
Swim for Palestine at Byron Bay Ocean Classic

Amidst members of the 2012 Australian Olympic team and Iron Men and Women competitors  with be the Free Palestine contingent in the race from Wategos to Main Beach Byron Bay 2.2kms

We are swimming to raise money for the Middle East Childrens’ Alliance so Palestinian kids can have clean drinking water despite Israel’s best efforts to desiccate them.

You can sponsor us by making donations at MECA

To help meet the basic needs of Palestinian children and give them opportunities to learn, play, and envision a better future.

  • Install units for clean drinking water in Gaza schools
  • Support community arts, sports, counseling and media programs
  • Deliver medical aid
  • Provide scholarships for Palestinian university students
  • Build playgrounds in Palestinian neighborhoods and refugee camps

MECA is a tax-exempt 501(c) 3 organization. Your gift is tax-deductible.

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Swim from Wategos beach to Main beach,
10:00am, Sunday, 6 May 2012
The little sister to the longer race is a Mini-swim, being run for the fifth year. Designed for the novice, the nervous and the nippers, the swim’s starting age is nine years.

Byron Bay Ocean Classic Swim
Wategos Beach
Sunday, 6 May 2012

Race Begins
Staggered from 10:00am at Wategos Beach, Sunday May 6, 2012
Beach or water start depending on conditions on the day.

See facebook page to give your support –

Gareth Smith and Ian Curr

Palestinians crossing the border in the Golan – We are going back to Palestine!

5 Responses to Swim for Palestine at Byron Bay Ocean Classic

  1. Duncan Shipley-Smith

    Much respect yo you two fellows for completing the swim despite the weather and the cancellation of the event.

    Raising donations for MECA by swimming against a king tide is a statement in and of itself!

    Let the children of Palestine know. I am sure it will lift their spirits.

    See also

  2. Lachlan Hurse

    Sue and I have put in money as well. Hope the swim goes well.

  3. Hello everyone,

    I recently discovered these superb resources on Palestine available from Alternative Radio, Boulder, Colorado ( They are available in MP3, CD or transcript (either download or print).

    Ian Curr (Workers Bush Telegraph – and myself are participating in the Byron Bay Ocean Classic Swim on May 6. We would welcome sponsorship however small with the funds going to the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA – which provides clean drinking water, play and therapeutic resources for Palestinian children.

    Best wishes,

    Gareth Smith
    MOB: 0422 298 165

    “The sleep of reason produces monsters” Goya
    “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” Voltaire
    “If we do not do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable.” Murray Bookchin

  4. Request for sponsors

    Thanks Joseph for your kind donation.

    This is a callout for donations to be made to provide clean drinking water for Palestinians living in difficult circumstances under military rule. We are asking for sponsors of the swim to send donations to:

    Details of the swim are above. So far we have two swimmers and a possible third doing the 2.2 km swim from Watego to Byron main beach.


  5. Donation made JosephM

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