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The Opinion Pages

A migrant outside a refugee camp on the island of Lampedusa.
Roberto Salomone/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Op-Ed Contributor

The Watery Tomb Europe Tolerates

Migrants’ bodies are usually lost at sea, making it easy to ignore their plight.


The International Fallout

With the shutdown in effect and the debt crisis looming, America is paying a price abroad as well as at home.

Op-Ed Columnist

Nazis, Lynching and Obamacare

Our language, like our political debate, has gone off the rails. Let’s show words and history more respect. comment icon Comment


A Jew Not Quite English Enough

The father of Britain's Labour leader is attacked as a disloyal, scheming Bolshevik immigrant. comment icon Comment

Op-Ed Contributor

Erdogan Stokes the Sectarian Fires

Much like his hero Menderes in the late 1950s, Erdogan is dividing Turkey into hostile camps.


The Anxiety of Exodus

Israelis are fretting about emigration in spite of the facts.

The Anxiety of Exodus

Why the Debt Ceiling Matters

What would happen if Congress lets the United States government default? comment icon Comment


A Breakthrough on Iraqi Visas

In the midst of the federal shutdown, members of Congress managed to rescue an important program that extends visas to Iraqi translators.

Op-Ed Contributor

Obama and the Debt

Despite what the president says, he has the power to avoid a debt default.

Opinionator | Draft

When Clothes No Longer Make the Man

Until now, the importance of clothes has been both central and stable in fiction.

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Op-Docs Presents

A Short History of the Highrise

Dig into 2,500 years of vertical living through an interactive storybook, with rarely seen Times photos, as well as animation, games and submissions from readers.

Opinionator | The Stone

Sex, Doubt and the Pope

Unless the pope rejects the Church’s stance on homosexuality, birth control and abortion, his recent remarks are just changes of style and tone.

Opinionator | THe Great Divide

Rich People Just Care Less

The poor are more attuned to social relations, because they have to be. Reducing the economic gap may be impossible without also addressing the gap in empathy.

Patrick Chappatte

Editorial Cartoons

Drawings by the artist previously published in the IHT.

From the International Herald Tribune

100, 75, 50 Years Ago

Highlights from the IHT archives.


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The Anxiety of Exodus

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