
Cuba Friendship Video night – The Trial: The Untold Story

The Australia–Cuba Friendship Society (Brisbane) invites you to a video showing:

The Trial: The Untold Story
Wednesday 25 September 2013
6.30 p.m.
QCU Level 2
16 Peel St South Brisbane

Entry: by donation or please bring a plate.

The Trial is a documentary by Rolando Almirante, narrated by Danny Glover, telling the story of the unjust treatment of five Cubans who went to the United States to uncover planned terrorism against Cuba.

mail attachment4The Five were falsely accused by the U.S. government of committing espionage conspiracy against the United States, and other related charges. This film provides a shocking chronology of terrorist attacks against Cuba over the last forty plus years resulting in many deaths and massive property destruction, and reveals the huge miscarriage of justice in the trial of the Cuban Five.

For more Information:
07 3848 5208

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