The term UN mandate is typically used to refer to a long-term international mission which has been authorized by the United NationsGeneral Assembly or the UN Security Council in particular. UN mandates typically involve peacekeeping operations.
Mandates in the past include:
Darfur, Eritrea and Libya
In a joint statement at the Security CouncilStakeout on Friday, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield claimed Iran and Russia were enhancing military cooperation ... Nebenzya said Russia expected the UN Secretariat “to strictly abide by its mandate and not to yield to pressure exerted by some states.”.
A deux jours des �lections l�gislatives en Gr�ce, l'ancien Premier ministre de droite Kyriakos Mitsotakis, qui ambitionne de d�crocher une majorit� absolue, a appel� les �lecteurs � lui donner un mandat pour former "un gouvernement stable" ...Vous devez �tre membre pour ajouter un commentaire.
Dans un discours en juillet 2022 à la résidence présidentielle de l'Alvorada, et retransmis sur la télévision publique, M ... Les partis de droite et d'extrême droite sont encore plus forts au Parlement qu'ils ne l'étaient sous son mandat, posant un défi de taille au président de gauche, de retour après deux mandats (2003-2010) ... Signaler un abus.
During the UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, the United States had intended to issue a statement of condemnation to the commission of inquiry ... The commission’s mandate and powers are notably extensive compared to other UN bodies’ inquiry commissions.
The UN must get more actively involved to prevent a potential accident or attack at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant ... The UN failure to achieve ... China could at least provide troops to maintain a demilitarised zone around Zaporizhzhia, supplying ‘blue berets’ under a UN mandate.
Nebenzia also rejected the possibility of some kind of UN inquiry into the US allegations on that basis ... Nebenzia also warned that any 'non-mandated activities' by the UN secretary general would be regarded as a 'deliberate provocation' that would undermine the resolution itself.
ATMIS is expected to withdraw 2,000 troops by the end of June and another 3,000 by September in compliance with the UN Security CouncilResolutions 2628 and 2670, which mandates ATMIS to hand over security responsibilities in agreed areas to Somali security forces. Enditem .
ADF leaders have pledged allegiance to the so-called Islamic State, and have received funding from the group since at least 2019, according to the UN ... New research by the UyghurHuman RightsProject has found that the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, has failed in its mandate to protect and assist Uyghur asylum seekers who have fled persecution in China.
The nation of Mali postponed the release of the results of its constitutional referendums amid tensions with rebel groups and the UN ... MINUSMA was established in 2013 by the UN Security Council. MINUSMA’s mandate will expire unless renewed by UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution by June 30.
Son style provocateur et machiste pla�t toujours � son noyau de partisans irr�ductibles, qui restent nombreux, malgr� les fr�quents d�rapages du "Mythe" (son surnom) qui a termin� son mandat avec le pire taux de rejet (50%) d'un pr�sident briguant une r��lection au Br�sil ...Mais en toute fin de mandat, son bilan �conomique a �t� plut�t positif.
The digital ID proposal is ostensibly aimed at helping to fulfill the UN’s 2030 Agenda mandate to “reduce poverty,” by helping to minimize “leakage, errors and costs” in the “delivery of social protection coverage” — essentially government benefits — to beneficiaries ... Globalists are intent on mandating digital IDs.
UNRWA was established by UN General Assembly in 1949 with a mandate to provide assistance and protection to Palestine refugees and help them realize their full potential in human development ... UN relief agency urges increased aid for Palestinian refugees, warns of impending crisis.
Dans un discours en juillet 2022 � la r�sidence pr�sidentielle de l'Alvorada, et retransmis sur la t�l�vision publique, M ... Les partis de droite et d'extr�me droite sont encore plus forts au Parlement qu'ils ne l'�taient sous son mandat, posant un d�fi de taille au pr�sident de gauche, de retour apr�s deux mandats (2003-2010).
Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, with most UN member-states, including the US, UK, France, Germany, and Türkiye, recognizing it as an autonomous country. The KFOR international peacekeeping mission has been operating in Kosovo since 1999 under a UN-mandate ... .