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Vic Police officers swapping racial torture emails face sack

From The Age:

Police probed on racist email
March 25, 2010

UP TO 100 police are under investigation over a racist email.

One detective sergeant faces the sack after he was notified he had lost the confidence of the Chief Commissioner and must show cause why he should not be dismissed.

The investigation centres on a graphic image of an ethnic man being tortured.

It is believed the detective sergeant is accused of introducing the email into the police computer system.

The ethical standards department has been using computer experts to track the email.

One senior police source said the audit had shown that several police had added ”sickening” racist comments before forwarding the email.

Chief Commissioner Simon Overland told The Age the audit had discovered ”a number of racist emails”.

He said police who introduced the material into the internal computer system would face dismissal.

News brief · 25 March 2010

NZ far-right: going nowhere at Mach III

From The Press – Christchurch NZ:

The murky politics of the Right

By John McCrone
Mainland feature writer
The Press – Christchurch

The country’s hardcore Right-wing factions look like they mean business. It’s just that their business never gets off the ground. JOHN McCRONE reports.


With a slightly self-conscious smile, the tattooed skinhead, New Zealand flag draped over his shoulder, places a flyer in my hand. Then he and his small rag- tag group continue their quiet parade around the sunny, tourist-filled streets of central Christchurch.

So this is white power, neo-Nazi politics, skinhead malevolence in 2009? Up in Wellington, the National Front’s annual rally drew larger numbers, but was a similarly subdued affair.

The anarchists and anti-fascists, the loyal leftie opposition, did not even bother to show up. With no confrontation, no aggro, the skinheads were reduced to wandering the streets, shyly interacting with the public, passing out their leaflets railing against immigration, multiculturalism, and threatened changes to the national flag. The TV cameras, finding no action, fast got bored and melted away.

White power was looking very much yesterday’s news in New Zealand. But then came the other events of the day. A first surprise was the sight of former National Front leader, Christchurch mayoral candidate and marae fire- bomber, Kyle Chapman, back in the thick of things at the Wellington Cenotaph gathering.

It was only last May that 38-year-old Mr Chapman renounced his white power activities following his marriage to a devout Mormon. Mr Chapman moved from Christchurch to live with his wife on her lifestyle block outside Hamilton.

Yet Mr Chapman says the pull of the movement – the importance of its ideas, the camaraderie of his mates – proved just too strong. “I never really gave it up,” he admits. So there he was with the troops again, split from his wife and full of plans as leader of the new “skinhead survivalist” faction within white power.

Mr Chapman says he wants to spread his Right Wing Resistance, a skinhead “community security” group he claims already patrols Christchurch, across the country. He also wants to build up his Survive Club, a military skills training squad which has been carrying out combat exercises with paint ball guns and ex-army Landrovers in preparation, he says, for the predicted collapse of society.

In a time of desperation and panic there will be no room for pussies, says Mr Chapman: “We want people who will not only stand up for themselves and their families, they have to stand up for the other club members and their families.”

Going even further, Mr Chapman has been fundraising to found a Nationalist Land Base, a protected skinhead commune with long houses and vegetable plots, somewhere in North Canterbury. A “unified mini state for like-minded Europeans”, as he describes it.

News brief · 23 March 2010

Overland: Yep, we’ve got racists in the ranks- but we’ll fix it


Some of my cops are racist – police chief

VICTORIA’S police chief admits there is racism in his force, after an explosive report accused his officers of taunting and bashing African youth.

But Chief Commissioner Simon Overland insists the racist element in Victoria Police is not stronger than in the general public and he is working hard to stamp out such attitudes.

Police officers are accused of labelling young African men “monkey” and “black c..t”, taking photographs of them gathered on the streets for intelligence purposes and, in one case, taking off their uniforms to bash black men in a public park.

He vowed that if the bashing allegation, contained in a report from Springvale Monash Legal Service, was true, those involved would be investigated and charged.

“Racist attitudes held by members of Victoria Police – that is not okay,” he said.

“Acting on those racial attitudes is clearly not okay and where we find it people can expect that I will deal with them in the strongest possible terms.”

News brief · 16 March 2010

Aggressive policing of African youths in Melbourne: report

From the Aboriginal News Group:

African Youth Mistreated by Police – Legal Centers Launch Report


For more information: Shane Reside
Ph: 0400 526 313

For Comment: Helen Yandell
Springvale Monash Legal Service
Ph: 0430 926 744

Community Legal Centres Release Damning Report into Discriminatory Police Treatment of African Young People

On Thursday the 18th of March a coalition of Community Legal Services from across Melbourne will launch their damning report into the police treatment of African young people.

“We found that across Melbourne, African young people are over-policed and that these police practices are having a devastating impact” said Helen Yandell, Director of Springvale Monash Legal Service.

The report titled ‘Boys, you wanna give me some action?’ details African young peoples experiences of policing from across three regions of Melbourne: Flemington, the City of Greater Dandenong and Braybrook. The title is drawn from comment a police officer made to an African young man last year.

Police across Melbourne are unfairly targeting African young people, including the over-use of stop and search powers, police racially taunting young people using phrases such as ‘monkey’ and ‘black c**t’, and in some cases extra legal violence. “Almost every single young person we spoke to reported being asked to give police their name and address several times in a single day – for some this was a regular occurrence” stated Helen.

Participants in the study spoke of police on horses systematically taking photos of young people on the street to add to their ‘files’ and in one instance police taking off their uniforms to attack young people in a park. Helen said: “this report reinforces what all the research has consistently established: increasing police numbers does not result in safer communities, especially for those already on the fringes”.

News brief · 16 March 2010