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…but I get up again

You aint ever going to keep us down.

This entry has been updated

We’re online/we’re offline, online/offline, on/off, on/off etc.

It has been that way for the last four days hasn’t it?

After much deliberation and consultation with our members, supporters and silent partners in Burberry coats we have decided to clear the air.

Fight dem back · 31 January 2006 · Discussion

Parole Board: Axe-murderer remains free to drop rhyme bombs.

Aha! A follow up to this article from the 25th.

From da Oz (a wicka wicka wicka woo):

No review on freed Nazi axe murderer

Greg Roberts


PLEAS from police and Jewish community leaders to send neo-Nazi axe murderer Dane Sweetman back to jail for breaching his parole conditions by allegedly assaulting a hotel patron have been rejected by the Bracks Government.

News brief · 31 January 2006

No more racist yobs at the Cricket

From the SMH.

Racist fans threatened with hooligan lockout

By Alex Brown
January 31, 2006

CRICKET Australia will consider following the example of European football and devise a register of “undesirable” fans that would be distributed to gate attendants in a bid to stop boorish, racist spectators entering international venues.

The move has been hailed as a major success in Europe, limiting the ability of hooligans to attend matches and create havoc. And though violent behaviour hasn’t been prevalent at international cricket matches this summer, CA chief executive James Sutherland believes the same method could be applied to curb the racist taunting of players by fans, such as that which distressed the touring South African team.

News brief · 31 January 2006

What the fash are muttering about Cronulla

From the AIJAC Review:

“Victory in Cronulla”

What the neo-Nazis are saying

By Nadav Shlezinger

“For the first time since 1966 when the White Australia Policy was abandoned and betrayed, there was a mass Australian people’s protest against the multiculti order. It was heartening and a sign of things to come. The events today in Cronulla were remarkable proof of the existence of a grassroots Australian nationalism.”

The above paragraph, which appeared on the neo-Nazi website “Stormfront”, was apparently written by infamous white supremacist Jim Saleam. While most Australians rightly expressed their revulsion at the December 11 riots that took place in Cronulla and spread to neighbouring Sydney suburbs, many on the far-right see the events as a golden opportunity to achieve their objectives.

News brief · 31 January 2006

Australia Day shootings in Sunny Rockhampton

Story 1 – From the Oz:

Child shot in alleged racist attack
By Steve Connolly

AN Aboriginal boy was shot in the back with an airgun pellet in an alleged random, racist attack on Australia Day, a Queensland court heard today.

Hayden John Nitz, 17, today faced the Rockhampton Magistrates’ Court charged with unlawful wounding and weapons offences.

Police prosecutor Senior Constable Darrell Dalton told the court Mr Nitz allegedly fired at the 13-year-old boy with an air rifle yesterday in a drive-by shooting outside a house on Alexandra Street, North Rockhampton.

The boy was allegedly hit in the back and the pellet pierced his skin under the armpit.

He is reported to be in a serious but stable condition in the Rockhampton Base Hospital.

Snr Const Dalton said Mr Nitz was in a car with other people being sought by police when the shooting occurred.

He said Mr Nitz, of Rockhampton, and his alleged accomplices had intended to “shoot indigenous persons”.

Police have asked other alleged complainants or witnesses to come forward because they suspect there were other attacks on the same day.

News brief · 30 January 2006

And Robin shall restore amends

John Bell of Australia’s world renowned Bell Shakespeare Company delivered the following address at the Great Australia Day Breakfast in Melbourne yesterday.

Fight dem back · 27 January 2006 · Discussion

Not much doing…

Australia First at Cronulla.

What happened?

We’re quite sure that their own website will be awash with declarations of the coming of the racial revolution in the next few days. A revolution brought on by ten badly groomed aparatchiks walking around the Cronulla beachfront on Australia Day.

Here’s what really happened.

A dozen or so sad bastards from Australia First milled around a park, abused a few journalists, got told off by the cops, sank a few cold ones in Northies and buggered off home.

For a more colloquial rundown see here. For some pics to scare the kiddies with, see here.

Fight dem back · 27 January 2006 · Discussion

A history lesson for Australia First

The Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels: Crucial to Australia’s victory at Kokoda

Y’all check out the latest statement from Jim Saleam’s Sydney branch of the Australia First Party.


If we believe the propaganda, our National Day, the day of European settlement, is a celebration of multiculturalism. So say politicians, media, public figures. Countless official ceremonies will be held on January 26 to reinvent Australia Day as a day of “invasion”, as a time to celebrate “diversity”, to rework the themes of the rewritten national anthem as part of the ‘sharing’ themes of globalisation. This is an attack on the real Australian national idea born at Eureka Stockade (1854), sanctified at ANZAC (1915) and defended on the Kokoda Track(1942). Therefore, given we say that we cannot celebrate Australia Day without the Australians, we must confirm our identity ourselves.

It’s the usual wacky stuff we’ve come to expect from them.

A number of their cultural references here a bit off though. Do Australian white supremacists/neo-Nazis really have any grounds to call upon the legacy of Kokoda, ANZAC and the Eureka Stockade to promote their racist agenda?

We think not.

Fight dem back · 25 January 2006 · Discussion