
“We are going back to Palestine” – marchers cross into Palestine from the Golan Heights

Return to Palestine (Posters by Jamaa al-Yad.)

Editor’s Note: Over night (15 May 2011) there have been dramatic reports of an uprising by Palestinians from within and from the borders of Palestine.

One of the most dramatic was the Palestinian march from Syria breaking through the Golan Heights fence into Palestine (shown below). Equally dramatic were marches from Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan. People turned out in their thousands to break the apartheid wall created by Israel. Within Palestine there were demonstrations in Al Quds (East Jerusalem) and Ramallah. Palestinian flags flew in Tel Aviv for the first time since 1948.

The Palestinian people are making meaningless borders made by Israel and its allies in the United States and accepted for over 60 years by the United Nations.

There are no borders, Palestine is Palestine. Israel’s troops have sentenced Palestinians to hope.

Below is a brief roundup of these dramatic events.
Thousands of Palestinians are demanding the right of return from the Ayn al-Shams in Majdal Residents of the Golan welcome them.

Popular march to Palestine.
The part of the Arab campaign for the Liberation of Palestine … in conjunction with the Global Campaign III
May 14, 2011 – IraqiBeacon (translated from the Arabic)

The Egyptian revolution is not complete until the liberation of Jerusalem —
“Liberation of Jerusalem starts with Cairo” was the motto that the Egyptians since the demonstrations in support of the second intifada at the beginning of the millennium, which increased after the political and social unrest, until the revolution in Egypt recently.

Now that the regime in Egypt has begun to crumble and fall, so too the Zionist entity’s most important ally. Israel seeks  to neutralize the forces of the Libyan Egyptian struggle against Zionism, despite the clarity of public awareness that the struggle against the regime is a struggle against Zionism and colonialism.

East Jerusalem

Cairo – Organising in Tahrir Square
So let us march on the anniversary of the Nakba graduated from Tahrir Square and the provinces to Palestine in order to:

1. Emphasis on the right of return for all refugees and displaced Palestinians.

2. Demand to open the Rafah crossing in front of the entire people and cargo.

3. Demand to stop the export of Egyptian natural gas (in a final, regardless of price) to the Zionist entity, and the abolition of all agreements, humiliating, and cut off all trade relations, political and cultural him.

4. Demanding the release of all Palestinian detainees in Egyptian prisons.

In the context of the struggle to achieve the primary goal: the liberation of all occupied territory, and an end to the Zionist project in the region.

According to sources in the field for “NOW Lebanon” that “after warnings repeated by the Lebanese army to the citizens of Palestinians to stay away from the barbed wire of the alignment of Maroun al-Ras, and after they refused and kept throwing stones at the Israeli side, the intervention of the Lebanese army, and arrivedat the alignment of the tape, where he began began shooting in the air to disperse the Palestinians, asking them to return to their places of residence, for their own safety, “pointing to” the fall of the 4 dead and 30 wounded. “—Now Lebanon

That lousy Lebanese Army: Wlah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This failure of an army–perhaps one of the most failed attempt of armies–shot today at demonstrators against Israeli at the Lebanese border after Israeli occupation war criminals killed and injured protesters. — Angry Arab

Tahrir Square, Cairo

  • Rally in Tahrir Square at the ninth on the morning of Saturday, May 14, 2011
  • Move to the Rafah crossing in buses at 12 noonStop at Suez for the docking of solidarity with the convoy, which starts from there on the same dayEntering the Gaza Strip and overnight on the night of the anniversary of the Nakba field of the Unknown Soldier
  • Participate in the marches of the Nakba in the Gaza Strip on May 15
  • Return to Cairo on the evening of Sunday, May 15
  • While held a sit in front of the house of the Zionist ambassador in Cairo, Maadi, and on the Zionist embassy in Giza, and the Zionist Consulate in Alexandria, beginning of march and moved an hour until her return.
  • Wait for all the revolutionaries of Egyptians to join us

Participating organisations

- Free, Cairo University – Free, Ain Shams University – National Front for Justice and Democracy – Ansar al-Palestinian revolution – Cairo University – Youth Movement for Justice and Freedom – Kefaya – We are all resistance movement – A resistance movement – Helwan University – Al-Karama – Ultras group vested – Group Ultras Bra – A group of activists for Palestine – Independent – Palestinian Women’s Organization

Syria – Golan Heights PressTV – ‘Israel tanks heading towards Lebanon’ - Dozens of Israeli tanks are reportedly heading towards Lebanon’s border with Israel.

Palestinians killed in ‘Nakba’ clashes – Middle East – Al Jazeera English.Ramallah and Gaza City

Thousands gather to mark ‘Nakba Day’

Mass rallies expected in Ramallah and Gaza City as Palestinians commemorate 63rd anniversary of their “Catastrophe”.

Sources: Iraqi Beacon, Revolutionary Socialists Cairo 14 May 2011, Press TV, Al Jazeera, BBC Radio 4. Posters by Jamaa al-Yad.

3 Responses to “We are going back to Palestine” – marchers cross into Palestine from the Golan Heights

  1. Letter to editor of the Sydney Morning Herald

    Letter to editor of the Sydney Morning Herald

    Dear Editor

    How about applying Occam’s Razor to Israel’s claims that the Nakba Day protests on it’s borders were an Iranian provocation (Israel Points Finger Over Co-ordinated Incursions by Refugees, SMH May 17)?

    These protesters had homes, farms and orchards in Palestine until they were violently ousted and banned from ever returning by Israel; isn’t this sufficient motivation for their assault on Israel’s fences which cut them off from their own land and families?

    Please note that Byron Bay’s Nakba Day commemoration on Main Beach was NOT inspired by Iran but by common human decency!

    Gareth & Maxine
    Byron bay

  2. Ray on Israel's 'Right to Exist'

    Some 20 unarmed Palestinians were killed on Nakba Day protesting against expulsion, colonisation, occupation, and discrimination. Will Kevin Rudd lobby for a no fly zone? No he won’t! The reasons for his enthusiasm for a no fly zone over Libya are obviously not out of concern for the killing of unarmed protesters.

    Israeli Soldiers at trampled fence in the GolanI was reading an interesting article by Joseph Massad (Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University in New York) called “The rights of Israel” (06 May 2011) which analyses such “rights” far deeper than the ficticious narrative of having a “right” to exist. (In international law, countries are recognised as existing de facto and de jure, but there is no notion that any country has a “right to exist”, let alone that other countries should recognise such a right. Israel required in the past that the PLO recognise their “right to exist” before negotiations could be held, and the PLO recognised “Israel’s right to exist in peace within secure boundaries”, but since then Israel began to specifically require recognition of the “right to exist as a Jewish state” which the PLO will not extend.)

    Massad points out the futility of negotiations where Israel invokes rights that are solely recognised at the national level by the Israeli state itself and, despite such “rights” not being based on international law or UN resolutions, countries like the United States, Canada, Britain and Australia invoke such rights in support of Israel and vote in the U.N. against any progress towards a settlement.

    Palestinians and most of the international community, represented by the United Nations and the myriad resolutions its Security Council and General Assembly issued since 1948, consider that what is to be negotiated is the colonisation of land, the occupation of territory and population, and the laws that stipulate ethnic and religious discrimination in Israel, which, among other things, bar Palestinian refugees from returning to their land and confiscate their property.

    So for the Palestinians aim of the negotiations would be to end colonisation, occupation, and discrimination. But for Israel the aim of negotiations are to safeguard its rights (which it has legislated itself to colonise Palestinian lands, occupy them, and discriminate against non-Jews) against any threats that could endanger these rights, foremost among them the threat of negotiations. Its right to defend itself is a right to uphold these rights and is therefore a subsidiary, if essential, right deriving from its right to be a Jewish state. The logic goes as follows: Israel has (through its own laws) the right to colonise and occupy Palestinian land and to discriminate against Palestinians whether in Israel within its pre-1967 boundaries or in the additional territories it occupied in 1967, and if this population resists these measures and Israel responds with military violence causing massive civilian casualties, Israel would simply be “defending” itself as it must and should.

    The whole article is at

  3. No trade with apartheid Israel

    No trade with apartheid Israel
    Location: Outside Sofitel Hotel, 249 Turbot St
    Time: Wednesday, 18 May 2011 07:00am

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