Blog Archives


G20: dissent, police powers and international reviews of security implement

[Editor's Note: This was put out by Caxton Legal Centre Inc, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University and The University of Queensland] Thursday, 26 September 2013 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Banco Court 415 George Street #Ground floor Brisbane, … Continue reading


Rally & March to Stop Black Deaths in Custody

from Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy Saturday, Sept 28th, 12 pm at Qld Parliament on the corner of Alice and George Streets … Rally to stop Black Deaths in Custody on the anniversary of John Pat’s death in police custody.


Cuba Friendship Video night – The Trial: The Untold Story

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The Australia–Cuba Friendship Society (Brisbane) invites you to a video showing: The Trial: The Untold Story Wednesday 25 September 2013 6.30 p.m. QCU Level 2 16 Peel St South Brisbane Entry: by donation or please bring a plate. The Trial … Continue reading


letter to dpp/new dic/peter clark fund

find below a copy of the letter to the dpp, for the second time, urging his office to proceed the matters of adam salter, roberto laudisio curti and the latest referral from the police integrity commission dealing with the events … Continue reading


Capital can’t be reasoned with …

Capital can’t be reasoned with … the importance of affective politics by Joseph Kay Sep 19 2013 10:10 When we limit ourselves to reasoned critique we cut ourselves off from the everyday experiences of life under capitalism from which any … Continue reading


Refugees, sea shepherds, and bankers…

Hi folks, Greetings from France, where the European leg of my world tour has begun…  Next is Germany, Denmark, Norway and Belgium, then North America.  The venue for tomorrow’s gig in Freiburg, Germany has been changed due to harassment by … Continue reading


Mounting fear in Darwin camps among Vietnamese asylum seekers

[Editor's Note: Why do Australians go as tourists to countries (like Vietnam) that experience such poverty and social turmoil? What benefit does it do impoverished Vietnamese people to watch wealthy western tourists traipse around their country slinging a few dollars … Continue reading


RoadMap to Apartheid

[PShift (4zzz fm 102.1 Fridays at noon) broadcast on 20 Sept 2013 - 'Roadmap to Apartheid'] Six years ago, almost to the day, a Palestinian citizen was killed by Israeli forces on Wednesday morning in Al-’Ayn refugee camp, west of … Continue reading


Resurrection of powerful building regulator under examination

by Steve Riggall, Reporter & Co-ordinator 4ZZZ  News fm 102.1 Brisbane Fri, Sep 20, 2013 – 12:51pm After striding into office after a comfortable election victory, Mr Abbott and his team are invoking that magical political word much beloved by … Continue reading


Feminism and the crisis in the British Socialist Workers Party

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Feminism and the crisis in the British Socialist Workers Party Feminism and the crisis in the British Socialist Workers Party Freedom Socialist Party Statement Toward the end of 2012, two members of the British Socialist Workers Party charged a national … Continue reading