
(Hatem Omar / Maan Images)

Media Watch

The good and the bad of media coverage of Palestine

Why did BBC let Simon Schama make "moral case for Israel" unchallenged?

Well-known historian tells viewers to be “nearly silent” on Zionist crimes.

BBC admits wrongdoing in presenting pro-Israeli commentator as neutral expert

For nearly a year, the BBC continued to defend the fact that it had withheld vital information about one of its commentators from its news audience. Finally, the BBC made a public admission that it had been wrong.

Fire anti-Arab blogger, ex-ombudsman tells new Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos

Rubin’s most egregious display of bigotry was when she approvingly promoted an article calling for genocidal violence against Palestinians.

London "terrorism experts" have strong links to Israeli establishment

Links between “radicalization” school and supporters of Israeli apartheid are never spelled out in press reports.

Washington Post's new Jerusalem correspondent married to pro-Israel propagandist

Ruth Eglash, the Washington Post’s new Jerusalem correspondent, has what could be a serious conflict of interest – her husband’s political and business ties to the Israeli government and propaganda apparatus.

BBC series to culminate in "historian-Zionist" making "moral case for Israel"

Major documentary series The Story of the Jews will conclude with gushing argument for “the moral case for Israel.”

Top-selling Irish paper keeps on groveling towards Israel

The Sunday Independent regularly publishes anti-Palestinian diatribes.

BBC editor urged colleagues to downplay Israel's siege of Gaza

Internal emails reveal how Raffi Berg asked journalists to tone down criticism of Israel.

Why is a BBC journalist on an expenses-paid propaganda junket to Israel?

Dozens of young journalists, including at least one working for the BBC, are traveling to Israel this week for a government-backed junket designed to give them “a more positive attitude” toward Israel’s policies.

Speech groups slam BBC over Nigel Kennedy "censorship"

Index on Censorship and English PEN have spoken out against the BBC’s removal of Nigel Kennedy’s references to Israeli apartheid from television broadcasts.


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