
MefX feat. Maximilian - Spune-mi ce vrei (Videoclip)
Download: http://goo.gl/7RpSZ Muzică: MefX Text: MefX / Maximilian Mix: MefX Master: Bunic...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: OkapiSoundOfficial
MefX feat. Maximilian - Spune-mi ce vrei (Videoclip)
MefX feat. Maximilian - Spune-mi ce vrei (Videoclip)
Download: http://goo.gl/7RpSZ Muzică: MefX Text: MefX / Maximilian Mix: MefX Master: Bunicu' Magic Booking: Cristi Ochiu: +40 746 224 499; e-mail: cristi@mus...- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 1881086
- author: OkapiSoundOfficial

Maximilian - Zbor Cu Parapanta feat. Grasu XXL (Videoclip Oficial)
Booking: Cristi Ochiu: +40 746 224 499; e-mail: cristi@musicexpert.ro
Press: Mihnea Ciobot...
published: 04 Oct 2013
Maximilian - Zbor Cu Parapanta feat. Grasu XXL (Videoclip Oficial)
Maximilian - Zbor Cu Parapanta feat. Grasu XXL (Videoclip Oficial)
Booking: Cristi Ochiu: +40 746 224 499; e-mail: cristi@musicexpert.ro Press: Mihnea Ciobotaru: +40 722 705 061; e-mail: pr@okapisound.com Management: Mircea Ștefan: +40 723 077 687; e-mail: mircea@okapisound.com Muzică: Keri Text: Maximilian Bass: Radu Dumitriu Mix: Grasu XXL @ Okapi Sound Master: Bunicu' Magic Regizor: Matei Pleșa Scenariu: Maximilian & Matei Pleșa Montaj / Color / VFX: Sergiu „Sega" Nicula (Frategrafia) Mulțumiri: Costel Bojog și Cosmin „Micutzu" Nedelcu Label: Okapi Sound http://www.facebook.com/MaximilianRO http://www.facebook.com/grasuix http://okapisound.com/ Versuri: Maximilian Ai mei ascultau cel mult Frații Petreuș Copil fiind, optam pentru Feriți-vă de Măgăruș Muzica nu-mi era în vreun fel primordială Și-n afară de Michael, n-aveam nicio gară Plus niște Queen, niște Roxette și cam atât Apoi am dat de rap și filmul meu s-a rupt I-am spus lu' maică-mea că asta vreau să fac N-a zis nimic, a dat din cap, n-am înțeles, dar m-a lăsat Știa ea ce știa, plus c-o să fie greu Acuma, la răscruce, mă-ntreb cine-s eu Un prost cu buzunaru' gol și cu inima frântă Poate c-așa o fi, dar prostu' nu, nu plânge, prostu' cântă... Refren (Grasu XXL & Maximilian) Despre una, despre alta Un fel de zbor cu parapanta Când eu am rău de înălțime Asta-i despre mine, despre tine, despre oricine, despre nimeni Maximilian Văd fiecare melodie ca pe-un fel de puzzle Când scriu și-mi place-s plin de viață, mai ceva ca Lazăr Renasc cu fiecare piesă scrisă sau emoție transmisă Fie că e veselă sau tristă Și da, vorbesc de mine-n general și-n mare parte Poate ca nu-s decât un egoist sau poate-poate C-așa văd eu muzica asta-personală Mă-ntreb mereu în ce măsură-i o greșeală Că da, doar asta vreau să fac de-acum încolo Mă las de ieri dacă tu vrei s-o ard rapper-ul porno Mă sperie când văd tot ce se-ntâmplă Dar asta nu-i despre ce-nspăimântă Piesa asta-i despre unu' care cântă... Refren (Grasu XXL & Maximilian) Despre una, despre alta Un fel de zbor cu parapanta Când eu am rău de înălțime Asta-i despre mine, despre tine, despre oricine, despre nimeni Maximilian Acuma tot felul de gânduri mă-ndeamnă să-mi dau cu presupusul Ele nu știu deja că știu că dragostea-i răspunsul Și da, sunt conștient de felul în care sună Și da, sunt conștient ce fac: muzică bună Bariere, încerc să scap de ele Regret că n-am putut s-o fac și mai devreme Ne lovim de probleme în loc să ne lovim de stele Ne punem piedică în timpurile astea grele Când ura sau prostia, ignoranța sau mândria spintecă tot Muzica vindecă tot Orice rană, oricât de adâncă Omul ăsta poa' să râdă, poa' să plângă Dar e cel mai liniștit atunci când... Refren (Grasu XXL & Maximilian) Despre una, despre alta Un fel de zbor cu parapanta Când eu am rău de înălțime Asta-i despre mine, despre tine, despre oricine, despre nimeni- published: 04 Oct 2013
- views: 48714

Emperors of Rome: Maximian
Emperors of Rome continues with Maximian, Diocletian's number two and the military might i...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: Adrian Murdoch
Emperors of Rome: Maximian
Emperors of Rome: Maximian
Emperors of Rome continues with Maximian, Diocletian's number two and the military might in the Tetrarchic system.- published: 18 Nov 2011
- views: 554
- author: Adrian Murdoch

Maximian pwns AV
lv53 paladin runs into drak's romm and pulls it into us and bubbles.....so funny....
published: 24 Dec 2006
author: sheadoughertygill
Maximian pwns AV
Maximian pwns AV
lv53 paladin runs into drak's romm and pulls it into us and bubbles.....so funny.- published: 24 Dec 2006
- views: 589
- author: sheadoughertygill

Maximilian - Domnișoare feat. Zhao & Spike [Videoclip oficial]
Buy it on iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/maximilian-domnisoare Booking Maximilian: Cristi Ochi...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: redclovermedia
Maximilian - Domnișoare feat. Zhao & Spike [Videoclip oficial]
Maximilian - Domnișoare feat. Zhao & Spike [Videoclip oficial]
Buy it on iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/maximilian-domnisoare Booking Maximilian: Cristi Ochiu: +40 746 224 499; e-mail: cristi@musicexpert.ro Booking Zhao: Flo...- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 8080582
- author: redclovermedia

Beso en la Boca-JKing and Maximian
published: 05 Oct 2008
author: hotspok
Beso en la Boca-JKing and Maximian
Beso en la Boca-JKing and Maximian
- views: 21824
- author: hotspok

kyokushinkai karate founder,Oyama Masutatsu(최영의,大山倍達) in korean talk show.1993
kyokushinkai karate founder Mas Oyama appeared in south korean popular talk show in 1993. ...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: maximian anderson
kyokushinkai karate founder,Oyama Masutatsu(최영의,大山倍達) in korean talk show.1993
kyokushinkai karate founder,Oyama Masutatsu(최영의,大山倍達) in korean talk show.1993
kyokushinkai karate founder Mas Oyama appeared in south korean popular talk show in 1993. mas oyama with cartoonist bang hak ki talked about 100man kumite,fi...- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 2679
- author: maximian anderson

maximian sneak peak
A sneak peak a Maximian (55 Paladin, Server - Kul Tiras US) More to come once he hits 60. ...
published: 03 Jan 2007
author: sheadoughertygill
maximian sneak peak
maximian sneak peak
A sneak peak a Maximian (55 Paladin, Server - Kul Tiras US) More to come once he hits 60. Filmed by Brudof - 60 warrior. Song: Prodigy-Voodoo People (Pendulu...- published: 03 Jan 2007
- views: 548
- author: sheadoughertygill

ALAN & KEPA - Gagici Grămadă feat. Maximilian & DJ Oldskull (Videoclip Oficial)
Facebook ALAN & KEPA: http://www.facebook.com/alansikepa Facebook Maximilian: http://www.f...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: PacPacStudio
ALAN & KEPA - Gagici Grămadă feat. Maximilian & DJ Oldskull (Videoclip Oficial)
ALAN & KEPA - Gagici Grămadă feat. Maximilian & DJ Oldskull (Videoclip Oficial)
Facebook ALAN & KEPA: http://www.facebook.com/alansikepa Facebook Maximilian: http://www.facebook.com/MaximilianRO Facebook DJ Oldskull: http://www.facebook....- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 337355
- author: PacPacStudio

In hoc signo vinces - In questo segno vincerai (1913)
In hoc signo vinces In questo segno vincerai By the Cross I detta tecken skall du segra In...
published: 01 May 2011
author: Bucketstein
In hoc signo vinces - In questo segno vincerai (1913)
In hoc signo vinces - In questo segno vincerai (1913)
In hoc signo vinces In questo segno vincerai By the Cross I detta tecken skall du segra In diesem Zeichen wirst Du siegen! In dit teken zult gij overwinnen I...- published: 01 May 2011
- views: 827
- author: Bucketstein

Labyrinths of Institutions
The Law-making process and institutions responsible for it.
Work of Elina Stradniece,Maksi...
published: 25 Nov 2013
Labyrinths of Institutions
Labyrinths of Institutions
The Law-making process and institutions responsible for it. Work of Elina Stradniece,Maksim Ustimov and Tanja Markstahlker- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 10

Maximilian - Arată Bine feat. MefX & DJ Oldskull (Cenzurat)
Download: http://goo.gl/gzBrl Muzică: MefX Text: Maximilian / MefX Bass: Radu Dumitriu Scr...
published: 17 May 2013
author: OkapiSoundOfficial
Maximilian - Arată Bine feat. MefX & DJ Oldskull (Cenzurat)
Maximilian - Arată Bine feat. MefX & DJ Oldskull (Cenzurat)
Download: http://goo.gl/gzBrl Muzică: MefX Text: Maximilian / MefX Bass: Radu Dumitriu Scratch: DJ Oldskull Mix & Master: Bunicu' Magic Booking: Cristi Ochiu...- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 1588627
- author: OkapiSoundOfficial
Vimeo results:

Mosaics in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna
In 527 began the reformation of the church of San Vitale in Ravenna under prescription of ...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: ikonoTV
Mosaics in the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna
In 527 began the reformation of the church of San Vitale in Ravenna under prescription of Justinian I in order to accelerate the integration of the territories conquered by the Byzantine Empire. This happened under the Ecclesius’ bishopric.
A Greek banker, Julius Argentarius, sponsored it and the new bishop Maximian consecrated it in 546. The plan of the church is octagonal, combining Roman and Byzantine elements. The central section is surrounded by two superposed ambulatories. Supposedly almost every surface was decorated with rich mosaics. Most of them aren’t any more conserved, but the mosaics of the presbytery maintain very well. Although the decoration contains a lot of passages from the Old Testament, the main theme of the mosaics is the salvation through the Eucharist. Their survival appertains to the fact that Ravenna adopted the stance against the Byzantine Iconoclasts of the 8th and 9th centuries, and because it didn’t belong any more to the Byzantine Empire during the Turkish Invasion.
Gustav Klimt travelled to Ravenna in 1903 and he might have been very impressed of the use of the gold colour, so he introduced it in his painting.
San Vitale belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1996.

GGS11t3-4 Paul maps Diocletian in Eph1:10-11, cont.
It's syllable=year 283 AD. An ambitious Diocles has found his opportunity to realize a gy...
published: 04 Nov 2013
author: brainout
GGS11t3-4 Paul maps Diocletian in Eph1:10-11, cont.
It's syllable=year 283 AD. An ambitious Diocles has found his opportunity to realize a gypsy prophecy given him, and by the end of the following year, will become the ruler of the Roman Empire. But he dates his accession, not to that future point, but to December 283 -- which Paul obviously knew, by breaking his prophetic roster-of-Caesar syntax, here. Why? What makes Diocletian so important? For a long time, I didn't know. Ergo the gap in videos between 11r where we left off with Diocles, and here in 11t, where we've resumed.
Here we'll see why. Into what world -- plagued with politicizing Christians -- Diocletian grew up; how that world, shaped his personality and politics. His time is characterized by Ephesians 1:10, the warring Church factions trying to defeat each other in order to consolidate 'under one head' all religious power in heaven and earth; the secular Roman factions thus also trying to do the same. Period corresponds to 252-284 AD, aka 'the Crisis of the Third Century', culminating in Diocles' rise to power.
A great book on this guy is here: http://books.google.com/books/about/The_persecution_of_Diocletian.html?id=0OJBAAAAIAAJ . Here's a book you can buy: http://www.amazon.com/Galerius-Diocletian-Roman-Imperial-Biographies/dp/0415404886/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1337312500&sr;=8-1 . Or, this one: http://www.amazon.com/Diocletian-Roman-Recovery-Imperial-Biographies/dp/0415918278/ref=cm_cr_pr_sims_t
Suggest also you read http://books.google.com/books?id=8EgCRHxfouQC&pg;=PA3&q;&f;=false . To read it all, you'll have to buy it, but significant snippets are available there.
To read more via other independent internet links, see the syllables 283 et seq. of the 'ChronoChart' link in http://www.brainout.net/Ephesians1REPARSED.doc (or 'htm', which is less attractive else the same words and links), but you need BibleWorks fonts (freely downloadable at http://www.bibleworks.com/fonts.html ).
PDF version (only web links work in pdf) is http://www.brainout.net/Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf .
Episode 11t5-6 will cover highlights of his rule, with a focus on policies and politics which fostered the rise of Constantine. It was under Constantine that the Roman Catholic Church actually formed. Constantine continued ALL the repressive policies of Diocletian, merely changing the name of the enemy to Christians, pagans and Jews who would not 'side' with the Christian power elites who curried Constantine's favor. That favor shifted back and forth between the Alexandria-Antioch and Roman axes, as will be shown in later videos.
Constantine was a jerk. To know why he was a jerk, you must first understand Diocles, his mentor. See also the ROME series from HBO, to get a better grasp of the Roman mindset, and why the Catholic Church ended up forming under Constantine, reflecting both that mindset and its stress on both gods (morphed into 'saints' in RCC) and power.
File Name: 11t3-4GGS.avi , 5/17/12 in 11GGS folder.

Constantius II Roman Emperor 337-361 A.D. Biography of Constantine the Great's Son and Ancient Roman Coins to Buy
Flavius Iulius Constantius, known in English as Constantius II...
published: 16 Jun 2013
author: Ilya Zlobin
Constantius II Roman Emperor 337-361 A.D. Biography of Constantine the Great's Son and Ancient Roman Coins to Buy
Flavius Iulius Constantius, known in English as Constantius II (7 August 317 – November 3 361) was a Roman Emperor (337-361) of the Constantinian dynasty.
Constantius joins the lengthy list of emperors whose career was marked by a seemingly endless series of wars both domestic and foreign. He served as Caesar from 324 until his father's death in 337 at which time he shared the title of Augustus with two other brothers, Constantine II and Constans. To make sure no more Johnny-come-latelies in his family would try their hand at being emperor too it is thought that he engineered a bloodbath that left nary a relative. Constantine II died in battle and Constans was murdered by the men of Magnentius, the first of several usurpers. This left Constantius finally as sole legitimate emperor and he moved quickly to suppress Magnentius, an endeavor he eventually accomplished. The strife didn't end there, however, as he still had to deal with other revolts and wars on every corner of the empire. Caught in these never-ending battles he died while on his way to battle Julian II.
Flavius Iulius Constantius was born at Sirmium (now Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia) in province of Pannonia, the third son of Constantine the Great, and second by his second wife Fausta, the daughter of Maximian. Constantius was made Caesar by his father on 13 November 324.
When the elder Constantine died at Constantinople on 22 May 337, Constantius was nearest of his sons to that city, and despite being on campaign in the eastern provinces, immediately returned to the city to oversee his father's funeral.
The Massacre of 337
The role of Constantius in the massacre of his relatives (those descended from the second marriage of his paternal grandfather Constantius Chlorus and Theodora) is unclear. Zosimus, writing 498-518 claims that Constantius “caused” the soldiers to murder his relatives, as opposed to actually ordering the action. Eutropius, writing between 350 and 370, writes that Constantius merely sanctioned “the act, rather than commanding it”. However, it must be noted that both of these sources are hostile to Constantius - Zosimus being a pagan, Eutropius a friend of Julian, Constantius’ cousin and, ultimately, his enemy.
Whatever the case, Constantius himself, his older brother Constantine II, his younger brother Constans and three cousins, Gallus, his half-brother Julian and Nepotianus, son of Eutropia, were left as the only surviving males related to Constantine.
Division of the Empire
Meeting at Sirmium not long after the massacre, the three brothers proceeded to divide the Roman Empire among them, according to their father's will. Constantine II received Britannia, Gaul and Hispania; Constans (initially under the supervision of Constantine II) Italia, Africa, Illyricum, Thrace, Macedon and Achaea; and Constantius the East.
Reign in the East

Severus II Roman Emperor 306-307 A.D. Biography as Read By World Numismatic Dealer and Where to Buy Ancient Coins
Buy Severus II and many more ancient roman coins here: http://www.trustedcoins.com/authent...
published: 04 Jul 2013
author: Ilya Zlobin
Severus II Roman Emperor 306-307 A.D. Biography as Read By World Numismatic Dealer and Where to Buy Ancient Coins
Buy Severus II and many more ancient roman coins here: http://www.trustedcoins.com/authentic-ancient-coins-and-video-biographies/severusii-authentic-ancient-roman-coins.php
Flavius Valerius Severus (or rarely Severus II) (died February 307) was a Western Roman Emperor from 306 to 307 (1 May 305 – summer 306 (as Caesar in the west under Constantius Chlorus);
summer 306 – March or April 307 (as Augustus in the west, in competition with Constantine, Maxentius, and Maximian).
Severus was of humble birth, born in the Illyrian provinces around the middle of the third century AD. He rose to become a senior officer in the Roman army, and as an old friend of Galerius, that emperor ordered that Severus be appointed Caesar of the Western Roman Empire, a post that he succeeded to on 1 May 305. He thus served as deputy-emperor to Constantius I (Constantius Chlorus), Augustus of the western half of empire.
On the death of Constantius I in the summer of 306, Severus was promoted to Augustus by Galerius himself, in opposition to the acclamation of Constantine I (Constantius' son) by his own soldiers. When Maxentius, the son of the retired emperor Maximian, revolted at Rome, Galerius sent Severus to suppress the rebellion. Severus moved from his capital, Mediolanum, towards Rome, at the head of an army previously commanded by Maximian. Fearing the arrival of Severus, Maxentius offered Maximian the co-rule of the empire. Maximian accepted, and when Severus arrived under the walls of Rome and besieged it, his men deserted him and passed to Maximian, their old commander. Severus fled to Ravenna, an impregnable position: Maximian offered to spare his life and treat him humanely if the latter surrendered peaceably, which he did in March or April 307. Despite Maximian's assurance, Severus was nonetheless displayed as a captive and later imprisoned at Tres Tabernae. When Galerius himself invaded Italy to suppress Maxentius and Maximian, the former ordered Severus's death: he was executed (or forced to commit suicide) on 16 February 307.
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