Masters Edition
Masters Edition is a series of Magic: The Gathering expansions that have been released exclusive for Magic: The Gathering Online. Each set consists of reprints from early Magic sets that had yet to be released to Magic Online. To date, four incarnations of Master's Edition, as well as a spinoff have been released:
The original Masters Edition (in short "MED" or "ME1") was released on September 10, 2007. It features 195 cards printed before Mirage, 60 of each rarity and the 15 basic lands of Beta.
Masters Edition II (in short "ME2") was released on September 22, 2008. It features 245 cards, 80 of each rarity and the 5 snow-covered basic lands of Ice Age.
Masters Edition III (in short "ME3") was released on September 7, 2009. It consists of 230 cards, 70 rare, 70 uncommons, 75 commons, and 15 basic lands.
Masters Edition IV (in short "ME4") was released on January 10, 2011. It consists of 269 cards: 105 rares, 72 uncommons, 80 commons, and 12 special lands.
Vintage Masters (in short "VMA") was released on June 16, 2014. It consists of 325 cards: 9 specials(Power Nine), 30 mythic rares, 105 rares, 80 uncommons, 101 commons.