
Lists allow you to collect things you think belong together. You may want to do this to help organise your own work, your own favourite resources, or because you think the list will be useful to others. Click here to view all lists available. You may be interested in this short video introducing lists in Trove.

Public and private lists

You can define your lists as public (visible by everyone) or private (visible only to you). Public lists can still only be updated by you, but anyone can comment on them or tag them.

Because lists are identified with the person who has created them, you must be logged in to Trove before you can create or maintain a list.

Creating a new list

To create a new list:

  • Log in, if you have not already.
  • Find the first item you want to add to the list and go to the item details page for that item.
  • Click on "Add to my lists"
  • Fill in the name for your new list and click "Add to list".

Adding items to a list

Resources can be added to a list from the item details page, which is the same page you currently use to tag or comment on an item. You can also create a new list at the same time. There is currently one exception: you cannot add archived web pages.

You can also add any web page outside Trove to a list. For example, you could create a list about interesting Indonesian architecture containing books, journal articles and photographs described on Trove and a variety of web pages on the subject. Just view the list, make sure you are logged in, and click on "Add a webpage to list".

Each list can be given a description, and you can also write a note about each item in the list. You can even change the order of items in a list.

Finding your lists

  • Your lists appear on your user profile, under the "Lists" tab. To see your user profile, login and click on your user name. Your private lists can only be seen by you.
  • To see everyone's lists, click on the 'lists' link at the top of any screen.

Using tags instead

Apart from lists, another way to store items for later use is by adding a tag to each item. Use the name of the list as the tag. You can then retrieve these items by clicking on the tag from the "tags" tab on your user profile page. Access your profile page by logging in and clicking on your user name.