climate change

Weather is a class issue


All the examples given here are from the United States. It is pretty clear, however, that things are not too much different down here.

The Three Factors That Put Lower-Income Americans At Greater Risk From Extreme Weather

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 12:40 PM PDT

New Orleans residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

CREDIT: AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

Aotearoa/NZ Stock Xchange: Capitalism Represents Acceptable Policy - CRAP ?


This morning, as the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) prepared for another day of trading, climate activists gathered in Civic Square in preparation for a morning of street theatre, protest and disruption. Activists posing as members of the group 'Capitalism Represents Acceptable Policy' (C.R.A.P) arrived to stage an anti-demonstation with placards reading

'Climate change is good for the economy', 'profit before people' and 'saving the earth is not ecomically viable'.

Climate Camp NZ's photostream

Kevin Rudd Char Ladies Corporation

....The rally wrapped up with some political satire. Yes, the John Howard Ladies Auxiliary Fan Club who we came to love from the last election campaign, has been reborn as the Kevin Rudd Char Ladies Corporation, which provided some lighter moments with some satirical comment. Lady Hazelwood and Lady Lou Yang explained exactly what the CPRS is all about.

The ALP stands for 'Also Loves Polluters' or the 'Arctic Loss Program'. The CPRS stands for 'Continue Polluting Regardless Scheme' or the 'Carbon Pollution Rewards Scam' One of the ditty's they sung to the crowd: Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a captain of industry He made a packet in the mining racket and bought up the ALP And they demonstrated a new fashion use for Clean Coal. 100% organic they assured us.



see photos

System Change, Not Climate Change + Privatised Lecky = Fires + Occupations Lessons (films)

PROTEST SEASONS GRATINGS For roadblocks threaten imprisonment of 40 days without parole. Fines for the disruption of "public policy" should be five times - and the police to protesters intent on mere suspicion of irregular prior to taking preventive detention for twelve hours. With these measures, the Danish government wants to take action against protests that are expected in connection with the UN climate summit in Copenhagen in December....Unimpressed by the criminalization of attempts by the government, meanwhile, will prepare for civil disobedience at the next climate summit. Last weekend, came together under CJA-directed participants from 30 countries in the Free State of Christiania, Copenhagen.

Cop15 Climate Conference: System Change, Not Climate Change - imc features | 23.11.2009


Did Privitization kill 121 people on Black Saturday?

The Monkey-Wrench Prank of Tim DeChristopher

How the Yes Men inspired a climate activist to impersonate an oil speculator—and derail a multimillion-dollar federal land giveaway. —By Bryan Farrell

During the final days of the Bush administration, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) scheduled a controversial auction of oil and gas leases on federal lands, including areas bordering national parks and monuments in Utah. While environmental organizations launched a round of protests and lawsuits, Tim DeChristopher, a 27-year-old econ major at the University of Utah, decided he had to try to stop the sale by himself. Not knowing exactly how he'd do it, DeChristopher walked into the auction in Salt Lake City on December 19, 2008, and had a sneaky idea handed to him in the form of a bidder's paddle.

Simply by raising it again and again and pretending to bid on the leases, he proceeded to drive up their prices and outbid the real speculators on 13 parcels covering more than 22,000 acres and worth $1.7 million dollars.

It's the rich, not overpopulation wot causes Climate Change (duh!) + OH&S of green jobs

Wally Yachts of Monaco's WallyPower 118 ( gives total wallies a sensation of power) consumes 3,400 litres per hour when travelling at 60 knots. That's nearly a litre per second. Another way of putting it is 31 litres per kilometre.... So where are the movements protesting about the stinking rich destroying our living systems? Where is the direct action against super-yachts and private jets? Where's Class War when you need it? It's time we had the guts to name the problem. It's not sex; it's money. It's not the poor; it's the rich.

O.H. & S ? Instead of recycling a highly toxic byproduct, silicon tetrachloride, the companies were stockpiling the substance in drums or simply dumping it, rendering land infertile and exposing both workers and surrounding citizens to dangerous concentrations of chlorine and hydrochloric acid.”

Climate Change - International Indigenous Forum, Thailand

We truly believe that Climate change, in the light of the current global financial, economic, environmental and food crises, can represent an unprecedented challenge and opportunity for humanity to transform global economic, political, social, cultural relations to live in balance with Mother Earth. STATEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES FORUM ON CLIMATE CHANGE International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change Foro Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas sobre Cambio Climático STATEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES FORUM ON CLIMATE CHANGE DELIVERED BY ESTEBANCIO CASTRO DIAZ, CO-CHAIR AT THE OPENING PLENARY OF SEVENTH SESSION OF AWG-LCA BANGKOK, THAILAND 28 September 2009 Thank you Mr. Chair for allowing the Indigenous Peoples to deliver a statement at this opening plenary. However, indigenous peoples concerns and views have not been seriously addressed in the climate negotiation processes, least of all those from indigenous women and youth. Mr.

Climate Rush Personality Politics & Corporate Media

"My conception of the strike of the future is not to strike and go out an starve, but to strike and remain in and take possession of the necessary property of production". . . .lucy parsons

Autobiography of Mother Jones: Chapter XXVII – Progress in Spite of Leaders " The rank and file have let their servants become their masters and dictators. The workers have now to fight not alone their exploiters but likewise their own leaders, who often betray them, who sell them out, who put their own advancement ahead of that of the working masses, who make of the rank and file political pawns. Provision should be made in all union constitutions for the recall of leaders. Big salaries should not be paid. Career hunters should be driven out, as well as leaders who use labor for political ends. These types are menaces to the advancement of labor."

Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Rally in support of striking Hazelwood workers

Rally in support of striking Hazelwood workers Date and Time: Fri, 31/07/2009 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm Location: International Power, Rialto Tower, 525 Collins st Melbourne Contact Name: Dave Contact Phone: 0412 484 094

Emergency Services Officers at Morwell's Hazelwood power station have been striking for almost 4 months, demanding better pay and conditions on par with their follow workers at Yallourn and Loy Yang power plants, increased numbers and proper safety training. ESOs take on responsibilities in situations of fires, leakages, equipment failures and all other safety risks in the mine and the power plant. Yet their base rate of pay is just $19.32 per hour, only slightly above minimum wage. While the ESOs have been on strike, International Power have tried to distance themselves from the dispute. Yet they are fitting the bill for scab labourers who are not adequately trained for the work.


Vestas Wind Trubines Occupation by workers

FACTORY UNDER OCCUPATION: Save 600 jobs at Vestas! Workers staging a sit-in at the soon-to-close Vestas wind turbine plant on the Isle of Wight are being starved out by police. The police, many inside the factory and dressed in riot gear, have denied food to the workers who took over the factory offices last night, to protest about the closure of their factory. The police, operating with highly questionable legal authority, have surrounded the offices, preventing supporters from joining the sit-in, and preventing food from being brought to the protestors. source:

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