Announcing My Departure From The WPBandit Team
As of August 15th, 2013, I have left the WPBandit team. Don’t worry though! Everything will continue just as usual when it comes to the themes, updates and support. The difference will be that it is now handled by Jermaine alone, and not by us both, for some time ahead until the team expands again. I know that he has some good things coming ;-)
It’s been a fun journey starting small-scale as early as 2009, with a break in 2010 until the spring of 2011 when Jermaine and I together decided to launch WPBandit for real.
From 3000+ support forum answers, much mail correspondence, many themeforest pre-sale/support replies and plenty of theme-making, a lot has been learned from my side going through both highs and lows. When it comes to theme-making my main responsibility has been front-end. This means design, PSDs, CSS and HTML as well as applying existing PHP/JS functionality to new themes, some bits of jQuery, some documentation, setting up theme-specific admin panel options using Air framework and so on.
Our focus has always been on quality over quantity. Perfecting existing code structure of themes with major core restructuring several times may have halted our progress creating new themes a bit, but instead customers hopefully feel that they get a high-quality product when they purchase one! Typegrid is my personal favourite.
My reason for leaving is simply a strong longing for something new – I’m not quite sure of what yet, but I feel it will be clear soon enough!
So I say big thanks to our supporters who have made my journey here possible! Lastly I’d like to say I’m grateful to have been able to work with Jermaine for several years. A lot has been learned from my constant collaboration with him and I know that WPBandit is in good hands for the future!
Thank you all!
(If you have any questions unrelated to WPBandit for me, you can write to me here)