
More repression. August 2013 Honduras coup update

COUP SUMMARY August 2013 – the struggles in Honduras continue despite the massive-as-always repression


A summary of political murders in August 2013:

From the indigenous Tolupan community, Montaña de la Flor, that holds an occupation against a mining company in defence of the forests, hitmen assassinated Maria Enriqueta Matute, Armando Funez Medina and Ricardo Soto Funez, on 25/8/13.

In Bajo Aguan, organised MUCA farmer Melvin Amaya was kidnapped and assassinated by hitmen on 6/8/13.

Water is becoming scarcer for the people of Mauritius island

The water supply of the island nation of Mauritius is becoming scarcer as its water authority and meteorological officials warn that recent weather patterns coupled with rising water usage are a constant threat.

Mauritian water resource officials and meteorological scientists say that the water demand situation is becoming gradually more challenging with declining rainfalls recorded from May this year to present being a worrying sign.

Sustainable development was provided a 208 million dollar boost in early July on the island nation Mauritius, funding the latest energy efficiency, renewable energy projects .

Sustainable development was provided a 208 million dollar boost in early July on the island nation Mauritius, funding the latest energy efficiency, renewable energy projects and potential green economy jobs that the Mauritian government have repeatedly portrayed as the apex of a “Green Mauritius” policy agenda.

Three species of snake exterminated from New Guinea!

In a period when scientists are discovering new species in New Guinea at a staggering rate, it has come as a shock this week to see that two “species” of large python from New Guinea have been completely exterminated.

The blame for the wipe-out is accepted by just one man. His name is Raymond Hoser.

Known generally as “Australia’s Snakeman”, Hoser noted that he didn’t actually kill any snakes to wipe out the species, nor did he destroy any habitat.

July 2013 – Honduras coup update – intensified political persecution, especially against communities opposing dams, mines and like businesses



Summary of political killings in July 2013:

Tomás Garcia of Copinh, participant of highway blockade against Agua Zarca dam, having had death threats, was assassinated by gunfire shots of the Honduran army, on 15/7.

Brother of MUCA farmer activist, Abel Israel Hernandez (26) was found killed, on 17/7.

Talisman Sabre must halt bombing as civilians enter training area – Greens warn

Australian Greens spokesperson assisting on Defence - Senator Scott Ludlam. 23 July 2013.

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam says the US bombing of the Great Barrier Reef has sparked two peace protestors to enter the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area today to disrupt the Talisman Sabre training exercises.

West Papuan freedom flotilla sets out for Lake Eyre

The West Paupan Freedom Flotilla sets out on the first leg of its epic journey from Lake Eyre to
the warm waters of Merauke, West Papua on July 16, 2013.
People from across Australia supporting their West Papuan brothers and sisters will meet Uncle
Kevin Buzzacott, Arabunna (Lake Eyre) Elder and peacemaker, at the shores of Lake Eyre in South
Australia on July 20 to collect the ceremonial water to take on their journey to West Papua.
The arrival of West Papuan asylum seekers to Australia's shores over a decade ago meant that the

Honduras coup June 2013 - 4 years too long

June 2013, with now 4 years of military coup regime in Honduras.....


News Shorts from June 2013 – the mining bomb / model cities becoming more for real / etc

Mining – a bomb waiting to explode. Mining law and environmental destruction including of protected areas

Anima Mundi - permaculture, peak oil, climate change and the Gaia theory.

For a short time my first documentary, Anima Mundi - Permaculture, Peak Oil, Climate Change and the the Gaia theory, is available to watch for free at Culture Unplugged, an online film festival. Anima Mundi is signed with a US distributor who has ripped me off, thus I have allowed the film to be shown free in their licensed territories by the festival. Click the link to watch: www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/11753/Anima-Mundi Please vote for Anima Mundi.

Honduras coup update May 2013........

Honduras coup update May 2013........


Almost 4 years into the coup, Honduras' war against farmers continue, with at least seven organised farmers assassinated in May 2013..

Political persecution in May 2013

Summary of known political killings this May 2013 in Honduras:

2 farmers in El Achiote, Aguan, Humberto Martínez and Celín Ochoa were murdered by hitmen on 5/5/13

Los Laureles farmers coop president of MUCA, José Omar Pérez Menjivar, was assassinated by palm oil hitmen on 11/5/13

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