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Nazi memorabilia at country market removed

From the Orstralian Jewish News:

Nazi memorabilia removed

NAZI memorabilia for sale at Daylesford’s Mills Market was removed on Sunday following complaints from Jewish visitors to the market.

A stall at the market was selling an armband, Nazi documentation, stamps and swastikas, believed to be part of a private collection.

A call was made to the B’nai B’rith Anti-defamation Commission, which then contacted the market’s manager Helen Watson.

The offending material was then immediately removed from the market.

ADC chairman John Searle praised the market for its prompt action to remove the offensive material.

“Most Australians understand how offensive Nazi memorabilia is, not only to Holocaust survivors but to anyone who deplores racist behaviour,� he said.

“We at the ADC need to act swiftly in these cases to protect our community and ensure a new generation does not become immune to the dangers such extreme views represent.�

News brief · 28 May 2008

“Real Aussies” bash Hobart man in cowardly mob attack

From the Hobart Merc:

Bashed by mob of ‘real Aussies’
May 26, 2008

AN Indian student was bashed in a racially motivated attack on Hobart’s waterfront early yesterday.

Varun Khetarpal, 20, was left bleeding, bruised and frightened after being set upon by a group of up to 15 people outside the Observatory nightclub.

And worst of all he said the vicious attack was not isolated, with a culture of racism emerging in Hobart, especially in pubs and clubs.

News brief · 28 May 2008

Camden Islamic school: end round 1

From The Sydney Morning Herald

Camden Council rejects Islamic school

May 27, 2008 – 7:39PM

A south-west Sydney council has voted unanimously to reject a controversial proposal to build a 1200-student Islamic school.

Camden Council tonight voted against the proposal, following an adverse ruling in a report by council planners last week.

Mayor Chris Patterson said the decision was based on concerns surrounding the impact on traffic flows, loss of agricultural land, but not on religious grounds.

“It is a site issue, clearly a site issue … we said all along religious issues, nationalistic issues, will not be entered into,” Mr Patterson told AAP after the decision.

Mr Patterson said the school’s backers – the Qu’uranic Society – were “absolutely” encouraged to resubmit their plan if they could identify a different site within Camden.

News brief · 27 May 2008

Another Lib pleads guilty to leaflet scam

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

No conviction for leaflet scam volunteer
Bellinda Kontominas
May 20, 2008

A Liberal Party volunteer who helped distribute fake election leaflets says he knew his actions were wrong but had got “caught up” in the scandal, a court has heard.

Robert Matthew Holstein, 29, pleaded guilty in Downing Local Court but will have no conviction recorded for distributing the leaflets in the western Sydney seat of Lindsay in the lead-up to last year’s election.

News brief · 21 May 2008

God Hears Pleas of the Innocent

is the title of an album by the greatest band ever, Killdozer (Touch & Go, 1995). By the way… (a x-post from slackbastard?)

Jew-hating Doctor Jim Saleam is innocent!* Or so he reckons. He also reckons to have been battling to have his conviction for his role in a shotgun attack upon ANC representative Eddie Funde in 1989 overturned on the basis of an alleged conspiracy by the state to silence him and his then party, National Action.

Slackbastard · 21 May 2008 · Discussion

Semi-literate racist blogger advising Lib MP

Remember this chap? We do hope he’s learned how to spell since 2006 – then again, nobody ever claimed the Liberal Party was a meritocracy. Roll tape!

From the Herald Sun:

Race blogger Gary Anderton advises Liberal MP
John Ferguson
May 20, 2008

A FORMER Liberal candidate embroiled in a racist blog row is now an adviser to a state MP.

Gary Anderton published material maligning Aboriginals and his Indian doctor on his blog in 2004. He ran as the candidate for Lyndhurst at the 2006 state election.

Details of his blogging were reported, and he apologised.

It emerged yesterday that Upper House Liberal Inga Peulich had since hired him as an adviser.

News brief · 20 May 2008

Swastikas are band on Stormfront!!

x-post from slackbastard

Swastikas are band on Stormfront!

Shock! Horror!

Or so says ‘Sam’, a race warrior from Victoria.

Apparently, the ban is a result of Don I have a cunning plan Black’s recent decision to clean up the image of the racist trash on

No easy task.

Slackbastard · 18 May 2008 · Discussion

Alleged KKK attack in Griffith

From the Sun-Herald:

KKK people threatened us: Aborigines
Denis Gregory
May 18, 2008

POLICE are investigating claims a group of young Aborigines were threatened by a man armed with a tomahawk and wearing full-length Ku Klux Klan garb.

Members of the group say that about 1am last Saturday, as they were walking home in the Riverina town of Griffith, the man jumped out of a black utility truck and waved the tomahawk at them while yelling racial obscenities. They say another man emerged from the truck wearing a black balaclava and the female driver of the ute also began fighting, with one of the female Aborigines.

The group claims that when police arrived, the men pulled off their garb and put it in the back of the truck.

Police arrested six group members who allegedly turned on them and punched a policewoman. Three were charged with affray and other offences, with interviews continuing.

The incident has enraged the local Aboriginal community. Spokeswoman Lynette Kilby said the youth tried to explain what had happened but the police “didn’t want to know”. “They arrested the young people and let those in the truck go,” she said.

News brief · 18 May 2008

Do the Libs have a problem with anti-Semitism?

Firstly, from The Age:

Prejudice no longer a bar to Jewish progress: Leibler
Farah Farouque
May 13, 2008

DOES the disclosure of a single anti-Semitic email in the Liberal Party disclose deeper prejudice in traditional establishment circles against the Jewish community?

Leading Jewish businessman Mark Leibler suggests prejudice lingers in some quarters but was not a barrier to progress any more.

“I can still remember when a young Jewish boy or girl in the 1960s and early ’70s would have difficulty getting (legal) articles in establishment firms,” Mr Leibler said. And, he said, even today “when you mix in business circles you will hear racist comments, including anti-Semitic remarks”.

Fight dem back · 13 May 2008 · Discussion

Anti-Semitic scalp claimed in Liberal infighting

From The Age:

Baillieu vows purge as Lib’s race slur exposed
David Rood and Paul Austin
May 13, 2008

THE crisis in the Victorian Liberal Party deepened yesterday when a campaign manager at party headquarters was forced to quit for making a racist comment about a Liberal candidate at last year’s federal election.

Susan Chandler, the state campaign manager and a supporter of Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu, resigned after anti-Baillieu forces released an email in which she made an anti-Semitic comment about a Jewish Liberal.

In the October 19 email, to fellow Liberal campaign worker John Osborn, Ms Chandler described the party’s candidate for Melbourne Ports, Adam Held, as a “greedy f–king Jew” after he wrote to party HQ asking for more campaign pamphlets.

News brief · 13 May 2008