Come Together

Throughout Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand, communities are preparing their own response to the deplorable actions of of those at Sydney’s Cronulla beach last Sunday.

Email us your event details and we’ll post them up here (send to fightdembackATgmailDOTcom)


The Unite Against Racism March

When: Sunday December 18, 1pm

Where: Town Hall

Where to: Marching to Belmore Park

And when we get to Belmore Park:


Sunday 18 Dec, 1pm, Pacific Park (cnr Scott & Pacific St)


5pm Friday 16th
Bourke St. Mall
Nonviolent protest against racist attacks

And then on Sunday…


Unity in Diversity: celebrate multicultural Australia with a picnic
for peace

A peaceful celebration of multiculturalism is planned for this Sunday, beginning with music and
speeches at the State Library on Swanston St in Melbourne’s CBD, then
a festive walk to Treasury Gardens where families and individuals
from all backgrounds and all walks of life are invited to a Picnic
for Peace.

“Our aim is to create a space to focus on the positive aspects of
multiculturalism,” said spokesperson, Rosanne Bersten. “We deplore
the racist violence in Sydney and instead want to bring people
together to get to know each other, regardless of their heritage or
religion, whatever their background — Anglo-Celtic, Arabic,
Aboriginal, African, Asian or a mix of Dutch and Eastern European
like me.”

“We hope people at the picnic would get to know a stranger and share
a meal with them. Our motto is ‘be a friend, not afraid’.”

The timing is deliberately to coincide with the threat of continued
violence in Sydney. A similar peaceful rally will take place in
Sydney, organised by United Against Racism.

Date: Sunday, December 18, 2005
12pm: Meet at State Library, Swanston St, Melbourne, for speeches and
1pm: Festive walk to Treasury Gardens. Participants are encouraged to
bring musical instruments and their dancing shoes.
2pm — 5pm: Picnic for Peace. Bring a picnic meal to share, an open
heart and hope for a multicultural Australia.

About Unity in Diversity
We are an unaffiliated group of individuals from a variety of
backgrounds who have come together in response to the recent events
in Sydney. We have no political agenda or membership and we welcome
participation by all groups who are willing to put aside political,
religious and ethnic differences to embrace cultural diversity and
harmony. We stand for peace, love and unity and believe that a
harmonious multicultural Australia is possible.

For more information:


Friday December 16, 4pm
Parliament House


Friday December 16, 5pm
Steps of King George Square

And also Sunday December 18, 2pm
Steps of King George Square


Time: 4pm Friday, December 16
Venue: Wesley Church Cnr Corner William St and Hay St, Perth.