi Dantza Elkarteko gazteek egindako koreografia Xabi Solanoren "Erre Zenituzten" kantan oinarrituz.
Musika: Xabi Solano
Hitzak: Jon Garmendia "Txuriya"
Koreografia: Bizkargi Dantza Elkartea (http://bizkargidantzaelkartea.eus)
Bideoaren egileak: Gaizka Peñafiel & Asier Olazar
WEB: http://infernukohauspoa.com / http://gaizkapenafiel.com
Larrabetzuko Bizkargi Dantza Elkarteko gazteek egindako koreografia Xabi Solanoren "Erre Zenituzten" kantan oinarrituz.
Musika: Xabi Solano
Hitzak: Jon Garmendia "Txuriya"
Koreografia: Bizkargi Dantza Elkartea (http://bizkargidantzaelkartea.eus)
Bideoaren egileak: Gaizka Peñafiel & Asier Olazar
WEB: http://infernukohauspoa.com / http://gaizkapenafiel.com
- published: 19 Apr 2017
- views: 2974459
eRRe-Zombie Dwarf
by Tainted Audio
TNT 014
You can buy here:
or here:
by Tainted Audio
TNT 014
You can buy here:
or here:
-uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com
by Tainted Audio
TNT 014
You can buy here:
or here:
-uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com
- published: 03 Dec 2015
- views: 45584
YMB & eRRe - Everybody in da Club
Buy [DRS0011] here: https://www.junodownload.com/artists/Erre+%2526+Ymb/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ymb
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YmBd...
Buy [DRS0011] here: https://www.junodownload.com/artists/Erre+%2526+Ymb/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ymb
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YmBdnb/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/erre_erre
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eRRe-207711865931861/
[Drumatch Records]
☣Official Website: https://drumatch.com/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/drumatchrecords
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drumatch/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tyrantinum
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tyrantinum/
☣Bandcamp: https://tyrantinum.bandcamp.com/
☣Contacts: TyrantinumREC@gmail.com
Buy [DRS0011] here: https://www.junodownload.com/artists/Erre+%2526+Ymb/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ymb
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YmBdnb/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/erre_erre
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eRRe-207711865931861/
[Drumatch Records]
☣Official Website: https://drumatch.com/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/drumatchrecords
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drumatch/
☣Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tyrantinum
☣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tyrantinum/
☣Bandcamp: https://tyrantinum.bandcamp.com/
☣Contacts: TyrantinumREC@gmail.com
- published: 07 Jan 2018
- views: 45076
Halott Pénz - Erre még meghívlak (feat Kőváry Zoli)
» Kövess minket Instagramon vagy Facebookon! «
» Kövess minket Instagramon vagy Facebookon! «
iTunes-on előrendelhető az új album: http://apple.co/1SV45Cb
Apple Music streaming: https://itun.es/hu/JsZcbb
Spotify: http://halottpenz.hu/spotify
Deezer: http://halottpenz.hu/deezer
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1Yt34kH
» Kövess minket Instagramon vagy Facebookon! «
iTunes-on előrendelhető az új album: http://apple.co/1SV45Cb
Apple Music streaming: https://itun.es/hu/JsZcbb
Spotify: http://halottpenz.hu/spotify
Deezer: http://halottpenz.hu/deezer
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1Yt34kH
- published: 31 Mar 2016
- views: 7661516
Erre Zenituzten - Bizkargi Dantza Elkartea
Emakumearen nazioarteko eguna ospatzeko Larrabetzun eginiko jaian, BDEk eskainitako dantza.
Emakumearen nazioarteko eguna ospatzeko Larrabetzun eginiko jaian, BDEk eskainitako dantza.
Emakumearen nazioarteko eguna ospatzeko Larrabetzun eginiko jaian, BDEk eskainitako dantza.
- published: 08 Mar 2017
- views: 23304
Fragz & eRRe & BSA - Boombox Terror
eRRe - Dark Rituals EP
01 - eRRe & HardLogik - Up Underground
02 - C-Netik & eRRe - Syke
03 - eRRe & Infamous - Dark Below
04 - Fragz & eRRe & BSA - Boombox Te...
eRRe - Dark Rituals EP
01 - eRRe & HardLogik - Up Underground
02 - C-Netik & eRRe - Syke
03 - eRRe & Infamous - Dark Below
04 - Fragz & eRRe & BSA - Boombox Terror
05 - eRRe & Hardlogik - Rock You Beat
eRRe - Dark Rituals EP
01 - eRRe & HardLogik - Up Underground
02 - C-Netik & eRRe - Syke
03 - eRRe & Infamous - Dark Below
04 - Fragz & eRRe & BSA - Boombox Terror
05 - eRRe & Hardlogik - Rock You Beat
- published: 23 Mar 2015
- views: 102621
ERRE - MAJ 1 (Prod. by Cxdy)
Réalisation : Piēge Studios
Enregistrement : Crearoom Studio
Mixage : Manganèse Records
Prod : Cxdy
Contact : erre.mob@gmail.com
Facebook : ERRE
Instagram : 2...
Réalisation : Piēge Studios
Enregistrement : Crearoom Studio
Mixage : Manganèse Records
Prod : Cxdy
Contact : erre.mob@gmail.com
Facebook : ERRE
Instagram : 2_erre
Réalisation : Piēge Studios
Enregistrement : Crearoom Studio
Mixage : Manganèse Records
Prod : Cxdy
Contact : erre.mob@gmail.com
Facebook : ERRE
Instagram : 2_erre
- published: 19 Jul 2019
- views: 2897