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Hanson's last-minute defeat

Pauline Hanson fails to secure a seat in the NSW Senate.

PAULINE HANSON has failed to make a political comeback after she came within 1300 votes of securing an upper house seat, only for the Greens and the National Party to narrowly beat her on preferences.

But the founder of One Nation and controversial one-time federal MP has not ruled out another tilt at politics, saying she was buoyed by the number of votes she secured, which was a significant improvement on her 2003 attempt for an upper house seat.

You need me around to keep the bastards honest. 

Asked if voters, either state or federal, had seen the last of her, Ms Hanson said: ''Do you think it would be? You need me around to keep the bastards honest.''

Close but no seat ...  Pauline Hanson leaves the counting centre at Riverwood yesterday, 1300 votes short of success.

Close but no seat ... Pauline Hanson leaves the counting centre at Riverwood yesterday, 1300 votes short of success. Photo: Lee Besford

She said she would consider setting up a new party to help more independents get elected.

''It has clearly shown in this election people are fed up with the major political parties. People want an honest voice on the floor of Parliament,'' Ms Hanson, who now lives at Port Stephens, said.

''I've received a lot of support from the public, and it's something that I will take away from here and I will consider it.''

Aiming even higher ... a Hanson supporter waits for his hero.

Aiming even higher ... a Hanson supporter waits for his hero. Photo: Lee Besford

Ms Hanson said she had been disadvantaged by not having her name above the line on the ballot paper. ''I think the government needs to have a look at the voting system,'' the former Queenslander said.

''In all fairness, and for true democracy, allow everyone to have their name above the line.''

But the newly elected Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham said NSW had ''dodged a bullet''.

''The strength of the Greens vote has denied Pauline Hanson a place in the NSW Parliament - that's a great result for the people of NSW,'' he said.

Mr Buckingham, a councillor from Orange, picked up the 20th upper house seat, while Sarah Johnston of the Nationals won the final seat.

The Labor upper house MP Luke Foley said ALP preferences had killed Ms Hanson's chances.

''I think Pauline Hanson should have given up years ago,'' he said. ''But she tried to climb out the political grave, hopefully for the last time.''

The Premier, Barry O'Farrell, said it was an ''incredible result'' for the Coalition to have secured 11 upper house seats.