Adam Bandt retained his seat, but The Greens will have to look outside the new parliament to build opposition to Abbott
Adam Bandt retained his seat, but The Greens will have to look outside the new parliament to build opposition to Abbott

Seats saved—but where now for The Greens?

The highlight of the election for The Greens was the return of Adam Bandt to the House of Representatives. It was a vote against the tide, as nation-wide, The Green vote went down, as voters rejected their participation in minority government with Labor.

Mad cap Clive a beneficiary of discontent

One of the shocks of the election was the performance of Clive Palmer’s new party. It took 11.3 per cent of the vote in Queensland and looks set to win a Senate seat there and in Tasmania, and put Palmer himself into the lower house in the seat of Fairfax.

The real roots of Labor’s crisis

The explanation for Labor’s unpopularity this election goes deeper than recent history, writes James Supple

VIEW FULL CONTENTS OF Issue 60 - September

Sign-on statement: welcome 457 visa holders into the unions

Gina Rinehart’s Enterprise Migration Agreement (EMA) for her Roy Hill project has sparked debate over the issue of “Aussie jobs” and 457 visas. This statement of union activists, anti-racists and others expresses concern over the anti-foreign worker sentiment, and argues unions should welcome temporary workers on 457 visas into the unions. Please read and consider signing on.

“Socialism in our time”: The story of Jack Lang, NSW Labor and the Great Depression

In our third installment of our Labor history series, Jean Parker finds some rich lessons in the incredible story of the New South Wales Labor Party’s “socialisation units” and the figure of Jack Lang in the 1930s

Four years of Labor: what went wrong?

The smell of death is hanging over Labor. Mark Gillespie looks at how they got themselves into such a mess

The Greens: between parliament and principles

Amy Thomas analyses the The Greens’ role in left politics since the federal election

Labor leadership “battle”: Where are the Left’s policies?

20 September 2013

The Labor leadership contest between Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese has been put forward as a major step that can rejuvenate the Labor Party and give Labor members a real say in the party. But this will be meaningless without policy changes to shift Labor to the left and abandon its legacy of neo-liberal policies and efforts to race the Liberals to the right.

No mandate: Abbott can be beaten

10 September 2013

Tony Abbott, a right-wing neo-liberal infamous for his misogyny and social conservatism, is moving into The Lodge. Millions are horrified about what this government will do. But Abbott won’t have it easy if we build the resistance against him.

Stop the bombing of Syria

30 August 2013

The US is preparing to bomb Syria, with the full support of the Australian government and backing from France and other countries. But Western intervention can only make the situation in Syria worse and result in more civilian deaths.

Fighting Rudd’s PNG plan: building the protests, building the campaign

5 August 2013

At less than a day’s notice, thousands of people turned out to rally and march across the country following Kevin Rudd’s announcement of the disgraceful PNG solution. The protests have been angry and loud and provide a fantastic opportunity to take the fight to Rudd and Abbott.

Fortress Australia: Stop Rudd’s horror plan

26 July 2013

Labor’s plan to shut out asylum seekers completely and finally fulfils the project started by John Howard and the Immigration department in 2001—to create a Fortress Australia that denies asylum to anyone arriving by boat.

Rudd’s back, but Labor’s business as usual’s no threat to Abbott

28 June 2013

Labor has turned back to Kevin Rudd in a last desperate attempt to save itself and prevent Tony Abbott from winning the election. The desire for self-preservation amongst Labor MPs ultimately proved stronger than the influence of the union and factional powerbrokers in the party.

Upcoming Solidarity Meetings


Solidarity meets in cities all around the country. Check here for details of the latest upcoming meetings.

Keep Left 2013

1 January 2013

Two days of discussion, debate and ideas to change a world in crisis.

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August, at UTS Building 6, Sydney.

Tickets now on sale, to book visit this link


15 June 2011

Free the refugees

20 May 2011

It is all too clear that the current Labor government is determined to out flank Tony Abbott to the right on refugees, re-opening Howard’s detention hell holes on Nauru and Manus Island. We need a strong movement to turn the tide. Join the campaign in your city to call for an end to mandatory detention of refugees and offshore processing.

Stop the Intervention

22 February 2011

Get involved in the campaign to stop the racist Northern Territory Intervention and the expansion of Income Management