Edit City A.M.
04 Nov 2013
THE INTERNATIONAL tax system is weighted against small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), according to a new report ... Seven times as many business leaders believe that the system is biased against small and medium-sized companies than believe the system treats them equally, according to the research....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit Fresno Bee
04 Nov 2013
The following editorial appeared in the Los Angeles Times on Friday, Nov 1.. Obamacare cancellation blues. The president promised people they could keep their health insurance. Some can't, but for a good reason ... Such reforms are badly needed. But the sudden shift to more comprehensive coverage and shared risks will drive up costs for many people who've benefited from the current system's bias in favor of the young and the healthy ... ....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit Reuters
01 Nov 2013
Other major companies developing big coal and gas reserves in the former Portuguese colony, Brazil's Vale, U.S. oil company Anadarko and Italian oil and gas group Eni , said they were closely following political developments there, after clashes between the government army and opposition Renamo guerrillas ... "We are operating normally ... 20 municipal elections because it considered the voting system biased ... ....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit Reuters
30 Oct 2013
Renamo, which has lost every election since 1992 to Frelimo but holds 51 seats in the 250-member parliament, demands the government reform the electoral system and halt what it says is Frelimo's misuse of the police and army for political ends ... Renamo was however planning to boycott November 20 municipal elections because it considered the voting system biased....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit Reuters
30 Oct 2013
Renamo, which has lost every election since 1992 to Frelimo but holds 51 seats in the 250-member parliament, demands the government reform the electoral system and halt what it says is Frelimo's misuse of the police and army for political ends ... 20 municipal elections because it considered the voting system biased....(size: 4.1Kb)
Edit Reuters
30 Oct 2013
Renamo, which has lost every election since 1992 to Frelimo but holds 51 seats in the 250-member parliament, demands the government reform the electoral system and halt what it says is Frelimo's misuse of the police and army for political ends ... Renamo was however planning to boycott November 20 municipal elections because it considered the voting system biased....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit Reuters
30 Oct 2013
Renamo, which has lost every election since 1992 to Frelimo but holds 51 seats in the 250-member parliament, demands the government reform the electoral system and halt what it says is Frelimo's misuse of the police and army for political ends ... 20 municipal elections because it considered the voting system biased....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
25 Oct 2013
The report also criticised the federal government's new planned Parental Leave plan as being biased and legislating along gender lines ... Mr Parkinson said initiatives such as part-time work, supported child care arrangements on site and encouraged both men and women to continue to study had to work alongside efforts to change systemic biases against people who opted for flexible work....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
24 Oct 2013
But there can be no denying the system failure that is a profound embarrassment to the Obama administration and threatens to undermine all the good the law could do, since its enemies will use any excuse to discredit it ... Are private contractors delivering what they're paid for? Is the system biased in favor of certain big contractors with long-standing government relationships? The feds spend roughly $80 billion on IT systems....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit Real Clear Politics
24 Oct 2013
But there can be no denying the system failure that is a profound embarrassment to the Obama administration and threatens to undermine all the good the law could do, since its enemies will use any excuse to discredit it ... Let's imagine what a functioning political system would do now ... Is the system biased in favor of certain big contractors with long-standing government relationships? The feds spend roughly $80 billion on IT systems ... ....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit STL Today
24 Oct 2013
But there can be no denying the system failure that is a profound embarrassment to the Obama administration and threatens to undermine all the good the law could do, since its enemies will use any excuse to discredit it ... Are private contractors delivering what they’re paid for? Is the system biased in favor of certain big contractors with long-standing government relationships? The feds spend roughly $80 billion on IT systems....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit The Salt Lake Tribune
24 Oct 2013
But there can be no denying the system failure that is a profound embarrassment to the Obama administration and threatens to undermine all the good the law could do, since its enemies will use any excuse to discredit it ... Are private contractors delivering what they’re paid for? Is the system biased in favor of certain big contractors with long-standing government relationships? The feds spend roughly $80 billion on IT systems....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit The Washington Post
24 Oct 2013
But there can be no denying the system failure that is a ... Let’s imagine what a functioning political system would do now ... Are private contractors delivering what they’re paid for? Is the system biased in favor of certain big contractors with long-standing government relationships? The feds spend roughly $80 billion on IT systems....(size: 6.0Kb)