
WGAR News: Interview with Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra, a senior Dhurili Clan leader of the Yolngu people

Newsletter date: 13 October 2013


* NIRS 'Weekly News In Review':
"A fascinating interview with Dr Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra, a senior Dhurili Clan leader of the Yolngu people of Northeast Arnhem Land."
*'concerned Australians': Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights Report [Stronger Futures]
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

*'concerned Australians': Community Living Areas
* Background to Aboriginal Community Living Area Land Reform in the Northern Territory (NT)

WGAR News: Michael Anderson returns from UN Symposium and announced the next Sovereign Union meeting

Newsletter date: 8 October 2013


* Sovereign Union: Michael Anderson returns from UN Symposium and announced the next Sovereign Union meeting
* Canberra Event: 23-24 November 2013: Next Sovereign Union meeting
* Musgrave Park, South Brisbane Event: 11-13 October 2013: 31st Anniversary Commonwealth Games Protests
* Canberra Event: 17-18 October 2013: First Nations Gathering - Aboriginal Tent Embassy
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* James Rose, Crikey: Book Review: Forgotten War [By Henry Reynolds]

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 42 events from 7 October 2013

Newsletter date: 7 October 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory: http://indymedia.org.au/2013/01/03/about-wgar-news-wgar-events-postings

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 1 June to 7 October 2013: South Bank, Qld
My Country, I Still Call Australia Home:
Contemporary Art from Black Australia
Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA)
"This exhibition will be the Gallery's largest ever exhibition
of contemporary Indigenous Australian art. It will feature
works by Indigenous Australian artists from across the country."

WGAR News: Indigenous imprisonment rates: Australia needs better sentencing: The Guardian

Newsletter date: 6 October 2013


* Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT): First time in 30 years - High Court judgement on Aboriginality in sentencing to be handed down
* NIRS 'Weekly News In Review': Bumma Bippa Radio Service interviews Felicity Graham, instructing solicitor for the NSW Aboriginal Legal Service
* Clare Quirk, Warrnambool Standard: South-west elder praises indigenous appeal decision [Featuring Aboriginal Elder Lenny Clarke]
* Louise Taylor, The Guardian: Indigenous imprisonment rates: Australia needs better sentencing [About the High Court finding]

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 48 events from 30 September 2013

Newsletter date: 30 September 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory: http://indymedia.org.au/2013/01/03/about-wgar-news-wgar-events-postings

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 29th September 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WA
Murru: In Memory of John Pat Album Launch
"Big hART and the community of Ieramugadu (Roebourne)
proudly present the Album Launch of Murru
- a music collaboration between John Bennett, Shellie Morris,
Emma Donovan, Archie Roach, Lucky Oceans, Harry Hookey,
Bill Chambers, the Last Kinection, Trevor Jamieson,

Queensland events: My Country, I Still Call Australia Home + 31st Anniv Commonwealth Games Protests

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 1 June to 7 October 2013: South Bank, Qld
My Country, I Still Call Australia Home:
Contemporary Art from Black Australia
Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA)
"This exhibition will be the Gallery's largest ever exhibition
of contemporary Indigenous Australian art. It will feature
works by Indigenous Australian artists from across the country."
"'My Country. I Still Call Australia Home' examines the
associations and interpretations Aboriginal and Torres Strait

How many more suicides will it take?

by Gerry Georgatos of The Stringer, The National Indigenous Times, the National Indigenous Radio Service - September 20th, 2013 - Two years ago, as part of my academic research into the prevalence of suicides in Australia, particularly among Aboriginal youth, to my horror I discovered that Aboriginal youth suicides are tragically at record high levels – that spates of Aboriginal youth suicides are proportionately the world’s highest rates. Aboriginal youth is suiciding at the world’s highest rates.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 42 events from 20 September 2013

Newsletter date: 20 September 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory: http://indymedia.org.au/2013/01/03/about-wgar-news-wgar-events-postings

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 20 September, 2013: Sydney, NSW
"we will be rallying to strongly urge mr. babb and
his legal team of officers to fully charge those
errant police officers that have been recommended
by the police integrity commission, among other
legal entities, to answer charges for the killings of
adam salter and roberto laudisio curti and the

WGAR News: Warren Mundine: The white sheep of the family?: Gary Foley, Tracker

Newsletter date: 19 September 2013


* Gary Foley, Tracker: Warren Mundine: The white sheep of the family?
* Sovereign Union: Warren Mundine's new military intervention into Aboriginal Australia
* AudioBoo: Audio: Warren Mundine 'Military Intervention' - SBS - The Observer Effect

* AudioBoo: Noel Pearson rejected by Cape York councils - Aurukun Mayor, Dereck Walpo

* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Lack of a Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health a disappointment
* NACCHO political alert: Abbott abolishes Indigenous health ministry

WGAR News: "Sovereign Union is a movement for freedom, rejecting Pearson's pro-assimilation" SU

Newsletter date: 10 September 2013


* Sovereign Union: Sovereign Union is a movement for freedom, rejecting Pearson's pro-assimilation
* Sharnie Kim, ABC News: Cape York mayors snub Indigenous leader Noel Pearson initiatives
* Laurie Lawira, SBS Radio News: Bipartisan support for Indigenous leadership group
* Sovereign Union: Aboriginal Rates Case back on track [Featuring the Euahlayi Nation]
* Greg Ansley, New Zealand Herald: Indigenous backlash could cost Labor seat [Featuring the Murrawarri Republic]
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

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