Inside Freddy's Head

Here are some random thoughts from a bloke you know. Or quite possibly a bloke you used to know...


I don’t get how our Sacred Circle’s, Customs or Protocols or Lor when described in the courier mail or elsewhere in the media always seem to be in inverted commas.  e.g. today’s courier mail  “Sacred Circle"  This typifies the belittling and racists assumptions by media and certain parts of Australian society that we and our beliefs and protocols are not valid.  This twisted society actually believes that OUR heroes & warriors past and present are not valid.  Our horrific deaths and people’s dieing to protect this land from day dot 1788, were not valid! 

For me being a Murri in QLD is to be not be validated half of the time by society.  Because a certain percentage of society predominantly those in power and the bourgeois are still in the same mind-set of fear as in the days of first contact.  Afraid of the unknown.  Afraid of the "frustrated”, “raging” blacks.

They don’t want to validate our Sacredness our connection to the land.  There are shrines and buildings and statues carpeting the country like a plague for people that should be remembered and held in high esteem above and beyond any black man or women who paid the ultimate price for the   this country.  These are not just our heroes….  These are heroes that all our children black and white should know about!

We are so unvalidated as a people that even Ned kelly a criminal and killer is a national hero over Pemulwuy or any number of our warriors who fought back against “The Man” because of dishonest, blood thirsty, greed and unfair treatment.

 This lack of validity will ensure that we are not remembered in the hundreds even thousands of years to come.  At least not for the right reasons.  But most probably as the token custodians that they have gradually made us happy to become. 

Having not one once of power to control our destiny is not in my game book…

So all you younger Murri’s, Murdi’s, Koori’s Nunga’s who ever your mob is, if you’re reading this message know this. 

You might be caught up in your own life.  Have a busy job or studying or are just sitting there thinking you’re cool and that’s all you need to be, “cool” and you can drink and smoke your troubles away and that this thing called SOVEREIGNTY does not apply to you.  Well this is your wake up call!  YOU, WE, US ALL have what we have today because of the old people who fought for yours and my rights.  Simple rights like the right to be counted as a human and not “Flaura and Fauna, to vote, to sit in a classroom without having to be separated from your Non Indigenous friends, to watch a movie without having to sit in the "coloured” section, to not have to sit in the “coloured” section of the club or pub, to not be unfairly paid for work, to not be taken from our families unfairly because of racists government policy (Which by the way is happening right now in NT) and to get those black faces we do have in the important positions that they hold today.  

So, don’t think you are not able to play your part.  Whether that is:

* Finding out more about soveriegnty and how it does directly effects you

* Talking to your old people, not tomorrow NOW once they are gone they are gone and everything they know goes with them including our culture.  (Don’t wait to read about your own mob and lingo from a book written by some random)

*Take a trip down to your local soverign embassy and ask the mob there

* Learn your dances and language by what ever means you have even if that is from a book

* Stand up and be counted ALL THE TIME not just when the call goes out to rally, for example.  Be a positive role model to your younger brothers and sisters and teach them what you know about your mob (They are watching and learning from you every minute of the day)

* Talk about you culture, your mob, your customs and your personal experiences as a young Murri, Koori etc etc.. with your Non Indigenous mates so they can better understand you and your mob

*Be informed before you speak don’t just go on hear say research things for yourself and once you know your truth is valid then speak

*Step up at a meeting or a rally and put in your two cents when Uncle or Aunty asks you to share what you have to say

* The most important one is LEAD don’t settle to be a follower because that leader might not come to lead you. He or she might be waiting for you to lead them.  We are all leaders, some of us just don’t know it yet but please believe me when I say YOU ARE A LEADER!

* Don’t buy in to the media hype about your own people don’t let the media jade your perception of your communities nation wide.  WE ARE NOT WHAT THEY SAY WE ARE!  You and I see the many deadly (Good) things that happen year in and year out in our communities.  We have PRIDE, we have CULTURE, we have INTELLIGENCE, we have a very REAL CONNECTION TO THIS LAND,  Like Pascoe Ricky always says “STAY POSITIVE"  Don’t focus on the negative, the media and this society do that more than enough for us, we don’t need that crap!

I’m just like you too busy too scratch my back let alone get out to every meeting and rally but that doesn’t mean we can’t play our part is some way shape or form. 

Me I do it through my music and now poetry.  Also by just talking to my black and white friends about what the go is with black fullas. Friends or not people need to be informed by all of us here on the ground so that they can get their head around what it is to be black and this thing that is hard for the government to swallow but they know it’s true.  that we are LEGALLY a Sovereign People. 

*Don’t be aggressive in sharing your story because if someone is standing their listening to you it means THEY WANT KNOWLEDGE FROM YOU.  Even if they don’t necessarily know it yet. There’s a time and place for everything

Sovereignty The meanings;

*The status, dominion, power, or authority of a sovereign;  royalty.

*Supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community.

*Rightful status, independence, or prerogative.

*A sovereign  state, community, or political unit.

The Australian government have had 224 years to learn about us and work "with” us and look at what all their grand social planning has done for us. We are less than what 3 percent of the population with every imaginable dysfunction and addiction creeping in to and in some cases deeply imbedded in our communities.

 Giving us Sovereignty in the form of a Treaty will ensure that we can control our own future by taking FULL governance over our own affairs.  To give to our own mob what the government have never been able to give us>>  1. Equality 2. Control of our own destiny 3. Respect

Don’t think you are alone in what’s going on in your heads and hearts.  We are all feeling the daily pressure.

 Please don’t write off our Non Indigenous Sisters and Brothers either if they didn’t care they wouldn’t be side by side with us regardless of the grief they know they will cop for it.

Peace and much love your brother in the struggle

Fred Leone

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  3. renoriginal-blog reblogged this from insidefreddyshead and added:
    THIS is a HIGHLY recommended read, not just for our young mob, even though it’s aimed at them. Fred Leone AKA Rivals MC...
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