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16 May 2013

A new newspaper for Australia's left



After 18 years, the monthly Socialist Alternative magazine is ceasing publication. In its place, Socialist Alternative is launching a newspaper, Red Flag, which will be published twice a month. The first issue will go to print on 11 June.

Our history

In August 1995 the first issue of Socialist Alternative rolled off the press. “50,000 nuclear bombs waiting to explode!” screamed the front cover. The 12 printed pages covered issues such as France’s decision to resume nuclear testing in the Pacific and the struggle against voluntary student unionism in Victoria, as well as taking up the burning question of the time, “Will we still watch Melrose Place under socialism?” – if only to prove we didn’t take ourselves too seriously.

The intervening period has seen the rise and fall of Pauline Hanson and John Howard, the anti-capitalist movement, the War on Terror, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, WorkChoices and so much more. We threw ourselves into various campaigns to help build the resistance to racism, to war, to attacks on workers’ and students’ rights, to sexism and homophobia, and to be part of the struggle for a better world.

Over the course of two decades, Socialist Alternative grew from a few dozen activists to some 300. As we grew, Socialist Alternative magazine also grew and changed. It got longer, glossier and more colourful. It covered more issues and developed a national focus. But it stayed a monthly publication committed to making arguments about the nature of capitalism and oppression, about why we need a socialist revolution, about how various campaigns and struggles could be successful and about why we need a socialist organisation.

Time to upgrade

Having a more regular publication will allow us to run more articles relating to debates on the left or in the struggles. It will allow us to respond more quickly to events, and provide better ongoing coverage of progressive campaigns. We will continue to run longer articles with serious analysis and theoretical explanations, such as the recent “feature” articles in the magazine.

It will still be a paper committed to arguing the case for revolutionary socialism. But given the growing diversity in our organisation – due to the recent merger with the Revolutionary Socialist Party, the addition of a growing number of people who come from different revolutionary traditions, and the possibility that we will fuse with the Socialist Alliance in the coming years – there will also be debates and a diversity of opinions on particular issues.

Subscribe now at the introductory rate of $10 for 5 issues!

Red Flag will be a paper that:

  • Tells the truth. The capitalist press is full of lies, distortions and right wing bias. We need an alternative press, free from corporate interests and government spin, to provide news and analysis of major developments in our world.
  • Supports resistance. Those that own and control the corporate media are hostile to people fighting for their rights. They make money out of the exploitation and oppression of workers and the poor. Red Flag will be a paper on the side of the oppressed, telling the story from our side and giving solidarity to those in struggle.
  • Fights for socialism. Red Flag will be about more than just highlighting problems with the system, or supporting individual struggles. It will campaign to win people to socialism, to convince them that the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism is the solution to the problems of society.
  • Intervenes in the struggle. Red Flag’s socialist politics won’t just mean general arguments for socialism. Red Flag will be an interventionist paper, bringing socialist arguments to the debates of today about how we can best mount a fightback, what tactics and strategies are needed to take on the right. And while Red Flag will fight for the views of Socialist Alternative, the paper will also be a forum in which crucial questions on the left can be debated.

Why Red Flag?

The red flag is the most widely recognised symbol of socialism, rebellion, workers struggle and internationalism. It has a history stretching from soldier mutinies and the American Revolution in the 18th century, to the Russian Revolution and May 68 in the 20th century, to the student rebellions and worker demonstrations of today.

We want the paper to be identified with this tradition of struggle and solidarity.

Join us for a night of drinks, food and discussion, and help celebrate the arrival of a new voice on the radical left.

Melbourne launch: Saturday 15 June, 6:30pm

Paul Le Blanc – Author of Marx, Lenin and the Revolutionary Experience
Corey Oakley – co-editor, Red Flag
Speaker from Green Left Weekly

Sydney launch: Saturday 15 June, 6:30pm

Gelbe Town Hall, speakers to be announced.

Brisbane launch: Friday 14 June, 6pm

Kurilpa Hall, 174 Boundary St, West End

Canberra launch: Sunday 16 June, 2:30pm

King O'Malley's Irish Pub, 131 City Walk, Civic

Subscribe now

Special introductory offer: 5 issues for $10

Six month subscription (12 issues): $35 / $60 solidarity

Twelve month subscription (24 issues): $70 / $120 solidarity


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  • Published by Socialist Alternative, Melbourne
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