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  • US Navy Seals: Raids In Somalia And Libya Al Qaeda Abu Anas Al Libi and Al Shabab Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr...2:46
  • URGENT!! Clashes kill 34 in Egypt as street battles erupt - To day (06th October 2013)...1:23
  • BBC News - US shutdown: Defence staff to return to work...2:34
  • Terror Raids US targets Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda leaders in Somalia, Libya|NewsDay...5:27
  • US Marines in Afghanistan Real Combat SEMPER FI...27:36
  • Dozens more bodies found after migrant disaster off Lampedusa...1:13
  • USA sanctions on Rwanda...4:44
  • Top Mexican drug lord arrested....1:56
  • "Youth Migration and Development: Towards Sustainable Solutions" Hangout, 6 March 2013...1:02:52
  • Serbia - A Candidate for the European Union | Journal Interview...12:10
  • Russia slams US blame game over UN Syria chemical attack report...5:08
  • Berlusconi stuns Italy Senate and backs Letta coalition 06 October 2013...0:59
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Overnight clash­es in east Cairo be­tween Egyp­tian se­cu­ri­ty forces and sup­port­ers of ou
US commando raids target Islamist leaders in Africa
Anas al-Liby
Al-Liby was on the FBI\'s most wanted list
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Al-Qaeda\'s remaining leaders
Al-Qaeda around the world
Battling al-Shabab Watch
US special forces have carried out two separate raids in Africa targeting senior Islamist militants, American officials say.

In Libya, US commandos captured an al-Qaeda leader accused of the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Anas al-Liby was seized in the capital Tripoli.

And a leader of the al-Shabab group was targeted in southern Somalia, but that raid appears to have failed.

The al-Shabab leader - who has not been identified - is suspected of involvement in last month\'s attack in the Westgate shopping centre in Kenya\'s capital Nairobi, which left at least 67 people dead.

Al-Shabab has said it carried out the attack on 21 September.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said the operations in Libya and Somalia showed that the US would never stop \
US Navy Seals: Raids In So­ma­lia And Libya Al Qaeda Abu Anas Al Libi and Al Shabab Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr
Egyptian celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the Arab-Israeli War were marred by a fresh wave of violence, with 34 people killed and dozens wounded in clashes between police and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi.

According to an Egyptian Health Ministry official, 30 people were killed in the capital of Cairo and in Giza on Sunday. Three persons were also killed in Beni Suef, and one in Delga in Minya, Ahram Online reported. Most of the dead had gunshot wounds, security sources told Reuters. Over 200 got injuries. 

At least 200 pro-Morsi supporters were arrested as they attempted to \
UR­GENT!! Clash­es kill 34 in Egypt as street bat­tles erupt - To day (06th Oc­to­ber 2013)
The US Defence Secretary, Chuck Hagel, has said around 400,000 civilian defence staff will be recalled to work next week after Pentagon lawyers approved the move.

The US government was forced to shutdown non-essential operations on Tuesday when Congress failed to agree a new budget.

Katie Watson reports.
BBC News - US shut­down: De­fence staff to re­turn to work
U.S. forces raid terror targets in Libya, Somalia -‎
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18 horas atrás - U.S. military forces strike in Libya, Somalia; capture wanted al Qaeda leader ... Citing al Libi\'s wife, the source said the al Qaeda leader tried to reach into his ... But four days after Al-Shabaab terrorists stormed the swanky mall,  ...
Terror Raids: US targets Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda leaders in Somalia ...
► 5:27► 5:27‎
5 horas atrás - Vídeo enviado por RT
Terror Raids: US targets Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda leaders in Somalia, Libya. RT ·20,179 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 1,093,298  ...
US commandos raid terrorist hideouts in Libya, Somalia, capture ...‎
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10 horas atrás - U.S. commandos launched daring twin raids in Libya and Somalia on ... aimed at a \
Ter­ror Raids US tar­gets Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda lead­ers in So­ma­lia, Libya|News­Day
US shut­down Obama 'ex­as­per­at­ed by ir­re­spon­si­ble pol­i­tics' 1
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Operation Jaws: U.S. Marines Clear Insurgent Stronghold
Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines 
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US Marines in Afghanistan Real Com­bat SEM­PER FI
Seventy more bodies were recovered off the Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday, taking to 181 the...

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Seventy more bodies were recovered off the Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday, taking to 181 the death toll from last week\'s migrant boat disaster.

But as divers brought their sad haul back to shore they knew that many more bodies remain underwater. Up to 520 Eritreans and Somalis were on the stricken vessel. Only 155 survived.

As better weather allowed salvage operations to resume after Thursday\'s drama, the Italian Integration Minister visited Lampedusa.

Insisting that such a tragedy must never be allowed to happen again, Cecile Kyenge said that Italy could not deal with the tragedy alone but must act together with Europe.  

Dozens more bod­ies found after mi­grant dis­as­ter off Lampe­dusa
The United States moved to block military assistance to five countries, including three in Africa, over their use of child soldiers in armed conflicts
USA sanc­tions on Rwan­da
The leader of one of Mexico\'s most feared drug cartels, the Zetas, was arrested near the border with Texas. More from CNN at
Top Mex­i­can drug lord ar­rest­ed.
As part of on-going activities for the forthcoming UN World Youth Report 2013, the UN Focal Point on Youth organized a Google+ Hangout on 6 March under the overarching theme \
"Youth Mi­gra­tion and De­vel­op­ment: To­wards Sus­tain­able So­lu­tions" Hang­out, 6 March 2013
In the Interview: Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić
Ser­bia - A Can­di­date for the Eu­ro­pean Union | Jour­nal In­ter­view
Russia has stressed that the UN probe concluding nerve gas was used in Syria last month, does not rule out rebel involvement in the atrocity. But the U.S, Britain and France have been quick to claim the report is enough to implicate the Assad government - READ MORE
The White House insists the rockets used in the attack, could only have belonged to loyalist forces. However, the UN findings state that the sarin-tipped warheads may have been improvised... and the report did not pinpoint the sites from where they were launched, at residential areas of Damascus.

Meanwhile, a prominent group of former U.S. security officials had warned the White House about intelligence reports from the war zone, indicating that radical rebel factions are in possession of chemical weapons. One of them - Pentagon veteran Michael Maloof - gave RT the details...


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Rus­sia slams US blame game over UN Syria chem­i­cal at­tack re­port
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Berlus­coni stuns Italy Sen­ate and backs Letta coali­tion 06 Oc­to­ber 2013
President Obama delivers remarks at the 18th Annual Gala of the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies. May 8, 2012.
Pres­i­dent Obama Speaks at the Asian Pa­cif­ic Amer­i­can In­sti­tute for Con­gres­sion­al Stud­ies An­nu­al Gala

updated 29 Sep 2013; published 29 Sep 2013
Overnight clash­es in east Cairo be­tween Egyp­tian se­cu­ri­ty forces and sup­port­ers of ou
The Times of India 07 Oct 2013, CAIRO: At least 50 people were killed in clashes between Islamists and police in Egypt, as thousands of the military's supporters marked the anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. Loyalists of deposed Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, overthrown in a July military coup,yesterday tried to converge on a central Cairo square for the anniversary...
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updated 07 Oct 2013; published 07 Oct 2013
US Navy Seals: Raids In So­ma­lia And Libya Al Qaeda Abu Anas Al Libi and Al Shabab Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr
Skynews 06 Oct 2013, US forces have captured an al Qaeda leader in Libya linked to the 1998 American Embassy bombings in east Africa and wanted by the FBI for more than a decade. A Pentagon spokesman identified the suspect as Nazih Abdul-Hamed al Ruqai, known by his alias Anas al Libi, who has been on the FBI's most wanted terrorists list since it was introduced...
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updated 06 Oct 2013; published 06 Oct 2013
UR­GENT!! Clash­es kill 34 in Egypt as street bat­tles erupt - To day (06th Oc­to­ber 2013)
Al Jazeera 06 Oct 2013, Authorities in Egypt have warned against anti-army protests on Sunday when the country celebrates the 40th anniversary of an attack on Israel, saying the protesters will be regarded as agents of foreign powers. "Protesters against the army on the anniversary of [October 6] victory will be carrying out the duties of agents, not activists,"...
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updated 05 Oct 2013; published 05 Oct 2013
BBC News - US shut­down: De­fence staff to re­turn to work
Newstrack India 06 Oct 2013, Tweet London, Oct 6 (ANI): Most of the 400,000 US defence department staff given an 'unpaid holiday' amid the US government shutdown have reportedly been told to return to work next week. A budget row between Republicans and Democrats has forced the closure of federal services for five days now although...
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updated 06 Oct 2013; published 06 Oct 2013
Ter­ror Raids US tar­gets Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda lead­ers in So­ma­lia, Libya|News­Day
Belfast Telegraph 06 Oct 2013, In a stealthy assault in Somalia and in a raid in Libya's capital, US special forces have struck out against Islamic extremists who carried out terrorist attacks in East Africa, snatching a Libyan al Qaida leader allegedly involved in the bombings of US embassies 15 years ago but aborting a mission to capture a terrorist suspect linked to last...
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updated 06 Oct 2013; published 06 Oct 2013
US shut­down Obama 'ex­as­per­at­ed by ir­re­spon­si­ble pol­i­tics' 1
BBC News 05 Oct 2013, Negotiations on a sweeping free trade pact between the US and the EU have been postponed because of a partial government shutdown in America. US officials had been due in Brussels next week to discuss the deal aimed at boosting bilateral ties. US President Barack Obama earlier cancelled his trip to Asia because of the shutdown. The US government...
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updated 23 Mar 2013; published 23 Mar 2013
US Marines in Afghanistan Real Com­bat SEM­PER FI
The New York Times 05 Oct 2013, KABUL, AfghanistanThe United States and Afghanistan have reached an impasse in their talks over the role that American forces will play here beyond next year, officials from both countries say, raising the distinct possibility of a total withdrawal — an outcome that the Pentagon’s top military commanders dismissed just months ago. Connect With...
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updated 06 Oct 2013; published 06 Oct 2013
Dozens more bod­ies found after mi­grant dis­as­ter off Lampe­dusa
The Times of India 05 Oct 2013, LAMPEDUSA, Italy: Italy on Friday mourned the 300 African asylum-seekers feared dead in the worst ever Mediterranean refugee disaster, as the government asked Europe to help stem the influx of migrants. With the search for bodies off the island of Lampedusa suspended due to bad weather, an emotional Pope Francis said it was "a day of tears" in a...
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updated 03 Oct 2013; published 03 Oct 2013
USA sanc­tions on Rwan­da
The New York Times 05 Oct 2013, KIGALI, RwandaPresident Paul Kagame of Rwanda on Friday angrily condemned a decision by the United States to impose sanctions against his country for what Washington says is his government’s support for rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo who recruit child soldiers. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international...
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updated 16 Jul 2013; published 16 Jul 2013
Top Mex­i­can drug lord ar­rest­ed.
The Los Angeles Times 05 Oct 2013, MEXICO CITY — An alleged drug cartel leader suspected of masterminding the June slayings of nine Guatemalan federal policemen was arrested Friday in the southern Mexico border state of Chiapas, officials said. The suspect, Eduardo Francisco Villatoro Cano, became one of the most wanted men in Guatemala after more than a dozen armed men...
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updated 06 Mar 2013; published 06 Mar 2013
"Youth Mi­gra­tion and De­vel­op­ment: To­wards Sus­tain­able So­lu­tions" Hang­out, 6 March 2013
IRINnews 05 Oct 2013, NEW YORK, 4 October 2013 (IRIN) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened a High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development at the UN General Assembly on Thursday by outlining an to "make migration work" for the world's 232 million migrants, as well as their countries of origin and destination. The meeting brings together migration...
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updated 30 Sep 2013; published 30 Sep 2013
'Ter­ror­ists from 83 coun­tries fight­ing in Syria' - FM to UN As­sem­bly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
noodls 04 Oct 2013, (Source: UN - United Nations) 04 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - As Security Council agrees on efforts to increase access to people in need by humanitarian organisations, UNOSATcontinues its monitoring of several refugees camps outside Syria and some key locations within Syria where IDPs are...
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updated 26 Feb 2013; published 26 Feb 2013
Ser­bia - A Can­di­date for the Eu­ro­pean Union | Jour­nal In­ter­view
Swissinfo 04 Oct 2013, Reuters October 4, 2013 - 15:11 By Matt Robinson BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia's prime minister threatened on Friday to pull out of EU-mediated talks with Kosovo after the former Serbian province denied him permission to visit, underscoring the fragility of a landmark accord between the two. Ivica Dacic lashed out at the European Union, which...
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updated 17 Sep 2013; published 17 Sep 2013
Rus­sia slams US blame game over UN Syria chem­i­cal at­tack re­port
South China Morning Post 04 Oct 2013, International experts were on Friday gearing up to disable the chemical weapons programme in war-hit Syria after reporting “encouraging” progress in a day of meetings with regime officials. The Syrian regime and its armed opponents have both been accused of carrying out numerous atrocities in the 30-month conflict, which began as a popular uprising...
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50 dead as Egypt Islamists try to galvanise protests
Full Article The Times of India
07 Oct 2013

CAIRO: At least 50 people were killed in clashes between Islamists and police in Egypt, as thousands of the military's supporters marked the anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. Loyalists of deposed Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, overthrown in a July military coup,yesterday tried to converge on a central Cairo square for the anniversary... Protest Brotherhood
A supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi raises his hands with a gesture of an open palm with four raised fingers that has became a symbol for the Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque where hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters were killed by security forces in August, in Ramsis Square, Cairo, Egypt. Deadly clashes left tens dead and scores injured as rival crowds of supporters of the military and backers of Morsi poured into streets around the country Sunday, as a holiday marking the anniversary of the last war with Israel turned into a showdown between the country's two rival camps.
photo: AP / Sabry Khaled, El-Shorouk Newspaper

Al Qaeda: US Captures Wanted Libyan Leader
Full Article Skynews
06 Oct 2013

US forces have captured an al Qaeda leader in Libya linked to the 1998 American Embassy bombings in east Africa and wanted by the FBI for more than a decade. A Pentagon spokesman identified the suspect as Nazih Abdul-Hamed al Ruqai, known by his alias Anas al Libi, who has been on the FBI's most wanted terrorists list since it was introduced... Qaeda In Africa
US Army (USA) Soldiers assigned to the 20th Special Forces Group
photo: US Army /

Egypt warns against anniversary protests
Full Article Al Jazeera
06 Oct 2013

Authorities in Egypt have warned against anti-army protests on Sunday when the country celebrates the 40th anniversary of an attack on Israel, saying the protesters will be regarded as agents of foreign powers. "Protesters against the army on the anniversary of [October 6] victory will be carrying out the duties of agents, not activists,"... Protests Morsi Brotherhood
A boy holds a poster of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi pasted on a Yemeni flag during a rally supporting Morsi in Sanaa, Yemen, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2013. Arabic writing reads, "We are with the legitimacy." Egyptian authorities on Thursday authorized police to use deadly force to protect themselves and key state institutions from attacks, after presumed supporters of the deposed Islamist president torched two local government buildings near the capital in the latest of a series of apparent reprisals to follow a bloody crackdown on their protest camps.
photo: AP / Hani Mohammed

Most of 400,000 US defence staff told to return to work amid 'government shutdown'
Full Article Newstrack India
06 Oct 2013

Tweet London, Oct 6 (ANI): Most of the 400,000 US defence department staff given an 'unpaid holiday' amid the US government shutdown have reportedly been told to return to work next week. A budget row between Republicans and Democrats has forced the closure of federal services for five days now although... Obama Of Us Shutdown
US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said that the decision to bring back the staff to work was based on an interpretation of the 'Pay Our Military Act', which was passed by the Congress shortly before the shutdown
photo: USMC / Aaron Hostutler

US special forces strike in Africa
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Oct 2013

In a stealthy assault in Somalia and in a raid in Libya's capital, US special forces have struck out against Islamic extremists who carried out terrorist attacks in East Africa, snatching a Libyan al Qaida leader allegedly involved in the bombings of US embassies 15 years ago but aborting a mission to capture a terrorist suspect linked to last... Qaida Shabaab Attack
A guard stands atop a watchtower at a UN compound attacked in the Somali capital of Mogadishu on June 27, 2013.
photo: UN / Tobin Jones

US government shutdown halts EU free trade talks
Full Article BBC News
05 Oct 2013

Negotiations on a sweeping free trade pact between the US and the EU have been postponed because of a partial government shutdown in America. US officials had been due in Brussels next week to discuss the deal aimed at boosting bilateral ties. US President Barack Obama earlier cancelled his trip to Asia because of the shutdown. The US government... Trade Talks Of Us Shutdown
President Barack Obama gestures during his speech in Burlington, Vt., Friday, March 30, 2012, the president was in Vermont on a quick campaign swing that is going to include a series of fundraisers that are expected to draw more than 4,500 people.
photo: AP / Toby Talbot

Impasse With Afghanistan Raises Prospect of Total U.S. Withdrawal in 2014
Full Article The New York Times
05 Oct 2013

KABUL, AfghanistanThe United States and Afghanistan have reached an impasse in their talks over the role that American forces will play here beyond next year, officials from both countries say, raising the distinct possibility of a total withdrawal — an outcome that the Pentagon’s top military commanders dismissed just months ago. Connect With... In Afghanistan
Impasse With Afghanistan Raises Prospect of Total U.S. Withdrawal in 2014
photo: US Army / Eddie Siguenza

Italy mourns shipwreck migrants, appeals to Europe
Full Article The Times of India
05 Oct 2013

LAMPEDUSA, Italy: Italy on Friday mourned the 300 African asylum-seekers feared dead in the worst ever Mediterranean refugee disaster, as the government asked Europe to help stem the influx of migrants. With the search for bodies off the island of Lampedusa suspended due to bad weather, an emotional Pope Francis said it was "a day of tears" in a... Rights Migrants
Migrants answer a reporter's questions, who passed them a microphone, at a temporary camp in the Italian island of Lampedusa, Friday, Oct. 4, 2013. A ship carrying African migrants toward Italy caught fire and capsized off the Sicilian island of Lampedusa Thursday, spilling hundreds of passengers into the sea.
photo: AP / Luca Bruno

Rwanda Assails Sanctions by U.S.
Full Article The New York Times
05 Oct 2013

KIGALI, RwandaPresident Paul Kagame of Rwanda on Friday angrily condemned a decision by the United States to impose sanctions against his country for what Washington says is his government’s support for rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo who recruit child soldiers. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international... War Child Soldiers Rebels Supports
Rwandan President Paul Kagame speaks to an audience Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008 on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Mass., as he delivers the September 2008 Karl Taylor Compton Lecture. Kagame delivered a talk called: "Imperative of Science and Technology in Accelerating African and Rwandan Development," before taking questions from the
photo: AP / Steven Senne

Suspected mastermind of Guatemala police massacre arrested in Mexico
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
05 Oct 2013

MEXICO CITY — An alleged drug cartel leader suspected of masterminding the June slayings of nine Guatemalan federal policemen was arrested Friday in the southern Mexico border state of Chiapas, officials said. The suspect, Eduardo Francisco Villatoro Cano, became one of the most wanted men in Guatemala after more than a dozen armed men... Trafficking Police Massacre Drug War
A man identified by Guatemala's government as Eduardo Francisco Villatoro Cano, alias "Guayo Cano," is escorted in handcuffs by police agents at an air force base in Guatemala City, Friday, Oct. 4, 2013.
photo: AP / Luis Soto

UN meeting highlights migration’s development benefits
Full Article IRINnews
05 Oct 2013

NEW YORK, 4 October 2013 (IRIN) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened a High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development at the UN General Assembly on Thursday by outlining an to "make migration work" for the world's 232 million migrants, as well as their countries of origin and destination. The meeting brings together migration... Rights Development
UN meeting highlights migration’s development benefits
photo: UN / Rick Bajornas

Syria refugee crisis: the appalling view from above (UN - United Nations)
Full Article noodls
04 Oct 2013

(Source: UN - United Nations) 04 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland - As Security Council agrees on efforts to increase access to people in need by humanitarian organisations, UNOSATcontinues its monitoring of several refugees camps outside Syria and some key locations within Syria where IDPs are... Council
	Syria refugee crisis: the appalling view from above (UN - United Nations)
photo: UN / Ryan Brown

Serbian PM threatens to pull out of EU-led Kosovo talks
Full Article Swissinfo
04 Oct 2013

Reuters October 4, 2013 - 15:11 By Matt Robinson BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia's prime minister threatened on Friday to pull out of EU-mediated talks with Kosovo after the former Serbian province denied him permission to visit, underscoring the fragility of a landmark accord between the two. Ivica Dacic lashed out at the European Union, which...
Serbian PM threatens to pull out of EU-led Kosovo talks
photo: European Community / EC

Experts report progress over Syrian chemical weapons
Full Article South China Morning Post
04 Oct 2013

International experts were on Friday gearing up to disable the chemical weapons programme in war-hit Syria after reporting “encouraging” progress in a day of meetings with regime officials. The Syrian regime and its armed opponents have both been accused of carrying out numerous atrocities in the 30-month conflict, which began as a popular uprising... Weapons War Nations
An advance team of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the United Nations arrives in Damascus, Syria, four days after the OPCW Executive Council and the UN Security Council unanimously endorsed a plan to begin the process of overseeing the destruction of the country’s chemical weapons programme, 1 October, 2013.
photo: UN / Hend Abdel Ghany

Cole scare for England
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Oct 2013

England left-back Ashley Cole is set for a scan on a rib injury suffered in the 3-1 win at Norwich on Sunday afternoon, Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho has confirmed. Cole was substituted with 15 minutes left at Carrow Road for tactical reasons, but Mourinho revealed the player later complained of a problem and so would be examined, but did not...
Chelsea's manager Jose Mourinho, left, speaks to the media as player Ashley Cole listens during a press conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, Tuesday, July 23, 2013. Chelsea is scheduled to play against Indonesia on Thursday in a friendly match as part of their Asia Tour 2013.
photo: AP / Dita Alangkara

Klitschko wants improvement after Povetkin win
Full Article The Times of India
06 Oct 2013

Undisputed world heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko has said he wants to improve despite retaining his titles with a unanimous points win over Russia's Alexander Povetkin. The Ukrainian champion enjoyed an emphatic victory on Saturday in Moscow in his 24th world title fight, putting Povetkin on the canvas four times, three of which came in the...
 Der Boxer Wladimir Klitschko waehrend des offiziellen Wiegens in Mannheim am Freitag, 09. Maerz 2007. Am Samstag, 10. Maerz 2007 findet in der Mannheimer SAP Arena die Boxweltmeisterschaft im Schwergewicht nach Version der IBF und IBO zwischen Titelverte
photo: (AP Photo/Ronald Wittek,pool)

UN labour agency urges revision of migration policies after Lampedusa incident (UN - United Nations)
Full Article noodls
06 Oct 2013

(Source: UN - United Nations) UN labour agency urges revision of migration policies after Lampedusa incident The Italian coastguard brings survivors of Thursday's tragedy to the harbour in Lampedusa. AMSA/UNHCR 5 October 2013 - The head of the United Nations labour agency today called for a revision of labour migration and border policies in...
UN labour agency urges revision of migration policies after Lampedusa incident (UN - United Nations)
photo: UN / Rick Bajornas

Pellegrini: Hart decision was tough
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Oct 2013

Manchester City boss Manuel Pellegrini described his decision to stick with Joe Hart in goal for their 3-1 victory over Everton as "very difficult". There were doubts over the 26-year-old's position after he was culpable for two of Bayern Munich's goals in City's Champions League defeat on Wednesday. It is not the first time recently that Hart has...
Malaga's coach Manuel Pellegrini, from Chile, attends a news conference before a soccer training session at FC Porto's Dragao stadium in Porto, Portugal, Monday, Feb. 18, 2013. Malaga are due to play FC Porto in a Champions League round of 16 first leg soccer match in Porto on Tuesday. FC Porto and Malaga are at the top of their game as they head into their hotly anticipated Iberian duel.
photo: AP / Paulo Duarte

Jol relieved as Fulham scrape win
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Oct 2013

Fulham manager Martin Jol acknowledged Saturday afternoon's 1-0 victory over Stoke was not the most comfortable, but felt it was "unbelievably important" ahead of the international break. Having failed to win since the opening day of the Barclays Premier League season, the Dutchman's position at the helm was looking fragile heading into the clash...
 Martin Jol
photo: Public Domain / Thedamo

Bruce happy despite average display
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Oct 2013

Hull manager Steve Bruce dismissed the quality of play in his side's 0-0 draw against Aston Villa as "bang average" but was happy to bank another Barclays Premier League point. Bruce's assessment of the encounter was fair, with neither side seriously threatening to break the deadlock. The midfield areas were relatively open but that did not...
Steve Bruce
photo: Creative Commons / BrokenSphere

Roma stun Inter 3-0 to boost title claim
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
06 Oct 2013

Milan: Francesco Totti struck a brace and Alessandro Florenzi added another before half-time as Roma stunned Inter Milan 3-0 at the San Siro to keep their title dream alive on Saturday. Roma finished the match with 10 men after defender Federico Balzaretti saw red for a second rash challenge of the game in the final 10 minutes, but by then the... As Roma Inter Milan Serie A
AS Roma forward Francesco Totti, top, celebrates with his teammates Alessandro Florenzi, left, Panagiotis Tachtsidis, second left, of Greece, and Ivan Piris, of Paraguay, after AS Roma forward Pablo Osvaldo scored during the Serie A soccer match between Inter Milan and Roma at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, Sept. 2, 2012.
photo: AP / Antonio Calanni

Wladimir Klitschko vs. Alexander Povetkin
Full Article Newsday
06 Oct 2013

Wladimir Klitschko defeated Alexander Povetkin to retained his WBA and IBF heavyweight titles Saturday night. advertisement | advertise on newsday | View all Be the first to rate: 0 Click to rate Comments Please log in to comment. Civility matters; to read our commenting... Povetkin Povetkin V Wladimir Klitschko Klitschko
Ukraine's boxer Wladimir Klitschko celebrates after winning the heavyweight fight against Cuban boxer Eliseo Castillo in the Dortmund Westphalia hall on Saturday night, April 23,2005.
photo: AP / Frank Augstein

'Unsafe': rapper Azealia Banks apologises to fans after festival storm-out
Full Article Canberra Times
07 Oct 2013

Azealia Banks tweeted an apology to her Melbourne fans. Photo: Supplied Azealia Banks blames a member of her audience for her angry exit from her Melbourne show after just 90 seconds. The American rapper...
Rapper Azealia Banks performs during the first weekend of the 2012 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, Saturday, April 14, 2012, in Indio, Calif.
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Lauryn Hill Emerges From Prison After Serving Tax Term
Full Article Cinema Blend
04 Oct 2013

Lauryn Hill is no longer an inmate. The popular songstress was officially released from a federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut this morning, and while she hasn’t spoken on the record, no doubt her freedom feels pretty great. Last... Hill Hill Tax Evasion
Lauryn Hill performs during the University of Miami Homecoming at the Foote Green Miami, Florida November 5, 2010
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Miley Cyrus singing during the Wonder World Tour concert in Portland, Oregon
photo: Creative Commons / Bonnie

Demi Lovato says talent is better on X Factor USA when Cowell's not there
Full Article Newstrack India
03 Oct 2013

Tweet New Delhi, Oct. 3 (ANI): Demi Lovato has rebuked Simon Cowell's habit of always being late for shoots on the third season of X Factor USA, asserting that talent is better on the show when...
Demi Lovato perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Michael Jackson's family lose wrongful death lawsuit
Full Article The Daily Telegraph
03 Oct 2013

The family of singer Michael Jackson have lost their lawsuit against concert promoters AEG Live, who they claimed caused the singer's wrongful death by negligently hired Dr Conrad Murray. 560 315 TelegraphPlayer_10352064 9:56AM BST 03 Oct 2013 Comments A jury cleared a concert promoter of negligence in a case that attempted to link the death of... Murray Of Michael Jackson Jackson
US singer Michael Jackson announces that he is set to play ten live concerts at the London O2 Arena in July, which he announced at a press conference at the London O2 Arena, Thursday, March 5, 2009. The singer also stated that this would be his final performances in London.
photo: AP / Joel Ryan

Kimberly Perry Engaged To Toronto Blue Jays Catcher J.P. Arencibia
Full Article Huffington Post
02 Oct 2013

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The Band Perry singer Kimberly Perry is engaged to Toronto Blue Jays catcher J.P. Arencibia. The engagement, which was first reported by The Tennessean, was confirmed by the band's publicist on Tuesday. Perry told the newspaper ( ) that she said "yes" to her boyfriend of more than a...
Kimberly Perry of The Band Perry performs during the ' WKIS Chili Cook Off ' at C.B. Smith Park. Pembroke Pines, Florida - January 30, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Katy Perry, iTunes Festival, Roundhouse - music review
Full Article London Evening Standard
01 Oct 2013

Tartan woman: Katy Perry in outfit number one Perry, a natural inhabitant of the gigantic pop arena even when she was playing pubs, didn't strip things down for the theatre setting. Only two different outfits across 10 songs might count as restrained, but one of them did...
Katy Perry toronto
photo: Creative Commons / HARHANJAM

Fed up with glam image, wants constructive roles: Mallika
Full Article The Siasat Daily
07 Oct 2013

October 06: Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat, known for her bold roles, feels she is stuck in a groove with her glam girl image. "The glamorous roles have given me name, fame, success and independence but at the same time this image has worked against me as well. I have got stereotyped. I am not getting interesting offers which I can accept,"...
Actress Mallika Sherawat
photo: AP / Joel Ryan

KStew 'feeling so low'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Oct 2013

Kristen Stewart is still "desperately" missing her ex-boyfriend Robert Pattinson. According to insiders, the actress is still heartbroken after her on-off romance with Robert Pattinson ended. She is believed to have been left reeling after seeing him spend time with a series of different ladies recently. "Kristen is in a really low place. She...
Kristen Stewart speaking at the 2012 WonderCon in Anaheim, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Madison 'spared no expense' on wedding
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Oct 2013

Holly Madison ensured her Disneyland wedding with husband Pasquale Rotella was magical. The former Girls Next Door star married Insomniac Events CEO Pasquale Rotella at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California last month and the couple ensured the night was magical. "It was really spectacular. They spared no expense," a guest told America's People...
Holly Madison
photo: Creative Commons /

Will do a Tamil movie in Karnataka, says Kamal Haasan
Full Article The Siasat Daily
05 Oct 2013

Bangalore, October 05: (PTI): Filmmaker and actor Kamal Haasan said he is planning to do a Tamil movie in Karnataka as he wants bilinguals to reach out to larger audience in the south. "We are planning to do a movie. We want to do it in Karnataka. It is a Tamil movie which we are planning to do in Karnataka," he said at a programme organised by...
Dasavatharam ,  Mallika Sherawat , Kamal Haasan , K S Ravikumar
photo: GNU /

Irrfan Khan: Not doing Bhupen Hazarika biopic
Full Article Indian Express
04 Oct 2013

Actor Irrfan Khan has denied reports that he is playing Bhupen Hazarika in Kalpana Lajmi's upcoming biopic, saying the role was never offered to him. There were reports that after enjoying critical acclaim for his performance in 'The Lunchbox', Irrfan has the Bhupen Hazarika...
Actor Irrfan Khan - Bollywood - India(jsen2)
photo: AP Photo /

Aamir Khan is a great human being, says Sampath Kumar
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
04 Oct 2013

In the current scenario, with every other film bombing at the box office, here is a producer who says that filmmaking is the best profession in the world — provided one plans properly and sticks to plan meticulously. Sampath Kumar, a co-director who has worked with A.R. Murugadoss, turns independent producer with 'Iruvar Ondraanaal', says, “I have...
Famous Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan enjoy shikara ride  in the World Famous Dal Lake in Srinagar on 09, February 2012.
photo: WN / Imran Nissar

Salman Khan: 'I'd like to have a daughter'
Full Article Digital Spy
04 Oct 2013

Salman Khan has said that he would love to have a daughter if he ever becomes a father. The actor was speaking at an event for the 'Girl Child, Women Empowerment' programme, IANS reports. © PA Images / Eranga Jayawardena/AP He told the audience: "If I ever have a child.. Insh'allah I will... I wish it's a girl. I want a girl child. "How can...
Bollywood actor Salman Khan looks on during Kingfisher swimsuit calendar launch in Mumbai, India, Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010.
photo: AP / Rajanish Kakade

Bollywood Gossip: Kamal Haasan
Full Article Independent online (SA)
04 Oct 2013

Actor and film-maker Kamal Haasan, whose film Vishwaroopam was in the race for India’s official entry to the Academy Awards this year, is not disappointed...
The Chief Guest and renowned film actor Shri Kamal Haasan addressing at the closing ceremony during the 39th IFFI-2008  at Panaji, Goa on December 02, 2008.
photo: PIB of India

US Treasury issues dire warning on default
Full Article Canberra Times
07 Oct 2013

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew speaks with host Bob Schieffer on "Face the Nation" in Washington. Photo: Reuters US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has issued a categorical warning that the United States will default on its $US16.7 trillion ($17.6 trillion) debt and throw the world into turmoil unless Congress agrees to raise the legal debt ceiling...
Jack Lew, President Barack Obama's choice to be treasury secretary, testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013, before the Senate Finance Committee committee's confirmation hearing.
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite

NZ dollar rises to 88.03 Australian cents
Full Article NZ Herald
06 Oct 2013

The New Zealand dollar is little changed as investors await the outcome of stalled budget talks in the US. The dollar advanced to 88.03 Australian cents at 8am in Wellington from 87.86 cents at 5pm on Friday....
New Zealand Dollar - NZ Currency - Money - Forex.
photo: Public Domain

PM avoids Papua 'visit' at consulate
Full Article Canberra Times
06 Oct 2013

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has narrowly avoided a major diplomatic headache that threatened to undermine his presence at his first world leaders' forum, after a potentially serious security breach at the Australian consulate in Bali. Three men, from a group of West Papuans trying to highlight the treatment of their people at the hands of the...
Opposition Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott speaks during a press conference in Canberra, Australia, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010. Labor Party now would need an additional three seats to form a minority government, as would the conservative coalition, but Labor controls the caretaker administration in the meantime under Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
photo: AP / Mark Graham

Adams criticises unionist leaders
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Oct 2013

Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has accused unionist political leaders of hypocrisy in dealing with illegal marches and attacks. He claimed the main parties have failed to take a stand against those organising sectarian violence in Belfast and said their silence has been deafening. Mr Adams said t he Short Strand has been under siege for much of...
Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams speaks to the media as he launches his party's manifesto in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wednesday, April 28, 2010.
photo: AP / Peter Morrison

Xi Jinping says political solution for Taiwan can’t wait forever
Full Article South China Morning Post
06 Oct 2013

Chinese President Xi Jinping told a senior envoy from self-ruled Taiwan on Sunday that a political solution to a standoff over sovereignty lasting more than six decades cannot be postponed forever, drawing a cool, non-committal response. China and Taiwan have been ruled separately since Nationalist forces, defeated by the Communists, fled to the...
China's Vice President Xi Jinping waves upon arrival at Haneda International Airport in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, Dec. 14, 2009.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

APEC leaders seeks ways to foster growth
Full Article Sydney Morning Herald
06 Oct 2013

AP Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is urging Asian business and political leaders to do more to counter the economic headwinds...
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, center, delivers his speech before members of Parliament as his deputy Budiono, rear left, looks on, Friday, Aug. 16, 2013, one day ahead of the country's independence day in Jakarta, Indonesia.
photo: AP / Tatan Syuflana

​English training programme in 5 district schools
Full Article The Times of India
06 Oct 2013

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Union minister for human resources development Shashi Tharoor will launch the district-level comprehensive English training programme on Tuesday. Organized by district centre for English under department of general education and English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, the project titled 'Communicate At Ease in...
The President, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil administering the oath as Minister of State to Shri Shashi Tharoor, at a Swearing-in Ceremony, at Rashtrapati Bhavan, in New Delhi on May 28, 2009.
photo: PIB of India

Japanese pension fund may opt for growth stocks
Full Article Taipei Times
05 Oct 2013

Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund plans to boost investment in growth stocks to increase returns and may eventually allocate several trillion yen to such equities, the Nikkei Shimbun reported yesterday. The state-run ¥121 trillion (US$1.24 trillion) fund, the world’s biggest manager of retirement savings, will initially invest several...
Japanese pension fund may opt for growth stocks
photo: US DoD / Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo

Overnight clashes in east Cairo between Egyptian security forces and supporters of ou
Overnight clashes in east Cairo between Egyptian security forces and supporters of ou
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:19
  • Updated: 29 Sep 2013
  • published: 29 Sep 2013
  • views: 0

US Navy Seals: Raids In Somalia And Libya Al Qaeda Abu Anas Al Libi and Al Shabab Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr
US Navy Seals: Raids In Somalia And Libya Al Qaeda Abu Anas Al Libi and Al Shabab Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:46
  • Updated: 07 Oct 2013
US commando raids target Islamist leaders in Africa Anas al-Liby Al-Liby was on the FBI's most wanted list Continue reading the main story Related Stories Al-Qaeda's remaining leaders Al-Qaeda around the world Battling al-Shabab Watch US special forces have carried out two separate raids in Africa targeting senior Islamist militants, American officials say. In Libya, US commandos captured an al-Qaeda leader accused of the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Anas al-Liby was seized in the capital Tripoli. And a leader of the al-Shabab group was targeted in southern Somalia, but that raid appears to have failed. The al-Shabab leader - who has not been identified - is suspected of involvement in last month's attack in the Westgate shopping centre in Kenya's capital Nairobi, which left at least 67 people dead. Al-Shabab has said it carried out the attack on 21 September. US Secretary of State John Kerry said the operations in Libya and Somalia showed that the US would never stop "in its effort to hold those accountable who conduct acts of terror". Those who attacked American interests "can run but they can't hide", he told reporters in Indonesia where he is attending an Asian summit. Anas al-Liby's relatives and US officials said he had been seized in the Libyan capital early on Saturday. He was parking outside his house when three vehicles encircled him, his car's window was smashed and his gun was seized before he was taken away, his brother Nabih was quoted as saying by AP. He added that Liby's wife also saw the attack, describing the abductors as foreign-looking "commandos". The raid was conducted with the knowledge of the Libyan government, a US official was quoted as saying by CNN. Liby "is currently lawfully detained by the US military in a secure location outside of Libya", Pentagon spokesman George Little said. For its part, Libya said it had contacted the US authorities to demand an explanation" as soon as it heard the reports", according to a government statement. It also expressed hope that its "strategic partnership" with the US would not be damaged by the incident. Liby, 49, is believed to have been one of the masterminds behind the 1998 US embassy attacks, which killed more than 220 people in Kenya and Tanzania. Continue reading the main story Anas al-Liby Born 30 March 1964 in Tripoli, Libya. Also known as Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai Believed to have joined al-Qaeda in 1990s Given political asylum in UK Rumoured to have returned to Libya during 2011 civil war Charged by New York prosecutors in 2000 with involvement in the 1998 Kenya and Tanzania US embassy bombings One of FBI's "most wanted terrorists" with $5m bounty for his capture Profile: Anas al-Liby He has been indicted in a New York court in connection with the attacks. Liby - whose real name is Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai - has been on the FBI's most wanted list for more than a decade with a $5m (£3.1m) bounty on his head. Al-Qaeda's leadership has been consistently targeted since the killing of Osama Bin Laden by US special forces in 2011 in Pakistan.
  • published: 07 Oct 2013
  • views: 5

URGENT!! Clashes kill 34 in Egypt as street battles erupt - To day (06th October 2013)
URGENT!! Clashes kill 34 in Egypt as street battles erupt - To day (06th October 2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23
  • Updated: 06 Oct 2013
Egyptian celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the Arab-Israeli War were marred by a fresh wave of violence, with 34 people killed and dozens wounded in clashes between police and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi. According to an Egyptian Health Ministry official, 30 people were killed in the capital of Cairo and in Giza on Sunday. Three persons were also killed in Beni Suef, and one in Delga in Minya, Ahram Online reported. Most of the dead had gunshot wounds, security sources told Reuters. Over 200 got injuries. At least 200 pro-Morsi supporters were arrested as they attempted to "storm Egyptian public squares" on Sunday, the country's Interior Ministry said. In Cairo, Egyptian police fired tear gas to disperse pro-Morsi demonstrators as they marched towards Tahrir Square, where pro-army supporters gathered to celebrate the 1973 war anniversary. The tear gas and birdshots reportedly sent protesters running towards western Cairo's Dokki neighborhood. Police chased demonstrators and beat them up before detaining them, a witness told AFP. The military wanted to protect the celebrations of the anniversary, which are now in full swing at Tahrir Square, according to RT's Cairo-based correspondent Bel Trew. Egypt's interim President Adly Mansour called on people to come to the streets to celebrate what he called "a national day of pride." Trew stated that Mansour did not want to see Muslim Brotherhood supporters causing trouble during the festivities. She said there were many people in the streets "with quite severe injuries in addition to being beaten heavily by people who were mingling with the security forces in support of the military." Clashes also erupted in the Garden City district in the center of the capital, where police fired tear gas and chased protesters along the Nile Corniche, forcing some demonstrators to jump into the water. Police boats were sent to retrieve protesters. Unrest was reported in other parts of Cairo and in several other cities, including Alexandria, Aswan, and Suez. Earlier on Sunday, a pro-Morsi supporter was killed and at least two people were injured after clashes with police erupted during a protest march in the town of Delga, located 300 kilometers south of the capital. RT ====================================== Egypt: Clashes during national holiday kill 34 Clashes kill 34 in Egypt as street battles erupt 34 killed, over 200 wounded as Egypt protests turn violent At least 34 killed in protests across Egypt At least 34 dead in Egypt as holiday turns violent 34 dead in clashes on Egypt's war anniversary Army, Clashes, Conflict, Egypt, Military, Opposition, Police, Protest,Egypt News, Egypt, Egypt Protests, Egypt Clashes
  • published: 06 Oct 2013
  • views: 9!!_Clashes_kill_34_in_Egypt_as_street_battles_erupt__To_day_06th_October_2013

BBC News - US shutdown: Defence staff to return to work
BBC News - US shutdown: Defence staff to return to work
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:34
  • Updated: 05 Oct 2013
The US Defence Secretary, Chuck Hagel, has said around 400,000 civilian defence staff will be recalled to work next week after Pentagon lawyers approved the move. The US government was forced to shutdown non-essential operations on Tuesday when Congress failed to agree a new budget. Katie Watson reports.
  • published: 05 Oct 2013
  • views: 56

Terror Raids US targets Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda leaders in Somalia, Libya|NewsDay
Terror Raids US targets Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda leaders in Somalia, Libya|NewsDay
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:27
  • Updated: 06 Oct 2013
U.S. forces raid terror targets in Libya, Somalia -‎ Traduzir esta página 18 horas atrás - U.S. military forces strike in Libya, Somalia; capture wanted al Qaeda leader ... Citing al Libi's wife, the source said the al Qaeda leader tried to reach into his ... But four days after Al-Shabaab terrorists stormed the swanky mall, ... Terror Raids: US targets Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda leaders in Somalia ... ► 5:27► 5:27‎ 5 horas atrás - Vídeo enviado por RT Terror Raids: US targets Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda leaders in Somalia, Libya. RT ·20,179 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 1,093,298 ... US commandos raid terrorist hideouts in Libya, Somalia, capture ...‎ Traduzir esta página 10 horas atrás - U.S. commandos launched daring twin raids in Libya and Somalia on ... aimed at a "high value" target from the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab movement, ... of SEAL Team Six, the same unit that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin ... US forces target Al-Shabaab leader in Somalia, seize Al-Qaeda ...‎ Traduzir esta página 19 horas atrás - US forces target Al-Shabaab leader in Somalia, seize Al-Qaeda leader in Libya ... The raid was reportedly in response to the recent deadly attack on a Nairobi shopping mall, which killed more than 60 people. Al-Shabaab - a Somalia-based cell of the Al-Qaeda terror network - has claimed responsibility for ... U.S. Raids in Libya and Somalia Strike Terror Targets -‎ Traduzir esta página 10 horas atrás - U.S. Raids in Libya and Somalia Strike Terror Targets ... a suspected leader of Al Qaeda on the streets of Tripoli, Libya, while Navy SEALs ... militants at the home of a senior leader of the Shabab, the Somali militant group. Notícias sobre Terror Raids US targets Al Shabaab, Al ... RT US forces strike in Libya, Somalia, capture al Qaeda operative CNN International ‎- 3 horas atrás In the second raid, a team of U.S. Navy SEALs in southern Somalia targeted the top leader of Al-Shabaab, a terrorist group linked with al Qaeda. ... Citing al Libi's wife, Noman Benotman told CNN that the al Qaeda operative tried ... they could confirm whether they killed their target, a senior U.S. official said. US special forces raids target al Qaeda in Libya, al-Shabaab in Somalia CTV News‎ - 5 horas atrás US forces raid Somalia, nab al-Qaeda leader in Libya in missions ...‎ Traduzir esta página 18 horas atrás - U.S. special forces raids target al Qaeda in Libya, al-Shabaab in Somalia ... in southern Somalia before militants of the al Qaeda-linked terrorist ... Dual dramatic terror raids are carried out by U.S. special forces ...‎ Traduzir esta página 5 horas atrás - U.S. special forces capture senior al-Qaeda terrorist in Libya and target Al-Shabab leader's Somalia home in daring anti-terror raids after mall ... U.S. targets Al Qaeda, Shabab leaders in Libya, Somalia -,0,...‎ Traduzir esta página 13 horas atrás - U.S. targets Al Qaeda, Shabab leaders in Libya, Somalia ... Kenya, during the terrorist raid shows a man believed to be Omar Nabhan, who was ... U.S. Raids Terror Targets in Somalia, Libya -‎ Traduzir esta página de Julian Barnes - em 650 círculos do Google+ 2 horas atrás - U.S. Raids Terror Targets in Somalia, Libya ... Still because Abu Anas was an indicted al Qaeda leader, the 2001 Authorization for the Use of ... The raid against al-Shabaab, in the Somali town of Barawe, appeared to be the ... U.S. says captures al Qaeda leader in Libya, also raids Somalia ...‎ Traduzir esta página 16 horas atrás - U.S. says captures al Qaeda leader in Libya, also raids Somalia ... it called "a known al Shabaab terrorist," in Somalia, but gave no more details. ... A Somali intelligence official said the target of the raid at Barawe, about 110 ...
  • published: 06 Oct 2013
  • views: 165,_Al_Qaeda_leaders_in_Somalia,_Libya|NewsDay

US shutdown   Obama 'exasperated by irresponsible politics'   1
US shutdown Obama 'exasperated by irresponsible politics' 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 06 Oct 2013
  • published: 06 Oct 2013
  • views: 0'exasperated_by_irresponsible_politics'___1

US Marines in Afghanistan  Real Combat SEMPER FI
US Marines in Afghanistan Real Combat SEMPER FI
  • Order:
  • Duration: 27:36
  • Updated: 23 Mar 2013
subsribe to my new channel: Operation Jaws: U.S. Marines Clear Insurgent Stronghold http://17thmarinesrealismunit.blogspo... Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines Marines USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC air force , us army, 101 airborne normandy ,world war,tenks TAGS: "Marines in afgan","United States Marine Corps In Afganistan","USMC In Afganistan","Marines","Helmet camera","Firefight","combat","Talibans","US ARMY","NAVY","Marines fighting talibans","Soldier down","Man down","Iraq","Afganistan","E3","Sergeant Johnny","first battalion","Marines combat camera","sixt marine regiment","tow missiles","medevac","
  • published: 23 Mar 2013
  • views: 940163

Dozens more bodies found after migrant disaster off Lampedusa
Dozens more bodies found after migrant disaster off Lampedusa
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 06 Oct 2013
Seventy more bodies were recovered off the Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday, taking to 181 the... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Seventy more bodies were recovered off the Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday, taking to 181 the death toll from last week's migrant boat disaster. But as divers brought their sad haul back to shore they knew that many more bodies remain underwater. Up to 520 Eritreans and Somalis were on the stricken vessel. Only 155 survived. As better weather allowed salvage operations to resume after Thursday's drama, the Italian Integration Minister visited Lampedusa. Insisting that such a tragedy must never be allowed to happen again, Cecile Kyenge said that Italy could not deal with the tragedy alone but must act together with Europe. "We must give answers to those who flee, need protection and come here for help," she said. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 06 Oct 2013
  • views: 34

USA sanctions on Rwanda
USA sanctions on Rwanda
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:44
  • Updated: 03 Oct 2013
The United States moved to block military assistance to five countries, including three in Africa, over their use of child soldiers in armed conflicts
  • published: 03 Oct 2013
  • views: 69

Top Mexican drug lord arrested.
Top Mexican drug lord arrested.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:56
  • Updated: 16 Jul 2013
The leader of one of Mexico's most feared drug cartels, the Zetas, was arrested near the border with Texas. More from CNN at
  • published: 16 Jul 2013
  • views: 13904

"Youth Migration and Development: Towards Sustainable Solutions" Hangout, 6 March 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 62:52
  • Updated: 06 Mar 2013
As part of on-going activities for the forthcoming UN World Youth Report 2013, the UN Focal Point on Youth organized a Google+ Hangout on 6 March under the overarching theme "Youth migration and development: towards sustainable solutions." The web-based event offered an opportunity for youth and key stakeholders to discuss the issue of youth migration and development. The panel of experts shared practical strategies for enhancing the development potential of youth migration while mitigating associated risk in the migration process (i.e. pre-departure/departure, in-transit, arrival, post arrival, return or no return). Furthermore, the nexus between youth migration and key issues such as access to basic social services, social integration and inclusion, remittances, migrant rights and the post 2015 development agenda were discussed. Panellists for this Google + Hangout included: Bela Hovy, Chief, Migration Section, DESA's Population Division Jo Rispoli, Regional Specialist on Labour Migration/Migration and Development (East and Southern Africa), IOM Regional Office, Pretoria Daniel Pettersson, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations Lonneke van Zundert, Youth representative Dynka Amorim, young immigrant activist and founder of Bué Fixe Magazine. This Hangout was moderated by Michael Boampong, DESA's Division for Social Policy and Development. For more information: Migration Profiles Common Set of Indicators:
  • published: 06 Mar 2013
  • views: 0,_6_March_2013

Serbia - A Candidate for the European Union | Journal Interview
Serbia - A Candidate for the European Union | Journal Interview
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  • Duration: 12:10
  • Updated: 26 Feb 2013
In the Interview: Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić
  • published: 26 Feb 2013
  • views: 1701|_Journal_Interview

Russia slams US blame game over UN Syria chemical attack report
Russia slams US blame game over UN Syria chemical attack report
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:08
  • Updated: 17 Sep 2013
Russia has stressed that the UN probe concluding nerve gas was used in Syria last month, does not rule out rebel involvement in the atrocity. But the U.S, Britain and France have been quick to claim the report is enough to implicate the Assad government - READ MORE The White House insists the rockets used in the attack, could only have belonged to loyalist forces. However, the UN findings state that the sarin-tipped warheads may have been improvised... and the report did not pinpoint the sites from where they were launched, at residential areas of Damascus. Meanwhile, a prominent group of former U.S. security officials had warned the White House about intelligence reports from the war zone, indicating that radical rebel factions are in possession of chemical weapons. One of them - Pentagon veteran Michael Maloof - gave RT the details... RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 17 Sep 2013
  • views: 23972

Berlusconi stuns Italy Senate and backs Letta coalition 06 October 2013
Berlusconi stuns Italy Senate and backs Letta coalition 06 October 2013
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  • Duration: 0:59
  • Updated: 06 Oct 2013
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  • published: 06 Oct 2013
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President Obama Speaks at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Annual Gala
President Obama Speaks at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Annual Gala
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:42
  • Updated: 09 May 2012
President Obama delivers remarks at the 18th Annual Gala of the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies. May 8, 2012.
  • published: 09 May 2012
  • views: 18754

Italian interior Mininster Angelino Alfano, left, and Italian Premier Enrico Letta stand at the Senate in Rome. Maccabi Haifa player Shlomi Arbeitman, center, duels for the ball against Bordeaux players Fernando, left, and Diego Placente during their Group A Champions League soccer match in Ramat Gan Stadium near Tel Aviv, Israel, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2009 Puerta del Sol square in Madrid after the demonstration on 15 October. As a continuation of the 2011 Spanish Protests, the largest protests took place in Spain, where more than a million people took the streets on 15 October, including 500,000 in Madrid,[10] 350,000 in Barcelona, and 150,000 in Zaragoza. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir c, top, seen during a judo training at a sports school in St. Petersburg, Russia, Friday, Dec. 18, 2009

Rand Paul speaking at LPAC 2011 in Reno, Nevada. Utah Jazz's John Lucas lll, addresses the media Monday, July 22, 2013, in Salt Lake City. The Utah Jazz have signed free agent guard John Lucas III, who played last season with the Toronto Raptors. The 5-foot-11 guard averaged 5.3 points and 1.7 assists in 13.1 minutes in a career-high 63 games last season, his fifth in the NBA. Lucas, who has also played in Houston and Chicago, has career averages of 5.1 points, 1.5 assists and 1.0 rebounds in 11.8 minutes. He is the son of former NBA coach and player John Lucas Jr., the No. 1 pick in the 1976 NBA draft. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz of Texas speaking at the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference in Chantilly, Virginia. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden listen as they are updated on the federal government shutdown and the approaching debt ceiling deadline, in the Oval Office, Oct. 1, 2013.

President Barack Obama pauses during a statement on the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., at the White House on Saturday, January 8, 2011, in Washington. Giffords is in critical condition after being shot in the head in her district in Arizona Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011. Carl Lewis, United States Olympic Athlete, addresses the audience at "Breaking the Silence, Beating the Drums" concert in observance of the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. INDIA-HALDIA-PETROCHEMICAL-FACTORY In this Sept. 18, 2013 photo, a storage tank, center, is seen under dismantling operation at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant at Okuma town in Fukushima prefecture, northeastern Japan.

File - Somali men and women carrying their sick and malnourished children wait outside a medical clinic established by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), an active regional peacekeeping mission operated by the African Union with the approval of the United Nations, 16 July, 2011. Oussama Assaidi Bahaa El-Din, Ashton Discuss Economic, Political Conditions in Egypt Three Global Health Successes That I Witnessed Firsthand

In this photo released by Miraflores Press Office, Venezuela's Vice President Nicolas Maduro, center, addresses the nation on live television flanked by Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez, left, and National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello at the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012. Maduro said that Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez will face a "complex and hard" process after undergoing his fourth cancer-related operation in Cuba on Tuesday. Over the weekend, Chavez named Maduro as his chosen political heir. Liverpool's Luis Suarez, second right, celebrates his goal against Everton with teammates during their English FA Cup semifinal soccer match at Wembley Stadium in London, Saturday, April 14, 2012. New Land Rover Freelander vehicles are seen stockpiled outside the Jaguar and Land Rover factory in Halewood, Liverpool, England, Tuesday Oct. 28, 2008.  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key addresses the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013 at U.N. headquarters. India's Yuvraj Singh, center, celebrates as India wins the Cricket World Cup final between India and Sri Lanka in Mumbai, India, Saturday, April 2, 2011. Chili burger Red colour fresh hibiscus flower - nature

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks towards President Barack Obama as he speaks to reporters in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Monday, May 18, 2009 Indian Crickter Yuvraj Singh addressing the media during the  inaguration of mobile cancer screening unit at Kolkata on Wednesday 02 January 2013 Telstra Store in the Sturt Mall in Wagga Wagga. Telstra owns and operates a series of retail stores known as Telstra Stores. MATHEMATICS-GALLARY

The Guardian
Adnan Januzaj scored twice against Sunderland to save David Moyes's blushes but what do we know about him? Adnan Januzaj of Manchester United celebrates scoring their second goal...
Boston Herald
It was so very easy for this administration to wash its hands of the Syrian crisis. A few conciliatory words from the Russians, a U.N. Security Council resolution on chemical...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Like Aaron Alexis who claimed his delusional voices and paranoia caused him to go on a shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard,...

Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi mourn relatives killed during clashes with security forces in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013.
At least 34 people have been killed and dozens hurt in Egypt in clashes between police and supporters of the deposed Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. More than 200 members of the Muslim Brotherhood were arrested in Cairo, where 26 of the deaths...
photo: AP / Hassan Ammar
Germany hands over military base to Afghans
BERLIN (AP) — Germany is handing over a key military base in northern Afghanistan to local security forces as part of the gradual pullout of Western forces in the coming years. According to prepared...
photo: US DoD / Ed Drohan
People inspect the aftermath of a car bomb attack at a convenience store in the Shaab neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Aug. 11, 2013. A wave of car bombings targeting those celebrating the end of Ramadan across Iraq killed scores of people Saturday, a bloody reminder of the inability of Iraqi authorities to stop violence threatening to spiral out of control.
At least 66 people have died in Iraq after a suicide bomber blew himself up among a crowd of Shiite pilgrims passing through a mainly Sunni neighbourhood in Baghdad and another detonated his explosives inside a cafe north of the capital. The...
photo: AP / Karim Kadim
Teach Your Children Well
Zimbabwe is recognized as having one of the best education systems in Africa but when I took office as Minister of Education in February 2008 I found it in chaos. Nearly all schools were closed, 90000 teachers were on strike, public exams written the...
photo: UN / Tobin Jones
Weakened Karen continues move toward Gulf Coast
BRAITHWAITE, La. (AP) — Tropical Storm Karen continued to chug toward the Gulf Coast on Saturday, threatening to bring heavy winds and high rains, despite a general weakening of the storm. Officials still urged residents to be vigilant, even as an...
photo: USAF / John Bainter
Defense, diplomacy chiefs sidestep US-Japan SOFA
OSAKA — Thursday’s agreement between the United States and Japan to revise defense cooperation guidelines touched on a number of core issues, such as transferring U.S. Marines to Guam, building a contentious replacement in Okinawa for the Futenma...
photo: US DoD / Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo
Achieving sustainable development: Africa makes gains but gaps exist
Share Twitter Ghana News Share View Comments Africa has made significant progress in the implementation of the Programme of Action (PoA) of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), a review document has established. The...
photo: UN/UN