Category: social movements

25 Sep


Declaration Antifascist Meeting 2013, 5-6 Oct Athens


new photo

From ΚΕΕΡΦΑ / KEERFA- Movement United Against Racism and the Fascist Threat. The cold-blooded murder of 34 year old artist Pavlos Fyssas in Keratsini by thugs of the Golden Dawn in a Nazi ambush has sent shockwaves through millions of people, not only in Greece but around the whole world. Eight months ago, it was a [...]

23 Sep


The modern crisis of Australian Laborism (Part 2)


What happens now?

By MARC NEWMAN This article continues the analysis of Labor’s crisis — especially in terms of its meaning for trade unions and social movements — begun here. Despite the defeat of the ALP, the election was not a crushing victory for the conservatives. Fewer seats fell than expected, and some of the LNP gains in the lower [...]

23 Jun


Marxism & social movements: Dialogue to printed page



I’m excited to be able to say that I have a chapter contribution in the just released ‘Marxism and Social Movements’ book, which is part of the Historical Materialism book series. I’ve read a number of the contributions, and it a really exciting engagement between social movement theory and Marxist approaches to collective action. On [...]

30 Dec

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2012 in review: The year that politics disoriented the Left


Immigrants protest against Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn

Just before 2012 closes out, I’m reposting my last Overland blog of the year, which originally appeared here. In some ways it is a summing up of themes we have developed at Left Flank since we started in mid-2010; chiefly in our attempts to present not just a general ideological or theoretical approach to the [...]

13 May


The Greek inferno: First the unravelling, then the rupture


SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras at a pre-election rally in Athens

Read mainstream accounts of the massive electoral realignment in Greece and you notice a strange use of terminology. The pro-austerity parties — especially conservative New Democracy and centre-Left PASOK — are called “pro-bailout” and “moderate”, while the parties that oppose austerity are called “extremist” and “hard-line”. And there’s a tendency to portray the rise of new [...]

21 Dec

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Interface Journal: New issue on ‘Feminism, women’s movements and women in movement’


Photo of Cairo street art by Hossam el-Hamalawy. A new issue of the journal Interface was released last week, announcement below.  Volume 3/2 (November 2011): Feminism, women’s movements and women in movement Issue editors: Sara Motta, Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Catherine Eschle, Laurence Cox Volume three, issue two of Interface, a peer-reviewed e-journal produced and refereed by social movement practitioners [...]

Filed under: feminism, social movements

25 May

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An exciting mix of 1968 and 1789, but where next for the #spanishrevolution?


> Special Guest Post from Barcelona by Gemma Galdon Clavell On 22 May, a week after thousands of people across Spain turned a series of demonstrations into massive sleep-ins that are still holding strong, the conservative Popular Party (PP) won a historic victory in the municipal and regional elections. During the ensuing celebration of the [...]

23 May

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Interface Journal: Repression and Social Movements


> A new issue of the journal Interface was released today: Repression and Social Movements.  I’m the Oceania editor, and am currently seeking a co-editor to assist me with South-East Asia. For our Australian readers, note there is an article by Liz Thompson and Ben Rosenzweig on international students and the education economy in Australia (‘Public policy is class war pursued by [...]

Filed under: social movements

06 Nov


What is politics?


So what is politics? For most, politics is that thing that happens in Canberra and on Macquarie Street. That thing to be ridiculed, not trusted, obsessed over and argued about. It is that thing external from us, happening ‘out there’ in other locations, and reported in the media. Yet politics is also a practice, or potential [...]