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Whisky Verkostung: Dewar's White Label
whisky review 400 - Champagne
Dżem - Whisky
Whisky Verkostung: Jura Turas-Mara
How to drink whisky - Master Blender Richard Paterson shows David Hayman how to drink blends
How Whisky Is Made
Great Scotch Whisky (Documentary)
whisky review 277 - Three best malt whiskies for beginners
Whisky Verkostung: Bruichladdich The Laddie Classic Edition_01
Documentary: Addicted to Pleasure - Whisky (BBC Documentary Series)
whisky review 386 (1/2) - Amazing whisky improvement technique


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Whisky Verkostung: Dewar's White Label
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:50
  • Updated: 10 Oct 2013

Whisky Verkostung: Dewar's White Label Nosing 6:06 Wir verkosten einen der meistverkauften Blended Scotch Whiskys weltweit im The Whisky Store. Ein echtes Stück schottische Geschichte.
  • published: 10 Oct 2013
  • views: 256 Verkostung: Dewar's White Label
whisky review 400 - Champagne
  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:07
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2013

whisky review 400 - Champagne

. . . personally, I don't like the stuff, so to be even-handed, I am joined by champagne-fan Roddy who tells us interesting stuff.
  • published: 09 Oct 2013
  • views: 2367 review 400 - Champagne
Dżem - Whisky
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:56
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Dżem - Whisky

Whisky Koncert 1993.
  • published: 30 Nov 2008
  • views: 3116249
  • author: MIkos118żem - Whisky
Whisky Verkostung: Jura Turas-Mara
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:30
  • Updated: 08 Oct 2013

Whisky Verkostung: Jura Turas-Mara Nosing 6:35 Wir verkosten den Jura Turas-Mara im The Whisky Store. Ein reicher und intensiver in Ex-Bourbon- und Sherryfässern gereifter Single Malt von der Insel Isle of Jura.
  • published: 08 Oct 2013
  • views: 1658 Verkostung: Jura Turas-Mara
How to drink whisky - Master Blender Richard Paterson shows David Hayman how to drink blends
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:08
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

How to drink whisky - Master Blender Richard Paterson shows David Hayman how to drink blends

Whyte and Mackay master blender Richard Paterson - who can be found online at - shows David Hayman how to drink whisky. WARNING: vid...
  • published: 24 Jul 2009
  • views: 208479
  • author: MrWhiskyfan to drink whisky - Master Blender Richard Paterson shows David Hayman how to drink blends
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:57
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013


Wersja studyjna przeboju z plyty "The Singles" oraz z singla "Paw/Whisky" Od tego kawalka wszystko sie zaczelo:D.
  • published: 22 Jun 2008
  • views: 1122480
  • author: rappa92
How Whisky Is Made
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:56
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

How Whisky Is Made

From the ITV programme Ade In Britain, Ade Edmondson visits The Edradour Distillery and learns from Andrew Symington how whisky is traditionally made. Whisky Is Made
Great Scotch Whisky (Documentary)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:29:02
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Great Scotch Whisky (Documentary)

An introduction to the wonderful world of Scotch whisk(e)y. Scotch Whisky (Documentary)
whisky review 277 - Three best malt whiskies for beginners
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:02
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

whisky review 277 - Three best malt whiskies for beginners

three available and affordable Malt whiskies which provide a range of flavours along with quality for a new whisky drinker.
  • published: 03 Jun 2012
  • views: 65854
  • author: ralfystuff review 277 - Three best malt whiskies for beginners
Whisky Verkostung: Bruichladdich The Laddie Classic Edition_01
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:55
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2013

Whisky Verkostung: Bruichladdich The Laddie Classic Edition_01 Nosing 7:43 Wir verkosten den Single Malt Bruichladdich The Laddie Classic Edition_01 im The Whisky Store. Ein junger fruchtiger Single Malt von der Insel Islay.
  • published: 09 Oct 2013
  • views: 1474 Verkostung: Bruichladdich The Laddie Classic Edition_01
Documentary: Addicted to Pleasure - Whisky (BBC Documentary Series)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 58:48
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Documentary: Addicted to Pleasure - Whisky (BBC Documentary Series)

Brian Cox reveals how whisky has shaped Scotland's hard-drinking reputation. Actor Brian Cox reveals the rich and controversial past of sugar, alcohol, tobac... Addicted to Pleasure - Whisky (BBC Documentary Series)
whisky review 386 (1/2) - Amazing whisky improvement technique
  • Order:
  • Duration: 19:41
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

whisky review 386 (1/2) - Amazing whisky improvement technique

. . . very easy to do and very interesting to experience the results.
  • published: 14 Aug 2013
  • views: 6643 review 386 (1/2) - Amazing whisky improvement technique
Flüssiges Gold - Die Schotten und ihr Whisky - Doku, ARD/NDR, 2004
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:04
  • Updated: 24 Mar 2013

Flüssiges Gold - Die Schotten und ihr Whisky - Doku, ARD/NDR, 2004

Weitere Schottland-Dokus und -Berichte in meinem Kanal. -- Lange galt er als der Drink alter Männer. Doch inzwischen ist Whisky der erfolgreichste Schnaps...
  • published: 12 Mar 2013
  • views: 908
  • author: flowfish86üssiges Gold - Die Schotten und ihr Whisky - Doku, ARD/NDR, 2004
Whisky - Wasser des Lebens Doku
  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:59
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

Whisky - Wasser des Lebens Doku

Schottland - Wasser des Lebens "Uisge Beatha", "Wasser des Lebens", nennen die Schotten auf Gälisch ihren Whisky. In den vom rauen Seeklima geprägten Highlan...
  • published: 03 Jan 2013
  • views: 7435
  • author: PILOTCUTT - Wasser des Lebens Doku

Whisky Verkostung: Dewar's White Label Nosing 6:06 Wir verkosten einen der meistverkauften Blended Scotch Whiskys weltweit im The Whisky Store. Ein echtes Stück schottische Geschichte.
  • published: 10 Oct 2013
  • views: 256

Whisky Verkos­tung: Dewar's White Label
http://​www.​whisky.​de/​p.​php?​id=DEWAR0000 Nos­ing 6:06 Wir verkosten einen der meistverkaufte...
pub­lished: 10 Oct 2013
whisky re­view 400 - Cham­pagne
. . . per­son­al­ly, I don't like the stuff, so to be even-hand­ed, I am joined by cham­pagne-...
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2013
Dżem - Whisky
Whisky Kon­cert 1993....
pub­lished: 30 Nov 2008
au­thor: MIkos118
Whisky Verkos­tung: Jura Turas-Mara
http://​www.​whisky.​de/​p.​php?​id=JURAITURA Nos­ing 6:35 Wir verkosten den Jura Turas-Mara im T...
pub­lished: 08 Oct 2013
How to drink whisky - Mas­ter Blender Richard Pa­ter­son shows David Hay­man how to drink blends
Whyte and Mack­ay mas­ter blender Richard Pa­ter­son - who can be found on­line at www.​themaste...
pub­lished: 24 Jul 2009
au­thor: Mr­Whisky­fan
Wer­s­ja studyj­na prze­bo­ju z plyty "The Sin­gles" oraz z singla "Paw/Whisky" Od tego kawal­ka ...
pub­lished: 22 Jun 2008
au­thor: rap­pa92
How Whisky Is Made
From the ITV pro­gramme Ade In Britain, Ade Ed­mond­son vis­its The Edradour Dis­tillery and le...
pub­lished: 30 Nov 2011
Great Scotch Whisky (Doc­u­men­tary)
An in­tro­duc­tion to the won­der­ful world of Scotch whisk(e)y....
pub­lished: 31 Jan 2013
whisky re­view 277 - Three best malt whiskies for be­gin­ners
three avail­able and af­ford­able Malt whiskies which pro­vide a range of flavours along with ...
pub­lished: 03 Jun 2012
au­thor: ral­fystuff
Whisky Verkos­tung: Bruich­lad­dich The Lad­die Clas­sic Edi­tion_01
http://​www.​whisky.​de/​p.​php?​id=BRUIC00LC Nos­ing 7:43 Wir verkosten den Sin­gle Malt Bruich­la...
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2013
Doc­u­men­tary: Ad­dict­ed to Plea­sure - Whisky (BBC Doc­u­men­tary Se­ries)
Brian Cox re­veals how whisky has shaped Scot­land's hard-drink­ing rep­u­ta­tion. Actor Brian C...
pub­lished: 18 Apr 2013
whisky re­view 386 (1/2) - Amaz­ing whisky im­prove­ment tech­nique
. . . very easy to do and very in­ter­est­ing to ex­pe­ri­ence the re­sults....
pub­lished: 14 Aug 2013
Flüssiges Gold - Die Schot­ten und ihr Whisky - Doku, ARD/NDR, 2004
Weit­ere Schot­t­land-Dokus und -Berichte in meinem Kanal. -- Lange galt er als der Drink alt...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2013
au­thor: flow­fish86
Whisky - Wass­er des Lebens Doku
Schot­t­land - Wass­er des Lebens "Uisge Beat­ha", "Wass­er des Lebens", nen­nen die Schot­ten au...
pub­lished: 03 Jan 2013
au­thor: PI­LOT­CUTT
Youtube results:
His­to­ria del Whisky Doc­u­men­tal
Doc­u­men­tal que nos cuen­ta la his­to­ria del ori­gen del Whisky. Com­parte el video para com­par...
pub­lished: 29 Jul 2012
au­thor: 4eyes4
whisky re­view 399 - Coop­er's tools
Andy the tra­di­tion­al coop­er shows us some of the tools he uses in cask pro­duc­tion....
pub­lished: 06 Oct 2013
dzem - whisky
nieza­pom­ni­any kon­cert w ka­tow­icach Rawa Blues 1993, os­tat­nia rawa blues Ryska 3.​Whisky....
pub­lished: 07 Dec 2007
au­thor: ar­tureeeczek
Whisky und Wass­er - Teil 1
http://​www.​whisky.​de/​shop/​ Trinken Sie Ihren Whisky immer pur oder verdünnen Sie mit Wasse...
pub­lished: 08 Feb 2013
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore
Of Kyle XY fame
Edit New York Daily News
05 Nov 2013
Jaimie Alexander's red carpet look stole the spotlight at the "Thor. The Dark World" premiere on Monday ... PHOTOS. CELEBRITY WARDROBE MALFUNCTIONS ... ....(size: 0.7Kb)
photo: AP
In this photo taken with a mobile phone on Monday, Oct. 28, 2013, police look down on a burnt out army personal carrier following an attack by Boko Haram in Damaturu, Nigeria.
Edit Reuters
04 Nov 2013
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Suspected Boko Haram militants have killed 70 people in three attacks in northeastern Nigeria in recent days, officials said on Monday, a sign that a military crackdown is failing to subdue the Islamist insurgency ... The sect wants to carve out an Islamic state in a country split roughly equally between Christians and Muslims, making it the biggest security threat to Africa's top oil exporter....(size: 2.1Kb)
photo: AP / Arun Sankar K
A rocket carrying the Mars orbiter streaks across the sky after taking off from the east-coast island of Sriharikota, India, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013.
Edit The Los Angeles Times
06 Nov 2013
And she's off!. India's space agency successfully launched its 3,000-pound Mars Orbiter Mission probe on Tuesday, and you can watch video of it leaving Earth in a cloud of smoke in the box above. The spacecraft lifted off early Tuesday morning. It will spend the next several weeks in orbit around Earth and on Dec. 1 head out on the arduous 300-day journey to the Red Planet ... 24 ...  . The cost of the mission is about $73 million ... ALSO. ... 0 ... ....(size: 5.5Kb)
photo: UN / Clara Padovan
A contingent of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) on patrol in Rutshuru Territory, North Kivu, near the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s border with Uganda, 31 October, 2013.
Edit France24
05 Nov 2013
M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo said Tuesday they would end their 18-month-long insurgency, hours after the country's communications minister declared "total victory" over the rebellion following a final government offensive on their remaining strongholds ... "It's a total victory for the DRC," Mende said, adding that the insurgents had fled to neighbouring Rwanda ... Final offensive ... (FRANCE 24 with wires)....(size: 3.3Kb)

Edit The Examiner
06 Nov 2013
Last night (November 4) The Whisky a go-go tweeted the bands playing January 2014 to celebrate The Whisky’s 50th anniversary ... The Whisky playing their ... The first band we found a date for was Buckcherry they’re playing The Whisky January 17, 2014 tickets go sale this Friday November 8th (at 10am Pacific Standard time) at Ticketweb....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
06 Nov 2013
The Macallan Amber has been labeled whisky of the year 2013 by online liquor store, The Whisky Shop ... single malts, Andrew Torrance, Managing Director of The Whisky Shop, said....(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit DNA India
06 Nov 2013
Mir today argued that the dummy test was not conducted in Aarushi's room, but it was carried out on staircase and terrace ... The defence lawyer also countered CBI's claim that the Talwars consumed whisky after the murders as the Noida police had seized a bottle of scotch whisky from the dining table of Talwars' residence and DNAs of Aarushi and Hemraj were found on it ... The court has fixed November 7 for further arguments. ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit Sheerluxe
06 Nov 2013
Remember, one day at a time... 1 ... 2 ... 3. Advent Biscuit Tin // Biscuiteers ... Whisky Advent Calendar // Drinks by the Dram....(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit BBC News
06 Nov 2013
An ancient oak in Perthshire is to be entered into the 2014 European Tree of the Year contest. Niel Gow's Oak sits on the bank of the River Tay - just outside Dunkeld in Perthshire ... Mr Gow is best known for his tunes "Niel Gow's Lament to his Second Wife" and "Farewell to Whisky" ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit New York Daily News
06 Nov 2013
New to the scene… ... The goodies sell for about $4 per box at Dylan’s Candy Bar. They’ll hit more retailers soon ... Drinks, priced around $13, will include interpretations of old classics like the Miami Vice, a frozen piña colada with a strawberry daiquiri float, and the Buttery Nipple, with whisky, lemon, brown sugar and milk ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
05 Nov 2013
A single malt, which has been matured for 19 years and released earlier this year as a limited edition, has been voted as the world's best whisky in the world. It has been hailed as "borderline perfection" by one of the world's leading whisky experts ... The whisky has been a closely guarded secret at the firm's Tain distillery for close ......(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
05 Nov 2013
5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Chef Daniel Boulud and The Dalmore announced today that The Dalmore Selected by Daniel Boulud, the world's first single malt scotch whisky created in collaboration with a Michelin-star chef, is now available for purchase both in-store and online in top fine wine and spirits retailers across the US ... "I have always appreciated the craft of a fine whisky while growing up in Lyon, France," says Chef Boulud....(size: 6.7Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
05 Nov 2013
Recording Live CD/DVD at the Legendary Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles on November 16th ... The concert, taking place at the famous Whisky a Go Go on November 16th, will be the band’s first show since the release of No More Hell To Pay and will be documented for future release from the band known for hits such as “Calling On You,” “Free” and the Top 40 ......(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
05 Nov 2013
Recording Live CD/DVD at the Legendary Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles on November 16th ... The concert, taking place at the famous Whisky a Go Go on November 16th, will be the band’s first show since the release of No More Hell To Pay and will be documented for future release from the band known for hits such as “Calling On You,” “Free” and the Top 40 ......(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit noodls
05 Nov 2013
(Source. East Ayrshire Council) 05/11/2013 10.03.50 ... As for Civic Centre South, it was originally named the Wallace Chambers, and was built as offices for the local Kilmarnock based whisky distillers company William Wallace & Company. The Wallace Company played a major part in bringing Highland Whiskys to the Lowlands, and would go on to be taken over by Johnnie Walker who would give the brand world wide acclaim ... distributed by ... (noodl....(size: 4.1Kb)
Edit Independent online (SA)
05 Nov 2013
Diageo, the maker of Smirnoff vodka, Johnnie Walker whisky, and scores of other liquor brands, has introduced 200ml containers – a bit less than a third of the size of a normal bottle of spirits – in sub-Saharan Africa ... “This allows people to try them.” ... Diageo has introduced 200ml bottles of Johnnie Walker Red, one of the cheapest variants of the whisky, in three countries ... Now people can’t keep up ... ....(size: 4.4Kb)
Edit The Independent
05 Nov 2013
What's the attraction? ... An apple a day ... Tours from £11.50. Drambusters. Speyside's Malt Whisky Trail ( is a bucolic route through this picturesque part of Scotland, taking in a handful of distilleries such as Benromach, Dallas Dhu, Glenfiddich, Cardhu and The Glenlivet (01340 821720; At the latter you can also sign up for a three-day course at the Whisky School. £700pp, full board ... Roll out the barrel....(size: 5.9Kb)
Single malt whisky

Whisky or whiskey[1] is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from fermented grain mash. Different grains are used for different varieties, including barley, malted barley, rye, malted rye, wheat, and corn. Whisky is typically aged in wooden casks, made generally of charred white oak.

Whisky is a strictly regulated spirit worldwide with many classes and types. The typical unifying characteristics of the different classes and types are the fermentation of grains, distillation, and aging in wooden barrels.



The word whisky (or whiskey) is an anglicisation of the Gaelic word uisce|uisge meaning water. Distilled alcohol was known to the medieval Latins as aqua vitae = "lively water"; and as aqua fortis = "strong water". This was translated to Gaelic as Irish: uisce beatha and Scottish Gaelic: uisge beatha = "lively water" or "water of life". Early forms of the word in English included uskebeaghe (1581), usquebaugh (1610), usquebath (1621), usquebae (1715).[2]


It is possible that distillation was practiced by the Babylonians in Mesopotamia in the 2nd millennium BC, with perfumes and aromatics being distilled[3] but this is subject to uncertain and disputable interpretation of evidence.[4] The earliest certain chemical distillations were by Greeks in Alexandria in about the 3rd century (AD), but these were not distillations of alcohol. The medieval Arabs adopted the distillation technique of the Alexandrian Greeks, and written records in Arabic begin in the 9th century, but again these were not distillations of alcohol.[4] Distilling technology passed from the medieval Arabs to the medieval Latins, with the earliest records in Latin in the early 12th century.[4][5] The earliest records of the distillation of alcohol are in Italy in the 13th century, where alcohol was distilled from wine.[4] An early description of the technique was given by Ramon Llull (1232 – 1315).[4] Its use spread through medieval monasteries,[6] largely for medicinal purposes, such as the treatment of colic, palsy, and smallpox.[7]

Distillation spread to Ireland and Scotland from the European continent in the later medieval centuries.[4][8] Because the islands had few grapes to make wine with, barley beer was used instead, resulting in the development of whisky.[7] In the Irish Annals of Clonmacnoise in 1405, the first written record of whisky appears describing the death of a chieftain at Christmas from "taking a surfeit of aqua vitae".[9] In Scotland, the first evidence of whisky production comes from an entry in the Exchequer Rolls for 1494 where malt is sent "To Friar John Cor, by order of the king, to make aquavitae", enough to make about 500 bottles.[10]

James IV of Scotland (r. 1488–1513) reportedly had a great liking for Scotch whisky, and in 1506 the town of Dundee purchased a large amount of whisky from the Guild of Surgeon Barbers, which held the monopoly on production at the time. Between 1536 and 1541, King Henry VIII of England dissolved the monasteries, sending their monks out into the general public. Whisky production moved out of a monastic setting and into personal homes and farms as newly independent monks needed to find a way to earn money for themselves.[7]

The distillation process at the time was still in its infancy; whisky itself was imbibed at a very young age, and as a result tasted very raw and brutal compared to today’s versions. Renaissance-era whisky was also very potent and not diluted. Over time, and with the happy accident of someone daring to drink from a cask that had been forgotten for several years, whisky evolved into a much smoother drink.[11]

With a licence to distil Irish whiskey from 1608, the Old Bushmills Distillery in the north coast of Ireland is often regarded as being the oldest licenced whiskey distillery in the world.[12]

In 1707, the Acts of Union merged England and Scotland, and thereafter taxes on it rose dramatically.[11]

A man pours some whisky into a flask in this 1869 oil painting by Scottish artist Erskine Nicol.

After the English Malt Tax of 1725, most of Scotland’s distillation was either shut down or forced underground. Scotch whisky was hidden under altars, in coffins, and in any available space to avoid the governmental Excisemen.[7] Scottish distillers, operating out of homemade stills, took to distilling their whisky at night, when the darkness would hide the smoke rising from the stills. For this reason, the drink was known as moonshine.[8] At one point, it was estimated that over half of Scotland’s whisky output was illegal.[11]

In America, whisky was used as currency during the American Revolution. It also was a highly coveted sundry and when an additional excise tax was levied against it, the Whiskey Rebellion erupted in 1791.[13]

In 1823, the UK passed the Excise Act, legalizing the distillation (for a fee), and this put a practical end to the large-scale production of Scottish moonshine.[7]

In 1826 Robert Stein invented an effective continuous still, and in 1831, Aeneas Coffey refined it to create the Coffey still, allowing for cheaper and more efficient distillation of whisky. In 1850, Andrew Usher began producing a blended whisky that mixed traditional pot still whisky with that from the new Coffey still. The new distillation method was scoffed at by some Irish distillers, who clung to their traditional pot stills. Many Irish contended that the new product was, in fact, not whisky at all.[14]

By the 1880s, the French brandy industry was devastated by the phylloxera pest that ruined much of the grape crop; as a result, whisky became the primary liquor in many markets.[7]

During the Prohibition era lasting from 1920 to 1933 in the United States, all alcohol sales were banned in the country. The federal government made an exemption for whisky prescribed by a doctor and sold through licensed pharmacies. During this time, the Walgreens pharmacy chain grew from 20 retail stores to almost 400.[15]


Malted barley is an ingredient of some whiskies.

Whisky or whisky-like products are produced in most grain-growing areas. They differ in base product, alcoholic content, and quality.

Malts and grains are combined in various ways:

  • Single malt whisky is whisky from a single distillery made from a mash that uses only one particular malted grain. Unless the whisky is described as "single-cask", though, it will contain whisky from many casks, and different years, so the blender can achieve a taste recognisable as typical of the distillery. In most cases, the name of a single malt will be that of the distillery (The Glenlivet, Bushmills, Nikka), with an age statement and perhaps some indication of some special treatments such as maturation in a port wine cask.
  • Blended malt whisky is a mixture of single malt whiskies from different distilleries. If a whisky is labelled "pure malt" or just "malt" it is almost certain to be a blended malt whisky. This was formerly called a "vatted malt" whisky.
  • Blended whiskies are typically made from a mixture of malt and grain whiskies — often along with neutral spirits, caramel, and flavouring. A whisky simply described as a Scotch, Irish, or Canadian whisky is most likely to be a blend. A blend typically contains whisky from many distilleries so that the blender can produce a flavour consistent with the brand, and the brand name (e.g., Chivas Regal, Canadian Club) will usually not therefore contain the name of a distillery. Jameson Irish Whiskey is an example of an exception, as it comes from only one distillery.
  • Cask strength (also known as barrel-proof) whiskies are rare, and usually only the very best whiskies are bottled in this way. They are bottled from the cask undiluted or only lightly diluted.
  • Single cask (also known as single-barrel) whiskies are usually bottled by specialist independent bottlers, such as Duncan Taylor, Gordon & MacPhail, and Kentucky Bourbon Distillers, amongst others. Each bottle of a single-barrel whisky is from an individual cask, and often the bottles are labelled with specific barrel and bottle numbers. The taste of these whiskies may vary substantially from cask to cask within a brand.

Whiskies do not mature in the bottle, only in the cask, so the "age" of a whisky is only the time between distillation and bottling. This reflects how much the cask has interacted with the whisky, changing its chemical makeup and taste. Whiskies that have been bottled for many years may have a rarity value, but are not "older" and will not necessarily be "better" than a more recently made whisky matured in wood for a similar time. After a decade or two, additional aging in a barrel will also not necessarily make a whisky "better".

Most whiskies are sold at or near an alcoholic strength of 40% abv, which is the statutory minimum in some countries[16] – although the strength can vary, and cask-strength whisky may have as much as twice that alcohol percentage.

American whiskeys[link]

Various American whiskeys on a store's shelves

American whiskey is distilled from a fermented mash of cereal grain. It must have the taste, aroma, and other characteristics commonly attributed to whiskey.

Some types of whiskey listed in the United States federal regulations[16] are:

These above-listed types of American whiskey must be distilled to no more than 80% alcohol by volume, and any addition of coloring or flavoring is prohibited. These whiskeys must then be aged in new charred-oak containers, except for corn whiskey. Corn whiskey does not have to be aged but, if it is aged, it must be in un-charred oak barrels or in used barrels. The aging of corn whiskey usually is brief, e.g., six months.

If the aging for one of these types of whiskey reaches two years or beyond, the whiskey is then additionally designated as "straight" e.g., "straight rye whiskey". A whiskey that fulfils all these above requirements except that it is derived from less than 51% of any one specific type of grain can be called simply a "straight whiskey" without naming a grain.

There are also some other categories of whiskey that are recognized in the U.S. regulations,[16] such as:

  • Blended whisky, which is a mixture which contains straight whisky or a blend of straight whiskies and, separately or in combination, whiskey or neutral spirits, and may also contain flavorings and colorings.
  • Light whisky, which is produced in the United States at more than 80% alcohol by volume and stored in used or uncharred new oak containers.
  • Spirit whisky, which is a mixture of neutral spirits and at least 5% of certain stricter categories of whisky.

American blended whiskeys combine straight whiskey with grain neutral spirits (GNS), flavorings and colorings. The percentage of GNS must be disclosed on the label and may be as much at 80% on a proof gallon basis. Blended whiskey has the same alcohol content as straight whiskey but typically has a milder flavor.

Another important labelling in the marketplace is Tennessee whiskey, of which Jack Daniel's, George Dickel, Collier and McKeel,[17] and Benjamin Prichard's[18] are the only brands currently bottled. In practice, it is essentially identical to bourbon whiskey.[19][20] Whiskey sold as "Tennessee whiskey" is defined as Bourbon under NAFTA[21] and at least one other international trade agreement,[22] and is similarly required to meet the legal definition of Bourbon under Canadian law.[23] However, some makers of Tennessee whiskey do not label their product as Bourbon and insist that it is a different type of whiskey when marketing their product. Three of the four currently produced brands of Tennessee whiskey are filtered through sugar maple charcoal, which is claimed to remove some unpleasant flavors and odors and produce a cleaner spirit.

Australian whiskies[link]

Australia produces a number of single malt whiskies. The whiskies being produced on the island State of Tasmania in particular are receiving global attention.

Australian whiskies are winning an increasing number of global whisky awards and medals, including for example the World Whiskies Awards and Jim Murray's Whisky Bible 'Liquid Gold Awards'.////

Canadian whiskies[link]

Various Canadian whiskies

Canadian whiskies are usually lighter and smoother than other whisky styles. By Canadian law,[24] Canadian whiskies must be produced and aged in Canada, be distilled from a fermented mash of cereal grain, be aged in wood barrels (of a capacity not larger than 700 L) for not less than three years, and "possess the aroma, taste and character generally attributed to Canadian whisky". The terms "Canadian Whisky" and "Canadian Rye Whisky" are legally indistinguishable in Canada and do not require any use of rye or other specific grain in their production. In fact, the predominant grain used in making "Canadian Rye Whisky" is corn. Canadian whiskies may contain caramel and flavouring in addition to the distilled mash spirits, and there is no maximum limit on the alcohol level of the distillation,[24] so the bulk of the distilled content may be neutral spirits rather than straight whiskies.

Danish whiskies[link]

Denmark began producing whisky early in the 21st century. The first Danish single malt to go on sale was Lille Gadegård from Bornholm, in 2005.[25] Lille Gadegård is a winery as well, and uses its own winecasks to mature whisky.

The second Danish distilled single malt whisky for sale was Edition No.1 from the Braunstein microbrewery and distillery. It was distilled in 2007, using water from the Greenlandic ice sheet, and entered the market in March 2010.[26] The distillery has since released several whiskies.[27]

Other Danish distilleries include Stauning Whisky, which began distillation in 2006,[28] and Fary Lochan, which began production in December 2009.[29]

English whiskies[link]

There are currently three distilleries producing English whisky. Though England is not very well known for making whisky there were distillers previously operating in London, Liverpool and Bristol until the late 19th century, after which production of English single malt whisky ceased until 2003. [30]

Finnish whiskies[link]

There are two working distilleries in Finland and a third one is under construction. Whisky retail sales in Finland are controlled solely by the state alcohol monopoly Alko and advertisement of strong alcoholic beverages is banned.[31]

German whiskies[link]

The distillation of German-made whisky is a relatively recent phenomenon having only started in the last 30 years. The styles produced resemble those made in Ireland, Scotland and the United States: single malts, blends, and bourbon styles. There is no standard spelling of German whiskies with distilleries using both "whisky" and "whiskey" and one even using "Whesskey", a play on the word whisky and Hesse, the state in which it is produced. There are currently 23 distilleries in Germany producing whisky.[32]

Indian whiskies[link]

The majority of Indian whiskies are blends with a small amount of grain whisky blended with neutral spirits distilled from fermented molasses, and as such could be considered a sort of rum,[33] although pure grain whiskies are available.[34]

Irish whiskeys[link]

Various Irish whiskeys

Most Irish whiskeys are normally distilled three times, Cooley Distillery being the exception as they also double distill.[35] Though traditionally distilled using pot stills, column still are now used to produce grain whiskey for blends. By law, Irish whiskey must be produced in Ireland and aged in wooden casks for a period of no less than three years, although in practice it is usually three or four times that period.[36] Unpeated malt is almost always used, the main exception being Connemara Peated Malt whiskey.

There are several types of whiskey common to Ireland: single malt, single grain, blended whiskey and pure pot still whiskey.

Japanese whiskies[link]

The model for Japanese whiskies is the single malt Scotch, although there are also examples of Japanese blended whiskies. The base is a mash of malted barley, dried in kilns fired with a little peat (although considerably less than in Scotland), and distilled using the pot still method. For some time exports of Japanese whisky suffered from the belief in the West that whisky made in the Scotch style, but not produced in Scotland, was inferior, and until fairly recently, the market for Japanese whiskies was almost entirely domestic. In recent years, Japanese whiskies have won prestigious international awards and now enjoy a reputation as a high quality product.[37][38]

Scotch whiskies[link]

Various Scotch whiskies

Scotch whiskies are generally distilled twice, although some are distilled a third time and others even up to twenty times.[39] Scotch Whisky Regulations require anything bearing the label "Scotch" to be distilled in Scotland and matured for a minimum of three years in oak casks, among other, more specific criteria.[40] An age statement on the bottle, in the form of a number, must reflect the age of the youngest Scotch whisky used to produce that product. A whisky with an age statement is known as guaranteed age whisky.[41] Scotch whisky without an age statement may, by law, be as young as three years old.[42]

The basic types of Scotch are malt and grain, which are combined to create blends. Many, though not all, Scotch whiskies use peat smoke to treat their malt, giving Scotch its distinctive smoky flavour. Scotch malt whiskies are divided into five main regions: Highland, Lowland, Islay, Speyside and Campbeltown.

Swedish whiskies[link]

Sweden has a young, but growing, whisky industry. The Mackmyra distillery started selling its products in 2006.[43] Spirit of Hven started distilling in 2008 with products expected to go on the market circa 2012. The Smögen distillery in Hunnebostrand on the Swedish west coast started distilling in August 2010, and the Grythyttan Whisky distillery near Örebro in middle Sweden started distilling in October 2010. Additionally, another half dozen or so distilleries are in different stages of preparation.[44] Production of whisky has however somewhat older roots in Sweden. Starting in the 1950s a whisky called Skeppets whisky was made. Production was halted in 1966.[45]

Welsh whiskies[link]

(Welsh: Wysgi or Wisgi) In 2000, Penderyn Distillery started production of Penderyn single malt whisky, the first Welsh whisky since all production ended in 1894. (Though a distillery operated near Brecon in the 1990s, making and selling "Prince of Wales" malt whisky.) The first bottles went on sale on 1 March 2004, Saint David's Day, and the whisky is now sold throughout the world.

Penderyn Distillery is located in the Brecon Beacons National Park and is considered to be the smallest distillery in the world.[46]

Other whiskies[link]

Manx Spirit from the Isle of Man is distilled elsewhere and re-distilled in the country of its nominal "origin". The Manx distillery takes a previously matured Scotch malt whisky and re-distills it.[47]

In 2010 a Czech whisky was released, the 21 year old "Hammer Head".[48]

Recently at least two distilleries in the traditionally brandy-producing Caucasus region announced their plans to enter the Russian domestic market with whiskies. The Stavropol-based Praskoveysky distillery bases its product on Irish technology, while in Kizlyar, Dagestan's "Russian Whisky" announced a Scotch-inspired drink in single malt, blended and wheat varieties.[49]

Names and spellings[link]

Much is made of the word's two spellings: whisky and whiskey.[50][51] There are basically two schools of thought on the issue. One is that the spelling difference is simply a matter of local language convention for the spelling of a word, indicating that the spelling will vary depending on the background or personal preferences of the writer (like the difference between color and colour; tire and tyre; or recognize and recognise),[50][51] and the other is that the spelling should depend on the style or origin of the spirit that is being described. But there is general agreement that when quoting the proper name printed on a label, the spelling that is used on the label should not be altered.[50][51] Some writers will refer to "whisk(e)y" or "whisky/whiskey" to acknowledge the variation.

The spelling whisky (plural: whiskies) is generally used in Canada, Japan, Scotland, and Wales, while whiskey (plural: whiskeys) is more common in Ireland and the United States. But the usage is not always consistent – for example, some prominent American brands, such as George Dickel, Maker's Mark, and Old Forester (which are all made by different companies), use the 'whisky' spelling on their labels, and the U.S. legal Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits document also uses the 'whisky' spelling.[16]

"Scotch" is the internationally recognized term for "Scotch whisky". It is rarely used in Scotland, where the drink is called simply "whisky".


Whiskies and other distilled beverages such as cognac and rum are complex beverages containing a vast range of flavouring compounds, of which some 200 to 300 can be easily detected by chemical analysis. The flavouring chemicals include "carbonyl compounds, alcohols, carboxylic acids and their esters, nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compounds, tannins and other polyphenolic compounds, terpenes, and oxygen-containing heterocyclic compounds" and esters of fatty acids.[52] The nitrogen compounds include pyridines, picolines and pyrazines.[53]

Flavours from distillation[link]

The flavouring of whisky is partially determined by the presence of congeners and fusel oils. Fusel oils are higher alcohols than ethanol, are mildly toxic, and have a strong, disagreeable smell and taste. An excess of fusel oils in whisky is considered a defect. A variety of methods are employed in the distillation process to remove unwanted fusel oils. Traditionally, American distillers focused on secondary filtration using charcoal, gravel, sand, or linen to remove undesired distillates. Canadian distillers have traditionally employed column stills which can be controlled to produce an almost pure (and less flavourful) ethanol known as neutral grain spirit or grain neutral spirit (GNS).[54] Flavour is restored by blending the neutral grain spirits with flavouring whiskies.[55]

Acetals are rapidly formed in distillates and a great many are found in distilled beverages, the most prominent being acetaldehyde diethyl acetal (1,1-diethoxyethane). Among whiskies the highest levels are associated with malt whisky.[56] This acetal is a principal flavour compound in sherry, and contributes fruitiness to the aroma.[57]

The diketone diacetyl (2,3-butanedione) has a buttery aroma and is present in almost all distilled beverages. Whiskies and cognacs typically contain more of this than vodkas, but significantly less than rums or brandies.[58]

Flavours from oak[link]

Whisky that has been aged in oak barrels gets a number of components from the wood. One of these is cis-3-methyl-4-octanolide, known as the "whisky lactone" or "quercus lactone", a compound with a strong coconut aroma.[59][60]

Commercially charred oaks are rich in phenolic compounds. One study identified 40 different phenolic compounds. The coumarin scopoletin is present in whisky, with the highest level reported in Bourbon whiskey.[61]

Flavours and colouring from additives[link]

Depending on the local regulations, additional flavourings and colouring compounds may be added to the whisky. Canadian whisky may contain caramel and flavouring in addition to the distilled mash spirits. Scotch whisky may contain added (E150A) caramel, but no other additives. The addition of flavourings is not allowed in American "straight" whiskey, but is allowed in American blends.

Chill filtration[link]

Whisky is often "chill filtered": chilled to precipitate out fatty acid esters and then filtered to remove them. Most whiskies are bottled this way, unless specified as unchillfiltered or non chill filtered. This is done primarily for cosmetic reasons. Unchillfiltered whiskies will often turn cloudy when stored at cool temperatures or when cool water is added to them, and this is perfectly normal.

See also[link]


  1. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition: "In modern trade usage, Scotch whisky and Irish whiskey are thus distinguished in spelling; whisky is the usual spelling in Britain and whiskey that in the U.S.]"
  2. ^ New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, entries for "usquebaugh" and "whisky".
  3. ^ Martin Levey (1956). "Babylonian Chemistry: A Study of Arabic and Second Millennium B.C. Perfumery", Osiris 12, p. 376-389.
  4. ^ a b c d e f Book A Short History of the Art of Distillation, by Robert James Forbes (year 1948). That book covers distillation in general. For the early history of the distillation of alcohol specifically, search for the word "alcohol" in that book here.
  5. ^ Russell, Inge (2003). Whisky: technology, production and marketing. Academic Press. p. 14. ISBN 978-0-12-669202-0. 
  6. ^ The History of Whisky History, The Whisky Guide.
  7. ^ a b c d e f "History of Scotch Whisky". Retrieved 6 Jan 2010. 
  8. ^ a b Peggy Trowbridge Filippone, Whiskey History - The history of whisky,
  9. ^ Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, p.785, footnote for year 1405. This is likewise in the Annals of Connacht entry for year 1405: Annals of Connacht.
  10. ^ Ross, James. Whisky. Routledge. p. 158. ISBN 0-7100-6685-6. 
  11. ^ a b c "The History of Whisky". 
  12. ^ Ciaran Brady (2000). Encyclopedia of Ireland: an A-Z guide to its people, places, history, and culture. Oxford University Press, p.11
  13. ^ Kevin R. Kosar, "What the Tea Party Could Learn from the Whiskey Rebellion," adapted from Kevin R. Kosar, Whiskey: A Global History (London: Reaktion Books, 2010)
  14. ^ Magee, Malachy (1980). Irish Whiskey - A 1000 year tradition. O'Brien press. p. 144. ISBN 0-86278-228-7. 
  15. ^ When Capitalism Meets Cannabis
  16. ^ a b c d "Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits, Title 27 Code of Federal Regulations, Pt. 5.22". Retrieved 2008-10-17. 
  17. ^ Collier and McKeel company web site.
  18. ^ Benjamin Prichard's Tennessee Whiskey (Accessed January, 2011)
  19. ^ Charles K. Cowdery, Favorite whiskey myths debunked, The Chuck Cowdery Blog, December 16, 2009. (Accessed January 2011.)
  20. ^ Charles K. Cowdery, Tennessee Whiskey Versus Bourbon Whiskey, The Chuck Cowdery Blog, February 21, 2009. (Accessed January 2011.)
  21. ^ North American Free Trade Agreement Annex 313: Distinctive products
  22. ^ SICE - Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Chile, Section E, Article 3.15 Distinctive products.
  23. ^ Canada Food and Drug regulations, C.R.C. C.870, provision B.02.022.1
  24. ^ a b "Food and Drugs Act, Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870)". Retrieved 2007-01-23. [dead link]
  25. ^ (in Danish)
  26. ^ B.T., "Dansk whisky destilleres på indlandsis", March 22 2010 (in Danish)
  27. ^ (in Danish)
  28. ^ Stauning Whisky historien (in Danish)
  29. ^ Fary Lochan (in Danish)
  30. ^ Cornish take on Scotch, BBC news, Thursday, 1 May, 2003.
  31. ^ ""WITH A DASH OF WATER" Finnish Whisky Culture and its Future". Retrieved 2009-07-22. 
  32. ^ MaClean, Charles (2008). Whiskey. Dorling Kindersley. pp. 254–265. ISBN 978-0-7566-3349-3. 
  33. ^ Paul Peachey (2006-03-03). "Battle for the world's largest whisky market -- India". South Africa Mail & Guardian. Archived from the original on 2008-06-01. Retrieved 2007-06-25. 
  34. ^ "Amrut Distilleries". Retrieved 2010-04-03. 
  35. ^ Differences between Scotch and Irish whiskey
  36. ^ Government of Ireland. "Irish Whiskey Act, 1980". Archived from the original on 2007-03-22. Retrieved 2007-02-20. 
  37. ^ Awards Won by Nikka Whisky
  38. ^ Nicholas Coldicott, Japanese malt scotches rivals, The Japan Times Online, May 23, 2008.
  39. ^ Jackson, Michael (1994). Michael Jackson's Malt Whisky Companion. Dorling Kindersley. p. 12. ISBN 0-7513-0146-9. 
  40. ^ "ASIL Insight: WTO Protections for Food Geographic Indications". Retrieved 2007-08-25. 
  41. ^ "What does a whisky’s age really mean?". 
  42. ^ "So, Does Age Matter?" (PDF). 
  43. ^ Mackmyra
  44. ^
  45. ^ "Skeppets whisky - English version". 18 July 2010. Retrieved 11 September 2011. 
  46. ^ "Planet Whiskies Welsh Distillery Section". Retrieved 2009-05-19. 
  47. ^ Alan J. Buglass (2011). Handbook of Alcoholic Beverages p.532. John Wiley and Sons
  48. ^ Hammer Head Story
  49. ^ " report (in Russian)". 
  50. ^ a b c Charles K. Cowdery, Why Spelling Matters, The Chuck Cowdery Blog, February 24, 2009.
  51. ^ a b c Charles K. Cowdery, New York Times Buckles To Pressure From Scotch Snobs, The Chuck Cowdery Blog, February 11, 2009.
  52. ^ Maarse, H. (1991). Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages. CRC Press. p. 548. ISBN 0-8247-8390-5. 
  53. ^ Belitz, Hans-Dieter; Peter Schieberle & Werner Grosch (2004). Food Chemistry. Springer. p. 936. ISBN 3-540-40818-5. 
  54. ^ "Pure Alcohol (Ethanol)" (PDF). Retrieved 2007-12-18. 
  55. ^ Robert Hess (2007-08-25). "Canadian Whiskey". The Spirit World. Retrieved 2007-12-18. 
  56. ^ Maarse, H. (1991). Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages. CRC Press. p. 553. ISBN 0-8247-8390-5. 
  57. ^ "June 2007". The Beer Brewer. Retrieved 2007-12-18. 
  58. ^ Maarse, H. (1991). Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages. CRC Press. p. 554. ISBN 0-8247-8390-5. 
  59. ^ "Aromas and Flavours". Retrieved 2007-12-18. 
  60. ^ Belitz, Hans-Dieter; Peter Schieberle & Werner Grosch (2004). Food Chemistry. Springer. p. 383. ISBN 3-540-40818-5. 
  61. ^ Maarse, H. (1991). Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages. CRC Press. p. 574. ISBN 0-8247-8390-5. 

External links[link]


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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

David Hayman
Born (1948-02-09) 9 February 1948 (age 64)
Bridgeton, Glasgow, Scotland
Occupation Actor and film director

David Hayman (born 9 February 1948) is a Scottish film and television actor and director, best known for his role as DCS Mike Walker in ITV drama Trial and Retribution. He also a prominent supporter of the SNP's call for Scottish independence.[1]


Life and career[link]

Hayman studied at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow. He began his acting career at the Citizens' Theatre in the city, playing a variety of roles, including Hamlet, Figaro and Al Capone. He gained national prominence playing notorious Barlinnie Prison convict turned sculptor, Jimmy Boyle, in the film A Sense of Freedom. After this film he focused on playing character roles rather than the lead. His long list of film credits include appearances supporting Pierce Brosnan in The Tailor of Panama, Bruce Willis in The Jackal and Kevin Spacey in Ordinary Decent Criminal. He also appeared in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.

Hayman is also well known for his television appearances, most notably as Chief Supt. Michael Walker in Lynda La Plante's long running Trial & Retribution sequence of crime thriller mini-series which recently finished shooting its 10th series. He has also had success in directing film and TV productions. Silent Scream is a return to a study of convicts in Barlinnie Prison, examining the life of convicted murderer Larry Winters. The film was entered into the 40th Berlin International Film Festival.[2] Later followed The Hawk, starring Helen Mirren as a woman who begins to suspect that her husband is a serial killer. More recently, The Near Room is a dark and disturbing film about child abuse and corruption set in Glasgow.

Hayman was awarded the City of Glasgow's gold medal in 1992, for outstanding services to the performing arts. In 2001 he founded the humanitarian charity Spirit Aid which is dedicated to children of the world whose lives have been devastated by war, genocide, poverty, abuse or lack of opportunity at home and abroad. Hayman is currently Head of Operations of the charity which undertakes humanitarian relief projects from Kosovo to Guinea-Bissau, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Malawi and South Africa.

Hayman is currently working on production of a biopic of Scotland's national poet, Robert Burns.

He has a distinct scar over his left eye, which he chose to use as character makeup, along with a shaved head, for his part in the Trial & Retribution series.

In 2009 he appeared in an episode of the British television series Robin Hood.

He is a supporter of Celtic F.C..

In September 2011, Hayman hosted a documentary reconstructing the unsolved murders of Glasgow serial killer Bible John, who murdered three young woman in the late 1960s. The documentary was named In Search of Bible John, and looked at the evidence which links Peter Tobin to the killings.

Filmography (actor)[link]

Filmography (director)[link]


He appeared as "Chris" in the 2011 production of Anna Christie at the Donmar Theatre, London.[3]

In 2012 he played the title role in King Lear at the Citizens Theatre in Glasgow.[4]


External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Put some whisky in your water
Sugar in your tea
Coz there aint gonna be no possiblity with you and a me
Sonny it aint gonna funny when walk up to me
And you sing
You sing the lullaby
that lullaby that makes me cry (cry)
I'll melt away
I'll melt away in your love

A man's a man an a' that, A whisky's a whisky an a' that
Any whisky is good whisky, Just get me a double please
From the bar ... right now ... thank you
I need whisky
In a bucket not a cup (not a cup)
Give me whisky
In a bucket not a cup (not a cup)
He came up to me and said
"Gimme a whisky"
As I think it had all got too much
But what could I do so I got him that whisky
as I think it had all got too much
I need whisky
In a bucket not a cup (not a cup)
Give me whisky
In a bucket not a cup (in a bucket)
A man's a man an a' that, A whisky's a whisky an a' that
Any whisky is good whisky, Just get me a treble please
From the bar ... right now ... thank you
What would you do if you couldn't get whisky?
What would you do without the crutch (not a cup)
Wouldn't life just be too tough without whisky?
Wouldn't it just be too much? (in a bucket)
He came up to me and said
"Gimme a whisky"
As I think it had all got too much
You'll bury your head and
you'll drown in that whisky
cos I think he had got out of touch
Oh my head!
My head's killing me man!
It must have been all that whisky that I drank...
It's loupin' I'm not jokin'
I need whisky
In a bucket not a cup (not a cup)
Give me whisky
In a bucket not a cup (in a bucket)
A man's a man an a' that, A whisky's a whisky an a' that
Any whisky is good whisky, Just get me a quadruple please
From the bar ... right now ... thank you
I need whisky
In a bucket not a cup (not a cup)
Give me whisky
In a bucket not a cup (in a bucket)
I need whisky
Gimme whisky
I need whisky

Mowia o mnie w miescie - co z niego za typ
Wciaz chodzi pijany, pewno nie wie co to wstyd
Brudny, niedomytek - w stajni ciagle spi
Czego czuka w naszym miescie?
Idz do diabla - mowia ludzie, pelni cnot..
Chcialem kiedys zmadrzec, po ich stronie byc
Spac w czystej poscieli, swieze mleko pic
Naprawde chcialem zmadrzec i po ich stronie byc
Pomyslalem wiec o zonie aby stac sie jednym z nich
Stac sie jednym z nich..
Mialem na oku hacjende - wspaniala mowie wam
Lecz nie chciala tam zamieszkac, zadna z pieknych dam
Wszystkie smialy si wolajac, wolajac za mna wciaz
Bardzo ladny frak masz Billy, ale kiepski bylby z ciebie maz
Kiepski bylby maz
Whisky, moja zono! - Jednak tys najlepsza z dam
Juz mnie nie opuscisz, nie nie bede sam
Mowia - whisky to nie wszystko, mozna bez niej zyc
Lecz nie wiedza o tym, ze najgorzej w zyciu
To samotnym byc, to samotnym byc - nie!
O nie.. Lecz nie wiedza.. o tym ze..
Tego ze najgorzej to..samotnym byc..
Nie..o nie, nie chce juz samotnym byc, nie..
O nie..
Nie chce juz..
Samotnym byc..