Insatiable lust for murder
Greedy for desire
No sorrow stops my inclination
An inner burning fire
The war within my pulsing brain
Keeps me separated
From those who never understand
Blind and desecrated
Red eyes are watching you
Immaculated cruel
You earn what you desever
No chance for your rebirth
It's just a battleground
For dissapointed hounds
My scorn will be your fate
That's what hell can create
The laughter of the useless man
Seems to me like promises
I raped and loved with silent pleasure
Not just in fantasies
I know there's nothing I can do
To kill the beast of thunder
They fed me with their inspirations
Escort me to the abbatoir
Red eyes are watching you
Immaculated cruel
You earn what you desever
No chance for your rebirth
It's just a battleground
For dissapointed hounds
My scorn will be your fate
That's what hell can create
Stripped of all my dignity
Thoughts of suicide
No conscience and no regret
Anger form the skies
The wall of silence starts to fall
I'm gonna go with pride
Piece by piece the truth reborn
Death to my delight
Red eyes are watching you
Immaculated cruel
You earn what you desever
No chance for your rebirth
It's just a battleground
For dissapointed hounds
My scorn will be your fate
My vacant art just imitate
A vacant nameless life
The knowledge of the victory
With vervent demonized
I'll bring up all my biggest guns
For those who never mind
Submission and duplicity
Don't want to lose my stripes
Warwhoops sounds from far beyond
In duration of my sense
My urges are revealed
The trade of war it makes me tense
Abilities to a man
Not firing a shot
Repentence of my inner soul
Can't help me to forget
Warlike Conspiracy
Nobody hears my inner voice
Imploring to his grace
I turn my servile face to god
But his face was turned away
My comrades diving hand in hand
The bullets struck 'em down
I followed them without a fear
The mating call of war
Warlike Conspiracy
My vacant art just imitate
A vacant nameless life
The knowledge of the victory
With vervent demonized
My comrades diving hand in hand
The bullets struck 'em down
I followed them without a fear
On your knees
Praying at the burial ground
Mistrustful eyes of intimacy
Pointing the way to the other side
You hear the screams of a million souls
Unguarded and left to their own resouces
Where time turned into a frozen block
And even the water of life
You will die!
Wander in the valley
As you reach for the sky
With hollow shells of faded dreams
Time bomb ticking has just begun
To make reprisals on what I have done
Like grains of sand that fall from my hand
The fate I feel is drawing near
Shackles in my brain losing so fast
Waiting to unfold
Mummified bodies
Elixer of life wasting away
Perpetual glares of those who are delivered
Entombed in the debris of honour and blood
A sinful voice that prophesied
Death becomes easy just close your eyes
Incantation of freedom so urgent and true
Blessed to taste a life of sin
My mind in constant pain
The piece that's always left behind
Just a morbid game
Taking your reverse
Open up your eyes
Your intact world will be destroyed
My short breath is by your side
There's nothing I can do
To stop me now
Wanted dead
The final sacrifice
Wanted dead
To preserve my reign
Who will write my story down
My emptiness to fill
The ocean of my hopeless thoughts
My hand for you to feed
Emotions blazed on fire
Segments of my life
The smile that's on my twisted face
Another sign that lies
There's nothing you could do
To stop me now
Wanted dead
The final sacrifice
Wanted dead
To preserve my reign
It's never been too late
Just to ease the pain
Caught between your legs
Suffering the dead
Reign upon your world
I've never sworn the oath
The secrets kept so long
I'll tell you now
Blessed to taste a life of sin
My mind in constant pain
The piece that's always left behind
It's just a morbid game
Taking your reverse
Open up your eyes
Your intact world will be destroyed
My short breath is by your side
There's nothing you can do
To stop me now
Wanted dead
The final sacrifice
Wanted dead
To preserve my reign
Wanted dead
Wanted dead
The malediction of a wicked breed
Total exhibition by political supreme
They look away and keep restrained cause money doesn't smell
Don't wanna hear the cries, forever damned in hell
Mind decapitation
TV Strangulation
Insane misdeeds without a trace
Nobody sees your smiling face
Visual Buggery
Barbarically electrified by terror and by pain
Consuming the irreverance, enjoyment for the brain
Depravation of a brutish world where death is still refined
Improving the occasion, corroded from inside
Mind decapitation
TV Strangulation
Insane misdeeds without a trace
Nobody sees your smiling face
Visual Buggery
You lock the doors, still breathing hot
With penchant for decease
Fingers crawling to the place
Where the serpent live
Incinerated feelings, unscrupulously dumped
Fingers crawling to the gun
To seal your morbid fate
Mind decapitation
TV Strangulation
Insane misdeeds without a trace
Nobody sees your smiling face
It's time to die
Death stands behind the door
Satan sends his warriors
Demons break out of hell
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Outbreak of evil
With swords and axes
They fight hard
In a massacre
They feel the hot smart
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Outbreak of evil
Jesus cries
None can survive
People will destroy
Souls like hell
Where demons make a toy
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Outbreak of evil
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Outbreak of evil
Jesus cries
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Eine Klingel ohne Namen, nirgends registriert
finstere Gestalten wohin man sieht
Am Tage noch da haben sie Versicherungen vertickt
doch in der Nacht werden sie zu Monstern
fernab von Frau und Kind
Auf der Suche nach frischem Fleisch
wie Wölfe im Schafspelz zu allem bereit
Leichen pflastern euren Weg
Im Angesicht des Todesvom Goldrausch gelenkt
Reichtum und Wahnsinn, veränderte Werte
von Habgier geprägt, Mafiageschäfte
Mit Luxuslimousinen durchs Revier
und wer nicht spurt wird eliminiert
Auf der Suche nach...
Doch irgendwann werden Jäger zu Gejagten
aus Herrenmenschen werden Sklaven
Eure Schreie verhallen ungehört
denn der Tod wirft seine Schatten voraus
Sitting on a throne of genocide
Our master regal and glory
Subject for suppressions land
Fairness find no place to expand
All his soldiers di to live
In labyrints of death
Buring temples in town of spell
Prepared for damnation to hell
Young blood envoyed
From endless starlight
Behats in right season
For ending the treason
Betrayed, forgotten and alone
Our mighty child is born
You confirm me by oath with magic signs
Possesses from your masterhs brightness
You bring me forms of ever open eyes
Token erect of thorny thigh
In his tyrannical lust
He kills and tortured all who sreams
"In god we trust"
Raise the merciless fight
Against a wird might
Come on, lets overthrow only chance
Change of sovereign is our deliverance
Company of heaven has sent us a chosen apostle
To the treasure of the damned
Blessing no longer be poured the mystical lord
Covered with rich headdress
He will proceed his way over the line
Furious as tiger
Once the tower rocked and cracked beneath its lash
Caught inextinguishable fire
Conqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
The lord of host gave ear into his sing
Intolerable blackness helms him
Only the lightning from his hand that sits
When usurping tyrants fall
An unsullied maid baffles his seductions and his ire
Pines in the poison
Compassion is the vice of kings
Stamp down the wrelched weakConqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
You are not of the slaves that perish
Pity them not
Tear down that lying spectre of centuries
Vices and virtues words
We'll hide in a smash of sorrow
You shall fear
Let your rites be rightly performed
With joy and beauty
Conqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
Insanity holds me tight
The lowest forms of my life
Fortification and gleam
To start the fire in me
Breaking all the rules
To bread my fear through you
Wrath is all you can see
Murder in the first degree
The enemy inside
I'm gonna lose my mind
The enemy inside
Waiting for the crime
Why have you been so blind
No religion feeds my mind
If blood runs warm and red
I'll leave you when you're dead
All promises I'll break
Every smile is just a fake
You're waiting for my caress
Incubation of your ashes
The enemy inside
I'm gonna lose my mind
The enemy inside
Waiting for the crime
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
Why have you been so blind
No religion feeds my mind
If blood runs warm and red
I'll leave you when you're dead
All promises I'll break
Every smile is just a fake
You're waiting for my caress
Incubation of your ashes
Tell me what you want to be
Your dream is my reality
Messing around with a gun
Can't undo what I've done
Can't undo what I've done
Reaching for the sky
Somebody's help to respite
Uncontrolled satisfaction
Response to your reaction
The enemy inside
I'm gonna lose my mind
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
Waiting for the crime
Armed and ready I sit in a room
Vanishing power
A sting in my arm
Blood pours on the floor
Final hour
The one that got me out of the grave
Always there
Don't know what he's aiming at
Do not dare
Never regain...
Tapping the vein
Darkness all around me
I can't see
A door that's never really open
Not for me
The shock of recognition now
I will die
Mind distortion weird thoughts
Tell me why...I'm going insane...
Tapping the vein
Still got my gun my only friend
Through it all
Can't pull the trigger no final shot
Can't you hear my call?
Venomous poison lethal liquid
Pumping through my veins
Physical destruction
Psychic interruption
Dying brain
Never regain...
Tapping the vein
Say your little prayer to god every day
And you will not burn in hell
You think the way you live you life is right
But I think it is not
Your mind's fucked up by serving
Some one you don't know
You don't if it's real
If you really wanna bop then find
Some one and bop until the end of timeJesus
Say your prayers to god every day
And you all will burn in hell
The lies they tell you won't come true
And in the end you simply die
Source and seed of misanthropy
Is the age of inquisition
Where kings and queens got the power
To lay down immoral religions
Pursuit of innocent flesh
Shredding of their blood
Plundering and robbing
A thousand natural lusts
Hypnotised by the smell of death
Stiff walking to the stake
Amusement, tar and feathers
You are gonna loose your faith
Delivered from the hell's great fear
Spirits lost in gloom
Seek them in their dread abode
Tarred and feathered
Beautiful red-haired ladies
They got put in the pillory
Skinned alive or stoned to death
Broken on the wheel
Sanguinary with arms across
The king watched the scenery
Exorcised and quartered
In the shambles of sinHypnotised by the smell of death
Stiff walking to the stake
Amusement, tar and feathers
You are gonna loose your faith
Delivered from the hell's great fear
Spirits lost in gloom
Seek them in their dread abode
Tarred and feathered
Hypnotised by the smell of death
Stiff walking to the stake
Amusement, tar and feathers
You are gonna loose your faith
Delivered from the hell's great fear
Spirits lost in gloom
Seek them in their dread abode
Tarred and feathered
Tarred and feathered
Tarred and feathered
Well everybody's heard about the bird
Bird bird bird
Bird is the word
Don't you know about the bird
Well everybody knows that the bird is a word
Bird bird bird bird is a word
They curse the day
When I was born
Mentally deranged
Fits of raving madness
Immolate beyond the grave
Celebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
I hear you cry
But slow and sure
Your skin will be my toy
Death becomes
Second nature to me
My heart expands with joy
Celebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
Liquidation and supreme sacrifice
Deeply afflicted faces
Appetising body odour
Anguish but rest in pieces
Celebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
They want stop to carry on a ruthless exploitation
They want to see him die, blood and despoliation
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
From the depth he rises,
Tracked and harpooned
Compassion in his eyes,
Death is coming soon
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consentMysterious voices like setting up a wail
Songs of pain and sorrow that sounds from far away
Murderous, predatory, scrupulous, SCUM
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
Good-natured giants
The masters of the sea
Telling us a story
The faith of Moby Dick
I saw your face in the crowd
Impressed so deep inside my heart
Nothing gonna stop me now
Seduce this little whore
Your soul was dipped in venom
Your dignity with angel's words
Sweetness of your dirty love
That makes me feel so good
Refracting the light of my dreams
Darkening the sun of my hopes
Like silhouette of dissimulation
Like a shadow of damnation
Riding on a train I cannot control
Through all the pain, through all the sorrow
It's just the passion I demand
It's just the road that never endsRefracting the light of my dreams
Darkening the sun of my hopes
Like silhouette of dissimulation
Like a shadow of damnation
You are acting on your playground
To see me creep and crawl
God-awful my dependence
Upon this greedy soul
Lacerated by your passion
The devil seems to be with you
Secret wishes, satisfaction
Emotions of a fool
Refracting the light of my dreams
Darkening the sun of my hopes
Like silhouette of dissimulation
Like a shadow of damnation
Like a shadow of damnation
Like a shadow of damnation
Like a shadow of damnation
Do you see
All the dreg of humanity
Rank and file
That looks at me
Creeping out of gloomy holes
Like dirty lousy rats
Soiling up this peaceful place
With all their rotten shit
Every inch
Holding in contempt
The dignity of man
Coloured whipping boys
Victimised by their foolish hate
Defenceless like a toy
When they go to their fateScum
Marching off
With the flags of lies
Get their ashes hauled
In a dreadful fight
Unscrupulous rapes
Beyond the grave
Embodies ghastly sights
Signed by cowardice
Precursors of the menace
Admonition of the death
Obscurity and secret force
What are these symbols standing for?
Gomorrah, mother of harlotry
Gomorrah, ascendancy forever
An insidious looking creature
Beneath the frantic fault
Ready to be delivered
The son of our lord
Gomorrah, abomination of the earth
Gomorrah, wrath and fornicationHe is crying with a resentful voice
Like a roaring lion
Sin city will burn he has no choice
They have to pay the price
Gomorrah, noisome grievous sore
Gomorrah, judgement of the whore
And their dead bodies
Shall lie in the streets
Where also our lord
Was crucified and killed
Gomorrah, downfall is near
Gomorrah, they didn't realise
Gomorrah, the have to disappear
Gomorrah, blessed are the dead
Honour the fallen heroes
See their last resting place
Perished in the battle of nations
Where they found eternal peace
Do you know the use of their decorations?
Awarded for patriotism
They left their life in fire
But don't know even why
Remember the fallen
Remember the fallen
To the command of despotic dictators
They marched to fight in a senseless war
Most of them were just puppets and children
The battle was lost before it beganBrotherly in heart and hand
Know that they never come back
With combined effort
And the believe in god
Their duty only as cannon fodder
Kamikaze as living bombs
Driven into the open knife
Deceitful and malicious
Remember the fallen
Remember the fallen
Their tormented souls will never rest
To pay us back for their innocent death
No quarter shed our proud blood
Retaliation on the warpath
Martydom and servitude
Psychosis of a rabid sickless brood
Esoteric dreams a foreign man
Nocturnal flush, frenzied and rude
Buried in a nameless grave
Stand up again the world to save
The fear of darkness and of death
An ormament wedge
Sigh by prophecy
Bestial thought
Drive me in corupt
Hungry belussions
Inseparable huminilty
So man I came with lance and sword
Lead once more the legions of lord
Thrill with lissome lust of light
Come careing out of the night
Ascent to the virceous circle
In an era of fright and terror
A holy document
Hold in hands of unknown
Eradication, opulence
And parish noise
Mephisto the oppressor
Makes me so I like to feel
But I cant believe its true
The day when I arrive the paradies
I flog my horse to the hills of violation
Return in my cenotaph to
The smell of death is all around
Cold violence we adore
The daily deads, man for breakfast
Shall life renew these bodies of the truth
Abused visions and shattered dreams
From this pain and misery
Just pray to summon up the dead
Condemned to the capital punishment
You rule the world
You drink their blood
Betray their souls
You think you've
Nothing to regret
Wounds are bleeding fresh
Illusions of freedom
The symbols of your destiny
Prophesies of blasphemies
The reverance that died within
They are creeping upon you
Hatred venom seeping through
You want to be the master's blast
Ain't no promises that will last
Feel increasing mindless pain
To the epicentre of my hate
You rule the world
You drink their blood
Betray their souls
You think you've
Nothing to regret
Wounds are bleeding fresh
Illusions of freedom
The symbols of your destiny
You rule the world
You drink their blood
Betray their souls
You think you've
Nothing to regret
Wounds are bleeding fresh
Illusions of freedom
The symbols of your destiny
Your touch is like a snakebite kiss
Your love is like a boon
A leader in my haggard dreams
Emotions of a fool
No way out
I'm spoiling you with my prurience
My sadness disappears
The way you told me bedside stories
Still pleasant to my ears
A willing and addictive girl
Wide open legs so tempting
The gleaming of her greedy eyes
Seduced me to come back
Your touch was like a snakebite kiss
Your love was like a boon
The leader in my haggard dreams
Give me a sign that you exist
At the threshold of entrance
I'm filled with hopes and yearning
To find a way beyond the death
Condemned to leave this awful world
Don't try to stop me I'm resolute
To commit suicide
You'll see the murder in my eyes
Something whispering in my ears
"Come on take my hand"
Rising up to the other side
Recovered from the badCondemned to leave this awful world
Don't try to stop me I'm resolute
To commit suicide
You'll see the murder in my eyes
Locked up in a hidden room
I have to pay the price
Carried away by the end of the light
Wonderful to die
Condemned to leave this awful world
Don't try to stop me I'm resolute
To commit suicide
You'll see the murder in my eyes
Secluded by generalities
No eyes saw them before
Exiled and damned from birth till death
Rejected by their parents
Locked up as beasts
No clergy brought their souls to bless
Never ending pain
In the hour of their death
Driven to their tomb
By never healing wounds
Nobody perceived the cries
No famine got appeased
In hospitals of infanticide
Killers camouflaged
As harmless pediatrist
Children found no place to hide
Never ending pain
In the hour of their death
Driven to their tomb
By never healing woundsNever ending pain
In the hour of their death
Driven to their tomb
By never healing wounds
With excrements soiled bodies
Starved by malnutrition
Whooping cough and AIDS disease
Now the regime is overthrown
Memorials are raised
But hopes to survive will freeze
Never ending pain
In the hour of their death
Driven to their tomb
By never healing wounds
you know there is a reason
why you never shouldn't trust
as their fury got released
undertaking blast
jumping on a mine
can't find refuge
your reign can now begin
ignoring your triumph
summon up the dead
tormening nightmares
revealed my darkest fear
dancing with the devil
see the staring eyes of rage
violence is just a friend
walking on the right way
jumping on a mine
jumping on a mine
can't find refuge
your reign can now begin
ignoring your triumph
summon up the dead
tormening nightmares
revealed my darkest fear
shellshock shades of darkness
valiant demise
i see my rent remains
'cause my cerebrations still alive
jumping on a mine
jumping on a mine
can't find refuge
your reign can now begin
ignoring your triumph
summon up the dead
tormening nightmares
revealed my darkest fear
There is a voice without a sound
I'm sure that killers are all around
United fools bewitched by words
These weapons take control
Unjustifiable vindication
Irreparable devastation
Now the seals forever broken
Captured all the miseries
So take my hand I'll be your guide
Bloodstains on the desert ground
One the battlefield of wrath
Who starts the war machine?
Face the fact
The final act
I wanna set your spirit free
Take this pain
Buried by hate
Disguise the evil
Lay down the law
I crawl into your tortured brain
Can't reciprocate your humanity
There is no escape from religious states
No final heal for mordancy
You never will release the wrath
Forever locked behind the walls
I'll leave you where you need to go
Awake the beast under the snow
An endless nightmare can't you see
That buried all humanity
You cannot fight the enemy
Who starts the war machine?
Face the fact
The final act
I wanna set your spirit free
Take this pain
Buried by hate
Disguise the evil
Lay down the law
There is a voice without a sound
I'm sure that killers are all around
United fools bewitched by words
These weapons take control
Unjustifiable vindication
Irreparable devastation
Now the seals forever broken
Captured all the miseries
So take my hand I'll be your guide
Bloodstains on the desert ground
One the battlefield of wrath
Who starts the war machine?
Face the fact
The final act
I wanna set your spirit free
Take this pain
Buried by hate
Disguise the evil
Lay down the law
Lay down the law
Wars are raging
Under their command
Like a locust plague
Descends upon the land
Sanguinary breeding bad blood
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Destroyed and defiled
As on a proving ground
infected atomised
Polluted world
Fire spreads at lightning speed
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perditionExterminations
Dying nations
The multitude
They didn't realise
The day when nature takes revenge
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Wars were raging
Humanoid serpents
Caused by the wasteland
The day when nature takes revenge
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Into perdition
Into perdition
I was granted no quarter
Because you forgot the rules
The words I said are
Sure to come true
Your empty promises
Treacherous and blind
Your deceitful lies call
The war back to my mind
I learnt a way to survive
The enemy to neutralise
They got no reason
Hunting season
I want to set the world on fire
Like a savage beast - A final desire
I burn my boats surrounded by danger
A soldier in hiding kicked out like a stranger
I learnt a way to survive
The enemy to neutralise
They got no reason
Hunting seasonI avail every chance
It's a pleasure for me
To slay one by one
To fight for liberty
Once a lieutenant in higher service
Now I'm nothing
A man without mercy
I learnt a way to survive
The enemy to neutralise
They got no reason
Hunting season
I want to set the world on fire
Like a savage beast - A final desire
I burn my boats surrounded by danger
A soldier in hiding kicked out like a stranger
I learnt a way to survive
The enemy to neutralise
They got no reason
Hunting season
I'm a powerkeg, ready to explode
Never admit defeat in the last resort
You better run to set you free
Because my bloodlust jerks my mind to kill
Don't search for help under attack
I bite like a dog perfidious like a rat
My eyes are blind, uncertain way to go
No force on earth can stop me now
Infected victims lumbering you way
You go right off the track, nobody escape
Pugnacious like a beast
Confessions in the dark
I want to hear your plaintive screams
That sound's so nice in my wildest dreams
I will never separate the sheep from the goats
Just want to see everyone in hell to roastInfected victims lumbering you way
You go right off the track, nobody escape
Pugnacious like a beast
Confessions in the dark
What is the use of your cry for help
Nobody hears the screams when you get scared
I can't explain how good it feels
But the day will come when I have to leave
Infected victims lumbering you way
You go right off the track, nobody escape
Pugnacious like a beast
Confessions in the dark
You try to fly with broken wings
You take off high to avoid the death
Gathering of minds
Gathering of minds
Diseased thoughts, you get scared
Declining years, nuclearised
Gathering of minds
Gathering of mindsPut up a fierce resistance
To the slow decay in you
When you fall into the black hole
Your body and your soul
Vitalities are atrophied
Hopes that fade away
Worthless gets your life
Like driving up foliage
Gathering of minds
Gathering of minds
Gathering of minds
Gathering of minds
You go your way, you are not alone
And ending is your thorny road
Under the seal of secrecy
Nobody will come to know the truth
Inpore with impeccability
Heinous deeds coming soon
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
Shady and envenomed
Feeble human monsters
Born to be exhibits
Deplorable strangeness
Devoted and obedient
For fear of being whipped
In a state of negativity
There is no retreat
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeatThey abuse before their master
The freak show can begin
Their sun is set they have to suffer
Death is deliverance
Thirst for revenge they flock together
With clubs, knives and all their weapons
To fight for rights and dignity
Slave driver is killed the freaks are freed
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
Arena filled with screaming crowd
In ecstasy they cry
Paid money for a pleasant show
Want to see him die
The matador in shining dress
Intent to prove his courage
Drove by rejoicing mass
It boils his pulsing blood
Exhibition bouts under the star of law
Men make pleasure in hanging gore
Cruelty to animals crime that won't get punished
Creatures treated as rubbish
With direct stabs into living flesh
To agonise the bull
No way out the fronts are clear
Take offensive jab it though
On and on ride to the fall
In danger of his life
Wounded find no place to hide
Death will soon arrive
Exhibition bouts under the star of law
Men make pleasure in hanging gore
Cruelty to animals crime that won't get punished
Creatures treated as rubbishBlood soaks and stains the parched ground
The slaughter to inaugurate
Duel between man and beast
Their eyes are filled with hate... hate... hate
He restrained fierce at the eleventh hour
Till death blows save his soul
No right to exist lamentation is law
His flesh served up a grub
Now finds piece in a better world
Where man and beast are one
Arena was filled with screaming crowd
He is dead and they are gone
Exhibition bouts under the star of law
Men make pleasure in hanging gore
Cruelty to animals crime that won't get punished
Creature treated as rubbish
From the dawn of time we came
To find the place of promise
Moving silently down
Through war disabled centuries
Living many secret lives
Unrecognised by human eyes
Struggling to reach the aim
To dwell in perpetuality
We are the messengers
Of inmost thought
Our words of confession
Fall away to nought
Domination of the universe
Contains our vital interests
Swift coursing blood of our veins
Cured the grieving pains
When the few who remain
Will battle to the last
For enchanted lands
Take charge of reign
Leave behind the past
Early history in our hands
Living in the land of promise
Beyond the other worldOur mission is done
Fear neither men nor fates
Pray for disease
But escape your soul
Duration of 100 lives
Get the worlds undoing
Because no one ever knows
We are among you
From the dawn of time we came
To find the place of promise
Moving silently down
Through war disabled centuries
Living many secret lives
Unrecognised by human eyes
Struggling to reach the aim
To dwell in perpetuality
She is searching for
A secret love affair
She hopes to find it
On the street
Do not care about the
Words of moralisers
Immaculate conception
Should it be
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
Rutting suitors are
Standing around
They'll go along with
Whatever she wants
But she prefers a cooch to eat
She likes to feel a butterfly queen
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in miseryThey get down to practice
Their ferocious games
These little ladies are going insane
Taking the chance and feeling so nice
Ecstasy, maltreated bodies brutalised by spite
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
Fear neither men nor fates
No laughter of the folk
No power of the heaven
Desolation of the earth
Worship blood and fire
Worship swords and spears
Damn them who have pity
Kill them who have tears
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Find ecstasy in vengeance
The joy of life and death
Raise yourself in pride
With courage and success
Pity not the fallen
You have never known
These evil ones shall cast away
Strike down them hard and low
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
DelightDespise also the cowards
The liars and the fools
They are the slaves that perish
They are the stupid brood
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
I am the god of war
Supreme and terrible one
My judgements true and righteous
Mourning will come
I am the flame that burns
In every heart of man
Revealed are all the secrets
Reborn are all the saints
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Your big brown eyes look sharp
Beneath your neck
I feel myself getting hard
Spread your crack
Hellfire and damnation
You sweat blood
You feel yourself well served
No you're not
Eat me!
Eat me!
Number one in your face
Number two on your cans
Orgasmic rush of lust
Rip off my pantsEat me!
Come on taste my candy cream
Do the cannibal for me
Built like a brick shithouse
Eat me!
Come on eat me!
Eat me!
(2:55)(Cover: Tank)
Get down six feet under
I wish she would, your fat blanket mother
She growls and roars like thunder
A mouth so big, the eighth world wonders
She wants me to throw her daughter away
And pick her up instead...
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Yes another cunning plot, to get me under her covers
Dior stockings and nothing on top
She ain't like a normal mother
I wish I was a million miles away
So I can't hear her say...
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)Don't don't walk away
Don't don't walk away
Don't don't walk away
When will this dreadful nightmare end?
I really don't want another
That fat blanket woman drives me round and bend
How can you get lower when hell is in the gutter
I wish I was a million miles away
So I can't hear her say...
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Euthanasia or amnesty
Takes you off the ground
Embrace your hopes
And pray to them
When your smile turns upside down
Silent noise in sleepless nights
Freeze your mind and blood
Think about your morbid life
Is there any god?
No postponement
Death by the law
At zero hour
Stops your beating heart
Your days are numbered
Your fate is sealed
When the bell rings twelve o'clock
Waiting for the message
No governor's reprieve
These guys just doing their jobNo postponement
Death by the law
At zero hour
Stops your beating heart
You have to live on charity
Not die a natural death
That brings your life so close
Of your own wrongful act
Come on man
It's time to go
Deliverance not so far
TV covered
Millions wait
Tonight you are the star
Belonging to an alliance
For better or for worse
Disloyalty gets punished
If you tear down the wall
Your strength of will, built on sand
Pootprints on your face
No dream and no reality
Will save you from yourself
No dream and no reality
Will save you from yourself
Code Red...
Discriminated without permission
Against the chosed one
Who was your bother hand in hand
When the war began
Infecting total facism
To a crawling wimp
They let you run the gauntlet
And worship their defeat
They let you run the gauntlet
And worship their defeat
Code Red...
Exasperated defamations
Barbarian rebirth
Mobilized the inner beast
Indulge your natural curse
Reclaiming of your dignity
Privacy lost in cries
Unheard, pounding screams of hate
At the wall of lies
Unheard, pounding screams of hate
At the wall of lies
Nuclear warheads are ready to fight
Total destruction the only might
We are all suicide, without brain
People are running and dying in pain
Burst command til war!
The overkill is near
Nobody feel the heavy fear
Thousand megatons dynamite
Wait to kill one life
Burst command til war!
We live our life in grieved desire
Our hopeless is getting higher
You cry for freedom, but nobody hear you
The end of the world is trueBurst command til war!
War, war, war
Burst command til war
Burst command til war
Nuclear warheads are ready to fight
Total destruction the only might
We are all suicide, without brain
People are running and dying in pain
Burst command til war!
The overkill is near
Nobody feel the heavy fear
Thousand megatons dynamite
Wait to kill one life
Burst command til war!
We live our life in grieved desire
Our hopeless is getting higher
You cry for freedom, but nobody hear you
The end of the world is true
Burst command til war!
War, war, war
Burst command til war
Burst command til war
Business of false doctrine
Nothing is impossible
Wonders of technology
We got plastic surgery
Organ trading is of use
Unavoidable the abuse
Need some lungs and need some hearts
Searching for new body parts
Body parts
Bodies damaged after a crash
Transplanting skin to your flesh
That's no minor injury
This is plastic surgeryRich and infamous bastard
You got a chance to survive
Replacing your diseased parts
Recover and stay alive
Body parts
Life is what you wanna buy
Unknown victims have to die
New organs is what you need
Nothing justified the deed
Business of false doctrine
Everything is possible
Wonders of technology
Because we got plastic surgery
Mankind can be bind
But not the words of god
Idioms are free and flourish
Ulmight 'cause sensible
Mistress of all cults
Cursed is your body
Until all severed end nears
Angels force be immortal
In presence of all the true
Stars grow in lonely nights
When the watcher rise
Intelligence awake to harmony
Barious terrible fears
Borrow symbolic mystery
Spiteful eyes in face of beaty
Monarchist is orbain
Prestige get paralyse
Stunted growth of emotions
Incurable confused
Gazing at her reflections
Mentally abused
You kill the one you love
At the first opportunity
Wistful resolution
Carnal property
The wolf and the lamb
Marauding in the night
Unsuspecting bags never pray
The truth a broken spine
And life will never change
The wolf and the lamb
Drifting in sea of blood
Shivered to the bone
Accusing words don't reach my ear
Request for death is done