- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 45825
The Introit (from Latin: introitus, "entrance") is part of the opening of the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist for many Christian denominations. In its most complete version, it consists of an antiphon, psalm verse and Gloria Patri that is spoken or sung at the beginning of the celebration. It is part of the Proper of the liturgy; that is, the part that changes over the liturgical year.
In the Roman Rite of the Roman Catholic Church it is known as the antiphona ad introitum (Entrance antiphon), as in the text for each day's Mass, or as the cantus ad introitum (Entrance chant) as in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 47 and as in the First Roman Ordo (sixth to seventh century). In pre-1970 editions of the Roman Missal, the word Introitus was used, distinguished from the normal meaning of the word (entrance) by being capitalized. In Ambrosian chant and Beneventan chant, the counterpart of the Introit is called the "ingressa". In the Mozarabic, Carthusian, Dominican, and Carmelite Rites, it is called the "officium".
Dan Gibson - Introit
Leniwiec - Introit (official video) Przystanek Woodstock 2013
Introit by Fisher Tull
Introit & Kyrie - Requiem - Faure
Introit, Gaudeamus - St. Benedict, Gregorian Chant Fontgombault
Introit for the Requiem Mass and Kyrie
Psalm 100 Introit
William Sheller - Lux Aeterna - Introit
Introit i pieśń na wejście podczas liturgii ślubnej. Frombork
Introit Antiphons - Traditional Catholic Latin Mass Hymns
Zapraszamy do obejrzenia teledysku "Introit (pieśń na wejście)" promującego płytę zespołu Leniwiec - „Rozpaczliwie wolny. Piosenki Edwarda Stachury". Obraz powstał na Przystanku Woodstock w 2013 roku. Album: „Rozpaczliwie wolny. Piosenki Edwarda Stachury" Wydawca: Mystic Production Zespół: Leniwiec: http://www.leniwiec.eu Leniwiec na Facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Leniwie... Tytuł piosenki: "Introit (pieśń na wejście)" Tekst: Edward Stachura Muzyka: Paweł "Rusek" Wrocławski Klip zdjęcia: Mania Studio Klip montaż: BreakFreshGround: http://www.facebook.com/bfgOfficial Introit (pieśń na wejście) Chodź, człowieku, coś ci powiem Chodźcie wszystkie stany Kolorowi, biali, czarni Chodźcie zwłaszcza wy, ludkowie Przez na oścież bramy Dla wszystkich starczy miejsca Pod wielkim dachem n...
Introit by Fisher Tull performed by the 2010/2011 Alaska All-State Band conducted by Jack Stamp
Introit and Kyrie from Gabriel Faure's setting of the Requiem. Other sections of this setting here: Introit & Kyrie - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAQ58qeFhxQ Offertory - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxltYeXCU0A Sanctus - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_cVTi-rZcQ Pie Jesu - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUBtNl2JB1Y Agnus Dei - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1FKoPO-S2w Libera me - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0ynrd_4ZDE In Paradisum - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYQe_by2PL8 Sung by the Choir of St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Saint Benedict Gregorian Chant Monastic Choir of the Abbey of Notre Dame de Fontgombault Distributed by Clear Creek Abbey Order at: http://www.clearcreekmonks.org/_product_category/cds.html Missa Gaudeamus Feast of St. Benedict of Nursia INTROIT Gaudeamus omnes in Domino diem festum celebrantes sub honore Benedicti abatis de cujus solemnitate gaudent angeli et collaudant Filium Dei. (Ps. 47:2) Magnus Dominus et laudabilis nimis In civitate Dei nostri in monte sancto ejus. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
This is the introit for the Requiem Mass followed by the Kyrie.
Composer: Ryan Cayabyab. Release Date: 2001 Date Created: November 18, 2013 Video Created by: Ryan Cristian Dacanay. Note: The FIRST Lyrics in Youtube.
This video contains some antiphonal psalmody (lyrics listed below). The images are a variety of God's extraordinary creation of the animal kingdom. It would be impossible, especially in so short a video, to capture all of the stunning creatures of the world, but hopefully this video does justice in some regard. Glory to God the Creator of all! Here are the lyrics and English translation: Ad te levávi ánimam méam: Déus méus in te confído, non erubéscam: neque irrídeant me inimíci méi: étenim univérsi qui te exspéctant, non confundéntur. Vías túas, Dómine, demónstra míhi: et sémitas túas édoce me. Glória Pátri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sáncto. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in saécula saeculórum. Amen. Populus Sion, ecce Dominus veniet ad salvandas gentes: et auditam facie...
There's an angel resting on my shadow
There's a haven in every breath I breathe
There's an ancient love beyond tomorrow
There's a fragrant hymn that's beckoning
He's the fire in the winter
He's the light that shines on shades of gray
Like the rays across the ocean
The jewel of all my days
There's a table laid for all who hunger
There's a feast for every soul in need
There's a sacred place for all who wander
There's a Saviour in the barren land of thieves
He's the fire in the winter
He's the light that shines on shades of gray
Like the rays across the ocean
The jewel of all my days
I will ever sing, sonnets rendering
The very heart of me to heaven