Thursday, October 03, 2013

The terrorist Zionist occupiers of Israel destroyed her tent.

  Yes, this is a Palestinian flag.

casualties of the rule of the Military Council (thanks Hossam)

Help and and links

I have been busy with a change of computer (a brand new computer, damn it). So some of my emails from yesterday have been deleted.  Please send links that you have sent. Thanks.  Bye

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Look how both the New York Times and the Washington Post told their leaders that Netanyahu's speech against peace was actually good for peace

Here is the New York Times:  "though in an apparent nod to emerging diplomatic efforts, he sought to prescribe precise conditions for a deal, including that Iran stop enriching uranium."

Here is the Washington Post:  "Although criticized immediately by the Iranian delegation, Netanyahu’s hard-line position could give Tehran incentive to make headway during international negotiations, which have proved fruitless in the past."

But this is the US press: Israeli leaders talk and do wars, and US media insist: no, Israeli leaders only talk peace and make peace.

White districts in the US

"“Between 2000 and 2010, the non-Hispanic white share of the population fell from 69 percent to 64 percent,” wrote Cook. “But after the post-census redistricting and the 2012 elections, the non-Hispanic white share of the average Republican House district jumped from 73 percent to 75 percent, and the average Democratic House district declined from 52 percent white to 51 percent white. In other words, while the country continues to grow more racially diverse, the average Republican district continues to get even whiter.”"

Those words are not by Friedman.  They are cited by him. You think he ever has anything quotable to say?

Look how casusally bigotry and hostility against Alawites are justified in the Western media

"“For slaughter we came for you, O Alawites,” a reference to Mr. Assad’s sect."  Every reference to Alawaites in the Western media is followed by the phrase "Mr. Asad's sect.  Every reference. Imagine if every reference to Christianity is followed by "Adolph Hitler's religion" or every reference to Judaism is followed by "Netanyahu's religion". 

Who cares about Israel

Look how nice the US and its allies are

"Some of the most powerful insurgent groups fighting in the civil war espouse a radical Islamist ideology, but the United States and its allies have been attempting to bolster the strength of more moderate forces."

Racist Israelis on Iranians

“The Persians have been using these tactics for thousands of years, before America came to be,” said a senior Israeli official".

distrusting Shi`ites

From Nikolai:  ""As the Iranians say, "Not everything round is a walnut"–and not every form of "heroic flexibility" is an olive branch. Iran always operates on at least two tracks; to do otherwise would be simplistic. Its Shiite religion permits, in some circumstances, the embroidering of the truth for the protection of the faith, a divinely sanctioned dissimulation. This is a land where straight talk and virtue are not widely seen to overlap."
 I will give this guy my entire library worth of Islamic history books and literature if he's read even a paragraph of Ali's Nahj al-Balagha.

And why do these ignorant reporters always have to use anecdotes and silly sayings about walnuts instead of classical lines from Arabic or Persian literature?"

two months after the massacre

From Robert:  "Only took the Guardian two months to report it:
 But it was only "to send the government a message"

pogroms against `Alawites: not in the US media

""I heard a rebel telling another rebel: 'Kill this one, but not that one' . One rebel asked: 'What do I do about the girls?' The answer came: 'I'm sending a truck to pick them up'. Several were taken and raped, and have not been seen again," he said."

It is official: Jonathan Steele of the Guardian Declares Bashshar Al-Asad a Shi`ite

In spite of their proximity to the Turkish border, across which rebel fighters are armed and financed, farmers continued their lives as normal, even though as Alawites allied to the Shia sect to which President Bashar al-Assad belongs they could have been obvious targets." (thanks Mohammad)

A Great Briton advocating the mass use of chemical weapons

"Milton, 47, illustrated Churchill's commitment to the use of chemical weapons, explaining that he had also supported their use against rebellious tribes in North India. "What I found really shocking was when he wrote this internal memo to the India Office, along the lines of 'we should use it against the tribes on the North West front. They're really troublesome, let's gas them.'" "Asked what impact this revelation could have on the image of Churchill as one of Britain's greatest historical figures, Milton said: "He's a great Briton but there are other sides to his character. He was advocating the mass use of chemical weapons." "

extremists versus extremists in Syria

"Syria is no longer witnessing a struggle of moderates versus extremists, but of extremists versus both moderates and religious moderates."

liberated zones in Syria

" "They control through fear, by holding public executions, walking around in masks, showing their weapons, and killing and kidnapping anyone who stands against them or their acts," said an activist in Raqqa who declined to give his name for fear that extremists would hunt him down."