Pictures, photos, objects

Search photographs, negatives, artworks, drawings, posters, postcards and other pictures, as well as physical objects such as puzzles, instruments and clothing.

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1,489 photos have been contributed to Trove via Flickr this month.

Picture Australia logo

Trove's Pictures, photos, objects zone owes much of its existence to one of the National Library's first discovery services, Picture Australia.

Picture Australia was originally launched in September 2000 and, at that time, was a unique and ground breaking service, bringing together digitised images from cultural heritage collections around Australia for not only all Australians to see but also the world.

It began with less than half a million images from seven institutions and, over the years, grew to two million images and more than 70 contributors. Like Trove, Picture Australia was also an award winning service, winning an Australian Financial Review Australian Internet Award in the Arts Category in its first year of service.

Picture Australia has been absorbed into Trove. Contemporary images were sourced from Flickr via a series of Groups, which ensured individual contributions to Picture Australia were included in the snapshot of Australiana. We will continue with this tradition using the Trove: Australia in Pictures group.

Trove will continue to welcome new contributors and new collections of digital images to enrich the discovery experience for everyone.