
(Rami Swidan / MaanImages)

Human Rights

Gaza man "kidnapped" by Israel in Sinai, says family

Joe Catron
Khan Younis
8 October 2013

Wael Abu Rida holds Egyptian nationality but crisis in Cairo means his abduction has gone largely unnoticed there.

Six-year-old loses eye from bullets Israel promised to phase out

Dylan Collins and
Patrick O. Strickland
7 October 2013

Mousab Sarahnin’s family were shot at a moment after leaving a bus.

Egypt attacks fishermen in Gaza's waters

Gaza Strip
4 October 2013

Egypt’s clamp-down on tunnels has brought some Palestinian businesses to a standstill.

Israel's residency regime causes "silent transfer" from Jerusalem

Patrick O. Strickland
2 October 2013

Two children left “completely stateless” because of discriminatory practices.

Israel bans veteran campaigner for Palestinian prisoners from West Bank

Patrick O. Strickland
1 October 2013

Addameer chairperson Abdullatif Ghaith has been blocked from going to work in his Ramallah office.

Gaza's construction sector still crushed by siege

Rami Almeghari
Gaza City
26 September 2013

Israel wants to “beautify” the image of its ongoing blockade against Gaza by letting in some construction materials.

Egypt blocks Gaza student from going to college in UK

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
19 September 2013

Only 150 persons allowed to cross Rafah per day.

Palestinian family trapped in home as blaze raged in Israeli chemical plant

Patrick O. Strickland
17 September 2013

Locals blame high cancer levels on pollution from “factories of death.”

Farmer in Palestinian "breadbasket" works in Israeli settlement to survive

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
Jordan Valley
16 September 2013

The Oslo accords have left Jordan Valley communities without access to vital resources.

Israel exploits Egypt turmoil to increase attacks on Gaza farmers

Joe Catron
Gaza City
12 September 2013

Caterpillar bulldozers are still being used to destroy land in the “buffer zone.”


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