On responses to NSW Fires

Stop NSW Fire Cuts As brave firies fight the worst bushfires to hit NSW in 45 years, you might be shocked to learn that the O’Farrell government has cut $70 million from the budget resulting in multiple fire station closures — putting lives at risk, just at the moment we most need protection. “Budget cuts […]

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ACTU on coming attack on building workers: ABCC

ACTU: THE new government’s revamped building watchdog is beginning to take shape and it will surprise no-one that it will be almost identical to the organisation established by the Howard Government to attack building workers’ rights. Last week, the worst suspicions were confirmed when it was announced that two notorious WorkChoices-era officials would be put […]

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The Epochal Crisis

The Epochal Crisis by John Bellamy Foster Monthly Review Press It is an indication of the sheer enormity of the historical challenge confronting humanity in our time that the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, sometimes now called the Second Great Depression, is overshadowed by the larger threat of planetary catastrophe, raising the question […]

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Wal King and Leightons

AbbottPM vows to restore the anti-union ABCC with extreme policing powers against building unions legitimate union action (search ABCC), but of course does not apply such repression against the building employers. Who’s Who? Wal King AO here is the Age expose Going Rogue October 4, 2013 by Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker Read here: http://www.theage.com.au/national/going-rogue-20131004-2uzy5.html#ixzz2h1iCAUla […]

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IPCC: capitalism is the barrier

IPCC head Pachauri: working class ‘humanity’s only hope’ The working class is humanity’s only hope in the battle against global warming, the world’s top climate expert declared today as he presented the most overwhelming case ever made that capitalism is responsible for artificially prolonging (and expanding) the use of fossil fuels. Rajenda Pachauri, the chairman […]

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Indonesia: The Act of Killing

I saw this must see documentary ‘The Act of Killing’ last night at Darwin’s open-air Deckchair cinema as part of the International Film Festival. What we can discuss is that Australia’s political leaders Liberals/ALP from the 1960′s on wards was in support the murderous fascist Suharto regime. This film gives some idea of the slaughter […]

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Northern Australian integration with US strategic planning

Re-balancing the American alliance: Northern Australian integration with US strategic planning by Richard Tanter Nautilus Institute and the University of Melbourne ” Australia is not so much hosting US military bases, but is becoming a virtual American base in its own right.” Keynote address to the symposium organised by The Northern Institute of Charles Darwin […]

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Michael Lebowitz: Some explanations of the fall of ‘real socialism’

Fall of ‘real socialism’ By Michael Lebowitz September 13, 2013 — The Bullet, posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal with permission. This essay is from a talk given to the Centre for Political Emancipation in Belgrade, Serbia, on May 6, 2013. It can also be seen above and on YouTube. — Why did […]

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Don’t mourn: sing

Rebel Diaz said music is resistance, it’s the voice of the poor, here are a selection of songs, to inspire, enlighten, entertain, sooth a broken heart and steel your nerves for the 3-year challenge that lay ahead. As I posted this, I was listening to the CD Woody Guthrie at 100! Live at the Kennedy […]

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